world of warcraft

Upgrading mining in World of Warcraft – main features and who may find it useful

Upgrading mining in World of Warcraft - main features and who may find it useful

When you start playing WoW, you will quickly understand that the main leveling and quests are only a small part of the main content, and it is important not only to increase the level of the hero, but also to equip him with everything necessary in a timely and high-quality manner. You can engage in professions that will help you earn WoW gold, or strengthen your hero if your character is dependent on heavy equipment and at the same time you are leveling up your blacksmithing. Mining Basics Processing ores and materials in mountainous areas begins with the purchase of a pickaxe – without it, you will not be able to split stone and other rocks and the profession will continue to be inaccessible to you. The pickaxe can be purchased from any NPC that is associated with your profession, depending on the chosen faction. Then you need to go…

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WoW Achievements Guide: Unlocking the Path to Greatness


Introduction Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast world of World of Warcraft and unlock a realm of achievements that showcase your prowess and dedication. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to Azeroth, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies you need to conquer the game’s most challenging feats. Remember, WoW Boost services provided at GladiatorBoost can bolster your achievement points rapidly. Consider their services for streamlined, guaranteed results. General Achievements: Setting the Foundation In your quest for achievement greatness, start by exploring the world of general achievements. These encompass a wide range of tasks that can be completed throughout your adventures in WoW. From collecting tabards to tasting exotic dishes, these achievements are a testament to your versatility as a player. Use your browser’s search tool to navigate through the extensive list of achievements and track your progress. One of the notable…

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Learn about WoW Boost Service and how it Works

For many players, WoW Boosting Service can ruin their gaming experience; meanwhile, some consider it an opportunity to grow their account when spending time with families and friends to have fun. People worldwide prefer WoW Boost Service only if they don’t have enough time to play the game for several hours or have difficulty completing the tasks on time. Boosting services are from the starting days of the World of Warcraft video game; however, nowadays, it is at its peak, and people prefer to use one of two types of services. Usually, newbies can’t enjoy the premium features, including gears, weapons, and challenging quests; therefore, they visit a trustworthy site like to hire a professional player by purchasing WoW Boost Service and leaving everything on it for a decided time. How WoW Boosting Service Works? It’s simple as 1, 2, and 3. Your only goal is to find a platform to…

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Walkthrough Vault of the Incarnates in WoW


Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid level in the expansion Dragonflight. The level consists of 8 bosses and became available on December 12, 2022 at all difficulty levels. Raid specifics If the first boss is defeated (Eranog), then the players are sent to two separate wings, where there are three more bosses. Only then do they reach Razzetta Storm Eater. Raid has no menu Personal Loot, group distribution of inventory only. The exception is professional reagents, which use personal loot where appropriate. It is important to note that item level restrictions when trading between members of your raid group have been removed. In the raid, you can trade inventory, with an increase in level, if this does not apply to upgrades, such as rings or necklaces. Achievements and rewards after completing the raid Players are willing to complete this raid due to the sheer amount of achievements and…

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WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Beta

A manual for joining the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic beta and the extension’s normal delivery date. While all World of Warcraft (WoW) players and their pet Murlocs should get into the forthcoming Dragonflight development beta, the people who partake in the Classic servers and content will need to get in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic beta too. In this aide, we tell you precisely the way that you can get a possibility of joining the WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic beta, what the development’s generally anticipated delivery date window is, and when you can begin testing the substance. How about we get everything rolling, legends of Azeroth! Instructions to join Wrath of the Lich King Classic beta In WoW: WotLK Classic, players will by and by dare to Northrend to confront the Lich King and battle strong enemies, in spite of…

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Top World of Warcraft Players who earn money


World of Warcraft is one of the most popular MMO out there and it is played by millions of players around the world. In this guide, we will share some of the Top World of Warcraft Players who ware earning money by playing it. Let’s get started. Rene “Swapxy” Pinkera Rene Pinkera a.k.a Swapxy is the 2 time Blizzcon champion. BlizzCon is the annual gaming convention by Blizzard Entertainment to promote their games including World of Warcraft. Rene is also the part of the METHOD which is an esport organization. Rene Pinkera has earned $143,924.35 USD by playing the different WOW Events. Rene Pinkera participated in 22 tournaments to earn this amount. He won the Blizzcon (2015 & 2016) where he won the winning amounts of $40,000 and $30,000 respectively. He also won the events like AWC Summer Finals ($12,500), European Championship 2015 World of Warcraft (12,500) and WoW European…

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Should SWTOR Be More Like WoW?

