Huttball for Dummies

This strat helps you to control mid the whole time, while scoring like a champ.

  1. Anyone who can aoe stun STAYS mid (guard/juggs, mara/sents, guns/ops/sco/snip)
  2. Only one Shadow places phasewalk on A (top platform enemy side) and remains stealth.
  3. Anyone (prefer… a tank) gets the ball at B1, crosses the acid UNTIL B2.
  4. Pass to the shadow on top, and moves back to middle, repeat.
  5. Shadow breaks stealth to get the ball, use resilience before getting the ball (not to get pulled or thrown) and force speed to endzone.
  6. Repeat.

Heres a screenshot

Huttball for Dummies

Phasewalk helps you to get in place to receive the ball if you get throw/pulled etc, dont use it when you have the ball or you will reset it.  Whenever the other team gets the ball and goes close/above A (on your side) just tell your whole team to go back mid, and do as stated.

Pro tip from a flying juggernaut huttball expert:
Anyone can throw the ball from the lower platform center before first fires to the endzone. Stand near the edge and your target in the endzone should stand near edge and you can throw the ball to them.
If you are a jugg you can friend/enemy leap from that point. If you get pulled into any of the fires try to get out going towards endzone and jumping to someone in the endzone.

Huttball is a unique and exhilarating PvP (player vs. player) Warzone in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand and excel in this competitive game mode.

What is Huttball?

Huttball is a PvP match where two teams compete to score points by carrying a ball across the opposing team’s goal line. It combines elements of capture the flag with intense, fast-paced combat, and strategic use of the environment.

How do you play Huttball?

  1. Objective: The primary goal is to score points by getting the Huttball into the enemy’s endzone. The game starts with the ball in the center of the map, and both teams race to gain control.
  2. Teams: Each match consists of two teams, typically called Frog-dogs and Rotworms.
  3. Scoring: Carry the ball into the opposing team’s endzone to score a point. The first team to reach six points, or the team with the most points when time runs out, wins.

What are the different Huttball maps?

  1. The Pit (Nar Shaddaa): The original Huttball map, featuring hazards like fire traps and acid pits. It requires good navigation skills and awareness of the map’s verticality.
  2. Quesh Huttball: This map includes toxic sludge pipes and multiple levels. It is crucial to use teleport nodes and high ground strategically.
  3. Vandin Huttball (Sky Shredder): Known for its electricity and gas traps, this map demands quick reflexes and smart positioning.

What are some tips for beginners?

  1. Know the Map: Understanding the layout, hazards, and buff locations of each map can give you a significant advantage.
  2. Teamwork: Communication and coordination with your team are essential for successful ball handling and scoring.
  3. Positioning: Utilize high ground and safe spots to avoid being targeted and to plan your moves effectively.

What classes are best for Huttball?

  1. Scoundrels/Operatives: Excellent ball carriers due to their mobility, self-healing, and crowd control abilities. They can roll through traps with minimal damage and use abilities like Scamper/Exfiltrate to dodge hazards.
  2. Vanguards/Powertechs: These classes offer durability and utility. They can use abilities like Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides to resist crowd control effects and move quickly through dangerous areas.
  3. Guardians/Juggernauts: Known for their defensive capabilities and ability to control the battlefield, they can protect ball carriers and disrupt enemy plays.

How do you handle the Huttball effectively?

  1. Passing: Pass the ball to teammates strategically to avoid enemy pressure and move the ball downfield. Use line-of-sight breaks to your advantage.
  2. Surviving Hazards: Be aware of the map’s traps and use abilities to mitigate damage. Classes with movement abilities can navigate through these hazards more effectively.
  3. Positioning and Timing: Stay aware of enemy positions and plan your movements. Timing your runs through traps and into the endzone is critical.

What are some advanced strategies?

  1. Teleport Nodes: Use abilities like Phasewalk or Hololocate to place teleport nodes in strategic locations. This can provide quick escapes or instant access to key areas.
  2. Control Points: Control key points on the map, like the center where the ball spawns and high ground positions, to dominate the match.
  3. Disruption: Use crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy team, especially when they are carrying the ball or trying to pass.

What are common mistakes to avoid?

  1. Solo Play: Huttball is a team-based game. Avoid going solo unless you are confident in your ability to handle multiple enemies.
  2. Ignoring Objectives: Focus on scoring and defending rather than just fighting. Keeping the objectives in mind is crucial for victory.
  3. Misusing Abilities: Save your crucial abilities for key moments, like breaking through enemy lines or avoiding traps.


What happens if the match ends in a tie? If the match ends with both teams having the same score, the team that scored last wins.

Can you use mounts in Huttball? No, mounts are disabled in Huttball matches to keep the focus on player abilities and tactics.

How are teams chosen in Huttball? Teams are chosen randomly, ensuring a mix of players from different factions in a neutral setting.

Is Huttball available for all levels? Huttball is available to players starting from level 10, ensuring a wide range of players can participate.

What rewards can you earn from Huttball? Players can earn PvP commendations, gear, and other rewards based on their performance and participation in Huttball matches.

How can I practice and improve in Huttball? Participating regularly, studying map layouts, and communicating with teammates are key ways to improve your Huttball skills.