As we mentioned yesterday, SWTOR Gree Event will extended by one week due to Conquest issues. Today BioWare took down the servers to deploy a patch that made the possible. Check it out below: General Corrected and adjusted the Conquest and Event schedule: The Gree Event will continue to run until Tuesday, May 26th. The Relics of the Gree Conquest Event will repeat starting on Tuesday, May 19th. Bounty Contract Week has been rescheduled, and will now run from Tuesday, May 26th to Tuesday, June 2nd. EricMusco Unscheduled Maintenance: 14 May 2015 | 05.14.2015, 06:23 AM Hi everyone! All servers will be unavailable on May 14th while we apply Game Update 3.2c Date: Thursday, 14 May 2015 Time: 6:30AM PDT (1330 GMT) – 8:30AM PDT (1530 GMT) Version: 3.2c During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on our Twitter account. Thank you for your patience as we…
SWTOR Gree Event extended by one week due to Conquest issues
BioWare will be extending the Gree event time and, repeat the Gree Conquest next week. This is due to some bugs causing the Gree Conquest issue to end early. Relics of the Gree Conquest Issue | 05.12.2015, 08:03 PM Hey folks, I wanted to give you an update on the Conquest issue from this morning. What we learned is that there was an error in the timing associated with the Relics of the Gree Conquest event. During this week the Relics Conquest event will end early, based on the in-game timer, on Thursday. This was not intended and so we are going to make a few adjustments to correct this. These changes will require a maintenance, which will happen later this week. We are going to extend the Gree event by another week! It will now end on Tuesday, May 26th. The Relics of the Gree Conquest event will run again…
Anaheim Cantina attendee-only rewards just went out
BioWare just send out the Anaheim Cantina attendee-only rewards. All attendees get 450 Cartel Coins! Hello <username>, We would like to start off by thanking you for pre-registering and attending the STAR WARS™ Celebration Cantina in Anaheim. It was a great event and all of us here at BioWare are thankful that so many of you could join us. As we mentioned on the pre-registration page, pre-registrants that attended the event would receive a special bonus. Below, you will find a code that you can redeem on your account page via Once redeemed, that code will grant you 450 Cartel Coins for you to use as you see fit! Your code: <code>, Again, thank you so much for joining us in Anaheim, we hope you had a great time! If you are interested in giving us feedback on how we might improve our Cantinas, feel free to fill out…
SWTOR Anaheim 2015 Cantina Tour Flash Drive Files
Vulkk already posted an excellent recap video of the SWTOR Community Cantina Event from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015. But if you are interested in watching the whole vent, we have the video for you here. Below the video you can check out all the cool stuff from the 2015 Cantina Tour Flash Drive Files: Secret File Inside the thumbdrive is this file named as secretfile. The tag line is Hidden Away in the Dark of the Galaxy, Remained a Secret. The hidden image has now been uncovered and posted below: Yavin 4 Stronghold Ziost Cartel Market
Stream the Star Wars Celebration Live!
Star Wars Celebration, which starts tomorrow in Anaheim, will be live-streamed on, which means you can get a live look some of the most anticipated panels, interviews, and The Force Awakens news on the planet. The biggest draw, of course, is the new TFA trailer. The kickoff panel, at 10:00 a.m. PST tomorrow, includes JJ Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy, and is focused on The Force Awakens. And you can expect to see the new trailer and a new poster debuted during this panel! Of course, there are a lot of other panels that viewers will be interested in. Other panelists for the event include Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, and a wide range of other Star Wars-affiliated actors, actresses, and crewmembers. There will be panels on Star Wars and Disney parks, costumes, music, 3D screenings, insight into specific roles, and many other facets of the films. There’s…
Community Event Pre-registration is now live!
