While we can’t even see a cover yet, Random House has released the synopsis for the upcoming Revan novel. This is exciting news for fans of Revan, Drew Karpyshyn and Star Wars The old republic. Drew is the New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two, and Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil, as well as several other science fiction and fantasy novels. He also wrote Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Ascension. The new book synopsis reads: There’s something out there:a juggernaut of evil bearing down to crush the Republic—unless one lone Jedi, shunned and reviled, can stop it. Revan: hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. A Jedi who left Coruscant to defeat Mandalorians—and returned a disciple of the dark side, bent on destroying the Republic. The Jedi Council gave Revan his life back, but the…
Drew Karpyshyn Discusses “Revan”
One of the most anticipated novels for SWTOR fans this year must be the Revan by Drew Karpyshyn. The books will be out later this year and should give some answers to what happened to one of the all time biggest force users. If you are like me must have been wondering what has happen to the guys, but also how strong his force powers actually is. In Drew Karpyshyn latest blog posts he addresses this issue. Apparently a book about me playing video games – being the ultimate pownzor – won’t work in books. Karpyshyn states that video games and novels works in different ways and “are meant to convey different experiences and the two representations of the character simply cannot be laid on top of each other.” – witch is kind off dull really, and might be the main reason why I play way more videos games then read books. To…
All 106 Star Wars Books to Go e-Book Format
If you’re ready to get your Star Wars fix in an electronic book format, then you are in luck! Random House and Lucasfilm recently released the news that all Star Wars books will now be released as e-books. There are currently 30 Star Wars titles available via e-book. However, beginning June 28, all 106 will be available for download. Now it will be easier than ever to keep your Star Wars reading collection in one place. You can enjoy them on the go on your favorite e-reader and of course, you can also store them on your personal computer. It’s never been so easy to ready- and enjoy doing it! The Star Wars series of books have been so popular that not a single one has gone out of print in the 30 years since the first one was published. The books have been published under the Bantam…
Free comic book day is coming
Free Comic Book Day is a single day that happens each year on the first Saturday of May. On this day, participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely FREE to anyone who comes into their stores! How cool is that! You should check with your local comic book shop for their participation and rules. Free Comic Book Day in L.A. with have Geoff Johns, Robert Kirkman, Mike Mignola, Steve Niles signings The Core in Cedar Falls is celebrating their 10th year of the event. Owner Mike Blanchard will donate $400 worth of graphic novels to the school best represented at his shop Saturday. The Bay City Times -On free comic day, Cashman’s Comics will have 100 Green Lantern HeroClix game pieces to give away. What is your area comic book store doing? There’s also a Free Comic Book Day app available…
Drew Karpyshyn Q&A about New Book Revan
“This is it. No more delays. No more mystery. The novel I’ve been working on has been officially announced. The title pretty much says it all: Revan.” – Drew Karpyshyn on his blog, about his new book. Drew Karpyshyn has a brief Q&A on his site about the upcoming book Revan, which we wrote about before. Karpyshyn himself realized the extreme scrutiny he would be under by some hardcore fans. He says in his blog, “I realize in taking on this task that I’m opening myself up for a lot of potential criticism from the KOTOR and Revan fans.” Boy do we understand that Drew! So he decided to address these concerns in a Q&A on his blog. Some issues addressed include: Hey – you said in your FAQ that you didn’t want to write a novel about Revan because books on video games don’t work. Remember all that stuff…
Drew Karpyshyn’s New Novel Revealed
If you love Star Wars lore, then you are going to be really excited about the news that Drew Karpyshyn’s new novel has been revealed. The new book titled, Raven will expand beyond the core game and into novels and comics of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Del Rey Books has already published two novels in the Old Republic timeline, Fatal Alliance and Deceived, and they announced last year that there would be a third Old Republic novel. Drew Karpyshyn, Principal Writer at BioWare would be the author of this book. Fans may know him from the Darth Bane series of Star Wars™ novels. In an exclusive Q&A, Karpyshyn shares some information about the book. This part will be rather interesting to those who are anxiously awaiting the release of SW:TOR MMO: Q: In what ways will readers who have read Revan benefit when playing Star Wars: The…
Making of SWTOR Book Removed from Amazon’s Listing
If you’re looking for the book, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic, you might not be able to find it any more, at least not on Amazon. Last month the official SWTOR forums were abuzz about the book but now it seems to have disappeared. The release date for the book was listed as November 1, 2011, leaving many fans to speculate that this could be the same time the game is expected to be released. So why did The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic get pulled from Amazon’s listing? No one knows yet exactly why the book was pulled. We just know that it went down quickly after the new about its existence began to spread around the Internet amongst Star Wars fans. There are several different reasons why Amazon might pull a book that was listed but not released yet….
