Are there things about World of Warcraft that SWTOR could use to improve? Possibly. While there are already similarities between SWTOR and WoW, it’s also very important to remember that SWTOR is SWTOR and WoW is WoW. If you want more WoW gameplay in SWTOR, then maybe you just need to go play WoW.
That being said, there are some good points to be made about the success of WoW and how it could help Star Wars: The old Republic.
Here are some things WoW allows that SWTOR has not yet adjusted to:
- Not being able to need on stuff you can’t actually use. This makes it too easy for ninjas to steal loot.
- Improved talent trees- Blizzard has proven with WoW that they know how to do talent trees correctly.
- Dual spec option- How much easier would it be if you could dual spec or change specs easily instead of needing to field spec?
- More open exploring- SWTOR can very much feel like you are playing “on the rails” sometimes. I remember one of the most amazing experiences I had in WoW was the firt time I took a flight and realized I could actually see other players on the ground. I wasn’t just zoning from one place to another. That was impressive (of course, this was quite a few years ago).
- Improved PvP zones- Some people think that SWTOR should take on more of a WoW-like PvP system. This is debatable but I see points on both sides.
- Weather effects- It’s a meaningless thing for some players but for others, the small details like weather effects are what make WoW a cut above.
So what do you think- should SWTOR be more like WoW? In what ways? Could WoW learn something from the success of SWTOR? Tell us about it in the comments.
P.S. WoW doesn’t have lightsabers, blasters or the Force. /just sayin’