Here are the update notes for todays 4/11/2018 Content Update! RAID REWARDS REBALANCE The Sith Triumvirate Raid rewards have been rebalanced. An outline of the reward rebalance can be found in this post: Dev Blog – Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards – 4/2/18 NOTE: With the flattening of raid rewards, top ranking players (particularly in the Heroic) may see lower drop rates of fully crafted gear pieces, and (for some ranks) lower aggregate numbers of direct gear salvage drops. This has been offset by several factors, including: Increase in quality of complete piece AND salvage drops Higher payout of Guild Event Tokens and Guild Currency We are closely monitoring the ability of the current Stores to effectively sink this currency on the gear and shards players need. In the coming weeks, we will be significantly expanding these stores to provide what players need the most, and with more convenience. Greater benefit…
other starwars games
Star Wars: Force Arena – 4/12 Update Details
An update for Star Wars: Force Arena is ready. This one features some balance adjustments to hopefully give more exciting experiences in the arena. Other improvements are included here, so check out the details below: ■ Balance Adjustments A Balance Patch is here to make some changes for some cards in the game. All numbers listed in the Balance Patch are based on the cards at Level 1. Light Side Unit Balance Rey Rey’s Mind Trick is one of the most powerful skills in the game. It changes the tides of battle towards her side by converting Organic enemies into her allies. But sometimes, that gave a very negative experience to Dark Side users, as they had to watch their allies becoming their enemies helplessly. A decision to increase the Cooldown of her skill a bit has been applied. It’s still powerful, but it will need more discretion when using it. Luke…
The Future of Star Wars Games
You know how we love our Star Wars games here. It’s what the entire site is about! Well, let’s talk games for a bit here. I’ve been playing Star Wars games for as long as I can remember and every time a new one is in production or released, I’m excited to try it out. Admittedly, they’re not all for me, but that’s the beauty of the Star Wars universe and the popularity of it all – they just keep making more games. But… what if they stopped? Or what if the games they make aren’t the ones the fans really want? Or what if we get bored of the same old, same old they keep shoving at us? What then? This article from Hardcore Gamer discusses the topic of the future of Star Wars games and we think they have some really great points. So rather than say again…
Timeline of AT-AT Takedowns in Video Games (1982-2017)
Do you love AT-ATs? I’ve always been fascinated with them, since the first time I saw them as a young girl. Now, in the many years that have passed since the first Star Wars film, we’ve seen them come back in a variety of ways, including in a variety of video games. Here we have a really cool mashup of AT-AT takedowns in video games through the years. Not only is it a hilariously fun video to watch, it’s also a great compilation of the different times they have appeared in video games. This video showcases the changes in graphics from 1982-2017 by showing AT-AT takedown animations from various video games throughout video game history. Consoles include : Atari 2600, Atari ST, NES, SNES, Gameboy, Sega CD, N64, PC, PS2, PS4, Mobile Phone It’s actually really cool! It was a lot of fun to watch the different clips, spot the…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Dev Blog – Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards
Here is the latest Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Dev Blog. In this one they are talking about one of the hottest topics in the community lately, changes to the Sith Raid Rewards. The devs are implementing the rewards on the Sith Raid first in our upcoming hotfix update (slated for next week), and will make similar changes to The Pit and AAT in the coming months. We waited until now to make changes because we looked at the data that shows how the first few runs of the raid netted out across many different segments of the player base, then we created tuning that will work for guilds at various levels and factors in the new cadence of the Sith Raid alongside The Pit and AAT. Given the difficulty of the raid, we will be increasing the rewards a bit. Skip down to the meat of the post for this info,…
Replay 300 – Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Game Informer just recently kicked off a limited series called replay 300. In this series, they play select games from their Top 300 list, regardless of their history on Replay. The first episode was Super Metroid, which was a bit nostalgic for me as well, but it was the second week that the magic really happened. For week 2 of Replay 300, they hit a different corner of space in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. This was one of the first Star Wars games I ever played. It was also one of the first that ever got lightsabers right (although it’s debatable in the community). They brought Dark Jedi/ dark forces to the game and this wasn’t really done before either. So join Andy, Reiner, Joe, Tack and Leo as we take look back at the pulse-pounding gameplay and beautiful FMV cutscenes of a now twenty-year-old Star Wars game….
