Remember we wrote about the new SWTOR video, BioWare were teasing about the other day? Well.. here it is. The video is just a minute long, and showes a mashup of the Sith Warrior storyline: from class stories to Makeb to SoR and a scene towards the end that is new. (It has a couple of cutscenes from FPs and WZs thrown in.) Heavy emphasis on LS vs DS choices. No new announcements. However, the new scene features Theron Shan in it: he may be back in a new update. The video was obvius made as a promotion to get more people to play the game, and not as a video for existing players. Check it out below: Watch the new Choose Your Path gameplay trailer and be the legendary hero or epic villain in your own Star Wars™ adventure in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!
And now something different… Wanderers – a short film by Erik Wernquist
I admit that the short movie below doesn’t have to do anything with Star Wars or The Old Republic. It does show however a future where the ability to travel from planet and planet is the norm just like Star Wars. After all, nothing tells that today’s science fiction isn’t going to be tomorrow’s reality. The short film, depicts a less sci-fi and more realistic future and uses Carl Sagan’s voice to narrate its content. If you got about four minutes to spare, it’s certainly worth a look. You can also find a shot-by-shot description of the movie under this link as well as a link to the creator’s website right here.
TOR TV: The Incredible Exploits of Captain Jirk!
The Daring Captain Jirk has been asked to investigate a Sith cult on the planet Athiss. This is when the fun really begins… This is an amazing silent film made from a SWTOR Flashpoint. You know how we feel about fan fiction and other projects but this is a unique one for sure. You remember those cool old silent movies from back in the day? Well, there’s a good chance you don’t actually remember them. I know they were before my time even. Still I know what they are and I’ve seen a couple myself. You’ve probably seen them on TV or in a movie theater preview if you’re too young to remember when they were actually the popular thing. This fun little SWTOR film was done in silent movie style from a flashpoint and we think it’s a lot of fun. Check it out for yourself!
4v4 Ranked Warzone Guide
Ready for some 4v4 ranked Warzones? Before you head into a ranked match, you need to know something about what you’re doing. Most people take these ranked warzones more seriously and you don’t want to waste yours or anyone else’s time by not coming into it prepared. While nothing beats good, old-fashioned practice, taking the time to learn a little by reading and watching videos can help you get a jump start on the whole thing. Man1ac89x has a great video to help you learn more about 4×4 Warzones. Scroll down to see the video for yourself. You should also check out this (recently updated) sticky on the forums: PvP 101: HOW TO BECOME A CONTENDER This thread is THE ultimate guide to PvP. Check out the full Table of Contents to see what it contains: 1) Daillies, Commendations, and Valor Commendation Management 2) Gearing up for Warzones a. Level 1: PvE and Bolster…
Star Wars: The Old Republic Insider — March 2014
BioWare posted a new SWTOR Insider Video. In this video They show off the new Denon GSF map, Quesh Huttball map and the Tython / Korriban Flashpoints. The Cartel market will also get a lot of updates in the future. Later this month we will get access to the Space Jockey Starfighter pack and new direct sell dye modules. In April The Cartel market will have Hot Shots Starfighter Pack up for sale as well the First Grand Acquisitions Pack in late April / early May.. The video also talks about New type of pack based on user feedback, Features armor sets from the first three shipments and that One slot of the pack will drop the entire armor set in a lockbox. Last but not least, the video reminds us of Double XP event 3/14 – 3/17 and the Lucky-77 subscriber reward speeder, check it out below: )
The Old Republic Insider – September 2013
The producers of Star Wars: The old Republic posted a new Insider Video, that gives an inside look at new PvP Warzone Arenas, exciting Dread Master missions, and new Cartel Market goods coming to SWTOR next month! I have a feeling the video was made a while ago and just released now, but it is still worth spending 3 minutes on. Check it out below:
Making of Rise of the Hutt Cartel: Part 2
With the big announcement today that Rise of The Hutt Cartel digital expansion will be available on April 14, Bioware also released an interesting video providing more details on the expansion. Among other things, Bioware developers gave out additional information on the continuation of your personal story line as it relates to Karraga the Hutt and the new planet on the expansion called Makeb. The video also provides hints on villains we will face on the new planet and their impact on our game play.
TOR TV: Tribute to the relaxed Jumpsuit!
Another SWToR-based fan video has surfaced recently that specifically highlights one the newly-released Cartel Market items – the relaxed jumpsuit. The 2 1/2 minute video was made by Youtube user ResidentPenguin and showcases some of the latest cartel market items in addition to the before-mentioned item. The whole recording ties in perfectly with the selected soundtrack and really puts the relaxed jumpsuit in a new spotlight!
Bioware releases The Old Republic Insider Episode 5
Bioware released today the latest episode of The Old Republic Insider that covers the latest news about their game. The brief 3 minute video covers some of the new Cartel Market items including the Luxury Skiff Speeder and the Contraband Shipment, a set of five Cartel Packs! It also offers a glimpse on upcoming updates as well as the new operation coming with Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy.