Should SWTOR be more like WoW? If you ask the wrong person this question, you’re likely to get your head taken off. Seriously, some SWTOR fans are very anti-WoW. That being said, World of Warcraft has made it as long as it has in the industry because it is, in fact, doing something right. So maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to bash on the game. Are there things about World of Warcraft that SWTOR could use to improve? Possibly. While there are already similarities between SWTOR and WoW, it’s also very important to remember that SWTOR is SWTOR and WoW is WoW. If you want more WoW gameplay in SWTOR, then maybe you just need to go play WoW. That being said, there are some good points to be made about the success of WoW and how it could help Star Wars: The old Republic. Here are some things…

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SWTOR Not Hurting WoW as Much as Some May Think

We just heard from EA’s quarterly earnings call that sales of SWTOR are doing great and that they have 1.7 million active users as of February 1st. This news puts something of a muzzle on the nay-sayers who were accusing SWTOR of being a flop. However, we still return to the comparison of SWTOR vs. WoW and this begs the question: Just how much is Blizzard’s cash cow WoW hurting from the success of SWTOR? A report on Venture Beat says it might not be as much as we think. They tell us that traffic reports from leading independent community websites for both of these online games show that SWTOR has actually affected WoW very little at this time. When EA reported a strong number of 1.7 million active SWTOR users on February 1st, it left many industry observers wondering how much this gain had hurt World of Warcraft. The…

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EA Claims SWTOR Did Better than WoW in First Month

In the quarterly earnings call for Electronic Arts, they announced they had 1.7 million active subscribers to SWTOR. These are some pretty huge numbers but just what do they mean? These figures count the number of players who have subscribed to the game past the first month free trial you get with purchase. This means that Star Wars: The Old Republic has gained more followers in the first month than Blizzard Entertainment’s immensely popular World Of Warcraft (WoW) did during the same period. (via Hexus) Of course, these are just early figures and in the SWTOR vs WoW arena, Blizzard has a 7-year head start. The true test of MMORPG brilliance will come when we see where SWTOR is in the long run. Where will they be after 6 months? What about a year from release? What about 7 years? The true test of success lies in whether or not…

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Intergalactic Intel: Wow Vs Swtor

Intergalactic Intel: WoW vs Swtor “Did you see that image on reddit?” I starred in disbelief at my friend. Over half of reddit are just images. “Why don’t you be more specific? Describe the image. Tell me what sub-reddit it’s on.” “It was posted on /r/wow. It compared the sith Juggernaut and Warrior class. They’re the same thing!” I looked at my friend with a raised eye brow. I knew where this conversation was headed. Welcome back to Intergalactic Intel! I feel like it’s time to address the elephant in the room. World of Warcaft’s influence on Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is going to be a long blog post, over two weeks.The idea of this blog is to not have a clear cut, “X is better than Y”. It’s to show the differences between the two games. So let’s get to it. Abilities: People claim that almost all…

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SWTOR Beats WoW at its Own Game- Epic Battle of the MMORPGs

We have heard talk for years now of how BioWare just might have the first MMO to rival the infamous World of Warcraft. However, it would not be the first game to make attempts to take down the Blizzard giant in the MMORPG scene. There were skeptics and there were supporters but no one could say for sure if SWTOR would measure up to the level of WoW until it happened. Here were are just a few days past the official launch and SWTOR is breaking records right and left. It would appear now that they have also beaten WoW at their own game. Daily Mail reports on the stats: Hits 1 million subscribers faster than any rival, including World of Warcraft Gamers play for 5.5 million hours over Christmas Three billion enemies are killed Dark Side is narrowly ahead: 810,000 Jedi created, 850,000 Sith While WoW boasts the title…

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SWTOR vs. WoW Big Media Coverage Roundup

People are talking about SWTOR- this we already know but now that the official launch date has arrived, we see big media coverage at an all-time high. We also continue to see the comparisons made between SWTOR and WoW. USA Today had two stories on the game and it was also covered by large news organizations like the New York Times, The Telegraph, BBC, Daily Mail, and all of which had something to say about SWTOR and WoW. Big media roundup of SWTOR vs. WoW: New York Times “On Tuesday, Electronic Arts will release Star Wars: The Old Republic, a sprawling multiplayer online adventure that is the first legitimate competition that World of Warcraft has faced for the hearts, minds, hours and dollars of millions of players. “Star Wars” games have been around for decades, but the Old Republic provides the most extensive opportunity to become your own Jedi…

