
Handmade Revan Armor by Fan

Revan Armor

We love when fans share the awesome Star Wars and SWTOR-themed projects they do so we were happy to see this one from JigabooFriday on Reddit. He did an amazing job! The handmade Revan armor is superb but of course, hardcore fans couldn’t have it in that dreamy bedroom backdrop so some took the liberty of editing his photos to give cool captains and/or scenes in the background, which of course, makes it even more fun. I admit what’s really missing is how he did it. I would love to see him take the time to type up an instructional piece so those of us at home can follow suit. Even better, if you’re thinking of doing something like this, take some pictures or video for us along the way and show us exactly how it’s done. Then be sure to message us here and we’ll even feature you in a story….

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TOR TV: REVAN (History & Lore before SWTOR 3.0)

Vulkk have uploaded an excellent video about on History, Lore & Facts about one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars Universe – REVAN. The video also includes Biographies of Theron & Lana prior to SWTOR 3.0. In this video he got Teo from Ootinicast to do the narrations. He did an outstanding job and I hope you will enjoy watching this vide as much as I did. Check it out: Hey, everyone! After hours of hard work, research and gathering somewhat (!) good pictures, I present you my History & Lore video about REVAN – one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. It deals mostly with the events in his life prior to SWTOR. For this episode I have asked Teo from Ootinicast to do the narrations. He did an outstanding job and I hope you will fully enjoy his readings. The last few mins…

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Revan 3.0 & the Infinite Empire

After the release of the teaser for 3.0 last week, there have been a lot of questions and speculations about the game, Revan and where the story is going. For those who really get into the lore, this can be one of the best parts of the game and new expansions – new storyline and where will it take us? One fan, Darth Wicked, asks these questions “Where is Revan? Is that a temple of some sorts? And if it is, who built it? And where? Come to think of it, is that even Revan to begin with? And what about that… thing behind him? Is it a Sith artifact or something else? Something more?” and then he actually goes on to answer in detail with some ideas of his own. Darth Wicked also has the screenshots of the entire thread on imgur for anyone looking to see them in…

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Update on Project Revan

Project Revan is still going strong! Most of you will remember the updates we brought you not so long ago about Project Revan and the Kickstarter campaign that was going to help support the project. Project Revan is a fan film based off of, the science fiction novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic – Revan by Drew Karpyshyn, produced by diehard fans. It was fully funded on Kickstarter and the filming is underway now. However, you can still support the team and their project by making donations directly through their website. If you were a donator/supporter, you can keep up to date on what is happening with the project and the filming via their Facebook page and website. Steven Shulgach, Director and DP has an update on the status of the project: “We are making are way through the trials and tribulations of the film project with strength. We are…

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Versus Series: Luke Skywalker VS Revan

Versus Series Luke Skywalker VS Revan – who would win? Here’s a fun and interesting episode of the Versus Series that pitts Luke Skywalker against Revan. It’s an interesting question but there are some arguments made about the way it was carried out in the versus video. For example, it’s  comparing Luke at 63 with Revan at 43. A comparison of both at the same age may have been better. One thing that is certain from the reaction to the video- most fans are pretty hardcore about which side they want to win and their supporting reasons why. Some fans argue that the video was not fair to Revan and that under different circumstances, he would beat Luke without a doubt. But the same counter-argument can be given for Luke, who later becomes very best of all Jedi in the entire universe of Star Wars. Check out the video and tell us…

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Revan Full Audiobook Part 1

Did you miss out on the Revan audiobook Part 1 released in full on August 30, 2013 by Darth Nion on YouTube? If you don’t like to read or don’t have time to read and just want to listen to the story while you work or do other things, then now you have the chance. Personally, I think the voices are great and I really get into the story. His voice for the reading is not annoying like many I have heard. All in all, it’s pretty darn good and it’s worth your time to check it out, even if you’re read the book already. Winner by votes, I welcome you to a new story about Revan where you can find out what happens to him after the games ,Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2. Star Wars : Revan full Audiobook Part 1

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Project Revan is Fully Funded

