
SWTOR Class Tier List: A Comprehensive Guide for fall 2024

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) has captivated MMO fans for over a decade, offering rich storylines, exciting PvE encounters, and competitive PvP modes. Choosing the right class can make a significant difference in how you experience the game. In 2024, classes are categorized into various tiers based on their performance in both PvE and PvP environments. In this article, we will explore the current class tier list, offering insights into which classes are dominating and why. S-Tier Classes: The Best of the Best S-Tier classes represent the pinnacle of SWTOR performance in both PvE and PvP. These classes offer exceptional damage, survivability, or utility, making them valuable assets in any group. A-Tier Classes: Powerful and Reliable A-Tier classes are slightly below the S-Tier but still perform exceptionally well. They offer great utility and solid performance in both PvE and PvP scenarios. B-Tier Classes: Solid, but Niche B-Tier classes are…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Class Tier List

Understanding the Classes in SWTOR

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) offers a unique opportunity to step into the expansive Star Wars universe as a character of your own making. Choosing the right class can deeply impact your gameplay, determining everything from your role in battle to the storylines you experience. This guide will help you navigate through the class tiers from S to C, ensuring you make an informed decision for your play style. Understanding the Classes in SWTOR SWTOR divides its classes into two main categories: Force users and non-Force users, each with unique abilities and story arcs. Understanding these classes and their subclasses is crucial for mastering the game. The S-Tier Classes S-tier classes are the crème de la crème of SWTOR. These classes are highly efficient in almost any game scenario. For instance, the Sith Inquisitor excels due to its powerful crowd control abilities and robust damage output, making it a…

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Ranking the Best SWTOR Storylines: An Overview of the Classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Ranking the Best SWTOR Storylines: An Overview of the Classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that takes place in the Star Wars universe. With eight unique class storylines, SWTOR offers players a wealth of content to explore. In this video, YouTuber “xLetalis” ranks all of the SWTOR storylines, providing a comprehensive overview of each one. The video begins by introducing the eight classes: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Smuggler, Trooper, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent. Each class has its own unique storyline, and the video ranks them from worst to best. Starting with the worst storyline, xLetalis begins with the Jedi Consular. While the Consular has a great backstory and lore, their storyline is slow-paced and lacks excitement. The Jedi Consular is followed by the Trooper, whose storyline is somewhat generic and predictable. Next up is the Smuggler, whose storyline is full of humor and wit, making it an…

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SWTOR: Planned Balance Changes for 7.1.1

Gameplay designer for SWTOR, Shabir Dhillon took to the forums to explain some of the balance changes coming with game update 7.1.1 in Star Wars: the old Republic. This includes those for Lightning / Telekinetics, Madness / Balance, and Advanced Prototype / Tactics. Check it out: Shabir here and I am a Gameplay Designer on SWTOR. I wanted to start by saying we appreciate everyone for taking the time and effort to give feedback on the changes. I wanted to explain some of the changes we are making in the upcoming patch:  Lightning/Telekinetics: Patch Notes:   Convection/Clamoring Force – Critical hit damage bonus goes to 12% (down from 15%). Thundering Blast/Turbulence – Second arc of damage deals 20% of Turbulence’s damage (down from 25%).   Storm watch damage decreased by 4% Halted Offensive/Power of the Force cast time increased to 3.0 seconds (up from 2.5 seconds). Alacrity still affects cast time.  Decrease Halted Offensive’s/Power…

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SWTOR: Commanding Legacy and Mirror Classes

Eric Musco took on the official forums and provided some clarification regarding the Commanding Legacy perk for mirror classes: Hey folks, I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this: Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25% Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25% Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25% Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25% Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around…

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STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Class Changes: Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel

Eric Musco just updated the community about the upcoming changes for Carnage and Combat coming in Game Update 5.4. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Concealment Acid Blade’s damage has been reduced by 27.78% Collateral Strike’s damage has been reduced by 27.68% Scoundrel Scrapper Flechette Round’s damage has been reduced by 27.78% Flying Fists’ damage has been reduced by 27.68% DevNotes: The Concealment / Scrapper discipline was dealing more DPS than intended, so we made a couple changes to shrink it down a bit. These changes allow the Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel to still deal decent burst damage while having their sustained damage output brought in line with the DPS target.