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Ten Tips for Transitioning WoW Players

Are you a World of Warcraft player transitioning over to SWTOR? You are definitely not the first. There are loads of WoW players making the move to SWTOR, including the majority of my WoW guild’s most active players and raiding members.   If you’re one of these players, you need to learn about the differences in the two games (aside from the obvious) so you understand what to expect and what not to. While we have all heard the comparisons about all the similarities, there are still some things that are very different in the two games.   SWTOR Hub has some tips for transitioning WoW players which covers the following points:   No U.I. Mods Terminology Overload We’re Not in Arathi Basin Anymore Not Every Quest Must You Do Strength in Numbers Quest Text Matters So Does Alignment Dungeons, Instances and Everything Else Don’t Travel Alone: Companions Class Choice…

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AC Comparisons to WoW Classes for the Current/ex WoW Player

A Reddit user named ThomJonson posted a very helpful class comparison about the correlation between Advanced SWTOR Classes and World of Warcraft classes. It might also serve as a good guide to any WoWheads you are trying to turn on to SWTOR. He says: “I did this as a response to someone asking for WoW comparisons in a prior thread located here. It appears a lot of people appreciated this so I figured I might as well show this to more people in the hopes of it proving useful to them or for their fellow gaming acquaintances.” He goes on to explain how he compared the classes to WoW because it’s the MMO he has the most experience with and also that he thinks will best help players understand what the SWTOR classes will be like. He invites anyone more familiar with another MMO who wants to copy/paste the style…

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National Post Explores: Will SWTOR Dent WoW?

Ah, the classic debate continues as National Post writer. Daniel Kaszor explores the topic of SWTOR’s affect on WoW in Tuesday’s Download Code. As they as “Can EA’s Star Wars MMO make a dent in World of Warcraft?”, we see more evidence of just how serious the business of video games really is. Kaszor says: In an interview with Reuters last week, Activision-Blizzard chief executive Bobby Kotick had this to say about the upcoming Electronic Arts Inc. release of Star Wars: The Old Republic (a game similar to Blizzard’s blockbuster World of Warcraft, but obviously set inside the Star Wars universe). He then goes on to quote and discuss Kotick’s comments on whether or not EA could steal users from WoW and also questions whether or not rival EA would make any money off of the game at all since they have to share revenue with Lucas Arts. We recently…

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The Sith Inquisition: Kotick Attacks The Old Republic; Experts Fight Back

In a recent articles , Bobby Kotick, head of Activision, publicly stated that he felt The Old Republic had little real chance of success, not only because Lucasarts was going to drain most of the revenue their direction, but because the amount EA needs to receive in the number of subscriptions from launch or withing one quarter of launch is simply too high. He went on to describe other minor points of error he felt were important, but they simply weren’t important enough to be restated here. Experts immediately retorted with accusations that Kotick, despite being one of the biggest heavy hitters in the industry, had no real information or facts to back up what he was saying. One analyst, Michael Pachter was quoted as saying, “Based on used commentary and user surveys, the profit potential for The Old Republic is high.” This outpouring of support from industry experts begs the…

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Activision Questions Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Chances at Profitability

The days are counting down to the December 20th launch of SWTOR and as many are getting excited about the upcoming MMO, there are others who don’t quite fall into all the hype. Some are predicting SWTOR might not do as well as predicted and that even if it does, there won’t be much room for profit for EA with such an expensive game that they also have to share licensing rights with to Lucas Arts. Will there be any room left for profit from SWTOR? Activision’s CEO Bobby Kotick says EA Will Lose Out with The Old Republic but could he be right? There’s no surprise that there are skeptics when it comes to SWTOR. In fact, with any big thing, there are going to be those who oppose it but how much truth might there be to the questioning? Kotick made his remarks about SWTOR at the Reuters…

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1.6 Million WoW players ‘could switch to Old Republic’ according to surveys

The battle between SWTOR and WoW rages on and as we get even closer to the launch date of TOR (December 20th) we continue to hear talk of WoW players who are or are not planning to jump ship and trade one game for the other. “Analyst house Lazard Capital Markets thinks World of Warcraft could lose between 900,000 and 1.6 million players following December’s Star Wars: The Old Republic launch”, as reported on Computer and Video Games. The stats aren’t really that surprising when you think about it. People are getting tired of WoW. It’s something we’ve written about many times and this also wouldn’t be the first analyst or expert to make such a prediction. The story explains: “A recent survey conducted by the firm in conjunction with Peanut Labs found that over 50 percent of 381 respondents have grown tired of Blizzard’s game.” This really isn’t a…

