Begginer’s Guide to Star Wars Slot Machine

I bet, avid Star Wars fans would be glad to know that a Star Wars Slot Machine is an additional tribute to one of the best sci-fi movies ever made in the entire era of the film industry. This slot machine is just as way more coolas any other slot machine there is. It has three base games interfaces and two bonus games – one with duel between Obi-Wan and and Vader and the other is a Death Star bonus. Once you get to pass these three levels, you get to blow the Death Star. It is indeed a very impressive work of art and a well done tribute to the movie we all loved. The team who made it named these three slot machines: Tatooine, Cantina and the Death Star.

This new and exciting Star Wars Slot Machine changes based on how much your bet per payline is. However, if you are just new to casino gaming or online slots you might as well read this brief article about a begginer’s guide to playing slot which you can also use when the time comes and you encounter this best slot machine ever – The Star Wars Slot Machine!

Slot machines and online slot games are fun and exciting, but if you’ve never played one before, you may not know where to begin. Even if you have risked the occasional spare coin, you may not know as much about playing the slots as you would like to. Here’s a beginner’s guide to help you out.

Slots: Beginner’s Guide: Types of Slots
We’ve come a long way since the three reel, three line fruit machine. Today’s live and online slots come in a seemingly infinite variety of shapes and sizes, from games with Egyptian themes to games with Western themes to games with mini-games to games with video stories. Take your time and see all the slots that your live or us online casino has to offer before getting started. You can always try multiple games, but start investing your money with one you know you will like.

Slots: Beginner’s Guide: Multiple Coins
The days of putting a single quarter into the one-armed bandit are long gone too. Today’s machines and games allow multiple coins or units with each spin. The additional coins can either buy you more paylines or can multiply your payout. If you like having multiple opportunities to win on each spin go for a multi-line machine. If you like to win a big payout for your investment, stick with the multiple machines.

Slots: Beginner’s Guide: Progressive Jackpots
The progressive jackpot is one of the great all-time additions to the world of slots. A progressive jackpot machine has a special jackpot that you can win if you hit a rare combination of symbols. The great thing about this jackpot is that it is paid into by a group of linked slots, meaning that multiple players are paying in all the time, while you are playing. What this means for you is that tremendous pots often develop, so that whoever hits the jackpot can win a life-changing some of money. If you play a progressive, be sure to play the maximum number of coins per spin or you won’t qualify, even though you will be paying into the jackpot pool.