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – Character Release and Event Cadence
Here is the latest developer blog from the guys over at Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. This one is addressing a lot of questions people have asked, and clarifies the character release cadence and explains the details of Marquee events. Hello my Holotable Friends! Recently Carrie introduced me as Nick Reinhart in the Developer Q&A, but you all know me more commonly on the forums as CG_TopHat. I’m the Live Producer on the team which, admittedly, sounds like a made-up job. The Live team is responsible for the day to day stuff that you do in Galaxy of Heroes. We plan and design characters and ships, events, and raids, are responsible for the tuning of the game, and a myriad of other things. We also schedule the majority of stuff on a monthly basis and we’d like to update and clarify a few things around the character release cadence, as well as Marquee, Legendary, and Hero’s…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Dev Blog – Communication on Galaxy of Heroes
The devs over at Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes posted a new developer blog were they talk about how they plan to communicate with players in the future. It all seems very promising. They are following through on what they said they would do. Looks like they are taking what has been communicated to heart. We shall see… Check it out below: ntro I joined the Galaxy of Heroes team in mid-2016 to ensure the Ships feature launched on time. By the time I joined much of what makes Galaxy of Heroes special to the players was already defined. Since then, I became the Lead Producer on Galaxy of Heroes, and I’ve focused my efforts on the aspects of our development and processes that needed the most work. Coming from an MMO background, I find myself often making comparisons between MMOs and mobile games. You’re always on the clock. Everything you…
EA Working on a New Open World Star Wars Online Game
Speaking of Star Wars games (as we do around here), EA seems to be working on a new Star Wars game. Their job post gives us a few details, although you can expect they’re going to be as hushed about it as possible until they’re ready to release official information. From the sounds of it, it’s an open world Star Wars online game. Sounds good, right? EA is working on the brand new Open World Star Wars Online AAA game, according to a new Job Opportunity they are offering currently. The studio is looking for a Lead Online Engineer to join the development team. The position demands good leadership and 10+ years of experience with game development among other things. The new employee will lead a team of Engineers to accomplish the goals for the product as well as be an effective people manager to grow the talent on the team….
X-Wing Alliance Mod Project from Alaska Works
I just had to make a post today to show you this really cool project we came across. It’s not exactly new, but it’s not getting the attention it really deserves, so you may not have heard about it. This is a very impressive shader mod project with demo videos for what was one of the best Star Wars games ever made. X-Wing Alliance! The last and arguably ultimate Star Wars space combat simulator. Although it was released in 1999, several mods are available that freshen up the appearance while retaining the surprisingly deep gameplay. If you haven’t seen it yet, but you loved X-Wing Alliance, I highly recommend you head over and check it out. It’s really awesome and it will bring a big nostalgic feel as well. They have loads of information on their website here, including instructions for using the mod, but there are also some videos…
Star Wars: Force Arena – 2.5 Update Details
Another update is finally here! Next game update will bring many new changes like new units, a new map, and a new game mode! Check out the details below to learn more of what’s in store in the 2.5 update: ■ New Legendary / Unique Cards Added! – [Resistance] Added ‘Legendary’ Card Luke Skywalker (Ahch-To). – [Resistance] Added ‘Unique’ Card ‘R2-D2’. – [First Order] Added ‘Legendary’ Card ‘Supreme Leader Snoke’. – [First Order] Added ‘Unique’ Card ‘Elite Praetorian Guards’. – Luke Skywalker (Ahch-To) and R2-D2 can be unlocked upon reaching Tier 10 (Aurodium Challenger) in the Light Side. – Supreme Leader Snoke and Elite Praetorian Guards can be used unlocked upon reaching Tier 10 (Aurodium Challenger) in the Dark Side. – The details of each new card are based on Level 1. – Details are subject to change and we will inform you of any changes. Resistance – Light Side With the betrayal of Ben Solo – student…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Upcoming Sith Triumvirate Raid Changes
Here is the latest on the upcoming Sith Triumvirate Raid Changes coming in Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes. These changes are expected to occur next week. Content Philosophy We wanted to take this opportunity to restate our ongoing strategy around releasing and curating new content in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Specifically, we want to provide information about upcoming changes related to the recently released Sith Triumvirate Raid. With each new Raid, our goals are to bring a new level of challenge to the game and to provide innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play. We recognize that when a Raid is new, success in the Raid helps define high level competition in the game. Later, when the Raid becomes widely understood, we begin the process of designing a new Raid so players can be challenged again in this unique aspect of the game. We regularly…
