
Star Wars: The Old Republic – Roleplay Guide

Explore our SWTOR Roleplay Guide for crafting engaging characters, discovering top RP locations, and mastering roleplay etiquette.

Roleplaying in “Star Wars: The Old Republic” (SWTOR) offers a rich, immersive experience that allows players to deeply engage with the game’s expansive universe. This guide will help you navigate the aspects of creating a compelling character, finding the best locations for roleplay, participating in events, and understanding the etiquette that makes SWTOR a respectful and fun community for roleplayers. 1. Creating a Compelling Character Backstory Crafting a compelling character backstory in “Star Wars: The Old Republic” (SWTOR) sets the foundation for immersive and meaningful roleplay. Here’s an expanded guide on how to develop a rich, layered backstory that resonates with both the player and the community. Foundational Elements 1. Start With the Basics: 2. Establish a Detailed Background: Developing Key Events 1. Defining Moments: 2. Evolution Over Time: Creating Relationships 1. Allies and Adversaries: 2. Romance and Bonds: Setting Goals and Motivations 1. Short and Long Term Goals: 2….

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Episode Zero – Lost Archives

A video series for a small community, here’s something to give your attention to for a bit. It’s Episode Zero, Lost Archives, a lore show made to showcase the Characters, Stories, and Adventures created by the Roleplay Community.  We’ve got something fun and interesting to share with you this week from the SWTOR community. This archive of the lost and forgotten will be curated by Darth Eros, his assistant Master Hawke and other guests. Darth Eros is also a writer, so I completely relate to what he says about the roleplaying community, making friends, and growing yourself as a writer through roleplaying. It’s one big reason I have always loved gaming so much. As a creative and a writer, video games were a way to flex my creative brain, and video games with a story, or that allowed roleplaying were all the more fun. By the time SWTOR came around,…

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The Corbantis Chronicles – A SWTOR Roleplaying Comic

You know how much I love sharing cool SWTOR and Star Wars fan art with you. Well, we found this cool post on the SWTOR subreddit and of course wanted to share it with you. Warning: Contains minor spoiler about Republic Makeb. “Wanted to share this here. It’s my first attempt ever at a comic or a roleplaying storyline for my characters in SWTOR. Any feedback negative or positive is most appreciated. Warning: Contains minor spoiler about Republic Makeb. Page One  Page Two The fan comic was created using a combination of Photoshop & Manga Studio EX 5. The chat bubbles could use a little work- which is common when someone is new to creating comics but overall, we think it’s pretty good. What do you think? Can’t wait to see more!

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A Warning from the Dread Masters

The Dread Masters posted a warning to all players on the official forums yesterday. Personally  Love it! Whoever decided to ramp up the amount of RP juiced prepatch content is brilliant!  And props to the “Dread Masters” for even replying to the whiny, troll posts! Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist. You have a choice – become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us. Choose your words wisely. We will be watching. One of the posts that really court my eye was this one: War and death will claim you even in…

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Men Roleplaying Females in Games: Where My Girls At?

So here’s a topic I have had with male friends and even with my husband- the topic of males roelpaying females in video games. When you ask where someone stands on this issue, you can get a great deal of varied opinions, something I find really interesting. As for me, I don’t really care. I treat someone as what they represent themselves to be online. Several years ago, I played WoW as a priest in a raiding guild back when 40-mans were the top-tier endgame content. There was another priest, a female Night Elf who was a senior player to me. She taught me how to play priest, how to keep up with the tanks and when to take mana breaks without holding up the whole flow of the run. She taught me a great deal about mastering priest healing in the game and even how to lead healing for…

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New set of transfer options for EU PVP/RP servers.