Do you need to read the books to understand the game?
Star Wars and BioWare are both characterized by an enormous amount of Lore and stories. So far two novels and a bunch of web comics has been released describing the characters and surroundings in the massive universe of Star Wars: The old republic. The first book that was released was Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams. The second – released a few weeks ago – is Deceived by Paul S. Kemp. At least one more novel is in the works by Drew Karpyshyn – but that is still nameless. Other then the above novels and webcommics, Darkhorse has released countless of printed comics and Del Rey lot’s of books describing famous lore characters Such as Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Freedon Nadd and so on. Taken this into account, it’s obvious that some people get nervous that they won’t get a clue when they start up the game if they aren’t prepared. A forum poster by the name…
The Art And Making Of SW: The Old Republic Cover
Last month we wrote about an upcoming book about the making of Star Wars: The old republic. The book was announced on Amazon, and will be relised in November this year. Get it here Recently the cover of the book has been reviled, and it looks like this: Here are the details: Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Chronicle Books (November 1, 2011) SRP: $ 40.00 Language: English ISBN-10: 0811875008
Deceived Author Paul S. Kemp Facebook Chat
A few days back Del Rey hosted a Facebook chat with Deceived Author Paul S. Kemp ( view the transcript here ). Kemp is the author of the recently released Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived novel witch debuted in the lucky thirteen spot on the New York Times bestseller list witch is quite an achievement. The book is set in set in The Old Republic timeline and tells the tale of the notorious Darth Malgus. No major news was announced in the chat, but it did give fans a chance to ask away about things related to Deceived and the chat was unfortunately cut short by FB technical problems. Here is a run down: Is Deceived‘s Zeerid Korr an ancestor of Jaden Korr? Kemp pleads the fifth — but hints to check out Riptide. Meanwhile, Zeerid’s family life pulls from Kemp’s own thoughts as a father of young children…
Next TOR Novel by Drew Karpyshyn to Hit Shelves October 15, 2011
Deceived – the tale of Darth Malgus – hit’s the book stores today (remember to check out our review here) but new novels are already in the making. Drew Karpyshyn updated his site revealing the timetable for his upcoming novel tired to Star Wars: The old republic. Drew starts off by linking to EUCantinas speculation about his book calling it “interesting” but states that it’s ONLY “interesting speculation” and should by no means be takes as a confirmation. He do however confirm that the book is a tie-in to SWTOR. We will all know alot more when the official titel of the book is announced on april 15 2011. His upcomming book wil be released six month later, on October 15, 2011 – witch also might be the release day of Star Wars: The old republic. Fans will be able to check out the first excerpt and the official cover…
Wednesday Reviews: The Old Republic: Deceived
Deceived tells the tale of Darth Malgus, a fierce Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Great Galactic War as he deals with the coming peace treaty between the Empire and Republic, his Sith “allies”, and his own conflicted feelings on the events transpiring. Deceived is a novel that does its job perfectly; being a tie-in to a huge upcoming game (Star Wars: The Old Republic, of course) it had to be not only a separate story that could stand on its own two feet, but a novel that ties in with the events of the SWTOR so that it makes the readers curious about the game itself. Luckily, it does just that, dragging you into the universe the game takes place in while making you curious enough to check out more. Deceived introduces us to the situation of the galaxy and the important characters making an impact…
Third SWTOR Novel in the works