Star Wars: Galaxies of Heroes: Version Update 2/28/2018 Notes
In ADDITION to all of the Quality of Life update information the developers provided over the past weeks, we now have more details about the upcoming Sith Raid and new powerful characters. Check it out: NEW CHARACTERS Three new characters make their debut on the Holotable to help you craft your team. For more information on these updates, please see their Character Strategy posts below, but be mindful. Hatred… is a fragile alliance at best. Darth Sion Visas Marr Darth Traya SITH TRIUMVIRATE RAID The presence of the Darkside is here to make itself known. Phase one abilities: Unbreakable Will:Gain Unbreakable Will for 1 turn. This unit may only use this ability once, but an additional use can be gained by defeating Menacing enemies. Survive any attack at 1 Health, must be targeted by enemy attacks, Speed -10%, Turn Meter can’t be modified. Phase two abilities: Soothe: Remove all stacks of…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – March Event Calendar
Here are the event calender for the month of Martch in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Disclaimer, all dates subject to change. Login Character(s) for March- Stormtrooper Han GHOSTS OF DATHOMIR Starts: Mar 1st Ends: Mar 1st ASSAULT BATTLE – MILITARY MIGHT Starts: Mar 3rd Ends: Mar 4th ENDOR ESCALATION – HEROIC Starts: Mar 4th Ends: Mar 4th OMEGA BATTLE – EWOK & EMPIRE Starts: Mar 5th Ends: Mar 5th DEFENSE OF DATHOMIR Starts: Mar 6th Ends: Mar 6th FLEET MASTERY – HOME ONE Starts: Mar 7th Ends: Mar 7th ASSAULT BATTLE – GROUND WAR Starts: Mar 10th Ends: Mar 11th ENDOR ESCALATION – HEROIC Starts: Mar 12th Ends: Mar 12th OMEGA BATTLE – FIRST ORDER & SCOUNDREL Starts: Mar 14th Ends: Mar 14th ASSAULT BATTLE – FOREST MOON Starts: Mar 17th Ends: Mar 18th OMEGA BATTLE – RESISTANCE & CLONES Starts: Mar 19th Ends: Mar 19th FLEET MASTERY – EXECUTRIX Starts: Mar…
Star Wars Force Arena 22/02/2018 Update News
Another update is here! In this update, the Star Wars: Force Arena developers have focused on improving the balancing of the game that will hopefully bring balance to the Force and give more exciting experiences in the arena. Other improvements with the Recommended Guilds List are implemented as well, so check out more details below: ■ Unit Balance Patch All numbers listed in the balance details are based on the cards at Level 1. Dark Side Unit Balance Darth Maul As one of the strongest Legendary cards and one of the most loved Dark Side Leaders in the game, Darth Maul’s Skill allowed players to play more aggressively. A large portion of players have shared their sentiments about him and we are therefore increasing his Passive Skill Cooldown to challenge players to plan out their strategy more carefully since it may now be risky to charge towards turrets. Imperial Heavy Gunners The…
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – The Road Ahead
EA posted an update on what’s up ahead with Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Check it out: As we embark on a New Year, it’s time for us to talk again about some of the changes planned for the near-term future of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and what the Road Ahead looks like for the game. Here’s a peek at what’s to come. New: Sith Raid We are also extremely excited to announce that we are working on bringing you a brand-new raid experience. This new raid takes place in Star Wars: The Old Republic timeframe and allows players to take on the Sith Triumvirate of Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, and Darth Traya. The raid will come out with our upcoming Quality of Life update. Expect to see some more updates on what the content will look like – and please keep an eye on forum announcements for more details!…
Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes – Vader and Palpatine Changes!
The Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes are making some changes to Vader and Paplatine. Below are the news: Emperor Palpatine Basic: LIGHTNING STRIKE FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy and Shock them for 3 turns. Then, Palpatine gains 15% Turn Meter for each Shocked enemy. Shock: Can’t gain Health, Buffs, or bonus Turn Meter. Special 1: The Power of the Dark Side FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to all enemies with a 70% chance to Stun them for 1 turn. Shocked enemies are Stunned for 2 turns and have their Shock dispelled. All allies gain Offense Up for 2 turns. (Cooldown 4) Special 2: Let the Hate Flow FINAL TEXT: All other units lose 5% Health and Palptine recovers Health equal to 150% the total amount lost. Palpatine gains 50% Turn Meter for each Shocked enemy. All allies gain Health Steal Up for 1 turn. (Cooldown 3) Leader: Emperor…
StarWars Force Arena: 2.4 Update Details… Count Dooku and General Kenobi is here!
