Here are the patch notes for today’s game update 4.0.3. Khem Val no longer invites his friends to hang out at Sith Inquisitor Strongholds, and many Companions have considerably reduced their nudist tendencies within Strongholds. I love BioWare 🙂 Check it out in full below: Highlights December Event Schedule! There is a whole host of events going on in the galaxy this December! All events start and end at 4AM PST (12PM GMT): Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree Dec 8 – Jan 5: Star Wars™: The Old Republic 4th Anniversary Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Rakghoul Plague Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP Event Dec 22 – Dec 29: Bounty Contract Week General It is no longer possible to cause the Character Select UI to disappear while deleting characters. Guild Set Rank and the Guild Set Rank…
Patch notes
SWTOR Patch Notes 4.0.2a
Below are hte Patch Notes for patch 4.0.2a General Players who had items in their Legacy Bank beyond the first tab that were not properly updated in 4.0 can now log in. The galaxy is no longer littered with the corpses of those who have fallen in battle, but there may still be occasional instances of the issue occurring. Missions + NPCs Companion healing, damage, and base stats have been increased. Character Level and Companion Influence Level will determine the exact amount: Companion healing has been increased by approximately 48%. Companion damage has been increased by approximately 15%. Companion base stats have been increased by approximately 15%. Players are now able to start Class-specific Missions on Rishi. The order you speak to NPCs in Chapter IX can no longer stop progression.
Game Update 4.0.2 Additional Patch Notes
While the official swtor website is up, but the game servers are still down. Apparently there with client patching. Therfor BioWaer have put out a PSA: don’t try and patch yet! ” We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.” Along with this message comes some additional patch notes also. Check it out below: General It is no longer possible to use the Guild Flagship to summon guild members to the Maintenance Shaft section of the Gav Daragon in the Republic Fleet. Missions + NPCs Players are no longer able to speak to C2-N2 or 2V-R8 on Odessen until they have completed Chapter VIII.
SWTOR Game Update 4.0.2 Patch Notes
Patch notes for tomorrows game Update 4.0.2 is now here: General Missing Matrix Shards have been returned to their rightful owners. Vendor Map Icons now display correctly when in a phase of Solitaire. All planet and companion names and descriptions now appear in the French and German clients. Companions now correctly follow players on Guild Flagships. The Blaster’s Path Cantina Quick Travel location on Rishi now persists after log out. Players starting the Shadow of Revan Mission chain on their ship now see their Companions react more specifically to their klondike solitaire relationship status. Imperial Agents are now granted the Red Blade codex entry during the Mission “Nothing is Ever Easy” on Hutta. The Achievement “Alderaan Civil War: Punching Bag” is now awarded properly. Fixed an issue that was causing certain areas to appear extremely foggy when using Very Low graphics settings. Fixed typos in the Alliance and Companion &…
SWTOR Patch Notes 4.0.1a
Servers are back up after a short maintenance today. Here are the patch notes: Patch Notes 4.0.1a General Multiple server side performance and logging-related changes. Missions + NPCs Imperial Agents are now able to summon SCORPIO from the Companions & Contacts UI if she has been acquired.
SWTOR Patch Notes – 4.0.1
Here are the patch notes for tomorrows update: Highlights Knights of the Fallen Empire is now live! The latest evolution of storytelling in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is now available for free to all Subscribers! Cartel Market Artifact items purchased from the Cartel Market no longer require Artifact Authorization. Classes + Combat Jedi Consular Jedi Shadow Utility Motion Control now properly reduces the movement speed of targets affected by Force Slow by an additional 20%. Trooper Commando Medical Probe has been returned! Commandos will need to visit a Trainer in order to relearn the ability. Items + Economy The following items have had their stats corrected: Outlander Med-Tech’s Belt MK-6 Outlander Mender’s Belt MK-6 Outlander Force-Healer’s Belt MK-6 Outlander Force-Healer’s Robe MK-6 Outlander Mender’s Jacket MK-6 Outlander Med-Tech’s Body Armor MK-6 Outlander Force-Healer’s Headgear MK-6 Outlander Med-Tech’s Helmet MK-6 Outlander Mender’s Headgear MK-6 Outlander Force-Healer’s Boots MK-6 Outlander Med-Tech’s…
Game Update 4.0: Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Patch notes