Random House has published their 2011 Fall Catalog, and it has goodies for us Star Wars: The old republic fans. Apparently Drew Karpyshyn will be the auther of a upcoming SWTOR novel yet to have a titel. Drew Karpyshyn was Senior Writer on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as well as both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. He has also wrote Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Rule of Two, and Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil which are some of my favorite Star Wars novels. With the success of the New York Times bestselling Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance and the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived in Spring 2011, this original new novel set in the world of the game by BioWare and LucasArts is sure to bring fans who want a truly immersive, transmedia experience! Key Points # EXCITING FAN-FAVORITE…
Deceived Novel Trailer
The official The Old Republic website finaly posted a trailer for the upcoming novel Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived. The book is written by Paul S. Kemp, release-date: March 22. You can read 3 except of the book here, here and here and check out the trailer below The book is currently availible for 3.92$ on amazon Over 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader, another Sith Lord’s name commanded fear and respect across the galaxy: Darth Malgus. The mysterious Sith Lord orchestrated the destruction of a prominent Jedi Temple, setting the stage for the tenuous peace of the Treaty of Coruscant. In Deceived, you’ll learn the story of Darth Malgus and his rise to power. Delve into the dark secrets and history that shaped one of the most powerful Sith Lords the Old Republic would ever know… Deceived is a novel set in the Old Republic and written…
Upcoming book: The Art And Making Of SW: The Old Republic
Amazon.com just announced a new book named Chronicle Books’ The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic. The book is ofcourse about the development of SWTOR. The book will be released on November 1, 2011.. Hey wait… Did it say November 1? Is that a sign for the release date of Star Wars: The old republic – the game? Here are the details: Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Chronicle Books (November 1, 2011) SRP: $ 40.00 Language: English ISBN-10: 0811875008 Check it out here
Deceived signed ARC giveaway
Author of the upcoming novel Deceived – Paul S. Kemp, is giving away three autographed copies of is book: I have three bound advance reader copies of my forthcoming Star Wars novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived. I want to sign them and give them away. I will pick three recipients at random from all of those who leave a comment to this blog entry, whether at paulskemp.com or at the mirrored entry on my livejournal. Please use your name or a distinct username and enter only once. You do not need to register for anything to leave a comment (anon comments are enabled). I will announce the three winners on January 24, at which time they will need to send me an email with their mailing address and any personalization instructions. You can read excerpts from the book by clicking here. And, because one can never see this enough, here…
Wednesday Review: Red Harvest
Red Harvest is Joe Schreiber’s prequel to last year’s Death Troopers – did it live up to its predecessor, or fall prey to the zombie plot cliches? In essence, Red Harvest is, simply put, a zombie book. There isn’t an extremely good story to it, and it focuses so much on the zombies that it gets a bit tiring. The characters aren’t compelling, and with the rushed feeling of the entire book, I wish Schreiber would’ve added some extra content to the story, especially considering the short length of the novel itself. Red Harvest doesn’t reach its full potential, but hopefully future books of Joe Schreiber’s will, since his actual writing style is pretty satisfactory – maybe they won’t even focus on zombies anymore, something that, in this format, really isn’t scary or creepy. This video was also posted at NJOE and Man in Black Reviews, written by MizzeeOH with the Spoiler Free series being the creation…
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived Chapter 3 Excerpt
It looks like the guys over at Rebelscum.com has a nice treat for us: As a special holiday gift to the readers of Rebelscum.com, you can now read a sample of the new title Star Wars: The Old Republic–Deceived months before it hits stores. Thanks to all our friends at Del Rey for making this happen. In conjunction with SWTOR.com (Chapter 1) and StarWars.com (Chapter 2), Rebelscum.com presents the third chapter of Deceived. You can read the PDF right here! This book is due out on March 22, 2011.
