Great news Star Wars fans: The Star Wars fan film we told you about last year is now completed and available for your viewing online. This is an excellent film that I enjoyed very much. I don’t want to give away spoilers but you really need to see the full thing for yourself. I’m not the only one who was impressed. Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge 2011 – A Light in the Darkness (Part One) won two awards from in 2011 for “Best Fan Fiction” and “Audience Choice.” Renovation Film Festival – Best Fan Film 2011 This film was created for the love of filmmaking and also for the love of Star Wars. It was a volunteer effort by cast and crew and is an excellent high quality, low budget film that faced many challenges to create but came out on top. It’s well worth your time to see…
fan fiction
Tim Bertram added to Team has added Tim Bertram to their team. Tim is an aspiring author, with one completed novel already under his belt and he is writing a fan-fiction novel based on the Republic Trooper exclusively for their site! The title of the novel is “Lost Tales of the Old Republic”””. They already have the first two chapters from him – over 20,000 words, and each Monday they will posting a new portion of the story. The first portion of Chapter 1 can be found here. It begins: The entire craft shook so hard that you could hear the teeth of the assembled troopers chattering together, causing several of them to insert mouth guards as they finalized last minute preparations before decent. Staff Sergeant Jarrek Gageiz; Gage to his friends and fellow Non Commissioned Officers, and Staff Sergeant ‘G’ to his troopers held on tightly to a handhold along with several other…
The Fan Fiction Contest Is Now Underway
Corellian Run Radio discusses the Fan Fiction Contest that is now underway. Kellmorn, Star Wars: The Old Republic forums, is putting on this contest and you can be a part of it by sending in your submission right away. Several forms of submissions are acceptable which include comic, written pieces and audio so choose the one that you can do the best. A sketch must be provided along with the submission of the main weapon or gadget used by the character but don’t worry, it’s not about how good you can draw. It’s so Ironcleaver can produce an award for them. The eight winning submissions will receive a high quality 3D image of the main characters weapons or gadget, which is a unique and exciting prize. The Grand prize winner’s piece will be “acted out and recorded in an audio-book format by The Followers of Palawa”. Each submission is done…
Fan Friday
As always, the Fan Friday segment contains New Fan Stuff by the Geeks to the Geeks. The most noteworthy portion is the announcement that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be present at PAX East this year. The convention will be held from March 11-13 in Boston, Massachusetts. Other then that you can find tons ofother cool stuff: New Smilies and avatars pics for Dont miss the New Studio Insider this month for an in-depth look at the design of the Agent starship and more Community Q&A answers. If you have some talents you wish to share then visit the community forums. Greighson from the SWTOR forum community created Sith-themed propaganda. Another member named Crypticgrrl detailed close-up portraits. They look really awesome. There are Some really nice Fan Fic work. The story’s called Final Ex a member named Kharnis. If I finish any of my Star Wars stories then…
Fan made Bioware videos
Here is a Couple of Videos put together by fans, I believe you guys might enjoy. This first one is called “Star Wars: The Old Republic – This is War.”” The Second one is called “Bioware Montage”, and is a blend of all the greatest Bioware games.
Friday Update: Studio Insider – Experience Coruscant and Fan friday
So, Fan Friday. It seems that Bioware decided to split the “Developer Corner” out of the Fan Friday and give it its own thing, called “Studio Insider””. Last time we got a look at the work the development team was doing on Flesh Raiders, and this time we get to experience Coruscant. Read the full article here We are excited about sharing new work-in-progress art, special screenshots, animations, and other insights from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team. In this Studio Insider, World Designer Eric Young walks us through the process of building the city world of Coruscant. Also, we have picked some questions to answer in the Community Q&A section! Designing Coruscant They call me Eric Young. I’ve been a World Designer at BioWare for almost four years now; my job is to design the layout of planets, place buildings and mold terrain into mountains, valleys and roads. I work from the…
Friday Update: Flesh Raiders, and Fan Friday
Yes! It’s Friday again, and that means two things: Weekend with lot’s of beer and more news from Star Wars: The Old Republic. This time we get the monthly “The Studio Insider” wich gives us a glimpse of what it takes to produce a multi-million dollar MMO. In this issue of the Studio Insider, concept Artist Diego Almazan shares another step-by-step demonstration of the creation of the Flesh Raider, from base sketch to fully tricked-out creature. When starting a concept, it’s important to get as much information as possible to help make the creature or object fit best in its place in the game. For this concept in particular, I was excited to take on the task of creating an alternate Flesh Raider which would fit alongside the current set. After gathering and studying art work and other assets related to the Flesh Raider, I started off with a base…
Star Wars Revisionism: it was all Jar-Jar’s fault
LEGO® STAR WARS™: BOMBAD BOUNTY answers the question no one was asking: What if Jar Jar Binks had appeared in the original trilogy?