Here are the patch notes for to days game update 4.0 Knights of the Fallen Empire: Game Update 4.0: Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Knights of the Fallen Empire* *Knights of the Fallen Empire content is only available to players who are eligible for the four Knights of the Fallen Empire subscriber rewards by having been a subscriber on August 10th, August 31st, September 30th, and October 19th, 2015. All other subscribers will be able to access the content on October 27th, 2015. All classes can now reach Level 65! New Ongoing Storyline! Knights of the Fallen Empire begins an epic, new storyline at level 60, with nine, action-packed Chapters. Regular Chapter releases continue the story starting in Early 2016. (Subscription Required) Start at Level 60! Jump right into the action of Knights of the Fallen Empire with the option to begin the game at level 60! (Subscription…
SWTOR Patch 3.3.1 Notes
Here are the patch notes for today’s maintenance. As we mentioned yesterday, the Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins August 18th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT and ends August 25th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT. General Previously unusable Small hooks in the Tatooine Homestead are now useable. The Waspback Gizka pet now grants the appropriate decoration when used. The Rark K-133T can now be placed as a Decoration within Strongholds. The Yavin 4 Stronghold Cinematic no longer plays every time the Stronghold is traveled to. The Yavin 4 Stronghold is now connected to Yavin 4 chat, and no longer lists your location as “Space.” Placed a missing hook in the Main Temple Room of the Yavin 4 Stronghold. Removed an excess hook from the first Sanctuary Temple in the Yavin 4 Stronghold. The Sanctuary 1 and Sanctuary 2 maps in the Yavin 4 Stronghold have…
Game Update 3.3: Grand Togruta Celebration
SWTOR Patch 3.3 maintenance will be happening from July 21 to July 22 in the same time slot as before. Below are the patch notes: Game Update 3.3: Grand Togruta Celebration Highlights Ranked Arena Season 6 begins! Season 5 has come to a glorious conclusion and Season 6 with a revamped Reward system is underway! See the “Warzones” section below for full details. Season 5 rewards have been delivered to eligible characters’ in-game mail. New Unlockable Species: Togruta! You can now roam the galaxy as a member of the Togruta Species! Togruta can be purchased via the Cartel Market or directly through the Appearance Designer Kiosk. New Galactic Stronghold: Yavin IV! Claim your own Yavin IV Temple Stronghold by visiting the Stronghold Directory located on Yavin IV or on either Fleet. Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins July 22nd at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT and ends…
SWTOR Patch 3.3 PTS Update Notes
Here are today’s PTS patch notes. This will be the final updates to the 3.3 PTS. PTS Update – June 26th, 2015 | 06.25.2015, 08:06 PM Hey folks! We are going to be doing a final update to the PTS tomorrow, 6/26. I’m aiming to get things kicked off around 930AM CDT. In the meantime, here are the changes coming: Jedi Consular Sage Vindicate now makes you Weary, reducing your Force regeneration rate by 2 for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times. Seer The Vindicate effect of Resplendence has been expanded: Using Vindicate with a charge of Resplendence does not make you Weary. Amnesty has been redesigned to incorporate the new Weary debuff: Spending a charge of Resplendence on Vindicate grants Amnesty, restoring 2 Force every second for up to 10 seconds if you are not Weary or removing a single stack of Weary otherwise. The…
SWTOR Game Update 3.2.2 Patch Notes
Here are the patch notes for game update 3.2.2: Highlights Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins June 23rd at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT and ends June 30th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT. General Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Achievements still missing post-3.2.1 have been granted. The Blaster’s Path Cantina Quick Travel point is no longer reverted to an undiscovered state on log out. Fixed multiple texture issues on Korriban and in the Korriban Incursion Flashpoint. Fixed environment issues in the Raider’s Cove area of Rishi. Textures now render properly if moving the camera outside of the Administration Building on Ziost. All environment assets now appear correctly when moving the camera at certain angles in the Separatist Stronghold on Ord Mantell. There is no longer a gap in ground textures near the Worldbreaker Monolith on Ziost. Legacy Lockboxes can no longer cause character transfers to fail. Armor…
SWTOR PTS Patch 3.3
