If you’re playing SWG Legends and you want to be able to ramp up your graphics, here’s a great video showing you exactly how to do so. It’s just about 6 minutes in length and you can make all of these tweaks to your game settings in under 10 minutes. It’s very useful. Napyet was running the game on potato settings until someone mentioned it in a comment on a video and he decided to take some time and figure out how to tweak these settings and improve the graphics. He put that process to a video tutorial to help all of us know how as well. Check it out here: Star Wars: Galaxies is still possible to play via SWGEMU, but you need the original CD witch is availible from amazon: http://amzn.to/28PSxPj Here is what you also can do: Here’s what you can do: Remember that your results may vary based…
other starwars games
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Event Calendar – May 2020
Here is a list of some of the upcoming events in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes for may 2020. As allways you have to remember that all dates are subject to change. Daily Login Character for May: Darth Traya NOTE: Many legendary/journey events were changed from a monthly cadence to run all the time and will no longer be included in the monthly calendar.Read this post for more information. We’ve additional events this month as part of our #StayandPlay initiative and May the 4th. Read more about what’s new here.
Possible Direction of EA’s New Star Wars Game
EA is working on a new Star Wars game. For those who don’t know, EA has partnered with Disney to have exclusive rights to the Star Wars license until 2023. This means they are the only studio who can make Star Wars games at this time. Some fans aren’t happy about that, but it is what it is and we can’t really do anything to change that. So for now, at least, we have to work with what we’re given and that means embracing EAs role in all of this. Despite some canceled games and a rocky start to Battlefront II, they’re not doing all that bad in the gaming department. What might we see in the future? FlickeringMyth.com speculates on what future Star Wars games we might see. A Star Wars Battlefront III, perhaps? What would that look like? And what would be the benefit to a new game,…
Producer James Vicari on the Rerelease of Star Wars Episode I: Racer
We brought you the recent news that Star Wars Episode I: Racer was being re-released for the Switch and the PS4. I, for one, am very happy about this announcement from Aspyr and can’t wait until it’s my turn to replay this old classic from my own youth. When it comes to Star Wars games in general, we’re not going to complain about a new title release, or a re-release. It’s just great to see people keeping the Star Wars spirit alive. That said, good games should never be forgotten and Producer James Vicari agrees. In this interview with StarWars.com, he describes why they felt the need to bring this port of the old game back to the modern systems. Here’s a snippet: StarWars.com: Star Wars Episode I: Racer is really fondly remembered. What do you think is the legacy of that game? James Vicari: Legacy is an interesting thing to try and…
Can You Beat Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Without A Lightsaber?
Can you beat Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order without a lightsaber? SixToon sets out to answer that question and of course, it’s on video for our viewing pleasure as well. Trust me, it’s fun. And if you’re feeling really, really bored while quarantined with the rest of the world right now, you may even give it a try yourself. Watch the video to see how he does it and you can have the best shot at beating it sans lightsaber for yourself. Cal has been a bad boy and his lightsaber got taken away from him by eye pop girl. So now he has to fight all the bosses with no lightsaber, nothing but the force to use against them. His creative prowess proves to be his greatest weapon as he defeats enemy after enemy with outside the box strategies. Whether it be second sister, stormtrooper, scouttrooper, purge trooper, ATST,…
Classic N64 Star Wars Podracer Game Coming to Modern Consoles
Are you ready for a seriously fun podracing game? They just don’t make them like they used to… but what if they do? N64 classic Star Wars Episode I: Racer is getting a new version, as it was just announced that it’s being remastered for the Nintendo Switch and the PS4. Yayyy! For those of you who can’t remember, this classic game was originally released in 1999 for the console and the PC and it was based on the very good podracing centerpiece sequence of the first Star Wars prequel that many Star Wars fans grew up on. The game has 25 playable characters, several different fun racing tracks from all over the Star Wars universe, split screen races, a campaign mode and some fun podracer upgrade systems that let you use your winnings to fix up your pods. The port for this game comes courtesy of Aspyr, who have…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – The Mandalorian overview and strategies