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SWTOR Class Changes: Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel

SWTOR Classic: Exploring Realism and Immersion in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Below are the upcoming changes for Lethality and Ruffian along with the notes from the SWTOR dev team on why they are occurring. Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Operative Lethality Corrosive Assault weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Toxic Blast damage Corrosive Assault no longer deals additional damage per poison effect. Instead, Corrosive Assault weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic poison effects Toxic Blast now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage Scoundrel Ruffian Brutal Shots weapon damage has been increased by 13.97% but it no longer triggers Sanguinary Shot damage Brutal Shots no longer deals additional damage per bleed effect. Instead, Brutal Shots weapon damage now triggers additional damage from your periodic bleed effects Sanguinary Shot now costs 10 Energy and deals 14.29% more damage DevNotes: The Lethality…

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SWTOR: Class Changes: Pyrotech Powertech / Plasmatech Vanguard

Eric Musco from Bioware has posted a list of the planned changes for Pyrotech Powertech and Plasmatech Vanguard commin in Patch 5.3. Check it out: Class Changes: Pyrotech Powertech / Plasmatech Vanguard | 06.21.2017, 08:06 PM Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released. Powertech Pyrotech Increased the Searing Wave damage bonus given by Superheated Flamethrower from 20% to 50% Reduced the burn damage of Incendiary Missile by 10% In addition to its previous effects, Rain of Fire now increases the damage dealt by Incendiary Missile by 10% Increased the critical damage bonus given by Firebug from 10% to 15% Vanguard Plasmatech Increased the Ion Squall damage bonus given by Pulse Generator from 20% to 50% Reduced the burn damage of Incendiary Round by 10% In addition to its previous effects, Rain of Fire now increases the damage dealt by Incendiary Round…

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SWTOR: Class changes: Nerf vs. Buff

Our bellowed community manager for Star Wars The Old Republic Eric Musco, took on the forums today answering an old question on nerfs vs. buffs off classes. Check it out: Any time that nerfs happen during Class balance, there is a common question we receive “Instead of nerfing , why not buff all of the other Classes up to their performance?” This is a really good question and we want to try to explain to you why we handle balance this way. From that thread, the main point you need to understand is that we balance Classes/Disciplines based on specific DPS, HPS, and DTPS targets. Now, those balance targets not only dictate Class/Discipline balance, but they dictate balance across all combat in the entire game. Every Mission, Operation boss, piece of gear, and more is all factored around those balance targets. Let’s say that our hypothetical target for Ranged Burst…

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SWTOR Discussion Topic: Class Changes This Summer

Eric Musco took on the official forums, and posted a  list of specs and classes that are up for some balances in patch 5.3 coming this summer. Check it out: Discussion Topic: Class Changes This Summer | 06.07.2017, 10:06 PM Hey folks, As Keith mentioned in the roadmap, we want to start the process of having weekly discussion threads here on the forums. Let’s get this started with our first topic, Class changes starting with Game Update 5.3. Let us know what you think of the list! Are these the Disciplines you expected to see? Are any missing and if so which ones and why? The following is each Class/Discipline we are currently looking into changing. By Friday, we will begin posting in-depth threads on exactly what is happening to each Discipline. This will include whether they are being buffed or nerfed and why, along with the specific planned changes. These threads…

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SWTOR Class Changes Coming with Patch 4.5

BioWare will be making a long list of class changes in SWTOR with Game update 4.5 coming in next month. Hey folks, Below you will find the current list of Class changes which are coming with Game Update 4.5. These changes will not be going on PTS so we wanted to give you a heads up on what was coming. Please feel free to read over the changes and provide your feedback in this thread, I will pass it on to the Combat team. Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer Dark Heal now has a base cost of 70 Force (up from 55 Force) and heals for slightly more (.49%). Resurgence now has a base cost of 40 Force (up from 30 Force) and heals for a bit more (4.94% for the instant heal, and 3.70% for the heal over time.). Static Barrier now has a base cost of 45 Force (up from…

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Curious How BioWare Created SWTOR Classes?

If you’ve ever wanted to know how BioWare created the SWTOR classes, you’re in luck. There is a special guest post series on from SWTOR lead designer, Michael Backus that tells you all about it. You can see Part 1 here, which talks about the Republic. Blakus has been on the SWTOR team for seven years now and if you’ve ever had any interaction with him, you know that he is really passionate about what he does and it shows. So it’s great to see that he is the one doing this guest post series because I’m sure it’s going to be good. Here’s a snippet from part 1: “So I’m going to do just that. I’m going to talk about the different classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic, but more importantly, about each class’s story arc. And by this, I don’t mean spoilers about their plots, but really, what…

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Class Changes Coming in Game Update 2.7

BioWare is putting massive amount of energy in balancing out the classes in the next patch. The forums are actively discussing and most people are happy. Smash will get nerfed, snipers get a boost to shield probe and and evasion will resists everything for three seconds and the list goes on. Below you can find all the yellow posts that have been made on the subject on the forums today. What do you think? Is this good or bad news? Let us know in the comments below. Hey folks! As you may have seen me mention yesterday, our goal today was to post some of the class changes that are coming in Game Update 2.7. Below you will find links to individual threads for each class that is currently receiving changes in 2.7. I want to stress that this is not a comprehensive list of all of the class changes…

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Game Update 2.5 Class Changes

