other starwars games

Star Wars Retro games: Dark Forces

With the release of DOOM in 1993, the gaming industry went into overdrive in coming up with similar games using the first-person perspective. Some games, such as Heretic and Hexen, simply licensed id Software’s game engine. Others choose to build their own 3-D first-person shooters from the ground up. LucasArts Entertainment was one of the latter companies, and Star Wars: Dark Forces was their first stab at the genre. Released in 1995, Dark Forces was the first Jedi Knight game, though the original release did not use the “Jedi Knight: Dark Forces” tagline. Later re-releases would, however. The story revolves around a mercenary called Kyle Katarn, an ex-soldier of the Empire who now works freelance for the Rebel Alliance. After a minor interlude wherein Kyle steals the plans for some obscure new Imperial weapon called the “Death Star”, our hero is tasked with investigating General Rom Mohc and his plans…

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Star Wars: Attack Squadrons Announced – A Free-to-Play Space Shooter

Disney is taking its next stab at the Star Wars license in video game form. Today, the company announced a brand new space combat title in the franchise’s already well-established catalogue. Developed by Area 52 Games, Star Wars: Attack Squadrons is a free-to-play PC dogfighting game, which will feature 16-player combat and a plethora of familiar Star Wars spacecraft such as X-Wings and Tie-Fighters. Rumors surrounding Attack Squadrons began to bubble up shortly after Disney closed LucasArts, when the company was seen registering multiple domains seemingly related to the new game. It seems that Lucas-inspired gaming is alive and well: along with this new game, fans can already expect the new, DICE-developed Star Wars: Battlefront, which debuted at E3, to land in 2015. The announcement came alongside a site launch and the opening of beta registrations. You can try your hand at putting your name down for the beta, but, be warned: the system has been…

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Kinect Star Wars Developer Terminal Reality Reports Shut Down

Many great game developers are kicking the bucket these days and now you can add Terminal Reality to the list. The Texas-based developer has apparently been closed. Gamasutra reports that Jesse Sosa has claimed on Facebook that the studio “seems to have finally shut down”. Sosa posts: “For those that have known me for a long time know that I was at TRI for 10 years. TRI seems to have finally shut down. A lot of different emotions are passing through me at the moment. I left there when I saw things going downhill but I have always kept up with them and hoped for the best. Now that they’re gone, I’m just kind of feeling nostalgic it seems. I hope they all land on their feet. Most of those guys are still like family to me. I know a good amount are on their way to Austin, so at least I’ll…

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Star Wars Retro games: Rebel Assault

Since we try to cover all starwars gaming news here on SWTORStrateies, I thought it was about time I started a new column covering all the old classics. I don’t know how often I will make posts like this, but the point is I will play thought my old collection of Star Wars games and write about the experience. I will also post videos as often as it is possible. The first game I will play again is Star Wars: Rebel Assault.  This is a Sega CD review, so you probably know what to expect. Really good audio, shit video. And you’d be right. The majority of the footage in here consists of moving computer renders. These give you the important stuff, like your levels and environments. They are pixelated crap. The other small portion of screen time goes to animated characters, which hold up pretty well. Unfortunately, you don’t…

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Star Wars: Battlefront development has been temporarily put on hold

Apparently Electronic Arts have stopped all future projects by developer DICE, until they sort out all the issues with Battlefield 4. Apparently  there is an issue with BF4, which have been leading to numerous game crashes.  The developer’s decision to stop all other work to fix the problematic Battlefield 4 also extends to all future game development. Here is what IGN have on the story: “First, we want to thank the fans out there that are playing and supporting us with Battlefield 4,” they said. “We know we still have a ways to go with fixing the game — it is absolutely our No. 1 priority. “The team at DICE is working non-stop to update the game. Since Battlefield 4 China Rising expansion pack was already in the final stages of development by the time issues began with Battlefield 4, we decided to fulfill our promise to deliver it this week, but we’re…

