Star WarsThe Old Republic: What are YOU most excited about?

Hello everyone! This website has been running since 2008 and we thank you all for supporting us thus far. We have seen some major advancements with the game and we will be posting some more content from the developers themselves! We have been talking and we really want to get into touch with the visitors of our site. We definitely want some more interaction so expect to see some interactive posts in the coming future!

So the question I want to ask to you all today is this, what are YOU most excited about for Star Wars: The Old Republic?

Is it the awesome gameplay that we will experience?

Is it the questing?

Which class are you most excited to play in?

How much time will you spend trying to master the game before others do? 🙂

Tell us ANY of your thoughts!

There is so much to look foward to in SWTOR! I was posting in the forums earlier today and I was talking about how its going to be so exciting to see that screen start up for the first time when we insert the game into our CPU’s! Sighs… Oh well, the wait continues…

So we really want to hear your responses so please post your comments below!