Author: Soeren Kamper

Know your lore: Saul Karath

Saul Karath: The Fall of a Republic Hero to a Sith Admiral

Saul Karath is a name that resonates with fans of the Star Wars universe, particularly those who have ventured into the rich narratives of Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). Once a decorated Republic admiral, Saul Karath’s descent into treachery and his eventual role as a Sith admiral is one of the most intriguing and tragic arcs in Star Wars lore. This article explores his story, from his origins to his lasting legacy in the broader Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: The Origins of Saul Karath A Star is Born in the Republic Navy Saul Karath’s journey began in the heart of the Galactic Republic, where he quickly established himself as a rising star in the Republic Navy. Picture a young officer with a sharp mind and an even sharper uniform, who had all the qualities of a future military legend: tactical genius, unwavering dedication, and the kind of charisma…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Betrayal

As The Clone Wars rage on, the thirst for power is causing entire Star Systems, along with many of the Jedi, to change sides. Count Dooku, using his knowledge of the dark side as a lure, is causing many to leave the Jedi Order. An award winning short film set in the Star Wars universe, Star Wars Betrayal deals with a Padawans reoccuring dream about his past and his doubts about his current mission assigned to him by his mentor, Jedi Master Allouben.  

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New SWTOR Webcomic, “Blood of the Empire”

Friday Update features a new webcomic. BioWare™ and LucasArts have once again teamed up with Dark Horse to create this original comic series published entirely online. Blood of the Empire features a new perspective and strong character-driven story written by BioWare’s Senior Writer Alexander Freed and published by Dark Horse. Set in the years before the Treaty of Coruscant and the establishment of peace between the great galactic powers, Blood of the Empire sets the stage for The Old Republic with new heroes, new villains and new revelations about the inner workings of the Emperor’s cabal. Be on the lookout for the release of the first issue of Blood of the Empire coming soon on the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website. Get a sneak peek at the series below!

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New SWTOR Planet! Belsavis

Hey guys… Today they just announced a new planet that will appear in Star Wars: The Old republic! This planet is going to be awesome.. As you will read below, this planet is where many Sith Lords, Mandalorians, and creations of Sith alchemy were sent to be imprisoned during the Great War. The Imperial forces will give it their all to free them but the Republic is going to do THEIR best to keep the evil forces contained.. Read on! Republic knowledge of Belsavis predates the Great Hyperspace War, but for centuries, the planet warranted little attention. With the exception of some unusual volcanic activity, the planet was deemed, in all ways, unremarkable. Belsavis was added to the star charts then summarily dismissed as nothing more than another curiosity of the Outer Rim. Fifty years ago, while investigating the planet’s tropical rifts that seemed to defy the ice shelves in…

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Plans for endgame in place

Not really that surprising, but BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk noted that they have plans for The Old Republic’s endgame in place, as noted by VG247: BioWare bossman Ray Muzyka has told VG247’s US editor Stephany Nunneley that plans for what happens after you finish Star Wars: The Old Republic are in place. But speaking at GDC alongside fellow head of the studio Greg Zeschuk, the pair wouldn’t go into specifics as to what would be coming. “We have plans for end game, but can’t be more specific,” said Muzyka, before teasing: “Actually, we can, but we won’t. “But soon actually, it’s nice to be able to reveal things a little bit over time.” “It’s been a long cycle, but we knew that going in and we’ve been very thoughtful about details. People who play MMOs want details,” added Zeschuk. That said, there will be stuff in the game…

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SWTOR is EA’s “largest ever” project

Though this should come as no surprise to anyone, Eurogamer is reporting that Star Wars: The Old Republic is EA’s largest ever project. Their text: BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic is the most expensive game ever created at EA. The publisher’s chief banker Eric Brown described the MMO as the “largest ever development project, period, in the history of the company””. He said a packaged game usually costs around $30m to make at EA, but “any MMO costs significantly more than that”. When asked by a member of the Wedbush Morgan Securities audience in New York today how the cost compared to World of Warcraft, Brown said Blizzard spent “$100 million, perhaps more” to ship the game in 2004. “That’s lifetime [research and development] to actually ship it and obviously then there’s maintenance subsequent to ship and expansion packs,” Brown added. These days, WOW makes around $100m a month…