Yesterday we talked about Cara Dune and Greef Karga who are new editions to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. To day we bring you The mandalorian. Here is a run down of this mysterious man of few words works as a Bounty Hunter at the far edge of the galaxy. No one really knows where he came from or how he’s so well-equipped for battle but few question his ability to bring in a target. Whether taking a Swift Shot with his blaster pistol or readying his Amban sniper rifle to instantly disintegrate his enemy, the Mandalorian is always prepared to take on whatever gets in his way. UNIT NAME: The MandalorianALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Attacker, Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel, LeaderPowerful Mandalorian bounty hunter who relies on critical hits to overwhelm his enemies ABILITIES: Basic: SWIFT SHOT FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Critical Chance Up for 2 turns. On a critical hit, grant…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Greef Karga overview and strategies
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes will introduce some brand new faces from Star Wars: The mandalorian to the game. Last time we talked about Cara Dune, and now it it time to talk about Greef Karga, a notorious scoundrel and the go-to-guy for connecting Bounty Hunters with clients on Nevarro. Greef is always trying to spot the most lucrative solution to whatever predicament he finds himself in, and his abilities reflect this. He prefers to hang back while other Bounty Hunters work to achieve their Payouts and he supports the squad with mass assist calls and frequent recovery of Health and Protection. UNIT NAME: Greef KargaALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Light side, Support, Leader, Bounty Hunter, ScoundrelBounty Hunter Support that provides recovery and assist calls ABILITIES: Basic: DUAL SHOT FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice and inflict Daze for 2 turns. All allies with Payouts active recover 5% Health and Protection. Special 1:…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Cara Dune overview and strategies
Cara Dune is comming to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Here is a run down of this veteran Rebel Shock Trooper who has reinvented herself as a mercenary since leaving military life behind. This tough, no-nonsense brawler hasn’t forgotten how to fight an enemy like the Empire and can be difficult to take down in battle. While Cara can find a place as a deadly ambusher on a Scoundrel squad, she’s equally at-home under a Rebel leader, defending her allies as a front-line combatant. UNIT NAME: Cara DuneALIGNMENT: LightCATEGORIES: Light side, Tank, Rebel, ScoundrelA Scoundrel/Rebel Tank who gains benefits when being led by either. ABILITIES: Basic: BAR ROOM BRAWLER FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If there is a Scoundrel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune gains Stealth until the end of her next turn. If there is a Rebel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune loses Stealth and…
Starkiller’s Thoughts When Seeing Darth Vader’s Face Without his Mask On!
Few have ever been able to look upon Darth Vader’s face without his mask. His apprentice, Starkiller, was one of these few. Starkiller struggled with the battle between the light and the dark side and this epic duel between the two of them was monumental. Starkiller had to realize that behind the mask was not a monster or evil creature, but a man, just like him. A man who still had the ability to feel fear and pain. With the mask, Vader was a legend. Behind the mask, he was still a man. His humanity showed through, which had to be a very powerful circumstance for Starkiller. This video from Star Wars Reading Club breaks down the story of how and why this happened, and what Starkiller was thinking when he say Vader sans mask. See it here: What do you think? Was any of this new knowledge for you,…
History of Lightsabers in Star Wars Games 1983 – 2020
Nothing is as iconic to Star Wars as the lightsaber. Everyone, even people who are not fans of the franchise, is familiar with the infamous lightsabers. The latest Star Wars game, Jedi Fallen Order, has a heavy focus on lightsabers. It’s basically a lightsaber-focused combat game. Which brings up a fun and interesting point: How many Star Wars games have their been to feature lightsabers and lightsaber battles? These glowy weapons have become synonymous with Star Wars over the years. Let’s take a look back on all the games with lightsabers from 1983 to today. That’s exactly what Bombastic has done here in this video. Grab some popcorn or your favorite snacks and settle on in for a fun overview. Some of these games are probably older than some of you reading this. But give it a watch and let us know what you think. It covers PC and console…
Fallen Order’s Success Is a Stepping Stone for Future Chapters
After numerous attempts to create a video game that could live up to the legacy of the Star Wars universe, Electronic Arts hit the jackpot by releasing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The story of Cal Kestis was so well structured, that it was instantly loved both by the critics as well as the players. That love was also reflected on the sales of the game, as Fallen Order managed to sell over seven million copies within the first six weeks of its release. Despite that fact that EA has not made any official announcements in regards to a sequel, a second chapter feels like a natural next step for the story. The game’s ground-breaking record sales show that there is a big enough audience on which Electronic Arts can rely on if a sequel is released. However, creating a Fallen Order game is not going to be easy. The…
Why Is Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order SO AWESOME?!
