
SWTOR concerns regarding accessing future Companions

Eric Musco posted some answers to some of the growing player concerns on companion recruitment. These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers? | 11.11.2015, 09:53 PM I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed. Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions? As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to…

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SWTOR Fallen Empire Companion Influences Guide

SWTOR Fallen Empire Companion Influences Guide on getting influences for returning and new companions. Updated for Patch 5.0.1 Updated with 5.0.1: Wampa, K1-Z3N Updated with 5.0: Arcann, Shae Vizla, Mawvorr, TY-4N, Exoboar, Master Ranos Updated with 4.7.1: Z0-0M, Rusk, Skadge Updated with 4.7: Bogstalker, ISO-5R, Guss Updated with 4.5: Broonmark, Bowdaar, Torian, Vette, Gault, Ginx, Annihilator T4-1D Update with 4.3: Ak’ghal Usar, K’lor’slug Soldier, Q0-77 have being added. Update with 4.1: Kaliyo, Blizz and Personal Warbot have been added. Note that Kaliyo as an agent companion as different gift preferences compared to Kaliyo as an alliance companion Update with 4.0.3: Artwork gifts are now called Delicacies and Consumable gifts are now called Maintenance. Update with Patch 4.0.2: This patch changed the way some companiions react to gifts. They now all have at least one gift type they love (max affection). How Influence Works With Fallen Empire, affection has being changed to influence. Instead of a max of 10,000…

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SWTOR Companion Affection Achievements in Fallen Empire

Eric Musco just informed us that via the official forums, that Some companion affection achievements will be removed and others adjusted in Fallen Empire. Check it out: Companion Affection Achievements in Fallen Empire | 10.06.2015, 06:34 PM Hey folks, I wanted to pass on some information regarding changes to Companion Achievements in Knights of the Fallen Empire. As many of you know, Affection is being changed to Influence to coincide with your Character’s Alliance. Due to this, we are going to be removing all of the “Reach Max Affection” Achievements from the game, along with the Achievement points which they have granted. We didn’t want to create a situation where a very large number of Achievement points was no longer accessible. You can click the spoiler tag below to see a full list of all of the Achievements being removed. As a note, the Achievements for “Loyalty to the [Class…

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More Clarification on Nico Okarr Companion

Eric Musco has posted more explanation on the forums, on how you can acquire on Nico Okarr in Star Wars: The old REpublic – Knights of the Fallen Empire. Nico Okarr | 09.17.2015, 03:32 PM Hey folks, As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Niko in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Niko, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Niko right away. If you want to get Niko as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on,…

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How Nico Okarr works as a Companion

BioWare released more info on the forums on how Nico Okarr will work as a companion in the upcomming expansion for Star Wars: The old republic – Knights of Fallen Empire. Nico Okarr | 09.11.2015, 06:56 PM Quote: Originally Posted by SebastiaanZ So Bioware … another question. At what level will Nico Okarr be available for new toons? Say you start from scratch as a lvl 1, will he be available like HK directly or from lvl 10 like Treek? This is a great question. Nico Okarr works a bit differently than the Companions you are comparing him too. To avoid any spoilers I don’t want to say too much, but you recruit Nico Okarr into your Alliance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and have him as a Companion thereafter. -eric

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SWTOR Livestream Companion Wrap-up

Have any questions on companions in Star Wars: Knights of the fallen empire? Ask them now, on the official forums, and BioWare will answer: August Livestream Wrap-up | 08.27.2015, 02:30 PM Quote: Originally Posted by Excise Good stream. Question #1: Without naming specific companions (we’ll use Companion Bob), did I understand the stream correctly and that the below is a possibility: Companion Bob was a classic Companion. In KotFE, Companion Bob does not return story-wise. Despite that, I can still summon Companion Bob for adventuring purposes. Is the above understanding correct? Question #2: Will any new companions have conversation quests? Question #3: Will any old companions have new conversation quests? Question #1 – That understanding is correct. Question #2/3 – Are you specifically talking like “in your cantina or on your ship” type conversations? Or just dialog directly with that Companion? August Livestream Wrap-up | 08.27.2015, 02:31 PM Quote: Originally…

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Who Is Nico Okarr, The New SWTOR Companion?