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Endgame is “Brand New System”

ComputerAndVideoGames, the digital arm of PC Gamer magazine, has posted a message noting that James Ohlen told them that the endgame content in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a combination of classic MMO systems and something new. Here’s their article: Bioware has revealed that end game content in Star Wars: The Old Republic will mix the classic MMO system with “something brand new””””””””””””. The ‘endgame’ content offers players incentives to stay in the game once they’ve reached maximum level. Speaking to PC Gamer in its new ‘MMO issue’, the game’s creative director James Olhen said: “We’re looking at classic [endgame] systems, but we’re also doing something brand new that hasn’t been done in an MMO before. So we’re going to mix those two together.” Olhen then got hushed by the game’s product manager, but added that Bioware was keen for players to continue questing after hitting maximum. “We…

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Know your lore: Zaalbar

Know your lore: Zaalbar

Zaalbar, the towering and loyal Wookiee, is one of the most memorable characters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). Known for his strength, sense of honor, and unwavering loyalty, Zaalbar plays a significant role in the journey of Revan and his companions. This article will explore Zaalbar’s origins, his role in KOTOR, and his impact on the broader Star Wars lore, while also delving into how his character is remembered in modern Star Wars media. Chapter 1: The Origins of Zaalbar A Wookiee from Kashyyyk Zaalbar, or “Big Z” as his friends fondly call him, hails from the lush and wild planet of Kashyyyk, a world that’s as dangerous as it is beautiful. Imagine living in a place where the trees are so tall that the sunlight barely reaches the ground, and the wildlife isn’t just wild—it’s downright terrifying. But for Zaalbar, this dense, towering forest was…

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DEVELOPER BLOG #10 : making the Jedi Consular

This weeks Friday Update features a Developer Blog by writer Joanna Berry as she brings to light some thoughts behind making the Jedi Consular. My favorite Star Wars™ film has always been The Empire Strikes Back™. But while the battle of Hoth will keep me glued to the screen for that second when the AT-ATs appear out of the snow, the film’s defining moments are on Dagobah, while Luke struggles and trains with Master Yoda. Before that, the Force was just a word that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader used, for a power whose glory days were long over. But on Dagobah, with Luke, we saw the Force differently; not as some simple trick that made Imperial Stormtroopers look the other way, but something greater. The Force™ is a living energy binding the galaxy as a whole. It is something that, in the hands of a master, could raise a…

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While we wait for The Old Republic:Tales of the New Republic

Tales of the New Republic was a film released with much anticipation on May 25, 2007. There was a lot of speculation at the time that this film was a trailer for The Clone Wars 2008 series. It was actually a class project at The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School in Orlando, FL and I am sure it was done to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. The film plays like an animated trailer for a possible new series and is very well done. A must see!

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Star WarsThe Old Republic: What are YOU most excited about?

Hello everyone! This website has been running since 2008 and we thank you all for supporting us thus far. We have seen some major advancements with the game and we will be posting some more content from the developers themselves! We have been talking and we really want to get into touch with the visitors of our site. We definitely want some more interaction so expect to see some interactive posts in the coming future! So the question I want to ask to you all today is this, what are YOU most excited about for Star Wars: The Old Republic? Is it the awesome gameplay that we will experience? Is it the questing? Which class are you most excited to play in? How much time will you spend trying to master the game before others do? 🙂 Tell us ANY of your thoughts! There is so much to look foward…

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Know your lore: Mission Vao

Mission Vao

Mission Vao is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars universe, known for her spunky attitude, street smarts, and unwavering loyalty. As a central character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), Mission has captured the hearts of fans with her youthful exuberance and the depth of her character. This article delves into the life and legacy of Mission Vao, exploring her role in the Old Republic, her connection to Revan, and her enduring impact on the Star Wars galaxy. Chapter 1: The Origins of Mission Vao Growing Up on the Streets of Taris Mission Vao’s story begins in the grimy, neon-lit streets of Taris, a planet with a divide as stark as day and night. If you were lucky, you lived in the Upper City, where the rich and powerful enjoyed their luxuries. If you weren’t so lucky—like Mission—you called the Lower City home,…

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Can BioWare Put The RPG Back in MMORPG?

