Dr. Greg Zeschuk

BioWare Co-Founder Reveals His Dream to Take Over EA from the Inside

When it comes to the gaming industry, few stories are as legendary as the rise of BioWare. Known for producing iconic RPGs like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and of course, Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), BioWare built a reputation as a studio dedicated to deep storytelling and unforgettable characters. But behind the scenes, the relationship with Electronic Arts (EA) was far from a fairy tale. In a recent episode of Simon Parkin’s podcast My Perfect Console, BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk offered a surprisingly candid look at his time under EA’s corporate umbrella—and a wild dream that never quite materialized: taking over EA from the inside. EA: A Double-Edged Lightsaber for BioWare When EA acquired BioWare in 2007, it seemed like a match made in RPG heaven. A successful indie studio joining forces with a publishing giant promised bigger budgets, better marketing, and larger-scale projects. And for a while, it…

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EA Didn’t Ruin BioWare Games, Says Dr. Zeschuk

We have all heard the rumors: EA ruined SWTOR, EA ruined BioWare, EA destroyed BioWare games. But one of the Doctors is speaking out against these rumors. BioWare co-founder Dr. Greg Zeschuk says he had a hand and a voice in how things operated at EA/Bioware. In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, the doctor says: Zeschuk also rejects any notion of Electronic Arts being a negative influence on BioWare. “They don’t second-guess you, they don’t say you shouldn’t do that,” he explains. “We had complete creative control over a lot of it; some fans didn’t like some of it and some of it was experimental, quite frankly.” Well, it’s a sign of honor to own up to your own mistakes, right? It’d be easy for BioWare to blame EA for their lackluster year(or two) but instead he admits that they had too much money and possible too much free reign and they made…

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BioWare Doctors to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at GDC

GDC 2013 is coming up soon and word has it the BioWare founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk are getting a very special recognition- the lifetime achievement award. Personally, I’m happy to see them be recognized since the docs have really contributed a great deal to the gaming world, including SWTOR. BioWare founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk have been responsible for the formation of one of the top RPG studios in the world. That creation has led to some truly fantastic games such as Knights of the Old Republic, the Mass Effect series, Baldur’s Gate, the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, and many more. Suffice to say, BioWare has crafted some of the greatest RPGs in gaming history, and at this year’s Game Developer’s Choice Awards at GDC, the founding doctors will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for their contributions to the art and…

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Whiners Need to Quit Playing Video Games! Says Pachter

We’ve talked about Michael Pachter here before (many times) and one thing we know about the Pach man is that he does not hold back. He’s passionate about the video game industry and for several years now, GameTrailers has played host to Pach Attack, a weekly, 7-minute Q&A segment featuring games industry analyst Michael Pachter as he answers related questions submitted by viewers. But what he said in this week’s episode, hosted on Saturday, might strike a chord with some gamers. He talks about the closure of Pandemic and the departure of BioWare founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk and says: “”I think that we’ve seen a lot of nasty stuff lately,” he said. “I think that the whining about the ending of Mass Effect 3 really very much could have been the straw that broke the camel’s back for the doctors. I mean, if you look back at the BioWare…

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Did Doctors Leave BioWare over Mass Effect Fan Negativity?

It was big news for BioWare when the founders, Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk announced they would both be leaving the company for good, and to pursue other avenues in life. However, as we said when we first brought you the story, it seemed like there may be more to it than that. David Lynch for Now Gamer writes about some reasons why the doctors may have actually left BioWare. After speaking with Ex-BioWare co-founder and Baldur’s Gate developer, Trent Oster they obtained some information that might indicate there is more behind the doctors’ departures. “The last time I met up with [Greg], I felt his exhaustion,” explained Oster. “Punch out, eject, get the hell out”, was my suggestions to him and it hit closer to the mark than I had realised. I also think the Mass Effect 3 fan reaction and the Old Republic fans negativity was just too…

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Penny Arcade Report Interviews BioWare Founders