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is awesome. Seriously. But don’t just take my word for it. You can see what The Act Man has to say about it too. And don’t let that intro fool you – it gets better! In this video, he answers the question, “Why is Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order so awesome?” and it’s absolutely worth your time. Honestly, I felt much the same as he did on first impressions. I was sick and tired of the cancellations of Star Wars games and I was looking for something to really blow them all out of the water. Early impressions of Fallen Order didn’t do that. Thankfuly for all of us, they improved upon it. Check out the video (it’s just under 30 minutes) to learn more about this game and why we think it’s pretty darn amazing. The video talks plot, characters, core gameplay and more!…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: State of the Galaxy – April 2020
Here is the April version of State of the galaxy. The developers over at Capital games has now wrapped up on the first two Galactic Legends, Rey and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. It is incredibly excited to see the community begin to unlock these characters and compose interesting and powerful squads. With the end of the recent New Trilogy block, and they are moving on to a new part of the Star Wars galaxy for us. The Mandalorian We begin to explore the Outer Rim with a few of our favorite characters from The Mandalorian making their appearance: Greef Karga and Cara Dune. With Greef Karga, we wanted to capture his calculating nature as the boss of the Bounty Hunter’s guild. For the gameplay side of things, Greef brings some Support to the Attacker heavy Bounty Hunter squad. We are experimenting with him interacting with Bounty Hunter payouts and as…
Want to Work on Jedi Fallen Order 2?
Respawn is hiring again and this time, it’s for their project Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2. If you live in (or would relocate to) southern California, this might be something to consider. They made this announcement on their official Careers page: “Located in sunny southern California, Respawn values hiring great people and providing them with the opportunity to have creative freedom and ownership of their work. Every employee across every discipline contributes towards the ultimate goal of creating amazing gaming experiences. We work as hard on our studio environment as we do our games; we are always striving to nurture a culture of creativity, honesty, and inclusivity where all of our team members are able to do their best work. You can learn more about the benefits and perks we offer here. We hire passionate people from diverse backgrounds at all levels of career development. Our current opportunities are available…
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Gets Multiplayer Security Update
Are you playing Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy? Then you might be happy to know it’s been updated on all platforms. This classic Star Wars game has received some optimization for its multiplayer features. The purpose of the update was to resolve issues with the multiplayer functionality. It also implemented additional security measures to make it safer for you to enjoy the multiplayer features of the game. This update is now available on all platforms, wherever you may play the game. Update 1.02 Patch Notes for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Resolved various multiplayer issues to improve the player experience Implemented additional multiplayer security code Minor bug fixes Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is available for Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC players. It’s $19.99 on the digital marketplace.
Star Wars on Nintendo Switch
No doubt, Star Wars is the most popular franchise in the gaming market. Now, the classic action game, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy that was launched in 2003 is now available for playing on Nintendo Switch and PS4. This is a fun-filled game like the ones that you find on bingo sites. The game was released on the Switch platform on the 26th of March, 2020. New Features to be Included This game is going to have plenty of features for this new platform, and this starts with the introduction of modernized controls. Players can enjoy customization choices before they enter the academy. The title will have an online multiplayer mode that will allow players with up to 16 other players. This is something, unlike the fun games that are available at https://holymolycasinos.com/ as only players can play at a time. There is an extensive range of modes to…
Star Wars Commander is Shutting Down
And another Star Wars game bites the dust! Unfortunately, the Star Wars Commander mobile game is shutting down in June. This is not a rumor, folks. It was announced in an official notice on their website. The notice reads: “We have come to the decision to shut down Star Wars™: Commander on June 12, 2020. As of March 13, 2020, all in-game purchases have been suspended. Star Wars: Commander will remain playable until 11am GMT on June 12, 2020. We will not be providing refunds, however any remaining credits will of course be available to use until June 12. We are also soon announcing in-game changes to make the rest of the time with the game extra special for our players. Lastly, we want to say a huge thank you to all players for their continued support of this game. The community behind Star Wars: Commander has made it an…
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – Final Trailer
