Mondays story about Star Wars: The Old Republic writer Daniel Erickson’s explanation of how someone writes for the Sith Empire sparked a huge amount of discussion on the official forums. There was so much discussion in fact, that Daniel Erickson took to the official forums to further explain his reasoning and thought process behind writing from the Empire’s point of view. Of the conversation occurring across the official forums, Erickson had to say, “An interesting thread. I always like to see what responses the philosophical discussions provoke. Hopefully people noticed that there were no quotes from me saying the Sith were good — even the interviewer ended on it being an excuse to unleash ones hate.“” After that intro, Erickson goes on to deftly explain the complexities behind writing for ostensibly the “evil side” in a manner that makes them more than dastardly villains with cape and cane. It’s a…
Genocide and Jedi: why the Sith may be right in Old Republic
arstechnic has a great interview with Daniel Erickson about who the real bad guys are in Star Wars: “The one thing you’re never going to hear is ‘make the bad guys less interesting.’” I’m sitting in an out-of-the-way room of Lucasarts with Daniel Erickson, who keeps swinging back to one topic: why the people we’ve come to hate in the Star Wars universe act as they do. He’s given this some thought; as the lead writer on Star Wars: The Old Republic, the upcoming Star Wars MMO, it’s his job to help tell both sides of the story. In our time together we discuss the extended universe, he makes the case for Grand Admiral Thrawn, and explains how the Jedi attempted genocide… and why the Sith may just be right. While we’re on the topic of the extended universe, he brings up the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. “Thrawn is…
SW:TOR Fan Friday Offers a Look at Facial Markings, Renders, Fan Fiction, and More
As you can see from the image above, this week’s Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday brings us a peek at some of the customization options for character heads. We also get to see some fan art, fan fiction, and a short video of some of the force powers of the Sith via a 3D render, You can see the video below:
Know your lore: Saul Karath
Saul Karath is a name that resonates with fans of the Star Wars universe, particularly those who have ventured into the rich narratives of Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). Once a decorated Republic admiral, Saul Karath’s descent into treachery and his eventual role as a Sith admiral is one of the most intriguing and tragic arcs in Star Wars lore. This article explores his story, from his origins to his lasting legacy in the broader Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: The Origins of Saul Karath A Star is Born in the Republic Navy Saul Karath’s journey began in the heart of the Galactic Republic, where he quickly established himself as a rising star in the Republic Navy. Picture a young officer with a sharp mind and an even sharper uniform, who had all the qualities of a future military legend: tactical genius, unwavering dedication, and the kind of charisma…
Know your lore: Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus is one of the most enigmatic and terrifying figures in the Star Wars universe. Known as the Lord of Hunger, Nihilus is a Sith Lord whose very existence is tied to an insatiable hunger for the Force, making him a formidable and tragic character. His story, from his origins to his role in the Old Republic and beyond, is a dark tale of power, corruption, and the consequences of unrestrained ambition. In this article, we’ll explore the life and legacy of Darth Nihilus, delving into his history, his influence on the Star Wars universe, and his enduring appeal. Chapter 1: The Origins of Darth Nihilus A Survivor in the Wreckage of War Darth Nihilus’s story begins not in the halls of power, but in the ashes of a devastating conflict. Picture this: you’re on the planet Malachor V, where the echoes of the Mandalorian Wars have left the…
Fan Friday: Composing the Sith Inquisitor Developer Blog
The latest Fan Friday content has been posted on the official Old Republic site! This week Sean presents the TOR community with a developer blog from writer Rebecca Harwick giving an overview of the Sith Inquisitor: When we set out to build our game, we knew we needed more than one Sith class. The original trilogy only has two Sith in it, but they couldn’t be more different: the heavily armored brutal physicality of Darth Vader compared to the frail but immensely powerful Emperor Palpatine. When we extend our inspiration to Episodes I-III and The Clone Wars cartoons, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and Asajj Ventress further expand our concept of what a Sith can be. Is a Sith a lithe quick fighter who uses the Force to enhance his/her physical combat prowess, a calculating deceiver adept at Lightsaber duels, or a master manipulator and amasser of dark side secrets? Does…
Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Dromund Kaas
Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a colony then the capital of the Old Sith Empire and later the lasting base of the Prophets of the Dark Side, whose Dark Force Temple contained such power in the the dark side of the Force that most weapons, excluding lightsabers, malfunctioned on the planet’s surface. The site of a major battle during the New Sith Wars under Kaan’s Brotherhood of Darkness, for millennia the planet’s location was known only to a few, very select Sith Lords, falling almost completely out of the public eye. Description Dromund Kaas was located within the boundaries of Sith space, and the only planet in the entire Dromund system to support life. A wet, marshy world, the majority of the planet was either ocean or swamp, making it difficult for any pilots attempting to land to find a stable location to bring their…
Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire
Today BioWare gives us a new Timeline update, in which Master Gnost-Dural talks about the surprise attack of the Empire on the Republic. Here’s the official news: A new holorecord in the Jedi Archive tells the story of the Sith Empire’s surprise attack at the start of the Great War over 28 years before the Sacking of Coruscant. Master Gnost-Dural notes the brilliance of the Imperial military’s carefully orchestrated assault which put the Republic at a disadvantage for the duration of the conflict. BTC 28 – Centuries after being driven into exile, the Sith Empire returned from deep space to launch the most calculated military assault in Republic history. Strategically revealing its attack in a menacing manner, the Sith struck fear into the hearts of the Republic’s defenders even while orchestrating surprise attacks at carefully targeted locations across the galaxy. When the Republic fleet rushed to respond, they discovered the…
Dromund Kaas, Imperial Seat of Power
Colonized and built upon by the Sith Empire, Dromund Kaas is home to the Emperor and his Dark Council. Almost completely forgotten for over a thousand years, the rediscovery of this world prompted the Sith surprise attacks that plunged the entire galaxy headlong into war. Despite being “off the map” by comparison to more heavily visited planets, such as the training world of Korriban, Dromund Kaas is very much the center of the Empire. Although the Emperor himself seems to have fallen silent recently, his Dark Council may have awakened a dangerous, hidden power within the planet’s jungles and ruins. Access the HoloNet records to learn more about the mysterious past, and uncertain future of Dromund Kaas. Also, explore Dromund Kaas in this planet flythrough video, and be sure to check out the media section to see the latest wallpapers, screenshots, and concept art!
