Star Wars: Revelations is a fan film released on April 17 2005, created by fans of George Lucas’s Star Wars saga. As Lucasfilm has generally turned a blind eye to the creation of many not-for-profit derivative works, Revelations is one of many fan-produced Star Wars creations. (See The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards for further examples.) Revelations is noteworthy for being both significantly longer (with a running time of 47 minutes, 13 seconds) and substantially more expensive than the average fan film, with a final budget ranging somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000. It takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The film intended to give a reason for why the Jedi Order was extinct in the original trilogy. Summary The destruction of the Jedi Temple was devastating. Accusing the now-defunct Confederacy of Independent Systems of the attack, Emperor Palpatine declares martial law on Coruscant….
fan fiction
Fan Friday for August 2009
Happy Friday everyone! We hope you en joy these community spotlights for the month of August. Star Wars ASCII Art Much like a Trooper and his gun, Star Wars™ and ASCII Art make a great combination. Check out some great ASCII creations inspired by iconic Star Wars images in this ASCII art thread created by ilsabay. Maybe you can try your hand at an ASCII creation in the community! Smuggler’s Alliance Icon It’s undeniable that a Smuggler likes to show off, and needs an impressive icon to represent his group. VannikDesh created these three awesome Smuggler Alliance icons for the TOR community to use in their signatures. The first image combines the Aurebesh letters “S” and “A” to create a dagger hilt and includes the downturned wings of The Old Republic logo. The second and third versions used The Old Republic blaster concept art with the Aurebesh dagger in blue…
Fastest Hunk of Junk Realty
The trilogy’s Millennium Falcon. KOTOR’s Ebon Hawk. These weren’t just vehicles shuttling folks to and fro in the Star Wars universe — they were as much of a locale as any planet or base that our heroes visited. We got to know the inner workings of these freighters, and grew to love them for all their blocky, chunky, low-tech hominess. I might have mentioned this before, but I sincerely hope that The Old Republic not only institutes player housing upon launch, but that the housing is a player’s ship. The more I played through KOTOR again, the more I love this concept, because it really does work on a MMO level: It solves the problem of “How do we move players from planet to planet without resorting to Star Wars Galaxies’ shuttle system?” by handing players permanent transport and leaving it up to them to use it. The acquisition of…
Fan Friday and Summer Events Schedule
This Fan Friday includes details for our upcoming conventions and spotlights from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community! Don’t forget to participate in the latest poll and check out our new forum avatars. TOR at GamesCom and Penny Arcade Expo Star Wars: The Old Republic will be will be bringing the power of the Force to two more conventions this year, GamesCom (Cologne, Germany; August 19-24 ) and Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) (Seattle, Washington; September 4 – 6). During the conventions, the team we will be showcasing the first public gameplay demo as well as giving away Star Wars™ goodies to attendees. Stop by the community cantina and hang out with some of the members of the Star Wars: The Old Republic team. If you can’t make the shows, don’t worry! We will have the gameplay demo footage available to the community on our official website. To stay up-to-date…