We brought you the story of Project Revan on Kickstarter and we’re very happy to announce they are fully funded! With 64 backers, the fundraiser was a success and the project will now move forward. We couldn’t be happier about this so you can bet we’ll keep you updated as the project progresses. What is Project Revan? Project Revan is the combined efforts of a group of serious and talented adults, creating the (unofficial) Star Wars independent film based off the book, Star Wars – The Old Republic: Revan by Drew Karpyshyn. Learn more and keep up to date on the project: Website! : YouTube Channel: We have an official YouTube channel for the project, in which you can subscribe here, and check out the latest teaser trailer and B-roll (Behind the Scenes) footage of our movie! Twitter and Instagram: You can keep up with the project by following us on Twitter by clicking here, and checking us out on Instagram (projectrevan)! Facebook Page: Like our page on…

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained: Knights of the Old Republic Story (Revan Part 3)

xZeroTolerence55x have been busy with exams and work, so it have been a while since his last update. But now he is back, with his highest requested video yet. In this video, he explains the story of Knights of the Old Republic. If you missed out, you can see part one here, were he goes over the back story of Revan pre KOTOR and Revans involvement in the Mandalorian wars.  In part two he explains the jedi civil war. Both awesome videos if you are a lore freak like me 🙂

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained – Revan’s Backstory (Pre-Kotor) and his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars

xZeroTolerence55x is back with a new SWTOR backstory, and this 9 min video is worth a watch/listen. This time he tells the story of one of my all time favorite force user – Revan.  This will be the first part of a series of videos covering the guy. In this first one ZeroTolerence55 covers the details of Revan’s early life, his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, and the beginning of his descent to the darkside. Check it out below:

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Swtor Extreme: Revan’s Saga & Fate (Spoilers)

Do you know who Revan is? Did you play Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2? Perhaps you have forgotten everything since you played it so long ago? Maybe you want to know the final fate of Revan and you can’t wait to play both Republic & Sith to 30+? Well no worries, I have an excellent series of videos which will help you on all of these fronts. Dalagrath from Swtor Extreme decided to start a series called “Know Your Saga”, where he details important characters which will appear in SWTOR. The first of those characters chosen was Revan. The character you play as during the Knights of the Old Republic RPG game. If you’d like to learn about who Revan is, and what happened to him during KOTOR 1/2, then head over to part 1 & 2 of the saga by clicking the video below: (Part 1…

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Entire Chapter 3 of Revan Novel Released

Another chapter of Star Wars’ ancient history is about to be revealed. Drew Karpyshyn’s novel Star Wars: The Old Republic — Revan, due Nov. 15, is the long-awaited follow-up to the 2003 videogame Knights of the Old Republic.    We’ve been bringing you updates on this novel as we find them, including excerpts, a novel synopsis and more. Here is a snippet:       Star Wars: The Old Republic — Revan picks up two years after Malak’s defeat, when the redeemed Revan is still trying to pick up the pieces of his old life and figure out what exactly made him turn to the Dark Side. All fans have known about Revan’s post-KOTOR life is that he took off for the Unknown Regions on the hunt for a dark threat to the Republic… and was never heard from again. Now his fate is about to be revealed, and EW’s…

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Random House Releases Revan Novel Excerpt

Good news for Revan fans today! Random House posted an excerpt of Chapter One from Revan, Drew Karpyshyn‘s upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic novel. This is an add-on from the synopsis we previously reported this week. The book, which goes on sale November 15, 2011, is a must-read for SWTOR lore fans or anyone who follows Star Wars story or Karpyshyn’s work. Here in the excerpt, you can learn more about the environment and the people of Dromund Kass, and learn more about Lord Scourge. The novel synopsis is also available here, along with a bio of the author if you’re not familiar with his work. Check it out for a sneak peek at Chapter One and let us know what you think. Visit the Random House site to read the full excerpt. More from us about Revan: Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan Revan Mini Excerpts Drew Karpyshyn…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

Random House has a good chunk of the first chapter of Drew Karpyshyn new novel Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan up on its site. Critics haven’t been nice on the book so far but so far they have all be unofficial reviews. Any ways, here is a chance to check it our for yourself: LORD SCOURGE RAISED the hood of his cloak as he stepped off the shuttle, a shield against the wind and pelting rain. Storms were common here on Dromund Kaas; dark clouds perpetually blocked out the sun, rendering terms like day and night meaningless. The only natural illumination came from the frequent bursts of lightning arcing across the sky, but the glow from the spaceport and nearby Kaas City provided more than enough light to see where he was going. The powerful electrical storms were a physical manifestation of the dark side power that engulfed the entire…

