
SWTOR Vancouver Community Cantina Recap

We love to share info with you about Community Cantinas. First, they are fun and secondly, they are informative McSluethGaming.com has a great of info (with pictures) about the Vancouver Community Cantina. Let’s take a look at some of it now: I arrived about 45 minutes before the event and was the first one there, I was then greeted by Eric Musco who was setting up the front booth, from my limited knowledge of other cantina events I was shocked to find nobody else there, as was Eric who said this was the first time ever that this had happened. Normally there is a crowd almost 2 hours before! At that point I was honestly rather worried that not many people would show up at all… It did however give me a great chance to just chat with Eric for almost a solid hour which was nice. Around 20 mins to 8 a…

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Corellian Run Creates Guide to Community Cantinas

If you have yet to visit a Community Cantina, we highly encourage you to look up the schedule and find out when one is coming near you. They are free to attend and you get a thumb drive with goodies and upcoming content, before it’s released to anyone else. You also get an exclusive Special Event pet-code, and a free drink ticket. There is the opportunity to win exclusive SWTOR loot by correctly answering trivia. It’s all around a good time. Now if you’re going to attend a Community Cantina, you first need to read this great guide from Corellian Run because they will tell you exactly what you need to know before the event so you can get the most out of it. Here is a snippet from the guide: Here are a few tips on asking questions at gaming Q&As! Look up previous Q&As to make sure you…

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Summer of SWTOR Update

Bruce MacleanFor just posted an updated Roadmap of what to expect in Star Wars: The old Republic this summer. The new release schedule, now that 2.8 (the end of the last roadmap) is approaching and looking very different than what was said in the last roadmap. Interesting they’re doing double fleet req/warzone comms but not valor. Not sure how I feel about this operation overhaul for 55 Operations, but if it gets more groups going to the end instead of stopping at the weeklies, more power to them. Unfortunately their decision to push back strongholds leaves us with a gap in terms of new content releases. Guess the name of the game now is patience. Check out the full forum post here, or our copy paste below: Hi again everyone! I’m here to provide an updated look at the upcoming Summer of SWTOR in light of our recent Galactic Strongholds…

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Boston Cantina Tour Flashdrive assets

Sorry for the delay on this one, but here are the Boston Cantina Tour Flashdrive assets. There isn’t much new stuff here,if you already seen the contents of the Hotshot pack which is previewable on live servers now. There is some concept art of Selkath NPCs and a Wookie NPC that is interesting though. These guys will apparently play a big role in the further installments of Forged Alliances storyline. Cartel Market Coruscant Bedroom/Coruscant View Nar Shaddaa Interior

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The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Vancouver, British Columbia!

The date for the next Star Wars: The old Republic Community Cantina is up. BioWare will be visiting Vancouver, British Columbia on Friday, May 16th. This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. Space is limited so be sure to come early. Below is the details: Venue: The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Date: Friday,May 16th, 2014 Time: 8:00PM – 11:00PM PDT Address:900 West Georgia Street Vancouver British Columbia, Canada V6C 2W6

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Boulder Cantina Tour News and Info

Non of us here at swtorstrategies were at the Boulder event, so the information below is from Lumberj, and all credits goes to him. The tour was just like most others, a Q&A round, followed by trivia to a room full of nerds and then a meet and greet. Who was there? Courtney Woods, some Australian dude who lost a arm wrestling match, Blain and Cory Butler. First off, they said they could not talk about strongholds other than what was originally announced. The exact details of what the legacy storage could hold was still being worked out in response to a ? about placing bound items in them. Guild ship battles is on the Wall of Crazy (WoC) Space PvE — WoC and no current plans Open space Pvp – WoC Class Story – Not at the moment, would rather have story that all classes can experience such as what they’ve…

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Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Boston, Massachusetts on April 11th, 2014

BioWare posted news regarding the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina. The next event will still be this Saturday, March 22nd, in Boulder. BUt the next after that will be happening on Friday, April 11th, in Boston. This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. Space is limited so be sure to come early. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and hang out with the BioWare team. Check out details below: Venue: The Hyatt Regency Boston Date: Friday, April 11th, 2014 Time: 8:00PM – 11:00PM EDT Address: 1 Avenue De Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111 Space will be limited, so be sure to arrive early! You can RSVP on Facebook here (Facebook RSVP is not required for attendance).