You can’t help but wonder whether BioWare’s upcoming MMOG, Star Wars The Old Republic, will be able to port the same roleplaying aspect their successful single player games are known for to a new platform. Tentonhammer Have an excellent editorial about this: With story based MMOGs, I had hoped games would give us direction and purpose without losing the ability to make choices. Alas this was not to be–most current quest-based games give you little more than a choice between taking a quest or not taking a quest. I want to take a quest to kill a target and then be faced with the decision whether to actually kill them or let them go. Either way, there could be consequences for my actions. Let me piss off an NPC and have to face him or his minions later. Let me refuse to take a quest from an NPC vendor and…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Makazie One

Makazie One is a fan film that made its debut on the Internet in September of 2009. It is a great film that features the voice of Jay Laga’aia. As with most fan films, be sure to watch additional footage after the credits. You can visit their website for more information. Set in the Star Wars Universe during the time period between Episodes 3 and 4, an elite soldier has been sent to track down and destroy a known threat to the Empire through intense ground battles and haunting imagery of death that surround the environment. The unsuspecting enemy to the Imperial Order has no idea what he is up against when the two finally meet for an action packed surprise ending.

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Threat Of Peace Issue #27

The next issue of Threat of Peace #27 has just been released: The twenty-seventh issue of Threat of Peace™ concludes the volume with a surprising turn of events as Jedi Knight Satele Shan, Fortris Gall, and Special Forces Lieutenant Tavus report their battle with the Sith to Master Orgus Din. The story comes full circle when Braden the Bounty Hunter finally completes the contract which got him tied up in this mess in the first place. Check out the final issue of Threat of Peace now.

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Returning to Taris

Once home to a sprawling planet-wide city, Taris was razed long ago by the Sith Lord Darth Malak while seeking to eliminate the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. Now, a post-apocalyptic Taris is being realized in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. After 300 years, Republic and Jedi leaders are moving forward with the efforts at colonization. Watch insights from James Ohlen, Drew Karpyshyn, Scott Carpenter, and Mark How about the new environments – and adventures – awaiting players in Biowares latest Developer Dispatch: Returning to Taris:

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Taris

Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Taris

Taris was an urban planet in the Outer Rim Territories. The term Tarisian was used to describe people and products from the planet. The planet’s ecumenopolis quickly developed over a century of prosperity, and as a result the planet suffered from massive overpopulation. Once a galactic nexus, Taris’ importance declined with the introduction of improved trade routes, and the planet rapidly fell into decay. The remainder of the planet’s history was wrought with civil disorder and social unrest. As it turned to industry as a means of compensation for its economic troubles, its oceans became polluted, eliminating the planet’s main food source. Famine spread among the lower classes while the rich hoarded what few supplies remained. The resulting strife led to the Tarisian Civil War, the start of lasting prejudices between the Humanocentric Tarisian nobles and the largely alien underclass. The city became segmented, and the lower classes were banned…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Trial of Han Solo

Han Solo is on trial for the infamous murder of Greedo in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Throughout this trial the prosecution and defense provide evidence, counter-evidence, and double counter-evidence drawn from the 1977, 1997, and 2004 releases of the movie, in which the events in question are represented in three distinct ways. This is a must for all Star Wars fans (and for anyone interested in an extremely high-quality piece of filmmaking).

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Fan Friday with Fan Site Kit

Today’s update is a Fan Friday update, including some community art, two bits in the developer corner, a couple of new forum avatars and the Fan Site Kit. I’ll just be lazy and copy-paste the entire thing: Welcome to another exciting Fan Friday where we shine the spotlight on talented members of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community and share some gems from the Development Team. This week, we also want to present you with the official Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Site Kit! We know you’ve been waiting for this, and we think you’ll be impressed. Be sure to see it all, plus check out the new avatars, and don’t forget to vote in the latest series of polls! Community Creations StandAlone has been busy creating some breathtaking Star Wars™ fan art. The three most recent paintings, Ambush, Inevitable Death, and Darth Satus were all created using TOR…

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