Penny Arcade’s Report column has an interesting interview with the BioWare founders. Drs. Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka visited with Penny Arcade editor in a nice hotel suite in Las Vegas doing yet another interview for the press. These guys never seem to mind talking about what they do and sharing info and fun with the fans. Ben Kuchera interviews the doctors and talks about TOR launch, ending a trilogy and what many people are asking- will there be a Mass Effect MMO: “We’re the fastest-growing MMO in history, and it’s really a credit to our fans,” Muzyka said. “The launch was fantastic.” Taking on World of WarCraft was considered a near impossibility in the world of online games, but Bioware has the strength of the Star Wars brand alongside the company’s ability to tell wonderful stories. It’s a hard game to say no to, even for MMO beginners like…

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SWTOR Makes the Record Books

Star Wars: The Old Republic has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records which is a very cool honor indeed. Just shortly after its launch on December 20, 2011, the popular MMO was awarded a spot in the latest Guinness World Records 2012 Gamer’s Edition. The big title? the Largest Entertainment Voice Over Project ever. More than 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue were performed by several hundred voice actors, making it a far more ambitious recording project than any undertaking for a feature film. (via MMOSite.com) Because the record is such an awesome one, it received a full 2-page spread in the book, which I try to get every year because it’s great fun to read and have around. Here you will find a tribute to 30 years of Star Wars gaming with fun facts, new records, figures and more – all about Star Wars. The new Guinness World Records…

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BioWare’s Muzyka and Zeschuk defend subscription model of SWTOR

While no one actually asked them this time, the BioWare docs found reason to defend their subscription model once again, according to joystiq. In an interview with the BioWare figureheads, they spoke up with a defensive explanation of their subscription model for SWTOR, although the interviewer didn’t actually question them on it. Perhaps they are just so used to be grilled over the subject, it’s like a canned response to interviews. Nonetheless, it was pretty fun and their answers/explanation was interesting. “”You look at the online space in general and it’s fragmenting into all these different areas, but the core still works. The subscription model still works,” Zeschuk said. “”We know a lot of people say, ‘Oh, everything’s just going free-to-play.’ But that’s just one slice. There’s one slice that’s free-to-play, there’s one slice that’s social, there’s traditional subscription still going.” He goes on to talk about the differences between…

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BioWare founder updates us on the server Queue issues

Dr. Gren Zeschuk – Co-founder of BioWare – Made a forum post today regarding what’s being done about the queue times on some servers.  BioWare is well aware of the problems and doing what ever they can to deal with it: Hey folks, as you may likely have seen in the last 24 hours, we’ve been redoubling our efforts in optimally managing the time it takes to get into Star Wars: The Old Republic. The BioWare Live Team has been carefully watching the influx of players into the game and is addressing with surgical precision the longer wait times on the small number of servers that were having longer wait times previously. We’ve also being doing our best to get every little bit of possible performance on our servers to increase capacity: we’ve “turned them up to 11” to do our very best to get you in and playing as quickly as…

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Game Hunters USA Today brings us Interview with BioWare Doctors

SWTOR is big news these days and with the launch of Star Wars: The Old republic – we heard about it all from all directions. USA Today’s Game Hunters had a fantastic interview with BioWare doctors Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka about the game and its development. The article by Mike Snider would draw interest to even those who have not already bought the game. First, they talk a little about the undertaking and the development process for SWTOR. Then they tell us about how big of a project this is for BioWare, something that those of us who have been following the game for years definitely know already. Muzyka says “It is probably bigger in content than all prior BioWare games put together. The volume of content is going to give players a ton of different things to do and many different kinds of activities, too, so it’s really…

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BioWare Staff Show SWTOR Dedication