BioWare is trying something new for this year’s Cantina Tours. Starting with the Anaheim Cantina Tour in April is a pre-registration program that allow those who registered to earn additional rewards if they attend the registered cantina tour. Community Event Pre-registration is now live! | 04.07.2015, 09:07 PM Hey folks, I wanted to tell you about our new Cantina pre-registration page! You can find the page and some more details on it here. However, let me give you the TLDR on the perks of pre-registering for our Cantinas: If you pre-register and attend the Cantina, you are eligible for a pre-registrant exclusive swag drawing! If you pre-register and then redeem that Cantina exclusive pack code, you will receive an additional in-game reward. Pre-registrants will get priority access to the Cantina (you get in first!) Note: RSVPing on Facebook does not count as pre-registering, you must do it through this new…
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Anaheim, California on 18 April
BioWare just announced that the next stop in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday 18 April at 19:00–22:00 in PDT. The event will be hold at Hilton Anaheim 777 W Convention Way, Anaheim, California 92802: We’re happy to announce that the next stop in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Saturday, April 18th, in Anaheim for STAR WARS: Celebration! This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team presentation as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will also be receiving an Anaheim exclusive Prinawe Congregate vehicle code. We will also have a special appearance by the 501st, a green screen area for photos, and more! Space is limited so be sure to come early. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and…
SWTOR Operation Speed Run Challenge
A player known on the forums as Death_By_Smiley has decided to do the speed run challenge for himself, since the official tournament was cancelled. If you’d like to participate, the rules and guidelines are listed for you and it’s open to anyone. Goal: Be the fastest guild to clear operations! Sounds fun, right? Well, it depends on whether or not you have a guild that can pull this off and if you like this sort of thing but there are many players and guilds who like a little side competition and this could be just the right project to keep you and your members entertained in the game. Here are some details. Learn more and ask your questions here. Session #1: Current Operation: The Ravagers (from March 3, 2015-March 17, 2015) Special notes: To ensure the Coratannni bug does not occur, if you have one person leave the instance after Master/Blaster, it…
Relics of the Gree event is now live in SWTOR
SWTOR Relics of the Gree event has returned for one week from Feb 24 to March 3. LEVEL: Levels 50 – 60 MISSION: Explore Ilum‘s contested area in the Western Ice Shelf to uncover the mysterious purpose of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship. Get ready to face a powerful opponent that awaits you at the center of this ancient vessel. Visit the in-game News Terminal located on Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock to get started on your adventure! FEATURED REWARDS: Mounts: Cyan Sphere, Blue Sphere and Red Sphere Transport Enclosure Vehicles Reputation with the Gree Enclave Armor: White, Red, Blue Scalene Armor Weapons: Gray Helix Weapons, Gray Helix Lightsaber In-game pets: L1-L Defender, L1-L Scout, Miniature Gray Secant Gree Digitization Cube (Gree-themed rest-and-recharge item) …and more!
SWTOR Operation Victory Tournament
BioWare will be hosting an Operation Victory Tournament with ESL gaming for 8m storymode operation speed runs for Shadow of Revan. Operation Victory Tournament – Coming Soon | 02.23.2015, 04:30 PM Hey folks, BioWare is partnering with ESL to host our first ever “Operation Victory” tournament. It is a contest to “speedrun” our 8-man story mode Operations from Shadow of Revan. We wanted to give you about a week’s notice so you have time to get your teams together and establish your strategies. We will announce all of the details within the next week but here are some of the key pieces of information: The competition will be team based and all Operations run will be 8-man story mode The qualifying heat will be one week – starting next Tuesday The entire tournament will run over a few weeks with you submitting your timed runs to ESL The best teams of…
Boston Community Cantina Cancelled