I love, love, love Lego Star Wars! If you love it, too, then here’s something you’re going to want to see. The final trailer is out for the Skywalker Saga and if you have not seen it yet, you’re in for a treat. Grab hold of the galaxy with this brand new installment in the Lego® Star Wars™ franchise! Enjoy this brand new trailer containing never-before-seen footage of the new game Lego® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga! You have to check out this trailer. I think you’re going to see some really familiar faces and clips that will shock you! Check it out: A hilarious upload from The Kittydaw. What did you think of that “never before seen” footage? It’s definitely, totally, absolutely not an April Fool’s Day prank. We wouldn’t joke about something as serious as Lego Star Wars. 😉 If you want to learn more, check out the…
Rey and Kylo Ren Join Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Rey from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker are headed to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes to duel on your mobile holotables. Are you ready? StarWars.com announced just last week that Rey and Kylo Ren are coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. This mobile game is about to get even more amazing. Check out this trailer to see for yourself: From the official post: ““Players will experience moments from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker as seen through the eyes of Kylo Ren and Rey, in a way only Galaxy of Heroes can do. With his reforged mask and her flowing white robes, the pair have more abilities than other characters in the game. Rey’s special abilities can help her allies, while Kylo’s brutal nature is shown when he uses his allies’ damage to power up his own attacks. Explore new worlds featured in battle progression, from the desert planet of Pasaana…
Save Big on Star Wars Games Now
Looking for something to keep you occupied while you’re practicing social distancing or isolation? Well, you’re gonna love these awesome deals I’m about to tell you about. There’s nothing I love more than a great sale on an amazing game, and here we have a whole list of them. StarWars.com is thrilled to announce that you can now get classic Star Wars games and modern galactic favorites at Death Star-sized discounts, along with extra in-game rewards, for a limited time. Titles and deals include: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Special limited time in-game events, April 9 – 15 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Get 65% off at Steam, April 2 – 9 at 10 a.m. PT/ET Get 65% off on Xbox Gold, March 31 – April 6 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II Get 65% off at Steam, April 2 – 9 at 10 a.m. PT/ET Get 65% off…
Accidental Cross-play Creates Havoc in Star Wars ‘Jedi Academy’
Leave it to veteran gamers to find (and exploit) game glitches when they find them. That’s pretty much happened this week when veteran PC players of Jedi Academy realized they could invade console games. As we reported recently, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy just recently released for the PS4 and the Switch. Many excited console gamers logged on to play, only to discover an unexpected enemy: PC players of the game. “Apparently all you have to do is take the server IP from a console match, which is clearly visible on console, and enter it in the PC server browser and join,” May Payment noted on the ResetEra forums. “I joined a game where one player was absolutely mopping the floor with us and he had .twitchtv in his username. Sure enough, I looked him up and he was playing on PC in a switch server absolutely decimating everyone.” Not only are more experienced players…
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Now Available on Switch and PS4
A classic favorite, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is now available for the Switch and PS4. The game that was originally released in 2003 is now remastered and making a comeback to some new platforms. It’s been updated with some new, modern controls. If you’re not familiar with the game, it puts you in the role of a new student at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy and you will fight a mysterious Sith cult throughout the galaxy. A fun aspect of this game is that it allows you to customize your character’s species, appearance, and gender, rather than choose from a pre-set player character. You can also forge your own lightsaber design and choose from the different hilts and saber colors. How cool is that? There’s a single-player mode as well as a multi-player mode for you to enjoy and the controls are updated for the PS4 port so it…
Star Wars 1313 WAS Going to be about Boba Fett
Remember Star Wars 1313? The gritty game we were all looking forward to that was unfortunately canceled before it ever had a chance to get off the ground? Well, there were a lot of rumors going around about this game. People were excited for it because it offered something very different from most Star Wars games up to that point. And a lot of people thought it was going to start Boba Fett (or a similar bounty hunter character). A screenshot that was allegedly shot from the game shows what a lot of us suspected – it may have been about Boba Fett. Shared on Reddit by LifeByTheSword, the screenshot definitely gives us the feel of Boba Fett. Other notable things from this screenshot: The graphics were really far ahead of their time. The game is so crisp and clean. The darkness in the background also has a dystopian feel to it….