SWTOR Patch notes for the latest update of Patch 3.3 on the PTS. Classes + Combat Jedi Consular Sage Valiance now reduces the damage taken by the target of your Rescue by 25% (down from 50%) for 6 seconds after you rescue them. The Force-Mystic’s 4-piece set bonus now restores 5 Force (down from 10) when using Vindicate. Shadow Prolific Justice now spreads periodic Force Breach and Sever Force effects with Whirling Blow (instead of Force in Balance). Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer Dark Resilience now reduces the damage taken by the target of your Extrication by 25% (down from 50%) for 6 seconds after you extricate them. The Force-Mystic’s 4-piece set bonus now restores 5 Force (down from 10) when using Consuming Darkness. Assassin Profuse Horror now spreads periodic Creeping Terror and Discharge effects with Lacerate (instead of Death Field). Trooper Commando Combat Medic Field Medicine now increases the healing done by…
SWTOR Patch notes for Game update 3.3 PTS version
BioWare is aiming to get game update 3.3 on PTS tomorrow, Thursday the 4th. Below are the patch notes: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ PTS Game Update 3.3 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Classes + Combat Jedi Consular Sage Noble Sacrifice has been redesigned and renamed Vindicate: Vindicate restores 30 Force and heals a friendly target. The cooldown has been removed and a 2 second activation time has been added. All Sages will need to visit their class trainer to attain Vindicate. Benevolence now has a base Force cost of 65 (up from 50) and its healing has been significantly increased. Rejuvenate now has a base Force cost of 45 (up from 30) and its healing has been increased. Force Mobility now additionally allows Vindicate to be channeled while moving. Seer Deliverance now has a base Force cost…
SWTOR: Final Game Update 3.2.1 Patch Notes
Last week we posted the early draft of the SWTOR Patch Notes for Game Update 3.2.1 scheduled to deploy tomorrow. Servers are going down tomorrow between 1230AM PDT (0730 GMT) – 830AM PDT (1530 GMT), and here are the final patchnotes: Game Update 3.2.1 Patch Notes Highlights Nar Shaddaa Nightlife makes a glorious return! Head to Nar Shaddaa between June 9th, 2015 at 12GMT and August 25th, 2015 at 12GMT to test your luck on Smuggler’s Luck and Kingpin’s Bounty slot machines to earn unique prizes! General Right-clicking selected Utilities before resetting them no longer displays an incorrect number of available Utility Points. Dye Module Tooltips for the Outfit Designer now appear properly in German clients. The typo in the Season 4 Top 96 titles has been corrected. Emergency Fleet Pass and Quick Travel cooldowns for Preferred players now match the Subscriber cooldowns as intended. Modifying a Dye in an…
SWTOR Game Update 3.2.1 Patch Notes
Here is an early draft of the SWTOR Patch Notes for Game Update 3.2.1 scheduled to deploy next week on May 27 after maintenance. These notes are not final and are subject to change. Check it out below: Highlights Nar Shaddaa Nightlife makes a glorious return! Head to Nar Shaddaa between June 9th, 2015 at 12GMT and August 25th, 2015 at 12GMT to test your luck on Smuggler’s Luck and Kingpin’s Bounty slot machines to earn unique prizes! General Right-clicking selected Utilities before resetting them no longer displays an incorrect number of available Utility Points. Dye Module Tooltips for the Outfit Designer now appear properly in German clients. The typo in the Season 4 Top 96 titles has been corrected. Emergency Fleet Pass and Quick Travel cooldowns for Preferred players now match the Subscriber cooldowns as intended. Modifying a Dye in an Outfit Slot now clears the slot’s Color Unification setting….
3.2c Patch Notes
As we mentioned yesterday, SWTOR Gree Event will extended by one week due to Conquest issues. Today BioWare took down the servers to deploy a patch that made the possible. Check it out below: General Corrected and adjusted the Conquest and Event schedule: The Gree Event will continue to run until Tuesday, May 26th. The Relics of the Gree Conquest Event will repeat starting on Tuesday, May 19th. Bounty Contract Week has been rescheduled, and will now run from Tuesday, May 26th to Tuesday, June 2nd. EricMusco Unscheduled Maintenance: 14 May 2015 | 05.14.2015, 06:23 AM Hi everyone! All servers will be unavailable on May 14th while we apply Game Update 3.2c Date: Thursday, 14 May 2015 Time: 6:30AM PDT (1330 GMT) – 8:30AM PDT (1530 GMT) Version: 3.2c During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on our Twitter account. Thank you for your patience as we…
3.2b Patch Notes
Servers are coming back up from today’s maintenance, were BioWare deployed a small patch addressing a bug with The Colossal Monolith’s “Breaking the Rift” Ability. Full patch notes below: Flashpoints + Operations The Colossal Monolith’s “Breaking the Rift” Ability now properly channels for its entire duration. In related news, the Relics of the Gree is here. Running from May12-19.