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EA Allegedly Working on New Open World Star Wars Game

If we can believe the newest rumors going around, EA is working on a new open world Star Wars game. Kotaku broke the news, which was spotted in a job listing: “EA Canada is looking for an experienced Animation director to help define and deliver on the vision for a major new next gen open world action game.” The game will probably be the second or third AAA title released after the deal from EA with Disney and Lucasfilms. As we reported recently, this gives EA 10 years of exclusivity with Star Wars video games. This means we can expect to see a little bit of everything coming soon. There will be games for the PC, for consoles and maybe even mobile or Facebook games. While these games will be Star Wars based, we can expect to feel a touch of EA on each of them as well. The first…

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DICE: Making Star Wars: Battlefront ‘Is Scary’

During a talk given at BAFTA in London, DICE Executive Producer Patrick Bach talked about the release and their nerves of living up to the license with the Star Wars Franchise. “So… that’s pretty cool. Who would’ve thought Star Wars would be made in Sweden? “It’s quite interesting. For some strange reason – coincidence, I don’t know – we had a discussion at the office about what happened to Battlefront. You know, the old IP that someone else made that was a ripoff of Battlefield. Bastards! We should’ve made it. It was a competition of powers. We couldn’t do both at the same time.” “For some reason EA was negotiating with Lucas slash Disney, as to whom should make the new Star Wars games. And just a week later it was like, ‘Oh, by the way, that discussion you were having about Star Wars? Do you want to make it?’… ‘Well,…

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Gamers petition for EA to finish Star Wars 1313

Gamers have started a petition on Change.org, in an attempt to influence Electronic Arts into resuming development on 1313 and eventually allow the game to see the light of day. After Disney acquired LucasArts in 2013, all employees were laid off and the company was shut down, thus cancelling all current projects. This included games such as Star Wars 1313 and Star Wars: First Assault. We are not sure how effective petitions like this is, but we do urge all our readers to sign it. Hopefully it will o influence Electronic Arts into resuming development on 1313 and eventually allow the game to see the light of day. You can sign the petition over at  Change.org Here’s the summary: At E3 2012 Lucasarts wowed us with a demo of Star Wars 1313.  Gamers around the world were blown away with 1313.  We could finally play a gritty dirty Star Wars game as a bounty hunter on Coruscant.  After Lucasarts was disbanded and the Star…

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Star Wars: A New Hope Trench Run Recreated for Oculus Rift

It was only a matter of time before someone gave us something awesome like this. Developer Boone Calhoun has recreated the trench run sequence from Star Wars: A New Hope using the Oculus Rift headset. EGM Now brings us the story and the video so you can see for yourself. As you can see from the video below, users can look around the cockpit of the X-Wing–complete with R2-D2 in the back. The demo uses an Xbox 360 controller for input. You can check it out below. Check it out and let us know what you think! *Some people were saying they had to cross their eyes while watching it but I didn’t do any eye-crossing.*

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The 10 Greatest Star Wars Games of All-Time

If you had to pick your top 10 greatest Star Wars games of all time, what would make your list? There are many similar lists out there. I think I’ve even done one myself in the past. But I still enjoy seeing what games make others’ lists of top Star Wars games. Sp this is why I am happy to bring you this story from Dorkly where they place SWTOR at the number three position. And this is what they had to say about it: Star Wars Galaxies was the first real attempt at a Star Wars MMO – and it was…problematic. Buggy, complicated, not-that-fun (depending on who you asked), etc. It was supposed to be the chosen one – the one who would bring balance to the world of MMOs, then (and now) dominated by World of Warcraft. Sadly, it was not, and had its legs sliced off and…

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Star Wars 1313: Boba Fett Concept Art and Story Details