You’ve probably already heard that the upcoming expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire will feature a new companion but what do you really know about that companion? Nico Okarr will be made available to players who were actively subscribed on July 31st or August 10th, 2015. You may recall Nico from the third trailer for SWTOR, Return. In this trailer he was being escorted to a holding cell by Satele Shan and Jace Malcolm. Here it is for those who need refreshing: As you will see, Nico is a smuggler archetype and we really know very little about him. Of course the assumption is this will all be revealed in the companion story line. The Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia says he used to work for the Hutt Cartel and we know from the trailer that he was caught smuggling Sith artifacts. IN typical Smuggler style, he wears a cowboy hat and duster and he duel…

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Treek Affection 0-10k in 10 minutes

If you have yet to play Treek enough to get her to higher affection, you might not be much of a fan. A lot of SWTOR players are not too fond of her until they see more of her story arc. I admit I am one who started to take more of an interest once I learned more about her background and story. If you’re looking to raise Treek affection, here is a very handy guide that will help you do so in as little as 10 minutes. How awesome is that? So whether you enjoy Treek or not, you can get her affection up quickly and easily. It starts by telling you gifts of interest, then companion gifts, and total affection from story conversations. The guide will definitely save you a great deal of time. Also, if you have not put any previous time into listening to Treek’s story,…

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New Companion Dialogue being recorded for SWTOR

Voice actors Timothy Omundson (the voice of Aric Jorgan) and Catherine Taber (the voice of Vette), Tweeted about doing new voice work on Star Wars The old Republic yesterday. Timothy Omundson is apparently not only doing work on Aric Jorgan, but also on a new character as well. It’s still unknown if it’s for the upcoming expansion strongholds, a minor gameupdate or a future expansion. Check out Timothy Omundson tweet below, and Catherine Taber’s Instagram picture below: Time to record more @SWTOR. Busted out some Aric Jorgan and a new character, worthy of The Beard. — Timothy Omundson (@Omundson) 2. juni 2014

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Companion affection explained

For people that have been in the game since day one, this might not be interesting read. But for newer people, or people WHO haven’t really thought much into companions, this might be interesting. I present to you, my guide to Companion affection. Conversation The most common way to gain (or lose!) affection with companions is to have them with you during cut scenes, or speak with them directly when they offer you missions in cantinas or your ship. The base affection gain for a dialogue option they approve of is +15, and the base loss for one they disapprove of is -1. Those values are modified by a multiplier that reflects how late in the storyline the companion joined up with you. Less commonly, there will be choices they strongly approve of, which have a base +40 gain, or strongly disapprove of, for a base loss of -30. In very…

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More info on Treek, The Healing Ewok Companion Coming in 2.3

This cute little guy comes with patch 2.3 and personally I cannot wait because he’s adorable. Who doesn’t want a little healing Ewok companion? Ok, maybe some of your wouldn’t but I’m willing to bet he’s going to be pretty popular which, of course, is why BioWare made him. We mentioned it briefly in this post but now we have more information, including some great videos on what he will look like. A new Legacy-wide Ewok companion named Treek is coming as part of patch 2.3! Treek is an Aim using Tank/Healer with awesome combat animations. madsithassassin has uploaded this video about the guy: Here is another video: After looking at the videos, I think I like him even more. What do you think? Is this a companion you would want to have?

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Jawas, Wookies, Droids and More: Who’s Your Sidekick of Choice?

There are plenty of companions to choose from in SWTOR, five total for each class, adding up to 40 if you’re counting them all together. While playing through the game on my Bounty Hunter, we have come to the conclusion that Blizz is by far the best companion for a number of reasons. The Star Wars: The Old Republic companions come in many shapes and sizes, all with unique personalities. All three of these play into Blizz being a great companion, due to his comically small size and shape, coupled with his thoroughly enjoyable temperament. First of all, he is the only available Jawa companion, so +1 for that. Of course since he is a Jawa, he is rather small, which in this particular instance makes for a rather humorous contrast when he is standing next to a towering behemoth of a Cyborg bounty hunter. In addition to the visually…

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SWTOR Guide: Making the Most of Your Companions

Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic Having a companion by your side when on missions can greatly enhance the overall experience and make playing Star Wars: The Old Republic even more exciting. They can be very useful when it comes to gameplay by getting you out of some tough situations and they help to keep things interesting. However, it can be very difficult trying to decide which companion to take along on each mission, especially if you are not used to having a helper. Choosing the right one can greatly enhance gameplay but choosing the wrong one can make things more difficult than it should be. In order to get the most from your companions, here are a few things you should know. Update Your Companions Gear One of the biggest mistakes new players make is not updating their companions gear….

