
Happy Thanksgiving!

The staff of SWToRStrategies.com would like to offer a special Thanksgiving greeting to express to you our sincere appreciation for your continuous support and readership. We are deeply thankful and extend to you our best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day!

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FREEBIE WARS: Free CD Key Giveaway from Allkeyshop and SWTORSTRATEGIES is over

The FREEBIE WARS: Free CD Key Giveaway from Allkeyshop and SWTORSTRATEGIES is now over. The smoke has lifted and the winner has been choose. The winner is Fiuciuc Andrei-Nicolas, and he choose the game “Remember Me” Congratulations mate. Hope you will enjoy it. Thanks to Allkeyshop for hosting the giveaway, and thanks to all that participated in our little game. Below is the trailer for the game Fiuciuc choose:

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Congratulations to Lisa

Yesterday, our always hyper active staff writer  Lisa gave birth to a baby boy. Both mom and and boy is doing fine. I’m not posting any pictures as I don’t have Lisa’s permission to do so yet – she is still in hospital. Congratulations  to Lisa from the rest of us here at swtorstrategies.com some other random kid that came up when I googled baby

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SWTOR Strategies Google+ Page

Are you on Google+? Looking for a new way to follow us and get your favorite SWTOR strategies, news and updates in one place? We know how important it is to get what you want where you want it and some people just aren’t into Twitter and Facebook. Now that Google+ is offering businesses pages (similar to fanpages on Facebook), we have created one as one more way to bring you great SWTOR and Star Wars related news and updates. So head on over to SWTOR Strategies on Google + and show us some love, share us and tell your friends.

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The New Guy

A young man enters a crowded LAN center. The room goes silent like an old western. He walks over to the front desk. “Three hours of HoN and one hour of World of Warcraft.” He shows his ID and debit card as he smiles at the cashier. Noise resumes in the LAN center. “Who’s the new guy?” A man from a PC in ear shot. His friend stares at him as though he had just insulted the Queen of England. – “That’s Nigel. Princemarth, Princezexu, Conflux. He’s Internet royalty!” The man who had asked the question didn’t seem impressed. “So what’s he done?” – “What’s he done?! Try cleared all of the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King content. As a kid he was an amazing PKer in Runescape, he helped create one of the best guilds in the Ragnarok Online community. Professional teams for Team Fortress 2…

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Site updates July 2011

I know we haven’t been good keep you guys posted on what’s going on at the site, So I thought it would be a good time to keep you guys update on some of the new features we made on the side. First of all we have re-added the Forum. We took it down re constructed the site a few month back, and havenøt gotten around to put it back up. You can find it under the community menu as shown below: Hopefully we can get some great discussion and lot’s of fun there in the future. You need to creat an account to use it, but it’s super simple, and only takes a few minutes. Secondly we added  IRC Chat to the forum. We have chosen to joine the #SWTOR channel on Quakenet, since it’s the largest SWTOR Chat on all of the IRC networks. I go by the…

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10.000 Nerf Herders!

To quote Lando “yeeee haaa. We are deeply honored that so many people have chosen to subscribe to our Facebook page. When I first started this blog two years ago, I had no idea that it will become so popular. Back then 10 people stopping by was a huge thing. Today we get more than 130.000 hits a month – Not bad for a fan blog covering a game that is not even out yet. When a simple blog like this grows so much, it gives some good ideas on how huge this game has the potential to become. It puts on an enormous pressure on the developers, but if anyone can live up to this, it’s Bioware. No other gaming company has delivered quality in a way that Bioware have done. Mix that with the biggest IP in the world and the deep pockets of EA, and I am confident that Star Wars: The old republic will be one of the biggest games…

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The Guild – Star Wars Fun

Hey everyone! Okay, last week I promised that I’d look into some more guild related stuff, but as it so happens, I’m one of those special breeds called “lazy”, and as such, I didn’t really get it done in time. So I’ll postpone it untill next week. I did, however, find time to post a few funny movies I’ve enjoyed several times, and I hope you will as well. Some of them you might already know, but I think most of these are worth more than one view! Luke getting yelled at by Vader Vader being a smartass What if Obi Wan had used force run? Vader feels blue Dramatic star wars chipmunk If you find yourself holding on to some information you’d like to spread around, or if you simply have to get something off your chest – don’t hesitate, send me that e-mail right away! All subjects concering…

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The guild – New column

Hi. This is Peter writing to you. I’ll be overseeing and writing a new weekly column here om swtorstrategies.com called “The Guild” where YOU can share your thoughts on the coming Star Wars: The old republic. Do you know something about the game we don’t? Do you have any special plans or thoughts about the guild system, the combat system or even the payment system? Send me an email, and I might contact you for further information and bring an exclusive interview with you here on this column! No thoughts are too small or too big to be important on this column! Now – a little about myself. My name is Peter (As I already mentioned) and I’ve played mmorpgs since DAoC, and before that, I did a few years of mud’ing. I went on to play SW:G where I led a really large flora empire with a friend of…

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May The 4th Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the 4th, and the force, be with us all today. May 4 is called Star Wars Day (also sometimes known as Luke Skywalker Day) because of a pun on the similarity between “May the 4th be with you” and “May the Force be with you”, a phrase often spoken in the Star Wars movies. Despite efforts to start a Jedi Church with 4 May as its Star Wars Day, as of 4 May 2009 there is no religion-supporting organization that promotes 4 May as Star Wars Day. In 2005 German news TV channel N24 interviewed George Lucas and asked him to say his famous sentence, “May the Force be with you.” The translator simultaneously translated to German: “Am 4. Mai sind wir bei Ihnen”. (We are with you on May 4). This was captured by comedy show TV Total and aired on May 18, 2005….

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Sign up for our newsletter!

Hey its Clayton here.. I just want to say that just a few days ago we set up a newsletter just for YOU. Here’s what you’ll get: -The latest and best Swtor news and updates -A bunch of cool stuff including a free swtor eBook/handbook that Soren and I are putting together -Subscriber-only content and much more… So just put your first name and your email address in the signup form on the right and send us feedback on anything that you would like to tell us about! Thanks again (P.S, our Facebook page is almost at 5,000 fans thanks to all of you!) -Clayton

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Star WarsThe Old Republic: What are YOU most excited about?

Hello everyone! This website has been running since 2008 and we thank you all for supporting us thus far. We have seen some major advancements with the game and we will be posting some more content from the developers themselves! We have been talking and we really want to get into touch with the visitors of our site. We definitely want some more interaction so expect to see some interactive posts in the coming future! So the question I want to ask to you all today is this, what are YOU most excited about for Star Wars: The Old Republic? Is it the awesome gameplay that we will experience? Is it the questing? Which class are you most excited to play in? How much time will you spend trying to master the game before others do? 🙂 Tell us ANY of your thoughts! There is so much to look foward…

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