We’re mourned the death of Star Wars 1313 and the shutdown of LucasArts before here and recently, there has been some info about what would have been and could have been that interests us. For one, Boba Fett would have been the star! We were shown a placeholder character at E3 and the Star Wars Celebration, but they planned to use the infamous bounty hunter in 1313, with him running a mission through the seedy underbelly of Coruscant. This added a whole level to it for fans. But unfortunately… it would not be. However, a source of IGNs recently showed them a 15-minute demo of Star Wars 1313 that would have been at this year’s E3 and they released some interest info and screencaps from this new information. Explains IGN: Star Wars 1313 would have begun with a prologue on Tattooine. Various bounty hunters seen in the game would have…

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Art & Pictures

We love Star Wars art! Actually, we love all things Star Wars around here but when we stumble across something cool like this Star Wars: The Force Unleashed art and pictures, we have to share it with you. You will find this from Creative Uncut and if you love video game concept art, this is one site you’re going to want to bookmark. You can also visit them on Facebook to keep up with the latest new galleries. Raxus Prime Ruins Raxus Prime Jedi Temple Secret Apprentice Starkiller (Galen Marek) There are also images from: Raxus Prime Jedi Temple Council Rahm Kota Battle Shaak Ti Battle Shaak Ti Battle Concept Force Lightning Environment Concept Environment Flora Concept and so much more! Head on over and take a look and let us know which ones are your favorites. And if you are a fan of concept art, let us know some…

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Angry Birds Star Wars II Released

There was a great deal of buzz yesterday and today about the iOS 7 launch but one piece of news that got lost in the hustle and bustle was the news that some pretty cool games were also released, including Angry Birds Star Wars II. You can buy Angry Birds Star Wars game keys here The long-awaited sequel to the original Angry Birds Star Wars brings some cool new features. It’s inspired by Star Wars Episodes 1-3 and produced by Rovio. One thing they give us in this version that we never could do before is the ability to play the “bad guys” if you choose. You can “Join the Pork Side” if you choose and in addition, there are many more great Star Wars characters added to the game. We can now choose from more than 30 Star Wars characters, including Anakin, Yoda, Mace Windu and even Jango Fett. You…

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Star Wars Pinball Goes Free For One Week, All Star Wars Themed Tables Are 99¢

We have wrote about Star Wars Pind ball a few times in the past. Now there are Great news about the game via App Addict. Now through September 9, 2013, you can grab Zen Studio’s excellent Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back table for FREE (reg. $1.99) simply by downloading the Star Wars Pinball app from the iTunes App Store. It is easily my favorite of the three Star Wars themed tables. That’s not all…you can also save 50% off the in-app purchasable Boba Fett and Star Wars: The Clone Wars tables as well. Note that the ONLY way to get the Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back table for FREE, is to download the Star Wars Pinball app, but all three Star Wars themed tables are available for 99¢ each (reg $1.99) from within the Zen Pinball app as well. This is definitely worth downloading even if you don’t buy the…

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Star Wars: Battlefront is likely to come out in 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 release date news has been hard to come by lately. This is off course mainly because the game is still in heavy development. According to Electronic Arts Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen, speaking at EA’s investors meeting the other day, the targeted release date for Star Wars: Battlefront is “most likely” in summer 2015 for the most obvious reason that it’s when Star Wars: Episode VII will be hitting theaters and relaunching the film franchise. Star Wars: Battlefront is DICE LA‘s very first big project, following some light work on polishing up Battlefield 4. It’s also the first step in a multi-year deal recently sealed between EA and Disney, giving the publisher exclusive rights to develop games for the Star Wars franchise. DICE’s ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ marks the first entry in the series since 2009′s ‘Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron’, and the first console release in…

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EA Wants to Create Jaw Dropping Star Wars Games