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Companions 101: Mako

BioWare has brought us the latest Companions 101 installment and this time, it’s all about Mako! I’m a fan of the bounty hunter myself so I’ve been looking forward to this one. If you want to learn more about Mako and her backstory, then you will enjoy this Companions 101. Just remember, there are spoilers in these! Meeting Mako Despite her energetic and upbeat attitude, Mako’s life hasn’t always been easy. She grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa without any idea who her real family was or how she received her cybernetic implants. Because of these implants, Mako has a constant connection to the Galactic HoloNet. At a very young age, she showed great skill in computers – particularly slicing. After finding out that the Red Light Orphanage she belonged to was going to sell her, Mako used her skills to crash their accounts and escaped to the…

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Companions 101: Aric Jorgan

It was a busy day yesterday, so somehow we totally overlooked the newest installment of Companions 101. This time BioWare’s Courtney Woods talks about our all time favorite Cathar – Aric Jorgan.  Jorgan is a male Cathar and a companion for the Trooper. He joins the player at the end of the Trooper’s Class quests on Ord Mantell. His primary role is that of Ranged DPS, and he is a romance option for the female Trooper. Meeting Aric Jorgan Efficient, loyal, and a perfectionist, Aric Jorgan is the ideal Republic soldier – and he knows it. Raised to be an officer, Aric is confident in his skills and doesn’t waste his time with niceties or politics. His credentials include four years in the academy and seven years in the field. Most notably, Jorgan was a part of the illustrious Dead Eyes, the finest sniper squad in the Republic. Eventually he was offered a promotion and a…

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Companions 101: Vette

BioWare just posted the third installment of  “Companions 101″”. This time Community Production Specialist, Courtney Woods, wrote an article focusing on  the Sith Warrior companion – Vette. Beloow is a snippet, but if you are into Twi’lek’s, you should also check out our own article about this  Exotic race Vette is all about the extremes. When she likes something, she expresses it immediately. If she is angry at someone, she will flare and snap at them. She will always let the Warrior know how she feels about a decision or the situation, which can be a delight or a pain. If you want to gain Vette’s trust and respect, keep in mind that her three biggest dislikes are needless cruelty, suppressing the weak, and anti-alien sentiment. Since the Empire is known for committing all three of these, it is no surprise that she has little love for the Sith and Imperials. So what are her motivations to help a…

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Game Update 1.5 on PTS!

Game Update 1.5 is now live on the public test servers. This is the one were we get our new playable companion: HK-51! This means BioWare really will be delivering new content every 6 weeks –  nice to finally see them delivering on that promise!! below is the press release from BioWare, and below that is data dump of the new patch.  It looks like  HK-51 will be a ranged tank or dps from the new cybertech schematics data mined. Game Update 1.5 is Now Live on PTS! Game Update 1.5 is now live on our Public Test Server! For those of you that already have high level, copied characters on our Public Test Server, we encourage you to explore Sector X, Nightmare Explosive Conflict, and the other new features on the Public Test Server right now. Get on, check everything out, and give us your feedback by posting on the Public Test Server forum. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to…

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Community Q&A: June 15th, 2012

BioWare posted a new Q&A session yesterday. It’s always nice read as it gives us some insight on what the devs are working on.  One of the answers that caught my eye this time, was the fact that you need high level toon of each faction to get the HK-51 companion. Yet another reason to get working on those Legacy characters. I also liked the explanation about stats on mods and enhancements. It’s easier to accept “this isn’t changing”, or “we don’t know when this might change” if they say why they did things a certain way. GarrickBlackSun: I understand he is a long way off, but could you please possibly give us any sort of clearer or better insight to the unlocking of HK-51? Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game…

