- Imperial Agent will receive a spaceship after completing the quest- Cleaning Up the Mess
- Sith Inquisitor will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – In The Halls Of Traitors
- Sith Warrior will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – Leaving Dromund Kaas
- Bounty Hunter will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – Joy Ride
Planet: Coruscant
- Jedi Consular will receive a spaceship after completing the quest- Ancient Secrets
- Trooper will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – Assault On The Works
- Smuggler will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – Race the Devil
- Jedi Knight will receive a spaceship after completing the quest – Race to the Ruins
Types of Starships Each class gets its own starship with unique name and appearance. Jedi Knight & Jedi Consular – Corellian Defender Smuggler – Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter Trooper – Rendili Hyperworks BT-7 Thunderclap Sith Warror & Sith Inquisitor – Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor Imperial Agent – X-70b-Phantom Prototype Bounty Hunter – D5-Mantis Starship Upgrades Now the next thing to know is that you can upgrade your ship by adding torpedoes, shields, weapons and rockets. These come in the form of mods and are sold by vendors, crafting or quest rewards. There are 5 grades of each item and the vendors sell grade (rank) 1, 3, and 5. Grades 2 and 4 can be obtain as quest rewards or by crafting. Starship Upgrade Vendors: Republic Fleet – Captain Gek and S-4SO located at Galactic Trade Market area. Imperial Fleet – Ensign Brukes and S-1A0 All Starships have a Protocol Droid companion. After Day 1 or 2, he stops being cute and becomes utterly annoying. It grows on you though. This companion cannot fight for you but can do crew skills just like all of your other companions.
- 2V-R8 for Empire Side and
- C2-N2 for Republic Side