According to recent stories, EA wants to refresh the Star Wars game license and create games that will make “your jaw drop”. For Star Wars game fans, this is good news but will they really pull off this hefty goal? One can only hope, right? “The most important thing for me is that we take the Star Wars license and come up with games where peoples’ jaws drop,” said Patrick Soderlund of EA games to Polygon. “We need to do with this what [Batman: Arkham Asylum] did for the Batman license.” The first game they are set to work with is Star Wars: Battlefront, a game that many fans have been waiting a very long time to see happen.  Soderlund says the DICE team will have access to this work. While they could not tell Polygon much about the game, it’s still great news to know it is in development and…

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20 Canceled LucasArts Star Wars Titles Revealed

The book Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts released in 2008 but recently has made news for the list of cancelled Star Wars games that were reported to be in development at LucasArts. The book contains logos for 20 Star Wars titles that were in development at LucasArts at that time. There are some interesting titles on the list. You will find a tie-in for Episode VII subtitled Shadows of the Sith and even a third Jedi Knight title which a lot of fans say they really wanted to see. It looks like maybe they expected to continue the Star Wars movie serious via games until the Disney contract came through. Now just because these 20 titles are written as “cancelled” by LucasArts, that doesn’t mean that these concepts will never become games at some time in the future. Which on the list would you most want to see? Book Description:…

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Star Wars Pinball Game Review

I love pinball and I love Star Wars. I also love video games. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s take a look at Star Wars Pinball and let me tell you what I think of it. Star Wars Pinball from Zen Studios is a pretty good game for a non-arcade pinball on the Wii. It has a realistic feel to it and you start off with three tables, and have the ability to get more in the future. The initial tables are based on “Episode 5: A New Hope,” “The Clone Wars Series” and Boba Fett so there’s something good there for fans and this adds to the fun. The game also steps it up with the music and I was impressed to hear classic music from the movies. There’s something here for both Star Wars fans and pinball lovers. Some of the controls are hard…

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KOTR for iPad Reviews and Purchase Info

If you are an Apple iPad user and you love KOTOR you will be happy to know about the release of KOTOR for iPad. Released on May 30th by Aspyr Media, this game now comes on the iPad and gives you many great features and story to enjoy. It’s available in the iTunes Store and it’s a real must-have for KOTOR and Star Wars fans. KOTOR remains one of the best Star Wars games ever to launch so there is really no question about whether or not you should play it. The main question, however, is whether or not it’s playable on the iPad. While the controls are a little clumsy, it’s a great solid game and with it, you can take the Force with you wherever you go! See reviews of KOTOR for the iPad: IGN Review of KOTOR for iPad  Eurogamer Review of KOTOR for the iPad  MacWorld…

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Top 50 Star Wars Games from What Culture

If you’re a fan, or even a regular reader of our blog, you know that there are MANY Star Wars games out there and even more new ones coming out regularly. So how do you know which ones are really worth your time to play? What Culture has a real treat for us with 50 Essential Star Wars Games You Must Play This lengthy piece lists the best of the best in Star Wars games and gives you a bit of info about each game and why it made the list. I’m seeing some of my favorites on there for sure. I’m going to let you head on over to What Culture and read it all for yourself but here’s the 50 games that made their list: 50.  Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) – Windows, PlayStation 49. Star Wars (1983) – Atari 2600 48. Star Wars: The…

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Angry Birds Star Wars 2

Attention Angry Birds Star Wars fans: something new and awesome is coming in September! New stories, new levels, and new characters in Angry Birds Star Wars 2. Also introducing TELEPODS! You can get it September 19th. It will feature “over 30 playable characters.” But the biggest addition is something completely new- the TELEPODS. Apparently you can buy these little figures from the store and then choose which ones you want to play your game with and it will allow you to boost that in-life toy into the game. Engadget.com explains how it works: What is surprising is that the newest Angry Birds entry has a physical twist that we’ve yet to see from the brand: something called “telepods.” The Hasbro-created toy is a physical representation of an in-game character, and Rovio Entertainment’s VP of marketing Philip Hickey tells us it works by using a mobile phone or tablet’s built-in camera to read the…

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