Rise of the Hutt Cartel: First Look Video
BioWare just released a new trailer for the upcoming expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The video is only around 1 minute long, but shows some interesting footage of the planet and what seems to be new armor. At the same time as the release of this video, BioWare have updated the RotHC homepage RoTHC pre-orders now get a mini-pet, Title, and Holo-statue. All players that pre-order Rise of the Hutt Cartel will receive an exclusive Title, Holostatue, and Mini-Pet when the Digital Expansion launches. The Dr. Oggurobb Hutt Holostatue Train under the illustrious Hutt scientist Dr. Oggurobb with this portable training device that he created in his own image. “”Scourge of the Hutts” Title Republic and Imperial forces that adorn this title will be feared and revered across the galaxy. The Makrin Seedling Mini-Pet Get your very own Makrin Creeper to follow you around and “creep” out your enemies! Possessing bark-like skin and grass-like nerve-rich…
Star Wars: The old republic Encyclopedia trailer
The SWTOR Encyclopedia we have talked about so much in the past, has now got it’s own trailer video. The Cover Art of this book was revealed back in june, and DK Publishing has published illustrations from the book a few times also. Fist time we wrote about it was back in june were we posted these pictures, and less then a month ago we posted these. Several of the writers who have worked on the game, are also credited as authors of the book, Including Hall Hood, Joanna Berry, Charles Boyd, Ian Ryan, and James B. Jones. Anyways. The Encyclopedia should be interesting. Check out the trailer below: The book is to be released on October 12, 2012.
Episode 4 of SWTOR News
This is a special episode of SWTOR news focusing in the current subscription numbers released by EA and what they really mean. There is a lot of talk about SWTOR, how it compares to WoW, and how it compares to other MMORPGs. This brings up the age-old question of whether or not it can be accurately compared to other games. We’ve talked about it before here on the site but I think what it really comes down to is the sheer fact that while you can compare certain elements of SWTOR to certain elements of other games, it simply isn’t accurate at all to compare the entire game package itself to another game because there has yet to ever be another game just like SWTOR. Since it stands alone in its genre for how and what content in presented, it wouldn’t be fair to make an overall comparison- positive or…
TGN SWTOR Video Update and Announcements
There are some changes happening at TGN SWTOR but don’t worry, they are changes for the better! Some highlights: more PvP videos/content, open recruitment is shutting down (but you WILL be answered if you already have an email out), new open recruitment likely to come in May. Weekly news show coming back revamped and with a new partner! See the video to learn more: Awesome! We’re excited for the new additions and new direction of TGN SWTOR and we will continue to bring you updates on what they’re doing.
New BioWare video: A Look At Star Wars: The Old Republic
BioWare have just released a brand new video entitled ” A Look At The Old Republic” This video is properly meant to be used for marketing purposes more then for giving game updates for the players. It’s still a fun view, even though it doesn’t contain any new information for veteran players. Check it out below: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ has been an incredible hit, becoming the fastest-selling MMO of all time with over a million players starting their own Star Wars™ saga in the first 24 hours! See for yourself what just a few of these players have to say about their experiences with the game in this new video!
Escapist Magazine Zero Punctuation Reviews SWTOR
This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Star Wars: The Old Republic. Escapist Magazine did not have nice things to say about SWTOR. It’s a 5-minute, fast-paced rant about how much SWTOR sucks (in short) but self-admittedly is nothing more than a “preview” as he doesn’t spend enough time actually playing the game to give it a real review. Ben “YAHTZEE” Croshaw is notorious for not liking MMOs. In fact, his criticism was somewhat mild considering his distaste for the genre. It’s amusing, I’ll give him that, but I really don’t think he gave SWTOR enough of a chance. Since he doesn’t like MMOs, it feels like he just went into the game wanting to hate it and where do you get with an attitude like that, really? You get just what you ask for. Yahtzee chose a Smuggler as his class but doesn’t seem too impressed with it. My Smuggler is…
New Video for what’s to come in SWTOR over the coming months!
It’s just about time to pay up for another month of SWTOR subscription, and BioWare has started teasing us with what we have to look forwarder to in upcoming patches. Personally I’m impressed, it all looks really really promising. Check it out below: See what the future holds for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ in this brand new video which showcases some of the new game content and game systems that we will release in the coming months. In it, you will be able to take your first look at upcoming game content, including new Warzones and Flashpoints. You will also have the chance to get a sneak peek at the expanded Legacy system that’s coming to the game, UI customization, as well as new Guild features!