Due to snow, BioWare is cancelling the Boston Community Cantina. EricMusco Cancelled The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Boston, Massachusetts! | 02.20.2015, 09:10 AM Hey folks, Unfortunately I am here to deliver some bad news. Due to the crazy winter the northeast has been getting hit with, we are going to cancel our Boston Cantina Event. I know this may impact plans that some of you are having and so we tried to make this decision ASAP based on what the weather conditions looked like. I will make sure our news article and Facebook event also reflect this. However, as you know, at our Cantinas it has been our goal to change up the format a little bit. Focus less on the Q&A and more on a presentation or something akin to that where we can deliver new information. Well, we are going to take our…
SWTOR Community Cantina Tour Schedule for 2015
Lead Community Coordinator Courtney Woods, was so good to e-mail us BioWares plans for upcoming Community Cantina events this year. The plans are below. The next event will be at PAX East next month in Boston, MA on Saturday, March 7th at the Hyatt Grand Regency. Please let us know if you will be attending any of these events. April Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, CA July San Diego Comic-Con August Gamescom in Cologne, Germany September PAX Prime in Seattle, WA October New York Comic-Con
SWTOR: Pax South Cantina Tour Flash Drive Files
Here are the Pax South Cantina Tour files provided by Baa’nariim of Harbinger. Below is a run through of what attendance learned at the conference. New costume designer coming with patch 3.2 and a video will be added soon. The decision for action taken against ravagers exploiters finalized this morning. There will be a post from musco about it (no specific timeframe on when this will take action or the post will happen) There is no plan to change the new slot machine’s drop rate from its current form. They are sort of “afraid” of releasing future slot machines (future slot machines for other cartel reputations) due to the backlash and the controversy created by the community. Two more game expansions before end of the year. New Togruta race, new stronghold New planet Ziost in April They read Bruce Macleans developer letter which is slated for release on the website…
SWTOR Gree events returning end of Feb/March
Eric Musco just informed the community that the Gree events will be returning end of February/March. They team is still working out the exact timing, but they will update that information on our events page when we have it. Hey folks! When we started the Life Day event, we got questioned on two things almost immediately. Where is the Gree event and why is the Cyan Sphere on this vendor without it? Two valid questions. As I mentioned before the end of the year, it is our intent that the next time you see the Gree event it will be scaled to level 60. I am here to deliver news on both of these fronts! First, it is our plan right now that the Gree event will return end of February/March timeframe. We are still working out the exact timing but we will update that information on our events page…
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in San Antonio, TX: 01/23 @ 7 PM CST
BioWare announced that the next stop in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday January 23rd, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks* and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. Venue: Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center Room 007D** Date: Friday, January 23rd, 2015 Time: 7-10PM CST Address: 200 East Market Street – San Antonio, TX 78205 Space will be limited, so be sure to arrive early! You can RSVP on Facebook here (Facebook RSVP is not required for and does not guarantee admittance). * This is an adult event and all attendees must be prepared to show ID. ** A PAX Friday or 3-Day Badge is required for entry.
SWTOR Gree event is coming back… Sooner or later
Eric Musco Just informed the community that the Gee event will be making a return to Star Wars: The old Republic, but it might be a while. The event needs to get an update, so it fits to level 60 game play first. Hey folks, I can confirm that it is definitely our plan to bring the Gree event back at some point in the future. When the event returns, it will also be scaled up to level 60. Unfortunately, I don’t have any details around timing yet but stay tuned for any future announcements! Thanks! -eric
Las Vegas Community Cantina Flash Drive Contents
The SWTOR Las Vegas Cantina Tory is over. As always, attendance got a nice flashdrive full of nice new images from the BioWare custom printed pop up tent models. It looks like the new revanite armor is unsurprisingly less dread guardy and more revany. The mount looks cool. The giant Massassi looks like an Ops boss, and those twin walkers look like the old twin tanks from EC. Check it out below:
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Las Vegas, Nevada!
