Author: Soeren Kamper

SW:TOR Community Manager Responds to XBox 360 Rumor

Yesterday a rumor surfaced that Star Wars: The Old Republic (SW:TOR) could possibly be heading to the XBox 360 according to a new internal Xbox 360 release list acquired by VG247. The list details scheduled for release next year, but the most curious entry is near the bottom of the document that states SW:TOR on the Xbox 360 list marked with TBC-2011 release. However, it looks like for the moment the rumor is just that, despite the information in the document. SW:TOR Community Manager Sean “Ashen Temper” Dahlberg responded to the discussion on the official SW:TOR forums, emphasizing that SW:TOR is being developed for the PC with Windows as an operating system at this time. I know many of you have heard this before but I’ll go ahead and reiterate it for those of you who may be new: Star Wars: The Old Republic is currently being developed for the…

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Sign up for our newsletter!

Hey its Clayton here.. I just want to say that just a few days ago we set up a newsletter just for YOU. Here’s what you’ll get: -The latest and best Swtor news and updates -A bunch of cool stuff including a free swtor eBook/handbook that Soren and I are putting together -Subscriber-only content and much more… So just put your first name and your email address in the signup form on the right and send us feedback on anything that you would like to tell us about! Thanks again (P.S, our Facebook page is almost at 5,000 fans thanks to all of you!) -Clayton

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Know your lore: T3-M4

T3-M4: The Unsung Hero of the Star Wars Universe

 T3-M4 might not have the fame of droids like R2-D2 or BB-8, but this little astromech has been pivotal in shaping the events of the Old Republic era. Known for his resourcefulness, loyalty, and a surprising knack for adventure, T3-M4 has been a critical companion to some of the galaxy’s most important figures. This article delves into the life and legacy of T3-M4, exploring his journey across both the Legends continuity and Disney Canon. Introduction: The Unsung Hero of the Old Republic—T3-M4 T3-M4 may not have the fame of R2-D2 or BB-8, but this little astromech droid has played a crucial role in shaping the events of the Old Republic era. Known for his technical prowess, unwavering loyalty, and endearing personality, T3-M4 is a standout character in the Star Wars universe. This article explores his journey, from his origins in the Legends continuity to the hope for his return in…

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While we wait for The Old Republic: Immolation

Set during the Great Jedi Civil War, a Sith apprentice is on the run from the Brotherhood, after failing his most important test. A young Jedi Sentinel is drawn by the Force to seek out the failed Sith apprentice, and tracks him to the snowy world Ziost. Can he reach the him before he is destoyed by the Sith trackers? Download the HQ version of this film at: or This film takes place during the ero of Knights of the Old Republic… During the apex of Sith power during the great Jedi Civil War, just before infighting tore the Sith Order apart, a young recruit was apprenticed to lead a life with the Brotherhood that he had not fully embraced. Failing his last and most important trial, the Brotherhood deemed him unfit to be Sith and hunted him to a snowy training world inside Sith Space to exterminate…

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HoloNet offers new character biographies

SW:TOR HoloNet offers new character biographies. . Have you ever wondered who some of those characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Deceived trailer or the Threat of Peace comics are? With the latest release from BioWare you can find out. The HoloNet has been updated with new biographies for several characters that will be expanded over time. For now, you can get a look at some of the biographical profiles of Grand Moff Kilran, Nem’Ro The Hutt, and Grand Master Satele Shan. Curious about some of the characters you’ve seen in Threat of Peace™, the Developer Walkthrough, or the “Deceived” cinematic trailer? Now you can find out all about them! We are thrilled to introduce a new expansion to our HoloNet archives: Biographies! Now you can view profiles of several of the galaxy’s most notable figures. Each entry highlights someone you may meet, travel with, or fight alongside or…

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Smuggler’s Vanguard

The first update today is the release of a short story by Robert Chestney named “Smuggler’s Vanguard”, giving a closer look at one of the characters from the Timeline. Here’s the official news: Get a closer look at one of the most popular characters from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Timeline series. Hylo Visz, the daring Mirialan pilot who broke the Mandalorian Blockade, is the protagonist in a new short story published on Written by BioWare’s Robert Chestney, ‘Smuggler’s Vanguard’ tells a story from Hylo’s past, when she was contracting on a high profile job for the Hutt crime cartel. Caught between two of the Hutts’ most brutish goons and a suspicious Corellian corporation, Hylo is forced to rely on her instincts and her luck to squirm out of a difficult situation and find a way to profit against the odds. Check out ‘Smuggler’s Vanguard’ on now!

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This is not the Game Tester Login page that you are looking for…

Sean Dahlberg posted on the forum in regards to the “hidden launch website“, confirming that it is indeed a game tester login page: You have indeed found the login portal for Game Testing. That said, this is not a new page and we are not ready to make any additional announcements about our Game Testing Program. When we are ready, we will make sure The Old Republic Community is the first to know! If you haven’t signed up yet to be a tester or wish to learn more, access our Game Testing Portal. And a little later he posted some more answers: A couple of quick answers: Yes, it is indeed called the Game Testing Program and not anything else. As when we originally announced sign-ups, Game testing for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be rolled out in several phases over an extended period of time. These test phases…

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Launch site for SWTOR?