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived Chapter 2 Excerpt
The official Star Wars website have released a new expert for the upcoming book Star Wars: The Old republic Deceived: For those who can’t wait for the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, here’s another taste of the story with an excerpt from the novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived, by Paul S. Kemp. In the Del Rey Books novel due out in March, readers will learn more about Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord who brought down the Jedi Temple. Star Wars fans first experienced the devastating might of Malgus in this epic cinematic trailer to Star Wars: The Old Republic which depicted the Sacking of Coruscant. For an excerpt of Chapter Two, click on the cover below. The book will be available at retailers on March 22nd. Pre-order your copy right now at the following online retailers: Amazon, and other retailers.
First review of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived
The first reviews of Paul S. Kemp’s upcomming book Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived is starting to show up on Amazon. It’s interesting that so many people already read the book considering the considering the release have been moved to March 22, 2011. One have to wonder if it has be planted or it is a real honest review. Anyways. Anyways. Here it is: First of all, let me say that my biggest peeve with Star Wars novels is that too many authors seem content to fill their books with ridiculous plot devices, endless battle scenes, and shallow characters. I’ve had enough of superweapons – after all, we all know the good guys defeat them. Unfortunately, I thought Sean Williams’ Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance, the first in the Old Republic series, exemplifies these problems. As such, I admit I approached Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived with…
Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1: Commencement Review
Was Commencement a good starter for the entire Knights of the Old Republic series? Read on to find out! Going into Commencement, you may think that you need to have played the actual Knights of the Old Republic games to understand what’s going on in the comic. But almost as soon as Commencement begins, it becomes obvious that this is not the case; Knights of the Old Republic stands so well on it’s own feet that even if you have never heard of the games or played, you can read this and understand what’s going on incredibly easily. There are references that only the people who have played the games will get, but understanding these isn’t absolutely necessary – it’s only an added bonus. One aspect of Commencement I just loved was the characters; they were all so entertaining, and the interaction between them all is great. Zayne and Gryph…
Review: The Force Unleashed II by Sean Williams
The following review was written by Lord Iurus of NJOE.com, where he maintains an ongoing look back at the Expanded Universe, “A Long Time Ago”, as well as providing Spoiler Free reviews a week before most major Star Wars releases, in addition to the other reviews found at his blog. The original review was posted here. “A Jedi can sometimes sense visions of the future.” “Have you ever done this before?” “I’ve never been a Jedi before.” I’m sitting here in an underground bunker on Malastare. The Hutts are ticked off. Not my fault they left a copy of The Force Unleashed II lying around where I could find it. Seriously. That’s just poor planning. Never mind how they got it; I’m sure Jabba had a few precogs on his payroll. Or, maybe he didn’t. Maybe Durg- no, no. Okay, well, maybe the copy I stole is a fraud. Or, maybe they…
Star Wars: The Old Republic – Fatal Alliance Review
For those of you waiting for the dirt, you can finally find out what Sean Williams’s Fatal Alliance is like. Beware, spoilers follow! A smuggler, an agent and a Mandalorian walk into a bar. Wait a second, that’s not a joke; that’s a scene from Fatal Alliance! When all eight classes from Star Wars: The Old Republic find themselves in the same place, at the same time, faced with the same threat to the civilized galaxy, each class has a chance to let their class features shine. But is the story any good? Is it possible for a novel to do what it must to showcase all eight playable classes and still maintain that Star Wars vibe? I turned to leave. Darth Chratis had learned his lesson about me- he would not challenge me again. I saw a young woman, obviously another Sith, running past me with fire in her…
Star Wars: The old republic – Fatal Alliance synopsis
BioWare and LucasArts–creators of the hugely popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game–have combined their storytelling talents and cutting-edge technology for an innovative new massively multiplayer online role-playing game that allows players to create their own personal Star Wars adventure 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. Now #1 New York Times bestselling author Sean Williams brings the world of the game to life in his latest novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance. Tassaa Bareesh, a matriarch in the Hutt crime cartel, is holding an auction that’s drawing attention from across the galaxy. Representatives of both the Republic and the Sith Empire are present, along with a Jedi Padawan sent to investigate, a disenfranchised trooper drummed out of the Republic’s elite Blackstar Squad, and a mysterious Mandalorian with a private agenda. But the Republic’s envoy is not what he seems, the Empire’s delegate is…