- 3 screenshots of Oricon, the new planet.
- Concept arts of various existing and upcoming cartel market weapons/pets/masks/mounts (Dewback mounts & various reskins!)
- High res pic of the F5-SC Battle droid from RAF rewards
- Possible Markin pet?
These is also a Summary of Q&A (provided by Azod Sawave of TOFN) that highlights points such as whether or not there will be any new classes or AC, something about the SSSP (Super Secret Space Project), info about why Cartel Market content and items come out more quickly than game content, chest farming on Makeb is NOT considered and exploit and much more.
If you’d like to see it all for yourself, a reader gave Dulfy some screenshots and info about what was on that flash drive and you can see it yourself here on Dulfy’s site.
**Special thanks to Markus/Flup and German fansite Jedipedia.net for sending Dulfy these pics!
And stay tuned because there is a Seattle Cantina Tour on Aug 31st and we’re hoping to see some more great images and info coming out of that one. Are you going to be there? Let us know!