Guild Management and Raids in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Guild Management and Raids in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

In Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGoH), guilds are essential for accessing some of the game’s most rewarding content, including raids and Territory Battles. Effective guild management and coordination can significantly enhance your gaming experience, allowing you to achieve greater success in these challenging activities. This comprehensive guide will cover how to find or build a strong guild, strategies for different raid types, and tips for coordination and communication within your guild.

How to Find or Build a Strong Guild

Finding or building a strong guild is the foundation of your success in SWGoH. A well-organized and active guild can make a significant difference in your progress, offering support, resources, and camaraderie.

Finding a Guild

  1. Define Your Goals: Determine what you want from a guild. Are you looking for a casual, friendly environment or a competitive, progression-focused guild? Understanding your goals will help you find a guild that matches your playstyle and expectations.
  2. Use In-Game Tools: The in-game guild search tool allows you to find guilds based on activity level, raid participation, and other criteria. This is a good starting point for finding potential guilds.
  3. Join Online Communities: Participate in SWGoH communities on platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Facebook. These communities often have guild recruitment channels where guilds advertise openings and players can seek guilds.
  4. Check Guild Requirements: Ensure you meet the minimum requirements for the guilds you are interested in. This may include player level, Galactic Power (GP), and specific character or team requirements.
  5. Evaluate Guild Activity: Look for guilds with active participation in raids, Territory Battles, and Territory Wars. An active guild will have higher engagement and better rewards.

Building a Guild

If you prefer to build your own guild, follow these steps to create a strong and active community:

  1. Recruitment: Advertise your guild in SWGoH communities and use in-game recruitment tools. Clearly state your guild’s goals, requirements, and expectations to attract like-minded players.
  2. Establish Rules and Guidelines: Set clear rules and guidelines for guild participation, including activity expectations, raid participation, and communication standards. Ensure all members are aware of these rules.
  3. Promote Communication: Encourage members to use communication platforms like Discord or LINE. Effective communication is crucial for coordinating guild activities and fostering a sense of community.
  4. Organize Regular Activities: Schedule regular guild activities, such as raids and Territory Battles. Consistent scheduling helps maintain engagement and ensures all members can participate.
  5. Provide Support and Guidance: Offer support and guidance to new and existing members. Share strategies, tips, and resources to help everyone improve and succeed.

Strategies for Different Raid Types

Raids are a key component of guild activities in SWGoH, offering valuable rewards and challenges. Each raid type requires specific strategies and team compositions to succeed.

The Pit Raid (Rancor)

The Pit Raid, also known as the Rancor Raid, is one of the first raids available to guilds. It has different difficulty tiers, with the Heroic Tier offering the best rewards.

Phase 1: Gamorrean Guards
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high single-target damage and Turn Meter reduction abilities. Key characters include Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS), Han Solo, and Darth Vader.
  • Strategy: Focus on taking down the Gamorrean Guards first to reduce incoming damage. Use Turn Meter reduction abilities to prevent the guards from taking turns.
Phase 2: Captain Han Solo
  • Teams and Characters: Continue using high-damage teams with Turn Meter control. Teams with debuffing abilities are also effective.
  • Strategy: Focus all attacks on Captain Han Solo while managing the guards. Use debuffs and Turn Meter reduction to control the fight.
Phase 3: The Rancor
  • Teams and Characters: Teams with Turn Meter reduction, healing, and high damage output are essential. Key characters include CLS, Raid Han Solo, and Thrawn.
  • Strategy: Focus on reducing the Rancor’s Turn Meter to prevent it from taking actions. Manage debuffs and heals to sustain your team.
Phase 4: The Rancor (Gate Down)
  • Teams and Characters: Similar to Phase 3, continue using teams with high damage and Turn Meter control.
  • Strategy: Take advantage of the Rancor being temporarily stunned when the gate drops. Deal as much damage as possible during this period.

Tank Takedown (AAT)

Tank Takedown, also known as the AAT Raid, requires more strategic planning and coordination across its four phases.