I read a story this morning and it looks like some members of the swtor forum have found a “launch site” for SWTOR! The link can be found below.. You have to login with your account information and when you login there will be a message in red that says “No game servers are currently available for play.” This is obviously going to be the site where the beta will be played 🙂 This is super exciting to all of us who have been waiting for the beta and for the launch of next year.. This site proves to us that they are making more and more progress with the game… They’re setting up the servers and getting everything ready for a nearing beta launch and we will possibly hear an official launch date very soon 🙂 So what do YOU think that this could mean? Leave your comments below!…

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Daniel Erickson shares more insight on the Sith

Mondays story about Star Wars: The Old Republic writer Daniel Erickson’s explanation of how someone writes for the Sith Empire sparked a huge amount of discussion on the official forums. There was so much discussion in fact, that Daniel Erickson took to the official forums to further explain his reasoning and thought process behind writing from the Empire’s point of view. Of the conversation occurring across the official forums, Erickson had to say, “An interesting thread. I always like to see what responses the philosophical discussions provoke. Hopefully people noticed that there were no quotes from me saying the Sith were good — even the interviewer ended on it being an excuse to unleash ones hate.“” After that intro, Erickson goes on to deftly explain the complexities behind writing for ostensibly the “evil side” in a manner that makes them more than dastardly villains with cape and cane. It’s a…

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May the schwartz be with you: Darth Vader Feels Blue

Have you ever wondered what Anakin Skywalker had underneath that Darth Vader mask of his? Well, this video will reveal all the wonders of that unanswered question… This is a touching moment between father and son as Darth Vader demonstrates a talent to Luke that didn’t come from the force. Vader has some blues in him and plays his built in harmonica beautifully. Watch as Darth Va­der busts in­to a blu­es jam right in the mid­dle of a dra­ma­tic sce­ne..

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Genocide and Jedi: why the Sith may be right in Old Republic

arstechnic has a great interview with Daniel Erickson about who the real bad guys are in Star Wars: “The one thing you’re never going to hear is ‘make the bad guys less interesting.’” I’m sitting in an out-of-the-way room of Lucasarts with Daniel Erickson, who keeps swinging back to one topic: why the people we’ve come to hate in the Star Wars universe act as they do. He’s given this some thought; as the lead writer on Star Wars: The Old Republic, the upcoming Star Wars MMO, it’s his job to help tell both sides of the story. In our time together we discuss the extended universe, he makes the case for Grand Admiral Thrawn, and explains how the Jedi attempted genocide… and why the Sith may just be right. While we’re on the topic of the extended universe, he brings up the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. “Thrawn is…

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Know your lore: Jolee Bindo

Jolee Bindo is one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, particularly for fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) video game series. A former Jedi who walked away from the Order, Jolee embodies a blend of wisdom, wit, and moral ambiguity that makes him a fan favorite. His journey from a disillusioned Jedi to a critical ally in the fight against the Sith is rich with complexity and depth. Let’s explore the character of Jolee Bindo across the old Legends continuity and the Disney canon. Introduction: The Complex Legacy of Jolee Bindo Jolee Bindo is a character who defies simple categorization, making him one of the most intriguing figures in the Star Wars universe. His journey from a rebellious Jedi to a wise hermit on Kashyyyk offers a deep exploration of the Force, personal growth, and the complexities of morality. This article delves into…

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Is SWTOR worth 2 million users

Yesterday IndustryGamers reported that, according to one analyst, EA are looking to get 2 million subscribers when Star Wars: The Old Republic releases next year. Many have since speculated that EA needed this amount of subscribers for the game to break eave. In a genre where only one game has ever exceeded two million subscribers at $15 per month, that’s a very high standard to put yourself up against. Then again, we are talking about Star Wars, beloved by geeks the world over. We’re also talking about BioWare, who have blown many gamers away with the awesomeness of Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins. Over at massively they discuss this matter in further details. A a really good read I recommend to check out: Two million is possible worldwide, right? The other issue that I’m hanging on is the fact that 2 million subscribers is a far fetch for…

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GDC 2010 Wrap up

With GDC last week, even though Star Wars: The Old Republic had no specific presence, there were a number of interviews and details popping up all over the web. In particular from the off-site event that LucasArts held where the press got some hands-on time with a Trooper. Over on the official forums Sean Dahlberg made a post listing a lot of them (some of which I already reported on before): While there were no panels this year specifically related to The Old Republic during Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2010, there are a few panels that consisted of BioWare developers. There was also an off-site event specifically for The Old Republic that various press and fan sites were invited to. None of this information will show up till early next week so keep your eyes peeled for that. We will be updating the list in this post as more articles…

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EA are looking to get 2 million subscribers for SW:TOR

IndustryGamers reports that, according to one analyst, EA are looking to get 2 million subscribers when Star Wars: The Old Republic releases next year: Between major successes like Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2, BioWare has quickly become one of the most important studios throughout all of Electronic Arts since the publisher acquired the RPG specialists. EA has already indicated that the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO is the “largest ever development project, period, in the history of the company,” and it’s quite clear that expectations for this title are huge. Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia recently came away from a meeting with EA and reported that although “earnings are somewhat depressed due to ongoing expenses of the Star Wars MMO, management has high hopes for this and believes 2M+ subs is possible.” He added that a little over 1 million subscribers is needed to reach the break-even…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic isn’t the only Star Wars MMO in development.