Gamespot Video Review of SWTOR
Kevin VanOrd (Senior Editor) dispenses Lightsaber justice in this video review for Star War: The Old Republic from GameSpot. It’s 7 ½ minutes of review of SWTOR from the guys who get to review games for a living over at GameSpot. It’s fun, it’s thorough and it’s visual. If you don’t like reading though pages of opinion from a reviewer or skimming over snippets without feeling like you’ve learned anything new, then this video review might be perfect for you. They mention story, dark side and light side points and the one annoying feature that the rest of us have noticed already- there is no real mechanical benefit to staying neutral. Since the gear is all for light side or dark side points, you pretty much end up going one way or the other in order to get the gear you want. Anyway, check out the video yourself for the…
SWTOR Review and Cool Stuff from ZAM
Have you had enough SWTOR reviews yet? Now that the beta testing phase is over and we are counting down the days to the eventual launch of the game, it’s a great time to read over all the good reviews and previews we can find. We’re going to continue to bring you some of the best ones, as well as our own SWTOR guides and strategies to keep you informed and entertained before launch- and beyond. In yet another SWTOR review, we have this from This is a very long 2-part series of a review/preview of SWTOR based on their beta experiences. Editor-in-Chief Chris Tom talks about what makes SWTOR unique and gives some final thoughts on his experiences. He says: “Yesterday, I went in-depth with SWTOR’s story and gameplay, as well as how it all fits with the MMORPG genre. Today, I’ll be talking about some of the…
Beta Gameplay With Commentary
Tino from MightyMonkeysGaming have uploaded quite a few beta videos, from the current SWTOR Beta build. There is nothing new about Beta leaks floating around Youtube, but Tino has done something extra with his as he is doing a commentary on all of the,, letting us know what is going on. I don’t know how long these movies will stay on Youtube, as the EA law department is extremely hyperactive these days (Which is pretty stupid as we are only 5 weeks from launch). Anyways. Enjoy them as long as they last.
Friday Update: Voidstar Warzon
This weeks Friday Update is out and it brings with it a new systems page on the official SWTOR site. TheWarzone Systems page contains details on all three of the available PVP confrontations including a brief description and accompanying video. Those Warzones are: The Voidstar, an assault style Warzone set upon a derelict Imperial Battle Cruiser. One faction attempts to fight its way to access the ship’s data core, while the opposing faction defends the ship and attempts to prevent the other side from reaching the data core. The factions are then switched, with the attackers becoming the defenders. Huttball, an highly tactical Warzone set in a pit-like arena. Teams battle for control of a ball which appears in the center of the arena. The team which collects the ball must run with it, pass it, or use whatever means necessary to carry it across the opposing team’s goal line,…
Voidstar Warzone Gameplay
Just came across this little jewel. Voidstar Warzone gameplay. SWTOR Videos are plenty on Youtube these days, but the tend to get removed fast also, so enjoy it while it last.
Friday Update: Choose Your Side: Jedi Knight vs. Bounty Hunter
It’s another double header Friday update as we get to see BioWares first episode of the new four-part “Choose Your Side” video series, in which two classes are pitted against each other one on one. During the video members of the Star Wars: The Old Republic team choosing their favorite class in a one-on-one fight. The first episode pits the Jedi Knight against the Bounty Hunter. In “Choose Your Side,” members of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ development team debate the merits of the various in-game classes to see who will truly reign supreme. In the first installment in this four-part series, the noble Jedi Knight squares off against the nefarious Bounty Hunter. In support of the Jedi Knight is Senior Writer Hall Hood and Designer Austin Peckenpaugh, while Senior System Designer Pete Warner and Writer Randy Begel defend the Bounty Hunter. Take a look at the Jedi Knight…
Daniel Erickson interview with a French fan site
The French guild Chimaera uploaded a video with Daniel Erickson from his French community visit last week. Here’s the recap for you: Daniel Erickson walked onto the stage with two Storm Troopers (fun!) to talk about Star Wars the Old Republic. He started by listing off many achievements they have reached with this game including one of the Guinness Book of World Records for “Biggest Voiceover Production” in entertainment history. With accomplishments like that, there’s no wonder why so many fans are amped up for this game’s release in December. The release date for Europe is December 22, 2011. Erickson was quoted as saying “The biggest story RPG in history”, which gives me a lot of hope for the depth of the lore that we will find when we boot up our computers and run Star Wars: The Old Republic for the first time, and hopefully every time thereafter. In…
First look at the SWTOR Collector’s Edition Store
Edit: This is just in from a beta tester Aparently the elevators take you to the VIP section: We aren’t allowed up the elevator at the moment. When you step on the elevator it boots you off immediately saying that you need a VIP card to access the elevator. No one has actually been able to go up inside of the VIP area that I’m aware of. I’m a CE owner and beta tester and I’m not allowed up there. The area around the elevators is NOT the VIP area, that is just a general social hub/cantina area in the middle of the new space station hub. Anyone is allowed in that area, just not up the elevators to the penthouse room. This video was mailed to us last night. It shows the area that will be available for people who ordered the Special edition or the collectors edition of SWTOR….