Phase 1: B2 Rocket Troopers and B1 Battle Droids
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with strong AoE (Area of Effect) damage and Turn Meter control. Key characters include Jedi Knight Revan, Bastila Shan, and General Kenobi.
  • Strategy: Focus on taking down the B2 Rocket Troopers first to reduce incoming damage. Use AoE attacks to clear the B1 Battle Droids efficiently.
Phase 2: AAT Main Cannon
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high damage and Turn Meter reduction abilities. Key characters include Jedi Knight Revan, Darth Revan, and General Grievous.
  • Strategy: Focus on the main cannon while managing the adds. Use Turn Meter reduction and debuffs to control the fight and maximize damage.
Phase 3: AAT Side Cannons
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high burst damage and survivability. Key characters include CLS, Padmé Amidala, and Shaak Ti with Clone Troopers.
  • Strategy: Focus on taking down the side cannons quickly. Use high burst damage and healing abilities to sustain your team through the phase.
Phase 4: AAT Final Phase
  • Teams and Characters: Use your strongest teams with high damage and Turn Meter control. Key characters include CLS, Darth Traya, and JKR.
  • Strategy: Focus on the AAT while managing the adds. Use debuffs and Turn Meter reduction to prevent the AAT from taking actions and maximize your damage output.

Sith Triumvirate Raid (STR)

The Sith Triumvirate Raid (STR) is one of the most challenging raids in SWGoH, requiring well-coordinated strategies and powerful teams.

Phase 1: Darth Nihilus
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high damage and debuffing abilities. Key characters include Jedi Knight Revan, Darth Traya, and Bastila Shan (Fallen).
  • Strategy: Focus on dealing consistent damage to Nihilus while managing his debuffs. Use healing and cleansing abilities to sustain your team.
Phase 2: Darth Sion
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high burst damage and survivability. Key characters include CLS, Chewbacca, and Han Solo.
  • Strategy: Focus on taking down Sion quickly while managing his debuffs. Use high burst damage and healing abilities to sustain your team.
Phase 3: Darth Traya
  • Teams and Characters: Use teams with high damage and Turn Meter control. Key characters include Jedi Knight Revan, Jolee Bindo, and General Kenobi.
  • Strategy: Focus on dealing consistent damage to Traya while managing her debuffs. Use Turn Meter reduction and healing abilities to sustain your team.
Phase 4: The Triumvirate
  • Teams and Characters: Use your strongest teams with high damage and survivability. Key characters include JKR, Darth Traya, and CLS.
  • Strategy: Focus on taking down the Triumvirate members one by one. Use debuffs, Turn Meter reduction, and healing abilities to control the fight and maximize your damage output.

Coordination and Communication Tips for Guild Activities

Effective coordination and communication are crucial for successful guild activities, especially during raids and Territory Battles. Here are some tips to improve guild coordination and communication:

Use Communication Platforms

  1. Discord: Discord is a popular communication platform for SWGoH guilds, offering text and voice channels for different activities. Create dedicated channels for raids, Territory Battles, and general discussions.
  2. LINE: LINE is another communication platform used by many SWGoH guilds. It offers group chats and the ability to share images and videos.
  3. In-Game Chat: Use the in-game chat for quick updates and announcements. However, for more detailed coordination, external platforms like Discord or LINE are recommended.

Assign Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Guild Leader: The guild leader should oversee all activities, set goals, and ensure members are informed about upcoming events.
  2. Officers: Appoint officers to manage specific tasks, such as raid coordination, Territory Battle planning, and recruitment.
  3. Raid Leaders: Designate raid leaders to coordinate raid participation, assign teams, and monitor progress.

Schedule and Plan Activities

  1. Raid Scheduling: Set a regular schedule for raids to ensure maximum participation. Announce raid start times well in advance and remind members to join.
  2. Territory Battles: Plan Territory Battle strategies in advance, assigning specific tasks and platoons to members. Use coordination channels to update progress and adjust plans as needed.
  3. Territory Wars: Develop strategies for both defense and offense in Territory Wars. Assign members to specific zones and provide guidance on team compositions and tactics.

Foster a Collaborative Environment

  1. Encourage Participation: Motivate members to participate in guild activities by highlighting the benefits and rewards. Recognize and appreciate active members to foster a positive environment.
  2. Share Strategies and Tips: Encourage members to share successful strategies and tips for raids, Territory Battles, and Territory Wars. Collaboration can lead to better results and a more knowledgeable guild.
  3. Provide Support: Offer support to new and existing members, helping them improve their teams and strategies. A supportive guild is more likely to succeed and retain active members.


Effective guild management and coordination are key to success in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. By finding or building a strong guild, developing strategies for different raid types, and fostering effective communication and collaboration, you can maximize your progress and enjoy a rewarding gaming experience. May the Force be with you as you lead your guild to victory in the galaxy far, far away!