Debunking the Insider Gaming Article on Massive Entertainment’s Upcoming Star Wars Game

Recently Insider Gaming published an article with supposed details about Massive Entertainment’s upcoming Star Wars game. The article in question, claims to have inside information about Massive Entertainment’s upcoming Star Wars game. The game, which is said to be a “live-service” title, is alleged to feature a “multiplayer open-world sandbox” and “large-scale multiplayer battles.” According to the article, the game will also feature a “deep progression system” and “character customization.”

However, there are several red flags that suggest the article may not be accurate. First, there is no evidence to support the claims made in the article. There has been no official confirmation from Massive Entertainment or Lucasfilm about the game’s features or release date. Additionally, there is no corroboration of the information from any other sources.

Another red flag is the lack of detail in the article. The article does not provide any specific information about the game’s mechanics or gameplay. It also does not mention any of the developers or designers working on the game. This lack of detail makes it difficult to determine the credibility of the article.

Finally, the article includes several inaccuracies. For example, the article claims that the game will be set “during the prequel trilogy.” However, the Star Wars prequel trilogy takes place between the years 32 BBY and 19 BBY, while the game is said to be set in the “far future” of the Star Wars universe. This inconsistency is a clear indication that the article may not be entirely accurate.

In conclusion, while the details of Massive Entertainment’s upcoming Star Wars game are certainly exciting, there is no evidence to support the claims made in the Insider Gaming article. Until there is official confirmation from Massive Entertainment or Lucasfilm, it is best to take these details with a grain of salt.