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Next Community Cantina takes place in Boulder this month

We kind of overlooked this story, but the next SWTOR Community Cantina Tour stop takes place in Boulder, Colorado later this month. I would imagine that we will get tons of new details regarding the SWTOR player Housing Announcement at this event, but who knows. Below are the details: We’re happy to announce that the next stop in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Saturday, March 22nd, in Boulder! This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. Space is limited so be sure to come early. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and hang out with us! Venue: St. Julien Hotel and Spa Date: Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 Time: 7:00-10:00PM…

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Atlanta Cantina Tour News and Info

mmorpg.com have an article on what went on on last weekends Atlanta Cantina Tour: Last week, BioWare sent Star Wars: the Old Republic’s Community Specialist Courtney Woods, Community Manager Eric Musco, Producer Andrew Horowitz, and Lead Engineer Johan Allanson to Atlanta with swag and drink tickets in hand for the latest Cantina Tour stop. The now-traditional flashdrive that was handed out contained a series of images from upcoming content, and as expected, there was a Q&A session with Courtney Woods moderating the party. Many thanks to Dulfy of for the flashdrive assets, and Youtube user Mike Goeppner for capturing video of the event from which I culled the basic questions and answers. As is fairly standard at these things, players asked a lot of really good questions that we all want to know the answers to, but the BioWare folks weren’t going to reveal anything before its time. New playable species…

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Atlanta, GA Community Cantina – Flash Drive Assets

Here are the contents of the Atlanta Cantina Tour flashdrive. Items of interest includes some screenshots of the Quesh Huttball, new GS Denon map, screens of Tython/Korriban flashpoints that all coming with patch 2.7. I really like the concept art for the new flashpoint NPC’s. Theron Shan looks awesome! If you are not familiar with this guy, I can tell you he is a Republic spy in Republic SIS, and the secret son of Satele Shan, making him a direct descendant of the legendary Jedi Knights Revan and Bastila Shan. He is also the main protagonist in the webcomic series The Lost Suns, and the main character in the novel by Drew Karpyshyn called  Annihilation New Cartel market items: Quesh Huttball Galactic Starfighter Denon map Tython and Korriban Flashpoints

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Bounty Contract Week Returns 3/11 – 3/18

Just a heads up to let you know, That Bounty Contract Week Returns 3/11 – 3/18. Not a surprise though. as It’s usually the second Tuesday of each month. If you need help with this event, remember to check out our guide to Bounty Contract Week Below is the official announcement: COMING SOON: BOUNTY CONTRACT WEEK EVENT (MARCH 11 – 18, BEGINS AND ENDS AT 2AM PST/10AM GMT) LEVEL: Levels 15 – 55 MISSION: For a limited time, the Bounty Brokers Association has opened its doors to anyone willing to take on their dangerous contracts, offering an opportunity for both seasoned and rookie hunters to prove their skills and bring crime syndicates and violent gangs to justice! Each day, you can sign up for one standard “Henchman” contract and one high profile Kingpin Contract, and each may take you to a separate planet. Complete five standard contracts to unlock Kingpin missions…

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Community Cantina Tour – Atlanta, GA – New Mini Pet

BioWare is changing the Cantina Tour give out pet. Starting from the next event in Atlanta, participants will no longer be given the Taunfawn mini pet, but instead a new M8-3R Astromech! Pretty cool eh? The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Atlanta, GA! | 02.26.2014, 01:25 PM Hey folks! I wanted to announce something I am pretty excited about for our Atlanta event… a new community mini-pet! That’s right, we feel the Taunfawn may have run its course and it is time for a new pet. Our new mini-pet is the M8-3R Astromech! He is a sleek yellow and silver, in honor of our forum colors. Atlanta will be the first event where we are giving away the M8-3R instead of the Taunfawn, and we will continue to give away the droid from that event forward for the rest of the year. If you don’t have…

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2014 Community Cantina Tour Locations

BioWare’s Courtney Woods updated the forum community with a list of locations the Community Cantina Tour will be visiting through out 2014. Below is the list of locations as well as the estimated date time frame for the events. When we come closer to the event they will post a blog with further details for that Cantina Tour – until then these are subject to change! Atlanta, GA – February 28th Boulder, CO – March 21-23rd Boston, MA (PAX East) – April 11-13th Vancouver, Canada – May 23-25th Los Angeles, CA (E3) – June 10-12th San Diego, CA (SDCC) – July 24-27th Cologne, Germany (Gamescom) – August 13-17th Seattle, WA (PAX Prime) – August 30th – September 2nd New York, NY (NYCC) – October 9-12th Las Vegas, NV – November 7-9th Austin, TX – November 21-23rd It’s interesting til notice they only will visit Europe once, and no meetings a…