JovethGonzalez (BioWare rep) has just announced new availeble destination servers for some of the European RP-PvP servers. Until now, it has only been possible for players on those servers to transfers to other PvP servers, but now they get the option to choose a RP-PvE serve. The servers who get this option is: Lord Calypho, Jen’jidai, Huntmaster. Players who already transfered their characters to the PvP servers, can contact CS to help them transfer again. Check out the forum post here, or our copy past below: Today , 07:18 PM | #874 REPORT POST QUOTE Hi folks, As promised, we’ve been monitoring the state of populations on the remaining European RP-PvP servers (Lord Calypho, Jen’jidai, Huntmaster) since we’ve allowed for transfers to PvP destination servers. Based on current populations on these three servers, we are now going to open up an additional RP-PVE destination server for the remaining population. The…

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SWTOR Server Types and PvP Rulesets Announced

Are you ready for SWTOR yet? As we get closer to the eventual release date, more information is being released via the forums and from official staff regarding different aspects of the game and what we can expect from it. There will be four different server types in Star Wars: The Old Republic and each of these server types will have different rules. You may as well learn about them now so you can start planning which server type you want to play on in order to get the most from your experience in the game. You may also want to talk to your friends who will be playing with you to make sure you are all on the same page about the server type you want to play on. On the official SWTOR servers, David Bass explains the server types that will be in SWTOR: PvE (Player vs Environment)…

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The SWTOR RP Class Selection Flowchart!

A Reddit user, DarthRevan, created and shared a class selection flowchart to help us all out. His post reads: I made it relatively quickly in MS Paint, so I apologize if it’s not so visually appealing. It was meant to be functional, and is a first draft of sorts. I would love any feedback, and I might even revise it if people find it helpful with some tweaks. If someone wants to make a flowchart based on gameplay & mechanics (which I also think will be very helpful), I invite them to do so because I admit a lack of expertise on that. So without further ado: The SWTOR RP Class Selection Flowchart! Edit: I also found in the process of making this chart that it is very difficult to find short statements that encapsulate the actual choices, which are more complex. I tried my best, though. Edit 2: People…

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Cross-Faction Chatting

One question going around the forums this week was in regards to cross faction chatting in SWTOR. While there are obvious reasons why it might not be good to have cross faction chatting, there are also some reasons why it would be beneficial. Many of the RP elements of the game would be taken out if players had no capability for cross-faction chat at all. So some fans are asking if there will be cross-faction chat in certain local chat or in shared towns and cities. Many believe that local chat should be open to both sides.       Stephen Reid, Senior Online Community Manager addressed this issue on the forums stating, “That’s one of the options that’s being looked at right now. As I said, a final decision hasn’t been made, and this is a feature that’s in testing. Your opinions on the topic are welcome, as long…

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Plans for endgame in place

Not really that surprising, but BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk noted that they have plans for The Old Republic’s endgame in place, as noted by VG247: BioWare bossman Ray Muzyka has told VG247’s US editor Stephany Nunneley that plans for what happens after you finish Star Wars: The Old Republic are in place. But speaking at GDC alongside fellow head of the studio Greg Zeschuk, the pair wouldn’t go into specifics as to what would be coming. “We have plans for end game, but can’t be more specific,” said Muzyka, before teasing: “Actually, we can, but we won’t. “But soon actually, it’s nice to be able to reveal things a little bit over time.” “It’s been a long cycle, but we knew that going in and we’ve been very thoughtful about details. People who play MMOs want details,” added Zeschuk. That said, there will be stuff in the game…

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Can BioWare Put The RPG Back in MMORPG?

You can’t help but wonder whether BioWare’s upcoming MMOG, Star Wars The Old Republic, will be able to port the same roleplaying aspect their successful single player games are known for to a new platform. Tentonhammer Have an excellent editorial about this: With story based MMOGs, I had hoped games would give us direction and purpose without losing the ability to make choices. Alas this was not to be–most current quest-based games give you little more than a choice between taking a quest or not taking a quest. I want to take a quest to kill a target and then be faced with the decision whether to actually kill them or let them go. Either way, there could be consequences for my actions. Let me piss off an NPC and have to face him or his minions later. Let me refuse to take a quest from an NPC vendor and…

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