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How to Calculate Companion Gift Affections

Here is another fantastic lesson on SWTOR. We really appreciate the time and attention to detail she puts into helping others understand the game and get more from their experience in it. This week she brought us a great guide on calculating affection with your companions from gifts and conversations. Thanks Dulfy! “Calculating Companion gift affections Many of you have probably seen a chart like this that list all the affection a certain gift will give. Have you ever wondered how that is calculated? If you are curious, those numbers are fairly easily generated via a simple formula! It is simply (gift rank – companion affection rank) * type of gift (green, blue, purple) * Likeness (indifferent, like, favourite, love) Rank Difference There are 5 ranks of companion affection and 5 ranks of companion gifts Rank 1: -1000 to 1999 Rank 2: 2000 to 3999 Rank 3: 4000 to 5999…

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Raising Affection Tip: How to Get Rid of 30 Sec Timer

Are you looking to max out affection with your companions? Have a companion or two that is not full on affection yet? If you’re looking for a way to gain that affection more quickly, here’s how you can get rid of the 30 second timer when giving gifts. Zdlite posts: “Dunno if this is common knowledge yet, but i thought i’d drop this gem. When giving companions gifts espec when you first start (cause you can buy a gang of rank 5 greens from vendor, across form GTN). You can negate the 30 sec wait time, with a loading screen. I use the first instance zone, stand outside hand gift, run in hand gift, lather, rinse, repeat. My load time is usually under 10 secs, plus it’ll also cycle crewskill missions for ya =)” Is it an exploit? Here’s the big question that people have before using this trick. Will…

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SWTOR Companion Romance Guide

Nikole from has a new column that proves to be interesting to those who like their gaming news and gossip with a side of fun. First, she brings us this SWTOR Companion Romance Guide which is a great way to see what your romance options are. Nikole says: “Star Wars: The Old Republic can be a tough place to find love; that’s why we made this SWTOR Companion Romance Guide. Your next quest, 10 force-sensitive rakghouls, the perfect armor mods; there are plenty of missions in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and there are just as many potential hook-ups. I have some advice for navigating your way through romantic space. This will be the first, in a series I like to call Rated-Teen Beat: Everything you need to know about gaming’s latest gossip. Let’s dish! Today we’re going to focus, not just on finding love, but on finding that…

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Companions Miss You When You Don’t Play for Awhile

What happens when you don’t log into SWTOR for awhile? Probably not much- the world goes on and your account sits dormant, right? Well, actually, when you don’t play for awhile, your companion misses you and you just might get an email like this one inviting you back. Is this a smart move on BioWare’s part or a waste of time? I have to say that it sounds like a pretty good idea. Not everyone who gets the notices will come back to the game to play but the honest truth is that there are some people out there who just get so busy, they forget to log in the game. You might get so wrapped up with busy life that you forget how long it has been since you logged in. A small message like this could be just the thing you need to refresh your memory and make…

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Are SWTOR Sexual Encounters Shallow?

An article on explores the notion that BioWare is becoming a bit crass in their approach to sexual encounters in their games. Many actually agree and the article explores some scenes that eventually lead to sex (if you choose the appropriate options) in the game. It’s not the sex itself that is bothering some players but rather the way in which it is embedded in the story line. Do your own Google search for more “interesting” pics. The writer explains: These are just some examples of the stranger notches on BioWare’s bedpost since the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Despite the studio’s effort to create “real human relationships”, TOR is a juggling act between two different approaches to mature content, and only one of which follows in line with BioWare’s typical style. It then explains further: The Old Republic maintains the same companion relationships that exist in…

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Georg Zoeller Answers Player Asking for Ship Droid Weapons

If you’ve played SWTOR long enough to get your ship then you have met your ship companion. These lovable droids live to please their master but C2-N2 (and 2V-R8) do not have weapons and they tell you when you meet them that they are not armed for combat. One player asked a question in the forums: I have got alot of weapons and cant see a weapon I can equip for C2N2. I tried looking on the web but no answers could someone help me plz. Thanks And while other players attempted to explain that C2-N2 is a non-combat companion best suited to going on missions for you, the real fun began when Georg Zoeller came in with an official explanation. The official response: Dear Sir, I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with…

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