According to GamerVision Star Wars: The Old Republic isn’t the only Star Wars MMO in development. They say that “trusted sources” confirm that Sony Online Entertainment is working on a Clone Wars MMO. This is not the first time that we’ve heard this rumor. Here’s what they had to say on it: Thought EA’s The Old Republic was the only Star Wars MMORPG in development? Think again. Trusted Gamervision sources have confirmed that there is a second MMO in development by Sony Online Entertainment, the creators of once awesome, now less-than-awesome Star Wars: Galaxies. Supposedly called Clone Wars Adventures and due by the end of the year, it’s to be a browser-based game aimed at a much younger demographic than The Old Republic. Namely pre-teens, the same audience for the popular Clone Wars television show, and far away from those who might even consider subscribing to BioWare’s RPG. So far…

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Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Belsavis

Belsavis was a planet in the Ninth Quadrant, which was a region of the Bozhnee sector. Ice-covered, its average temperature was in the -50s. It was located on the Belsavis Run. History Old Republic era At some unknown point in the past, the planet became one of the many worlds that belonged to the Rakata Infinite Empire. During that time, the Rakata made use of the world as a prison colony where they placed many dangerous prisoners that remained trapped for the millennia. It entered an ice age around 5,000 BBY. Its inhabitants dwelt in three volcanic jungle rifts. During the Great War, the Republic used Belsavis’ prison to confine dangerous Sith lords and war criminals. Plett’s Well, was settled 88 BBY by Jedi Master Plett, and came to be called simply Plawal. The main Republic colonization of the planet occurred 20 BBY, with many plants and animals being imported…

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SWTOR Hands On @ GDC

The Game Developers Conference was held last week and several sites had an opportunity to get a “hands on” with Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both 1UP and Eurogamer were afforded the opportunity to check out the game. Here a couple excerpts from their reactions: Story Driven Experience When playing a story mission in Star Trek Online, it’s all text delivered through a little dialog box. More times than not, it’s usually an alien race harassing a Federation colony, and you need to step in and blast them out of the stars. From the little that we’ve seen of The Old Republic so far, this much is certain: you will have many different story arcs available to your character available out of the box on day one. Recently we saw some of this in action as we got a taste of the Trooper’s story arc, and what it was like…

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SWTOR in PC Gamer UK Magazine

When I dropped by the supermarket this weekend I noticed that one of the magazines had a familiar Sith Warrior  on the cover. And indeed, what I found was PC Gamer UK’s April 2010 issue, which they’ve labeled “The MMO issue”. And indeed it is, with articles looking at WoW: Cataclysm, a number of future MMOs, rating a number of current MMOs against each other, a free trial for EvE Online on the cover DVD and a number of other articles. But the main article of interest is a six-page article, titled “Tour de Force” looking at Star Wars: The Old Republic. Not that there’s much of any new information in it. Considering when the magazine was published it can’t even cover the presentation given last week during GDC. Though it’s still a nice read. I won’t include scans of the article because I’m sure they’d not be happy with…

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May the schwartz be with you: Spike TV – Star Wars ads

Unless you’ve been stuck upside down in a wampa cave, you probably have heard that Spike TV was airing the entire Star Wars saga, back in April 2008. In case anybody missed the news, Spike was telling the world about this television premiere with some head-turning outdoor ads, starting at Penn Plaza in New York City. Check it out: Along side the billboard adds Spiked TV also ran some Genius TV ads. Most people I know have only seen the first one that was aired, but here is a collection of all them:     See below for the press release from TV Enters a New Galaxy With the Complete Star Wars(TM) Saga Features The Broadcast Premiere of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and the Basic Cable Premieres of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Feel…

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Know your lore: Saul Karath

Saul Karath: The Fall of a Republic Hero to a Sith Admiral

Saul Karath is a name that resonates with fans of the Star Wars universe, particularly those who have ventured into the rich narratives of Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). Once a decorated Republic admiral, Saul Karath’s descent into treachery and his eventual role as a Sith admiral is one of the most intriguing and tragic arcs in Star Wars lore. This article explores his story, from his origins to his lasting legacy in the broader Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: The Origins of Saul Karath A Star is Born in the Republic Navy Saul Karath’s journey began in the heart of the Galactic Republic, where he quickly established himself as a rising star in the Republic Navy. Picture a young officer with a sharp mind and an even sharper uniform, who had all the qualities of a future military legend: tactical genius, unwavering dedication, and the kind of charisma…

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