BioWare just released a lengthy news post explaining all the upcoming class changes players can expect with Game update 2.5. You can check out the full post here, or read out copy pate below: Game Update 2.5 Class Changes -10.17.2013 Hello there! We here on the Classes & Combat team wanted to take some time to keep players up-to-date on the changes we have planned for the upcoming Game Update 2.5. As always, these are subject to change, and we welcome your feedback. There are quite a few changes to go over, so with no further introduction, let’s dig in! Sith Inquisitor Madness In addition to previous effects, Devour now makes your damage-over-time effects uncleansable. This affects Creeping Terror, Discharge, Crushing Darkness, and Affliction. Jedi Consular Balance & In addition to previous effects, Psychic Absorption now makes your damage-over-time effects uncleansable. This affects Sever Force, Force Breach, Mind Crush, and…

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Official Forum Class Representatives Selected

Eric Musco posted who would be class Representatives in the future. and its chosen representative. The voting have been on since last week, and now we have the winners. Check them out below: EricMusco Class Representatives Are Here! | 07.29.2013, 03:32 PM Hey everyone! First off, I want to thank everyone for taking part in voting for your Class Representative. Also, thank you to all of the candidates who offered up their services to their community! Without further delay, here are your first ever Class Representatives. Scoundrel – Marshmallow Operative – Morde_ Gunslinger – GalnarDegana (Geldarion) Sniper – Paowee Guardian – Andrew_Past Juggernaut – lMarlfoxl Sentinel – KeyboardNinja Marauder – Gudarzz Vanguard – mfourcustom Powertech – FeralPug Commando – Cashogy_Reborn Mercenary – odawgg Shadow – Kitru Assassin – Xinika Sage – Nibbon Sorcerer – Psirebral Congrats again to you the new Class Representatives! If you are one of the folks…

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Official Forums Class Rep Voting Begins

Eric Musco posted a quick update on the official forums. He have now posted the polls for all Advanced Classes with their respective nominations! Head on over to your Advanced Class forum and be sure to vote! Voting Links Imperial Assassin Juggernaut Marauder Mercenary Operative Powertech – only 1 candidate showed interest and has been elected Sorcerer Sniper – only 1 candidate showed interest and has been elected Repbulic Commando Guardian Gunsliner Sage Scoundrel Sentinel Shadow Vanguard – only 1 candidate showed interest and has been elected

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Official Forums Class Representatives Announced

Eric Musco posted an interesting update to the official SWTOR forums yesterday. We will now be getting class representatives for the forums. Each representative will only serve for a term and then new representatives will take their places so it ensures there is some balance and rotation. Class Representatives are player elected and will not be granted any special access to the BioWare team. They will be used to help Bioware staff provide more information and community involvement on the topic of classes within SWTOR. What tasks will these forum class representatives do? What Will They Do? Upon the Class representatives being selected, we will release a schedule. On each scheduled date listed, the chosen representative for each Class will make a forum post in their Class forum with the top 3 things they want to have answered or commented on. Our current plan is to do 4 ACs each…

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SWTOR Faction Classes Not Mirrored Exactly

We wrote before here on the site about how the SWTOR classes are mirrored on each faction side and how that can be a downfall to people who like to play both sides (like myself). I want to have one of everything in an MMORPG but I’m now learning that the classes are not actually mirrored completely. A post here in this thread explains that there are problems and differences in the attempted mirroring across the factions. For example, some issues are in the numbers (cool downs or how long a spell or effect lasts) and other problems are in the animations. One Reddit user took the info in this thread and compiled a list of the differences in the mirrors as follows: Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior: JG’s Freezing Force slows for 6 seconds, SJ’s Chilling Scream (equivalent) slows for 9. Freezing Force : Chilling Scream JK Blade Storm…

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Debate: Sith Or Republic- Which Side Will You Choose?

One of the first decisions you’ll make when playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, is whether to choose the Sith civilization or the Galactic Republic. Which one will you choose? Do you have a specific reason for choosing one side over the other? Nearly every player seems to have a preference of which they will play. Many players make a decision based on how each side is portrayed in the sense of good and evil. Some people prefer to be a part of the “good” side, while others prefer the “bad” side. Some people also base it on movie or lore preferences. In SWTOR, the Republic is portrayed as the “good” side while the Sith is portrayed as “evil” but not everyone agrees with this assessment. It’s really a matter of perception and when you take a closer look at both sides, you’ll see a few problems with that interpretation….

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AC Comparisons to WoW Classes for the Current/ex WoW Player

A Reddit user named ThomJonson posted a very helpful class comparison about the correlation between Advanced SWTOR Classes and World of Warcraft classes. It might also serve as a good guide to any WoWheads you are trying to turn on to SWTOR. He says: “I did this as a response to someone asking for WoW comparisons in a prior thread located here. It appears a lot of people appreciated this so I figured I might as well show this to more people in the hopes of it proving useful to them or for their fellow gaming acquaintances.” He goes on to explain how he compared the classes to WoW because it’s the MMO he has the most experience with and also that he thinks will best help players understand what the SWTOR classes will be like. He invites anyone more familiar with another MMO who wants to copy/paste the style…

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