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Community Cantina Tour – Atlanta, GA – 2/28

The date for the next Star Wars: The old Republic Community Cantina is up. BioWare will be visiting Atlanta, GA on February 28.  Hopefully this event will give us the first hints on what to expect in game update 2.7. Check out the announcement below. The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Atlanta, GA! 02.07.2014 We’re happy to announce that the next stop in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday, February 28th, 2014 in Atlanta! This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted Tauntaun Fawn code. Space is limited so be sure to come early. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and hang out with us! Venue: The Tabernacle Date:…

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Phoenix Community Cantina Flash-drive Contents

We know we are late with this story,  due to a misunderstanding we are posting it a few days late. But here goes. BioWare had one of there infamous  SWTOR Community Cantina’s this last weekend. At the event new info was released as well as alot of hints of what might be comming. Housing stevebelt  asked about player housing, and while the verbal answer was of the “that’s a good idea” variety, judging by his not-so-wry smile and general body language, I’d say it’s almost a certainty they are working on player housing. In his question he made a note of how ripe for CM player housing content was, and the smiling/nodding only got bigger. Based on this, I would be completely stunned if we don’t see player housing in 2014.  New Story At the Cantina they said that a new story arc would begin with the 2.7 update, and would…

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Blog: EMERGENCY ALERT: Rakghoul Plague Outbreak on Alderaan

BioWare posted a short role playing blog post about the Rakghoul Plague Outbreak yesterday. The event is live and kicking in SWTOR now, and another highly contagious outbreak seems to be spreading from Alderaan and has possibly made it top the Imperial fleet. Both the Empire and the Republic governments are seeking assistance so be sure and visit you local GSI representative. EMERGENCY ALERT: Rakghoul Plague Outbreak on Alderaan – AVOID ALDERAAN! 01.22.2014 The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (T.H.O.R.N.) has issued an official level-2 emergency alert concerning an outbreak of the Rakghoul plague on Alderaan. Wide-spread infections have been reported near both House Organa and House Thul, while scattered reports of infection traceable to Alderaan are now flooding in from across the galaxy. Quarantines have been put in place to restrict traffic of the plague off-world, but exceptions will be made for individuals with priority clearance. T.H.O.R.N. is recruiting qualified…

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Bounty Contract Event Returns – 2/11 thru 2/14

The bounty contract event will return on February 11 and run for 4 days until the weekend. If you are new to Star Wars: The old Republic, I can tell you that the Bounty Contact Week is a monthly recurring event that runs one week of every month. The basic premise for this SWTOR event centers around the Bounty Brokers Association. This organization, totally made up by BioWare, is overrun with the number contracts that it needs fulfilled and is willing to pay anyone for completing the bounties. (To be fair, that’s not too much different than a normal bounty contract, but let’s just run with it.) Participants can complete one standard contract and one kingpin contract a day per character level 15 or higher. Players travel to one of eight planets (two Republic-only planets, two Empire-only planets, and four shared planets), hunting down eight different henchmen and eight different…

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Alderaan Rakghoul Event Runs – 1/21 through 1/28

I hope everyone is having a good time with the Rakghoul Event. here is just a headsup that the event will be running from 1/21 through 1/28. So that give us one week to farm all the Rakghoul achievements. Source NOW LIVE: RAKGHOUL PLAGUE OUTBREAK ON ALDERAAN (JANUARY 21 – 28, 2014: BEGINS AND ENDS AT 2AM PST/10AM GMT) LEVEL: Levels 25+ MISSION: Wide-spread infections have been reported near both House Organa and House Thul, while scattered reports of infection traceable to Alderaan are now flooding in from across the galaxy. Quarantines have been put in place to restrict traffic of the plague off-world, but exceptions will be made for individuals with priority clearance. T.H.O.R.N. is recruiting qualified volunteer emergency responders to travel to affected areas to combat the spread of the Rakghoul plague. More information about the outbreak can be found by checking the News Terminals on the Fleet!