BioWare announced that the next stop in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Thursday, October 9th, in New York. This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and hang out with the SWTOR Team. Venue: Mandalay Bay North Convention Center Date: Saturday, November 15th, 2014 Time: 7-10PM PST Address: 3950 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Space will be limited, so be sure to arrive early! You can RSVP on Facebook here (Facebook RSVP is not required for and does not guarantee admittance). Edit: Eric Musco did a Forum update on this: EricMusco The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour…
SWTOR New York Cantina Tour Flash Drive Files and Review
If you’re wondering what happened at the SWTOR New York Cantina Tour, then Dulfy (as usual) has the hook-up for you. She has a fantastic, detailed post up already with tons of images from the Flash Drive files as well as a transcription of the Q&A and more information. The flash drive even has images of the new planets that are coming with Shadow of Revan expansion. Head on over here to this link and see Dulfy’s post to see it all for yourself and give her site some love. Here’s a table of contents of what it has for you. 1 Planet Rishi 2 Planet Yavin 4 3 SOR Gear 4 Cartel Market/Misc 5 Q&A Learn about Planet Rishi, Planet Yavin 3, the new Shadow of Revan gear as well as get a sneak peek at Cartel Market items and other miscellaneous things. Finally, they wrap it all up with the…
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in New York, New York!
BioWare announced that the next stop in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Thursday, October 9th, in New York. This is your chance to join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by and hang out with us! Venue: Stitch Bar and Lounge Date: Thursday, October 9th, 2014 Time: 8-11PM EDT Address: 247 W 37th St New York, New York 10018 Space will be limited, so be sure to arrive early! You can RSVP on Facebook here (Facebook RSVP is not required for and does not guarantee admittance).
SWTOR Community cantina Cologne (gamescom 2014) – Drive Pics
German SWTOR Wesbite was at the SWTOR Community cantina Cologne and got some sweet screenshots off the USB drive they give out to people. Looking through the images, it looks like the “Forged alliances” serie will lead us to the next paid expansion with a new planet. Planet below is Rakata Prime btw. Check it out below.. All credits goes to Bioware, watermarks belongs to
“World First Kill” of Rakghoul Event World Boss on Tattoine
It has happened- the first world kill of the Rakghoul Event. So we know “first kill” claim on a world boss is pretty funny but it’s still an interesting story. They said they were not looking for the boss, but happened upon it while out and about doing something else. The world boss on Tattoine was taken down by a four man group, according to basedlando, who had this to say: “The boss was cool, it’s name is Plaguehorn, we four manned it with people in Dread Master Gear, 1 Assassin Tank, 1 Operative Healer, 2 Annihilation Marauders. A random Hazmat piece drops, as well as a really cool pet, called Plaguehorn Reek. It’s adorable, and requires friend rep level with THORN. We’ve killed it twice, both times the pet drops. We will be killing it more times, just to make sure the pet is guaranteed, or to see if…
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour Arrives in Germany!
BioWare just announced that the next stop in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina Tour will be happening on Friday, August 15th, in Germany! This is the chance for European players to join the SWTOR community for a development team Q&A as well as complimentary drinks*, food, and giveaways. Every attendee will be receiving a highly coveted M8-3R Astromech code. If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by! Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Date: Friday, August 15th, 2014 Time: 7:00-11:00PM CEST Address: Messe Kreisel 3 (access Brügelmannstr. 1) D-50679 Cologne, Germany Space will be limited, so be sure to arrive early! You can RSVP on Facebook here (Facebook RSVP is not required for and does not guarantee admittance).
Gree Event Returns – 7/22 – 7/29
While I’m glad to finally see when it will return, I’m a bit disheartened to learn it’ll be just a week. Got a good friend that wants the armor and is a new player so he’s not gonna get it until the 2nd (or 3rd) week played. He’s cool with it and accepted it but I’m a tad sad… for him. But he’ll survive. 😉 Anyways… been waiting for this for months, can finally finish maxing out rep and get all the legacy weapons. Also kind of a PSA, because I didn’t hear myself, but legacy shotguns and vibroknives are available at the Gree vendor now. I thought they were still missing. Here is the official news from Tait Watson: Emeraldon Tomb of Freedon Nadd 2 points 28 minutes ago (2|0) Come on, BioWare! Give us more information! When is the Gree event? 🙁 July 22nd – July 29th, starting…