Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws: An Original Adventure Uninfluenced by Star Wars 1313

Ubisoft, the developer behind the upcoming open-world title Star Wars Outlaws, has recently shared new details about the game, emphasizing its originality and lack of influence from the cancelled Star Wars 1313.

In an interview with IGN, the game’s narrative director Navid Khavari, creative director Julian Gerighty, and Lucasfilm senior creative executive Matt Martin, discussed the game’s unique tone that aims to be both recognizable and original for fans.

One of the key elements of Star Wars Outlaws is the moon Toshara, inspired by biomes in East Africa. This setting embodies the “80/20 rule” that Lucasfilm applies to its Star Wars properties. As Martin explained, “It’s 80% familiar, 20% alien, 20% fantastical.” The collaboration with Ubisoft Massive has been fruitful, with the team bringing forward great ideas and deep cuts into the Star Wars universe.

The game’s timeline is also unique. Unlike recent Star Wars games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor, which are set after the events of Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Outlaws unfolds between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Martin emphasized the importance of maintaining the vastness of the galaxy, noting that there hasn’t been a “scoundrel story in this era on screen” before.

The game’s protagonist, Kay, is not a Jedi, Sith, or any other familiar Star Wars archetype. Instead, she is a thief just trying to get by in the underworld, navigating her reputation with various syndicates. This fresh perspective offers a wealth of storytelling opportunities.

Given the game’s focus on the criminal underworld and syndicates, comparisons to the cancelled Star Wars 1313 might seem natural. However, the team has not used Star Wars 1313 as an inspiration at all. “This was really from the ground up,” Khavari stated. Gerighty added, “We don’t have access to any other space. And to be honest, the pleasure as creators is also to try and find our own way and our own niche and think of things with the experience and the scale that Massive and the Palm Studios can bring to it.”

In conclusion, Star Wars Outlaws promises to deliver an original and immersive experience, unencumbered by the influence of previous Star Wars games. With its unique setting, timeline, and protagonist, the game is set to carve out its own niche in the Star Wars universe.


Q1: What is Star Wars Outlaws? A: Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming open-world game developed by Ubisoft, set in the Star Wars universe.

Q2: What is the setting of Star Wars Outlaws? A: The game features unique settings, including the moon Toshara, which is inspired by biomes in East Africa.

Q3: When is Star Wars Outlaws set in the Star Wars timeline? A: Star Wars Outlaws is set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Q4: Who is the main character in Star Wars Outlaws? A: The protagonist of the game is a character named Kay, a thief navigating her reputation with various syndicates in the underworld.

Q5: Is Star Wars Outlaws influenced by Star Wars 1313? A: No, the development team has stated that Star Wars Outlaws was not influenced by Star Wars 1313 and was created from the ground up.

Q6: What was Star Wars 1313? A: Star Wars 1313 was a cancelled video game that was set to explore the criminal underworld of the Star Wars universe. Despite its cancellation, it has remained a point of interest among Star Wars fans.

Q7: Who are the developers behind Star Wars Outlaws? A: Star Wars Outlaws is being developed by Ubisoft Massive, in collaboration with Lucasfilm.