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SWTOR THORN Rakghoul event guide

A guide to the Rakghoul Resurgence event and the THORN reputation in SWTOR. The event will run from Jan 12 to 26 on Tatooine. How to Start & Planet Dallies Rakghoul event now runs monthly on a different planet each time. From Jan 12 –26 2016 it will be on Tatooine. 1) Starter Quest from Fleet Players level 20 and above can participate in this event as the mobs in the tunnel scale to your level. If you attempt The Eyeless operation boss, you will be bolstered (on storymode) You will find new terminals on the fleet. Interacting with it will give you a small cutscene and a quest. You will also receive the codex entry for THORN. You will complete this quest once you arrive inside the Rakghoul tunnels on the planets which will reward you with 10410 credits, 1 Glowing Data Crystal and THORN Booster Pin (green rep…

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Patch Notes 2.5.2a

Servers are back up, and the Rakghoul event has started! Todays patch notes says nothing about the event, but if you head to Alderaan there is a new codex entry in the space port. There will be plaguebearer mobs at house Thul and already I’m infected with stage 1 of the virus. Enjoy the even! Below are the official patch notes: Patch Notes 2.5.2a Cartel Market Premium Redeemer and Mailoc Gunships can be directly purchased with Cartel Coins in the Cartel Market or the Hangar, providing an alternate look for the Quarrel/Mangler. In Collections, the Firmament Tauntaun now properly states that it is found in the Dogfighter’s Starfighter Pack. Republic Strike Fighter Paint Job 03 will now properly show its name in French and German, and is now able to be listed on the Galactic Trade Network in all languages.

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Community Cantina Tour – Phoenix, AZ – 1/31/14

Bioware will be having there next Community Cantina in Phoenix on January 31. Unlike all previous Cantina Tours this one is listed as 18 years + rather than 21+. I’m not sure why that is? Local state laws? I don’t have much knowledge of US law, so I’m only guessing. Below is the official statement: The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Phoenix, AZ! 01.06.2014 We’re happy to announce that the next stop in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday, January 31st, in Phoenix, AZ! This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted Tauntaun Fawn code. Space is limited so be sure to come early. If you’re in the area, make sure…

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SWTOR Life Day Event Guide

Here is a short and simple guide to help you complete SWTOR Life Day event. First, you need to go to the Galactic Trade Market area in the fleet. Look for a Master of Ceremonies NPC. He will be near the GTN. He sells several items but you’ll want to buy Life Day Snowball Bomb to start. It’s an ability that you put on your hotbar. This will let you throw snowballs at other players and at NPCs. The ability has a 15s cooldown. Now you’re going to be trying to get snow-covered parcels, which are the currency for this event and will allow you to trade it for cool rewards, specific to this SWTOR event only. So you need to throw snowballs at other players to get the Snow-Covered Parcels. You can get parcels from other players even if they have the debuff. You can also manually click your…

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Developer Blogs: IMPERIAL EDICT GR-1NC4

BioWare have posted a new role-playing developer blog on the Life Day event. I got a good laugh out of this, so Props to whomever wrote this. Really looking forward to Life Day/Return of the Gree later today! You can read the full post here, or if you are blocked by a firewall, you can read our copy paste below: BTW: GR-1NC4 = Grinch. IMPERIAL EDICT GR-1NC4 12.16.2013 Immediate Notice and Compliance Demanded. It has come to the Empire’s attention that dissident elements engaging in a tawdry and potentially dangerous seasonal event are planning to infect Imperial space with their insipid notions. This so-called “Life Day” encourages activities unbecoming of an Imperial citizen, including but not limited to: Dancing in inclement weather Singing unpatriotic carols Nonviolent physical contact with Wookiees This disgraceful menace of a “holiday”, during which time you are expected to comply fully with this edict, will last approximately…

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Scheduled Maintenance: December 17th – Patch 2.5.1

Servers are going down on Tuesday for maintenance and to  implement patch 2.5.1. Life Day Event & Relics of Gree Start will also. Below is the announcement from the serverDriod from the official forum, and below that is the news on Life Day Event & Relics of Gree. ServerDroid Scheduled Maintenance: December 17th | Today , 03:16 PM On December 17th, all game servers will be unavailable while we perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update 2.5.1 will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday December 17th, 2013 Duration: 4 hours Time: 3AM PST (10AM GMT) – 7AM PST (2PM GMT) Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Time Zone Start Time Scheduled End Time UTC Offset HST Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:00 AM Tue Dec 17, 2013 04:00 AM -10 hours AKST Tue Dec 17, 2013 01:00 AM Tue Dec 17, 2013 05:00 AM -9 hours PST…

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