Know your legends: Darth Sion
Darth Sion, also known as the Lord of Pain, is one of the most intriguing and terrifying Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe. Known for his unique ability to sustain his life through sheer willpower and the dark side of the Force, Darth Sion’s story is a tragic tale of suffering, hatred, and the relentless pursuit of power. In this article, we will explore the life of Darth Sion, his role in the Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KOTOR II), and his enduring legacy in Star Wars lore. Chapter 1: The Origins of Darth Sion From a Warrior to the Lord of Pain Darth Sion’s story begins in a place of pain—literally. Before he became known as the Lord of Pain, Sion was a Sith warrior whose life was defined by suffering. Unlike the glamorous or powerful origins of other Sith Lords, Sion’s beginnings were…
Developer Dispatch 5: Designing the Dark Side
Inspired by notorious characters such as Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior take different approaches to their rise to power. The Sith Warrior achieves victory through pure aggression and might while the Sith Inquisitor excels by cunning ambition and Force manipulation. From storyline, to art style, to combat tactics, each design decision was made to support the dark side themes of power, domination, and destruction. Watch Developer Dispatch: Designing the Dark Side, and learn how Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ developers created this dominating force.
While we wait for The Old Republic: Duality
Duality is one of the most popular Star Wars fan films ever made. It was quite an acheivement in it’s time, and is still regarded as a model of achievement for the quality of the CG work in the film. The film was filmed entirely against a blue screen at Alamo films. Duality was made as a follow-up project to Duel, and has even sired a parody call Two-ness. The story is basically this: two Sith apprentices are set against each other as a final test to determine which one will serve at their master’s side. And so it is that Darth Oz watches as Darth Blight and Lord Rive battle to the death….. The script was first written by Mark Thomas, with Dave Macomber devising the fight. Filming took place at Alamo Studios in Santa Barbara, California in September of 2000. A teaser trailer was released in November 2000,…
Know your lore: Darth Malak
Darth Malak is one of the most infamous Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe, known for his brutal tactics, imposing presence, and significant role in the fall of the Jedi during the Old Republic era. As the primary antagonist in Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), Malak’s story is intertwined with the rise and fall of his former master, Revan. In this article, we’ll explore Darth Malak’s journey from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord, his role in KOTOR, and his enduring legacy in the Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: The Origins of Darth Malak Alek: The Jedi with Big Ambitions Before he was known as Darth Malak, one of the most feared Sith Lords in the galaxy, he was simply Alek. Born on the remote planet of Quelii, Alek’s early life was far from glamorous. But like many Force-sensitive children, he was discovered by the Jedi Order and whisked…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Contract of Evil
Contract of Evil is a 2004 fan film directed by Kantz, starring Lou Klein, who also wrote the film, Rusty Locke, Andre “China” McCoy and Edwin Villa. It received the Best Makeup award in The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards of 2008. From TheForce.Net: For years, the Sith were thought to be extinct – but on a remote desolate planet, vengeful spirits of chaos have decreed a battle for power, for only through a trial of pain can the hidden Sith masters find one worthy of the title Dark Lord. Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Originally Released: October 2004 Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Website:
Know your lore: Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan is one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, particularly for fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) series. With her powerful abilities, complex personality, and crucial role in some of the galaxy’s most pivotal moments, Bastila has cemented herself as a fan-favorite. In this article, we’ll dive into her origins, her connection to Revan, her journey through the events of KOTOR, and her lasting legacy in the Star Wars lore. Chapter 1: The Origins of Bastila Shan A Force-Sensitive Beginning Every great Jedi has to start somewhere, and for Bastila Shan, that somewhere was the rather unassuming planet of Talravin. Born into a galaxy already steeped in conflict, Bastila didn’t have the most peaceful childhood. But, as with many Force-sensitive beings, her destiny was far from ordinary. Even as a young girl, it was clear that Bastila was something special. Imagine being…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Dark Resurrection
Dark Resurrection is an Italian Star Wars fanfilm (with english subtitles) written and directed by Angelo Licata and produced by Davide Bigazzi and Licata. It consists of two episodes, each 60 minutes long. The first episode was released in 2007 and the second episode is still in production. Movie scenes were shot in Italy and further enhanced by special effects. The story begins a few centuries after Episode VI, telling about a young Jedi apprentice who lives in a period of great changes in the balance of the force and galaxy. Even if it has been realized with limited means and with a very low budget (approximately 7000 Euro) the LucasFilm itself, after having watched the trailer, defined it “Truly Amazing”. Result of both digital technology and creator’s passion, this project has attracted the attention of the most important italian magazines (Ciak, Jack, XL, Panorama etc etc). The cast is…
Threat of Peace, Issue #20
The twentieth issue of Threat of Peace™ catches Lord Angral aboard his battle cruiser. After receiving a tip from his criminal partner, Angral turns back to Korriban to confront the traitorous Lord Baras. At the same time, Jedi Master Orgus Din surprises the Bounty Hunter Braden in a Nar Shaddaa cantina and demands to know who was responsible for the attack on Coruscant. Check out the latest issue of Threat of Peace now.