While we wait for the old republic: A Light in the Darkness Part 1
A Light in the Darkness is a Star Wars fan film made purely for the love of Star Wars and the experience of making a high quality low budget film. The full length feature will be release in late 2010. Plot A Light in the Darkness’ main action takes place approx. 1 year BBY on a small planet in the Outer Rim. A young boy watches the Jedi who saved his people be killed by the very clones who once fought by his side. Years later, as a member of a small insurgency against the empire he and his team hatch a new plan to take back their planet by drawing the attention of the newly formed rebel alliance. Armed with the fallen Jedi’s light saber, he and his team battle to strike fear into the local imperial garrison, and overthrow their despotic governor. Their silent attacks give birth to…
The Old Republic Fan Friday Returns
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday feature made its return to today! Community Creations – a reminder to submit your fan-made artwork through the TOR forums for possible future Fan Friday features Fan Art – TOR community member Tang has the spotlight shown on his concept art scrapbook – Community member Vitellius created a 4 minute 3D animation video of Darth Rasp infiltrating a Republic base – One more commuity member featured; Oxyjin displays what he hopes his character will look like Developer Corner – Get to know that Cathar species Events – Upcoming events for The Old Republic include Celebration V, Germany’s GamesCon, and the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). Wallpapers – “Hope” cinematic trailer wallpapers are now available Fan Site Kit – The fan site kit has received its first update Avatars – New avatars are available with characters featured in the Galactic Timeline, including Master…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars: Shadows of the Past
This is a great new film by Martin Klekner. The fiim is currently offered through Dailymotion, and will be offered in the future for download as well. Shadows of the Past, sequel to Power of the Dark Side, is a story of a young Sith tormented by his own past. It’s a 15 minute czech short film situated in George Lucas’ Star Wars universe…but darker and more ruthless one…
Ben Balistreri’s Top 30 Star Wars characters
Ben Balistreri is a storyboard artist and character designer for Dreamworks, where he’s worked on How to Train Your Dragon. He’s also — like everyone — a Star Wars fan. So when he tuned his unique design sensibilities to represent his 30 favorite Star Wars characters, we had to take a look. Here they are: Check out his blog.
While we wait for The Old Republic: Immolation
Set during the Great Jedi Civil War, a Sith apprentice is on the run from the Brotherhood, after failing his most important test. A young Jedi Sentinel is drawn by the Force to seek out the failed Sith apprentice, and tracks him to the snowy world Ziost. Can he reach the him before he is destoyed by the Sith trackers? Download the HQ version of this film at: or This film takes place during the ero of Knights of the Old Republic… During the apex of Sith power during the great Jedi Civil War, just before infighting tore the Sith Order apart, a young recruit was apprenticed to lead a life with the Brotherhood that he had not fully embraced. Failing his last and most important trial, the Brotherhood deemed him unfit to be Sith and hunted him to a snowy training world inside Sith Space to exterminate…
SW:TOR Fan Friday Offers a Look at Facial Markings, Renders, Fan Fiction, and More
As you can see from the image above, this week’s Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday brings us a peek at some of the customization options for character heads. We also get to see some fan art, fan fiction, and a short video of some of the force powers of the Sith via a 3D render, You can see the video below:
While we wait for The Old Republic:Tales of the New Republic
Tales of the New Republic was a film released with much anticipation on May 25, 2007. There was a lot of speculation at the time that this film was a trailer for The Clone Wars 2008 series. It was actually a class project at The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School in Orlando, FL and I am sure it was done to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. The film plays like an animated trailer for a possible new series and is very well done. A must see!
While we wait for The Old Republic: Trial of Han Solo
Han Solo is on trial for the infamous murder of Greedo in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Throughout this trial the prosecution and defense provide evidence, counter-evidence, and double counter-evidence drawn from the 1977, 1997, and 2004 releases of the movie, in which the events in question are represented in three distinct ways. This is a must for all Star Wars fans (and for anyone interested in an extremely high-quality piece of filmmaking).