StarWars Force Arena has a new update! This update will include a whole host of cards and a fair amount of quality of life changes to improve the overall experience of Star Wars: Force Arena. Check it out: ■ New Legendary / Unique Cards Added! – [Galactic Republic] Added ‘Legendary’ Card ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’‘. – [Galactic Republic] Added ‘Unique’ Card ‘Commander Cody’. – [Separatist] Added ‘Legendary’ Card ‘Count Dooku’. – [Separatist] Added ‘Unique’ Card ‘Vulture Droid’. – Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody can be unlocked upon reaching Tier 7 (Bronzium) in the Light Side. – Count Dooku and Vulture Droid can be used unlocked upon reaching Tier 7 (Bronzium) in the Dark Side. – The details of each new card are based on Level 1. – Details are subject to change and we will inform you of any changes. Galactic Republic – Light Side Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the greatest Jedi in history. His understanding of the Force and his…
Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes – Chimaera event officially extended
Here are the Hotfix notes addressing the date scheduling detailed in our 1/10 Content Update in Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes. Check it out: EVENTS The scheduling for the following events have been changed.The following events will begin on Jan 18thand will run for eight days instead of seven: Chimaera Artist of War Event PACKS AND BUNDLES The Following Packs and bundles have been extended to end on Jan 26th: Phoenix Squadron Ultimate Bundle Faction Pack- Phoenix Squadron Freedom Fighter Ultimate Bundle Freedom Fighter Ultimate Pack
Star Wars: Force Arena – 4×4 Blind draws return tomorrow with Anakin/Grievous
4×4 Blind draws return tomorrow with Anakin/Grievous. This is just typical after I used the bulk of my saved crystals opening packs when they gave us the free booster… it’s a conspiracy. Netmarble = Illuminati. Here is the news: Squad Leaders, By popular demand, we are bring back the 4×4 Blind Card Draw Event! Get a chance to obtain ANAKIN SKYWALKER, AHSOKA TANO, GENERAL GRIEVOUS, IG-101 & IG-102 and other cards! To get a free draw, you need to pull 3 identical cards! ■ 01/18 4×4 Blind Card Draw Event The 4×4 Blind Draw now contains the following cards: [Light Side] [Dark Side] These cards are available between the following dates: 01/18 06:00 ~ 01/24 05:59 (UTC+0) 01/17 10:00PM ~ 01/23 09:59PM (PST) * Each card in the 4×4 card draw is worth 299 Crystals * Turn all 16 cards to get an extra random card from the 4×4 board! May the…
New ‘Star Wars: Rivals’ Mobile Game Announced has officially announced a new Star Wars competitive action shooter game for mobile devices. The game title is “Rivals” . Check out the details below, and head on over to the Rivals website for more information and to pre-register for access to the game. Edit: Here is an invite lik if you want to be a beta tester. Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader. Jyn Erso versus Director Krennic. Finn versus Captain Phasma. Salacious Crumb versus R2-D2. Finally, there’s a game celebrating the iconic rivalries of a galaxy far, far away. (Well, except that last one.) The gameplay is rooted in cover-based PvP skirmishes where players build the ultimate team to challenge opponents in combat arenas. Get a first look in the screenshots below. Key features include: Compete in PvP Arenas: Dominate your opponents in this fast-paced PvP shooter as you challenge players cross-platform in real-time combat arenas. Avoid taking damage by strategically utilizing your…
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Server Update 1/11/18
Here are the Server Update notes for 01/11/2018. While server updates rarely have any player facing content (and thus don’t require notes), this is a rare exception. With a Quality of Life update on the horizon, we wanted to herald this server release which happens to include a highly requested fix for guild leads and officers! DAILY RAID TICKET CONTRIBUTION ALIGNMENT We’re working to fix the ticket counter offset issue! Previously, Guild Activities completed by players were not being counted as progress for Daily Guild Bank coins produced in the “Manage” area. This caused confusion for Guild leaders and prompted alternate means of tracking Guild Activity. Today we rolled out an interim fix that will allow players to update their ticket counter by doing the following: Complete a daily Guild Activity Navigate to the Guild Activities screen Then navigate to the Guild Management screen (you may need to wait up…
Star Wars: Force Arena – New balance patch available
A small update will be released on the 11th of January. This update will be a balance update and will make changes to cards on both sides of the Force. We are constantly monitoring our players’ feedback and are applying those to the data we have available to make changes. ■ Unit Balance Patch All numbers listed in the balance details are based on the cards at Level 1. Light Side Unit Balance Bantha Rider The Bantha Rider was designed to be a very powerful tank. But as strategies have evolved, a large portion of players have decided that tanking with heroes is much more effective than letting a Bantha Rider push first. We are therefore increasing the health of the Bantha Rider to improve the cards versatility. Rebel Guards Rebel Honor Cards were designed to be a very basic unit. Their slow movement and weakness to ranged attacks were weighted against their…
Star Wars: Force Arena – Ranking Points Event
Star Wars: Force Arena Ranked 1v1 has held a number of competitions, separating the winners and the losers are into Ranks! Despite the challenges and difficulties, many palyers still found it fun and rewarding! The devs have now noticed that after reaching Tier 14 (Kyber Master), there are no special rewards aside from the extra Crystals given at the end of every Season. Therefor they now want to challenge the players more and give a sense of accomplishment when reaching the top ranks through this Ranking Point Events! So bow is your chance to win special rewards that cannot be bought with Credits or Crystals! Let the battle begin and let your abilities shine! ■ Ranking Points Event Period: 01/11 After the Update ~ Upon Further Notice Details: Points will be given to the top 5 Squad Leaders according to the ranking determined at the end of each Season. The Points…