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“BioWare Bets Big With the Old Republic” Says Fast Company

Star Wars: The Old Republic is scheduled to launch December 20, 2011 and BioWare’s expectation for its future is huge. With all the time and energy put into this MMO, BioWare bets big that it’s going to be a big hit. The SWTOR headquarters is located in Austin, Texas. This seems fitting to some since the Lonestar State has the slogan “everything is bigger in Texas” and SWTOR is one of the largest MMO to ever be released. Fast Company tells us how BioWare bets big with SWTOR. Is it a bet that will pay off in time for the company? BioWare has put 6 years of testing and debugging into the game and logged 4.6 million hours of beta testing. They are now ready to see if the efforts they’ve put into the game are going to pay off. Will gamers respond to this MMO the way they expect…

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Analyst Downgrades Blizzard Stock in Anticipation of SWTOR Launch

  Could Blizzard lose more fans as the SWTOR launch date approaches? It’s been called a WoW-killer before but one analyst believes Blizzard stock might take a hit as SWTOR launches.  Earlier this month, Activision Blizzard revealed that WOW subscriptions had fallen by 10 percent since March, dropping to 10.3 million worldwide. Now Gamespot reports that age and increased competition for the MMOG market can cause Blizzard to lose more stock. This article explains:   In an investor note today, Lazard Capital Markets analyst Atul Bagga expressed pessimism over WOW’s ability to reverse its negative trend. In the process, Bagga downgraded Activision Blizzard’s stock from “buy” to “neutral.”    Bagga’s move was primarily motivated by a Lazard Capital Markets survey of online players, which was conducted in conjunction with Peanut Labs earlier this month and polled 381 online gamers. The study found that WOW’s age, as well as increased competition,…

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This is what would happen if SWTOR dialog was put into WoW

This video might be old for some of you, but there is no doubt that it is funny. I should properly have been posted in a “May the schwartz be with you” column, but with all buzz about World of Warcraft loosing subscribers, and SWTOR getting so close to release, I thought I would just release it as a regular blog post. Anywas… The guys over at run a show called BlizzBlues with the host Darnell. In last weeks episode, they speculated how World of Warcraft would be like if you implemented the dialog from Star Wars: The old republic.

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World of Warcraft Loses 2 Million Subscribers in a Year

If you are interested in getting into the game, Here is a world of warcraft digital download price comparison tool. Another great resource is that helps you find WoW guides that can show you how to level 3x faster and make more gold. Gamasutra Reports WoW subscriptions are down and despite plans to turn things around and a new upcoming expansion, is it too late for Blizzard? Sure, there will always be WoW fans but part of the appeal is starting to wear out for a lot of people. Add to this the buzz and excitement for SWTOR and you can see where the SWTOR vs. WoW wars came from. Gamasutra says: “As of September 30, the game stood at 10.3 million players, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime revealed Tuesday in a Gamasutra-attended conference call. This is down nearly a million from the 11.1 million reported three months prior, and significantly less than a…

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The WoW Gamer’s Guide to Star Wars the Old Republic Characters

As if you’re not tired of the comparisons between SWTOR and WoW, we have a real winner for you. The folks over at The Old Republicordie have given us a complete Wow Gamer’s Guide to SWTOR characters. If you want to know how the characters in SWTOR are similar to those in WoW or if you’re just looking for a good way to explain the game to a WoW-gamer friend that you’re trying to convert, this guide will really rock it for you. An overview of the breakdowns: WoW Warrior = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Priest = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Death Knight= Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight WoW Hunter= Smuggler Gunslinger and Imperial Agent WoW Druid = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Mage = Jedi Consular: Sage and Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer WoW Paladin = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Rogue = Imperial Agent…

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Analyst Says World of Warcraft Will Regain TOR Subscribers

Game industry analyst Michael Pachter had some new words to say about SWTOR once again. You may remember him from Pach Attack and Wedbush Securities. He recently appeared on MSNBC’s In-Game to talk about Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and World of Warcraft™. As if the comparisons have not gotten old already, it’s now time for an industry analyst to weigh in on the topic. While he sticks to his early report that SWTOR will have 2 million or more subscribers at launch, he says that only 1 in 3 of those will come from active WoW players. He also adds that most of them will return to WoW once the initial appeal and interest in SWTOR fades. It certainly won’t be the first time that WoW has gone head-to-head with other proposed giants in the MMO field and they still came out victorious. It’s not likely that any one…

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