Star Wars The Dark Redemption
The Dark Redemption is a 1999 Australian fan film which was made using the studio grounds of Foxtel in Sydney. This follows the story of how the plans for the Death Star were sent to Princess Leia’s ship the Tantive IV as well as Han Solo’s escape from Kessel which results in a bounty being put on his head by Jabba the Hutt. The film came under attack by Lucasfilm due to the fact that the story is constructed within the Star Wars canon. Plot Two days before Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, Rebel Alliance agent Mara Jade is imprisoned on Kessel. Unbeknownst to all, Mara holds the Death Star plans given to her by Kyle Katarn. Upon being rescued by Zev Senesca and Klaus Vanderon, she forwards the plans to Princess Leia’s ship. At the same time, Boba Fett makes a deal with Lt. Pol Treidum…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Star Wars: Forced Alliance
Set 50 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, Forced Alliance is an alternate take of the Star Wars Universe. As the New Republic tries to rebuild, new threats arise and for 3 students of different beliefs it has become a dangerous place to be. Only through trust and fragile friendship can the 3 young Jedi hope to survive and discover if there is more to the Force than what they’ve been taught. This project is a television spec teaser. Written by Randolph Bookman
While we wait for The Old Republic: I.M.P.S – The Relentless: Chapter 2
At long last, we have Chapter Two! And, as many others have commented, it was WELL worth the wait. Once more, Blacksheep has reminded us why they are considered Legends in the Fan Film universe, so much so that no one was ever truly willing to give ’em hell over the time between productions, for in the end their brilliance would shine through. And so it has. On behalf of Star Wars fans across the globe as well as Imperial Loyalists, I salute and thank you, sirs. Here’s to Chapter Three on the distant horizon! P.S. Anychance you guys would be willing to put in some face, or rather voice, time with Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac over at the Force-Cast? It would be awesome to get some verbal behind the scenes info as well as plans for the future. Watch in HD Who made this? The Primary Responsible Parties…
While we wait for The Old Republic: I.M.P.S – The Relentless: Chapter 1
Is this the long awaited “TROOPS 2?” Originally this project was to be the sequel to “Troops” but over the course of writing and production, it evolved into something entirely different. “”Troops2” was the working title of the production until the script was completed, and the project assembled. Chapter 1 of IMPS, “The Rail-Runners – Davenport Gateway” acts as a bridge to take us from the ‘COPS’ format to the soldiers of the many branches of the Imperial military. Since the military does actually act as peace officers in many cases, we thought it would be appropriate. As we delve into further Chapters, and the men and women who work as Imperial soldiers, we seek to learn who these characters are, how they came to be here, and what their responsibilities are, etc. This is why we now call it I.M.P.S. – The Relentless. Who made this? The Primary Responsible…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Duality
Duality is one of the most popular Star Wars fan films ever made. It was quite an acheivement in it’s time, and is still regarded as a model of achievement for the quality of the CG work in the film. The film was filmed entirely against a blue screen at Alamo films. Duality was made as a follow-up project to Duel, and has even sired a parody call Two-ness. The story is basically this: two Sith apprentices are set against each other as a final test to determine which one will serve at their master’s side. And so it is that Darth Oz watches as Darth Blight and Lord Rive battle to the death….. The script was first written by Mark Thomas, with Dave Macomber devising the fight. Filming took place at Alamo Studios in Santa Barbara, California in September of 2000. A teaser trailer was released in November 2000,…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Broken Allegiance
Broken Allegiance is a fan film that made its debut on the internet in April 2002, created by Australian fans of the Star Wars franchise. It is a live-action drama set in the Star Wars universe, taking place a few weeks between the events in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. It tells the story of two Sith apprentices, Ruan and Calis, who have escaped the Empire by fleeing Coruscant in a stolen transport. They must fight for their freedom when Darth Vader sends the vicious bounty hunter Korbain Thor to track them down. The film started pre-production in January 2001, and was shot both in studio and on locations around Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Broken Allegiance cost approximately $5,000 AUD to make, mostly spent on raw materials for sets, props, costumes, catering and equipment rental to make the film. The film was made entirely with volunteer cast…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Contract of Evil
Contract of Evil is a 2004 fan film directed by Kantz, starring Lou Klein, who also wrote the film, Rusty Locke, Andre “China” McCoy and Edwin Villa. It received the Best Makeup award in The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards of 2008. From TheForce.Net: For years, the Sith were thought to be extinct – but on a remote desolate planet, vengeful spirits of chaos have decreed a battle for power, for only through a trial of pain can the hidden Sith masters find one worthy of the title Dark Lord. Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Originally Released: October 2004 Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Website:
While we wait for The Old Republic: Dark Resurrection
Dark Resurrection is an Italian Star Wars fanfilm (with english subtitles) written and directed by Angelo Licata and produced by Davide Bigazzi and Licata. It consists of two episodes, each 60 minutes long. The first episode was released in 2007 and the second episode is still in production. Movie scenes were shot in Italy and further enhanced by special effects. The story begins a few centuries after Episode VI, telling about a young Jedi apprentice who lives in a period of great changes in the balance of the force and galaxy. Even if it has been realized with limited means and with a very low budget (approximately 7000 Euro) the LucasFilm itself, after having watched the trailer, defined it “Truly Amazing”. Result of both digital technology and creator’s passion, this project has attracted the attention of the most important italian magazines (Ciak, Jack, XL, Panorama etc etc). The cast is…