Alderaan Datacron Locations
Alderaan was a Core Founder of the Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY and one of the anchor-points for early hyperspace exploration. Alderaan was headquarters of Alderaan Royal Engineers, an early Republic shipwright. Alderaanian colonists settled Nim Drovis. During the Mandalorian Wars, the planet was threatened with invasion by the forces of Cassus Fett, but the entire invasion force was prematurely decimated, due to misuse of an ancient Sith artifact. Read all about Alderaan here, and check out the Datacron locations below: Don’t forget to check out constantly growing list of guides for Star Wars: The old republic There is a Specialty Goods vendor that sells 2 items required to get 2 datacrons on this planet (and a couple others on other planets.) She is located in the Juran Mountains. There are a lot of dotted trails on map in the southern section, look for the one that is a counter-clockwise tilted “T”….