SWTOR PTS : Patch 3.2.1 April 30 Update Notes
The public test servers for Star Wars: The old Republic have been updated. Here are the latest round of patch notes for game update 3.2.1: Jedi Knight Sentinel Removed the Defensive Forms Skillful Utility New Skillful Utility: Stoic. Stoic increases your damage reduction by 2%, and you build 2 Centering when attacked. This Centering building effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. Defensive Roll now additionally increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%. Force Fade now additionally increases your movement speed by 15%. Watchman The Cauterize burn effect now deals damage 3 times (up from 2 times) over 6 seconds. Merciless Zeal has been redesigned: Your Cauterize, Overload Saber, and Force Melt burns heal you for 15% of the damage they deal. Burning Sweep now additionally reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep by 9 seconds. Sith Warrior Marauder Removed the Defensive Forms Skillful Utility New Skillful Utility:…
SWTOR Patch 3.2 Rise of the Emperor Patch Notes
Game update 3.2 will go live tomorrow. Here are the patch notes: Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor Highlights New Planet: Ziost! The Imperial planet Ziost is the focal point of an escalating crisis. Level 60 players who have completed the Shadow of Revan storyline can now join in the fight against the former Sith Emperor! New Feature: Outfit Designer! You can now have up to 16 outfits created and saved with your unique look! This new feature can be accessed on the right hand side of the Character Sheet. Ranked Arena Season 4 has come to a conclusion, and Season 5 has begun! Congratulations to all the reward winners! Winnings have been distributed to qualifying characters. Ranked stats have been reset and the Leaderboard for Season 4 has been archived. Relics of the Gree is back! The Gray Secant has been spotted on Ilum, which means only one…
SWTOR PTS Update Combat Notes
New patch has been deployed to the Public test server. Below are the patch notes: 4 Apr 2015 PTS Update Combat Notes | 04.24.2015, 04:07 PM Classes + Combat Jedi Knight Sentinel Ardor is now a Masterful Utility. Jedi Promulgator is now a Heroic Utility. Watchman Cauterize now deals its elemental damage over 6 seconds (down from 9 seconds). Force Melt now only costs 2 focus (down from 3 focus), and the damage it deals has been slightly reduced. Accelerating Victory now builds up to a maximum of 2 stacks (down from 3). Sith Warrior Marauder Reckless is now a Masterful Utility. Cloak of Annihilation is now a Heroic Utility. Annihilation Rupture now deals its internal damage over 6 seconds (down from 9 seconds). Force Rend now only costs 2 rage (down from 3 rage), and the damage it deals has been slightly reduced. Swift Demise now builds up to…
SWTOR Game Update 3.2.1 PTS Class + Combat Changes
The SWTOR Public test server have been updated with patch 3.2.1. Below are the patch notes: PTS Game Update 3.2.1 All content and features on the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Classes + Combat General While on full Resolve, players now receive a 50% Slow in place of any effect that would normally Immobilize them. This Slow effect has the same duration and conditions as the Immobilize effect that would occur under normal circumstances. For example, if the Immobilize can break early when damage is taken, then so can the Slow that replaces it. Immobilizing effects still do not generate Resolve, they simply react differently when they encounter a target that has a full Resolve bar. These changes only apply to PvP combat. Jedi Knight Sentinel New Heroic Utility: Ardor. Transcendence no longer requires or consumes Centering, but triggers a 30 second cooldown when…
Patch notes for 3.1.2a
Servers are back online after today’s Maintenance. Below are the patch notes: Classes + Combat Jedi Consular Shadow Low Slash is no longer repeatedly activated after its initial use. I think we all saw this one coming 😉
Game Update 3.1.2 Patch Notes
Servers are going down in less then 24 hours. When they come back up, Game Update 3.1.2 will be applied. Below are the patch notes: Highlights Revel in the arrival of Star Wars™ Celebration with a Double XP Week! Get twice the experience from April 16th at 11:00 PDT/18:00 GMT to April 22nd at 00:01 PDT/07:00 GMT! Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event! The event begins April 21st at 05:00 PDT/12:00 GMT and ends April 28th at 05:00 PST/12:00 GMT! General Frameworks from any Guild Bank tab can now be used to purchase Guild Flagship Room unlocks. Cartel Market Vehicles with the new “Flourish” functionality will be available in the Cartel Market soon! Bright Yellow and Vibrant Green Eyes are now available for Cyborgs. Short Wavy Hair no longer distorts on any body types. The Bright Blue Eyes appearance has been fixed and is now…
PTS Update Notes – April 2nd, 2015
New PTS Patch is Available. It’s about 850 mb big. It includes lots of quality of life changes, and tons of other stuff. Below are the patch notes: PTS Update Notes – April 2nd, 2015 | 04.02.2015, 10:05 AM Hey everyone! We are working to get the newest PTS build open and available, and it should be up in an hour or two. Until then, here are the notes! -Tait General The cooldown on the Quick Travel ability has been reduced. For Subscribers and Preferred players the cooldown is now 6 minutes, and for Free-To-Play players the cooldown is now 26 minutes. The Legacy Travel I, II, and III unlocks now reduce the cooldown of the Quick Travel ability by 2 additional minutes each, down to 0. The cooldown on the Emergency Fleet Pass ability has been reduced. For Subscribers and Preffered players the cooldown is now 90 minutes, and…