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Friday Update: Signs of War Trailer & Operations Systems Page

It’s a good day for fans of The Old Republic. Not only did we get some juicy new info out of the NYCC Panel but we also get to feast our eyes on a new Trailer and Operations Systems Page. It looks like BioWare decided to let the floodgates open today with a collection of five announcements! Here’s the list: They debuted the new “Signs of War” trailer at New York Comic Con. You can watch it below. The game will now launch simultaneously in North America and Europea on December 20. Learn about high-level Operations on the new Game Systems page. Drew Karpyshyn, author of the upcoming Revan novel, will be signing books and participating in panels all weekend at New York Comic Con. SWTOR will be featured at Paris Games Week from October 21-25. The trailer titled “Signs of War” is narrated by Satele Shan and features the trooper from…

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Revan Mini Excerpts

Del Rey’s Star Wars Books Facebook page has posted a mini-excerpt from Drew Karpyshyn’s upcoming novel The Old Republic: Revan. Check it out below: I should have guessed it was you.” Revan rose from his chair to face the speaker. She wore the robes of a Jedi Archivist, though she was in fact a Jedi Master. She was young for the position, but her hair was platinum white. She had cold blue eyes, and a pale complexion that spoke of a life spent inside the Archives, sheltered from the sun. “Atris,” Revan said, silently cursing. Aparently Del Rey’s Star Wars team will continue posting mini-excerpts from upcoming Star Wars novels on their Facebook page every Thursday. Besides Del Rey’s first mini-excerpt, has also posted a new audio excerpt for the upcoming novel as narrated by Marc Thompson. Listen to it below:

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Drew Karpyshyn on the “Revan” and “Exile” story lines

Drew Karpyshyn had some words for the haters on his personal site. He discussed the “Revan” and “Exile” story lines as well as perspectives on KOTOR, ToR, and his upcoming novel. It’s a long but worthy read, especially since the ending paragraphs are my favorite. In this update he has details about the NYCC schedule as well as a rant about some Star Wars fans taking things out of context and blowing them out of proportion. We brought you the story recently of the supposed “leaked copy” of the Revan novel, set to release in November and the accusations that it “attempted to retcon elements of KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords”. I had no proof that this message board member really read the Revan novel, although he did supply a photo of what was supposed to be the cover of the proof copy or something. Regardless, I prefer to make…

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Star Wars: Revan Novel Spoilers- an Unofficial Review

We found an interesting write-up about the Revan novel that contains spoilers of the storyline for SWTOR and the novel. In a post on, user “Sparris” posts, “After getting and reading an uncorrected proof of this story, pretty sure most people will think it sucks.” He goes on to give about 600 words or so of a summary of the novel that portrays it in a less-than-interesting light. However, we also have to keep in mind that this is one person’s opinion and a rough summary at that and we don’t actually see any more than a pic of the alleged cover of the proof of the novel. SPOILERS INCOMING: The poster says: There are three main characters throughout: Revan, the Exile (now named Meetra Surik,) and a Sith Lord in the Emperor’s service named Darth Scourge. Ok, fair enough. What’s next? Revan’s story is pretty simple. His dreams…

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Know your lore: Revan

Revan: The Enigmatic Hero of the Star Wars Universe

Revan is one of the most complex and beloved characters in the Star Wars universe. From his mysterious origins and rise to power to his eventual fall and redemption, Revan’s story is a fascinating exploration of the themes of identity, morality, and the struggle between light and dark. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the legend of Revan, tracing his journey through the Old Republic era, his role in the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) games, his impact in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), and his enduring presence in modern Star Wars media. Chapter 1: The Origins of Revan – From Jedi to Sith Lord The story of Revan begins in the time of the Old Republic, an era filled with conflict, intrigue, and the constant struggle between the forces of light and dark. To understand the enigmatic figure that Revan would become, we must first look…

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