In a piece for,we hear from Lucasfilm Games CEO Doughlas Reilly and Respawn CEO Vince Zampella about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. This game will be the first all-story, single-player Jedi action game in nearly a decade and fans are excited about it. The opportunity to learn a bit more about it is a good one, for sure. Here’s a snippet from the interview: How does it feel to finally reveal this thing? Vince Zampella: Amazing. Especially at an event like this. You get that response from the fans — there was like six, seven thousand people in the audience, and you hear the swell and the cheer, and it’s so uplifting. Douglas Reilly: There’s nothing like showing a trailer on a big screen and getting a huge crowd reaction. What’s special about telling a Star Wars story in this specific medium? Vince Zampella: Games is all I know, right? To be…
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Jedi to Joker. Joker to Jedi – Jedi Fallen Order is Coming Soon
One started as a Jedi and became the joker, the other started as the joker and became a Jedi. Now that more info about Jedi: Fallen Orden is coming out, including some of the cast, we can see a fun little piece of coincidence here. The trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order just recently came out and now we’re seeing it everywhere! If you’ve missed it, check out below: You’re going to see ads for the game everywhere online. You’re going to start seeing the ads in stores, and of course in game stores and gaming websites. We are literally going to be BLOWN UP about Jedi: Fallen Order. The trailer doesn’t really give us much, at least not yet. There are a couple of pieces of possible gameplay and we can take a look at that, but they’re really not giving us a lot to go on yet….
Jedi: Fallen Order at Star Wars Celebration on April 13th
Who isn’t ready to learn more about the next, upcoming title in Star Wars video games? We’ve waited so long for a great Star Wars game, seen so many cancelled or put on the shelf, If you’re going to be attending Star Wars Celebration in April, you’re in for an extra treat. You’re going to learn more about Jedi: Fallen Order. Of course, even if you won’t be there, we’ll still be following closely to give you the scoop. So, stay tuned and we’ll let you know everything we find out. Here’s what we know so far: If you’re going to be in Chicago later this month, this is your chance to get a first look at this game. From “In a special panel on Saturday, April 13, EA and Respawn will pull back the curtain on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, in which gamers will meet a Padawan…
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Gets Gameplay & Story Details
Thanks to an older gameplay leak being corroborated by Episode IX details, we have a pretty solid idea of Jedi: Fallen Order’s heroes, villains and gameplay style. Check out the video below to see more about this upcoming game. What are we looking for as gamers and fans of Star Wars? Well, depending on who you ask you will get a lot of different answers. But I’ve been a Star Wars game fan for most of my life and I’ve been writing about them for years, so I have a lot of insight into what we’re looking for. For starters, how about they give us a good Star Wars game? Seriously. We’ve been waiting for so long and games with potential keep getting canceled. So, let’s have it – a good game! Next, it’d be great to have something with story. A real, immersed story that we can all follow…
New Star Wars Game: Fallen Order – What we know so far.
There’s a new Star Wars game coming soon and we’re trying to find some more information to help you know just what to expect. You know that’s what we do here. About the Game Here are some things we know about the game so far: From Respawn Entertainment comes a brand-new action adventure game which tells an original Star Wars™ story around a surviving Padawan set shortly after the events of Star Wars™: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith™. The game will be releasing Holiday 2019. Sign up for their newsletter to be among the first to learn more about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™. Sign up here About the Devs Here is some information coming forward about the developing team at this time (most of this sourced via Twitter): Blair Brown @BlairBroon – Producer: Previously worked on Bioware. Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Some Unknown Project and Anthem Richard Gspan @r_greenspan – Technical Artist:…