How do you show dedication to something you really care about or something that has made a big impact on your life? For some of us, a little bit of body ink is just the thing to keep those memories strong and also to show off to others something that has meant so much to us. Some key members of the BioWare team have the same thinking about SWTOR and launch day is indeed a very special day for them as well. Dr. Greg Zeschuk (@DoktorZee) and Cory Butler’s (@BlazeofCory) have a permanent reminder of SWTOR and their role in the game- or rather the impact has had on their lives. The two showed off SWTOR-inspired tats via their Twitter feeds recently. BioWare’s Dr. Greg tweets: “SWTOR Launch Tattoo (and Launch Beard)… for reals.” Live Producer Cory Butlet tweets: “SWTOR launch tattoo!” That is dedication right there, am I right?…

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TGL Interview: The Doctors from BioWare Talk The Old Republic

The Gaming Liberty did an interview with the Doctors from BioWare about Star Wars: The Old Republic and if there was still anyone left who doesn’t know what SWTOR is, the news is surely getting around more than ever before. They sat down with the founders of BioWare in the newly established BioWare centre in Galway to talk everything from the economy to what fans can expect from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Since they shared the interview on their website, people from all over the world can read it and experience it for themselves. TGL talked to the BioWare doctors, Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk about things like what brought them to Ireland for their new facility, job creation and the economy, aspirations for the Galway facility, SWTOR and how it relates to the Star Wars movies, books and more. They talk Dark Horse comics a bit and the…

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BioWare Founders say “We make the decisions, not EA”

Many fans are critical of BioWare when it comes to certain inadequacies that blame on Electronic Arts. But the founders have a stern message for those doubters- they are still calling the shots on the games they make. “I always chuckle because we are EA, we’re BioWare — we’re both, and we still have huge autonomy in terms of what we do,” co-founder Greg Zeschuk recently told Eurogamer. BioWare founders say they make the decisions, not parent company, EA. They appear passionate about the fact that they still have a direct hand in the games that they are creating. There are some things that have changed, however. “Way, way back, years ago, we didn’t even consider those [commercial elements], we just made stuff,” Zeschuk explains. Point well taken. Back then, the commercial elements also did not matter so much. Video games were not such big business. The market was smaller…

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BioWare: ‘We have an aggressive post-launch plan’

SWTOR fans have been asking “When will the game finally launch?” and now that this massive question has finally been answered, we see new questions creeping up in the minds of players everywhere. One thing that players want to know is what is going to happen post-launch. We already know how much is being put into launching a fantastic game but is it going to last? What happens next? How many other MMOs have we seen launch successfully but fall short post-launch? In an interview with Gamesindustry.biz, BioWare’s Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk discussed their plans for the future of SWTOR and they definitely have a post-launch plan. “””We have a really aggressive plan post launch to build content and take the feedback to heart that we’re getting from players and what they want for continued expansions, and use that feedback to build new content,” Muzyka promised. The…

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E3: Interview extravaganza

Another day of E3 has gone, and another round of interviews has hit the internet. Yesterday we posted 5 interviews with Daniel Erickson as it seemed like he was the only BioWare employee who was allowed to talk to the camera.  I mean no disrespect to the good Mr. Erickson, but  it becomes quite  annoying here him answer the same questions over and over again. So it was nice to finally see an interview with some of the other top dogs at BioWare Here is a rundown of all the interviews we haven’t covered in other post’s today: CVG – Dr. Greg Zeschuk interview Bioware Greg Zeschuk Interview “Making a different game” GamerLiveTV – Daniel Erickson interview Newsarama – James Ohlen interview James Ohlen thinks you may not ever go back to any other MMORRPG once you play SW Old Republic. It’s epic combat wherein you can play both light…

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BioWare Pulse ep2 – SWTOR & Mass Effect at E3

BioWare have it’s own online show named Pulse now. The show is available via EA’s new online service Origin.com and EA’s official Youtube channel, and is published each Monday. The second episode of the show was released this week, and has an interview with BioWare Co-Founder Dr. Greg Zeschuk. The interview was made immediately after the EA press conference held a last Monday, so it’s up to date stuff! In the interview the doctor talks about what we get to see at thus years E3, as well as his own personal faction preferences in the game. The SWTOR section of the movie starts around 3:40. Check it out below:

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