Know your lore: Kreia
Kreia is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the Star Wars universe, standing out not just for her deep philosophical insights but also for her intricate ties to key events and characters across the galaxy. From her mysterious origins in the Old Republic era to her enduring influence in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Kreia remains a character shrouded in both mystery and wisdom. In this article, we’ll explore the lore surrounding Kreia, her connections to Revan, her pivotal role in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KOTOR II), and her lasting impact on the Star Wars universe, including more recent appearances in comics and books. Chapter 1: Kreia’s Origins and Early Life Let’s talk about Kreia—because when it comes to mysterious backstories in the Star Wars universe, she’s got one of the best (or most frustrating, depending on how you look at it)….
Did Eurogamer Jump The Gun On TOR’s Latest Class?
6 days ago Eurogamer reported that TOR’s new Sith class is the Imperial Agent: BioWare and LucasArts have revealed the sixth of eight character classes in their Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic: the Imperial Agent. This rogue-style class on the Empire side specialises in subterfuge, infiltration and assassination, doing the Empire’s dirty work behind the scenes. Imperial Agents’ skills will be based around the use of high-tech gadgetary. They will show you “the underbelly of the Empire in a way never before seen,” producer Blaine Christine told press at an EA event earlier this week.. Seeing as how BioWare just announced the Jedi Knight last week and has yet to make the Agent an official announcement, methinks there’s something hinky going on in the state of Eurogamer.
The Battle of Bothawui
A new holorecord in the Jedi Archive captures a poignant moment in the Republic’s recent history. Master Gnost-Dural recounts the story of the battle of Bothawui—a battle in which the courage and sacrifice of Jedi and Republic forces scored a major victory against the Sith Empire. BTC 18 – Nearly a decade after the return of the Sith Empire and the start of the Great War, the Empire had scored dozens of victories, establishing its dominance in the Outer Rim. As the Sith turned their forces toward the Mid Rim, however, the Republic prepared a bold surprise. When an Imperial squadron arrived to seize control of Bothawui, the entire Republic fleet was waiting. The fleet’s victory was celebrated across the galaxy, but the truly inspiring moment was yet to come. As the Republic fleet dispersed to defend other battlefronts, only a small force remained behind to face the Empire’s retribution….
The 7 Forms of Lightsaber Combat
Threat of Peace, Issue #16 Sucks this week! Bioware has said October should see some juicy updates. So I won’t really comment on Threat of Peace, Issue #16 Instead I will look at The 7 Forms of Lightsaber Combat. So the 7 forms are as fallows… “Form I: Shii-Cho “Way of the Sarlacc” or “Determination Form” to be used against more than one foe. Form II: Makashi “Way of the Ysalamir” or “Contention Form” Form III: Soresu “Way of the Mynock” or “Resilience Form” Form IV: Ataru “Way of the Hawk-Bat” or “Aggression Form” Form V: Shien / Djem So “Way of the Krayt Dragon” or “Perseverance Form” Form VI: Niman “Way of the Rancor” or “Moderation Form” Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad “Way of the Vornskr” or “Ferocity Form” “quoted from Wookiepedia.. ——————————— Finn, personally uses what we at Jen’Jidai call D-Form. It’s an official form. “D-form, first discovered…
Know your lore: Revan
Revan is one of the most complex and beloved characters in the Star Wars universe. From his mysterious origins and rise to power to his eventual fall and redemption, Revan’s story is a fascinating exploration of the themes of identity, morality, and the struggle between light and dark. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the legend of Revan, tracing his journey through the Old Republic era, his role in the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) games, his impact in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), and his enduring presence in modern Star Wars media. Chapter 1: The Origins of Revan – From Jedi to Sith Lord The story of Revan begins in the time of the Old Republic, an era filled with conflict, intrigue, and the constant struggle between the forces of light and dark. To understand the enigmatic figure that Revan would become, we must first look…