Amazon Germany Showing SWTOR Ship Day December 15th

Possibly due to stocking days when most stores fill up their shelves, some reports are saying that SWTOR will ship to Europe on December 15th. This news came after the confirmation that SWTOR would, in fact, be a worldwide release on December 20th and that European players would not have to wait days after North America to get the game for themselves.

Some gamers are reporting stores in Europe letting them pick up pre-orders on the 13th as well as having email alerts of shipping on the 15th or arrival by December 15th.
One poster on Reddit had this to share:

I just got an email from Amazon (Germany), stating that the “release date” of SWTOR has been moved up to the 15th and that they will ship it earlier because of that. However, the email also states that the official start is still the 20th and only preorders will be able to login prior to that for early access.

I hope this lays to rest the doubts about a grace period. You may want to check with your retailer if they have similar information.

Original text of the email (in German):

“Guten Tag,
wir haben eine wichtige Mitteilung zu Ihrer Bestellung von ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’‘.
Das Erscheinungsdatum des Titels wurde auf den 15.12.2011 vorverlegt. Wir werden Ihnen ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’ somit früher als geplant zusenden. Sie erhalten eine Nachricht, sobald wir die Ware verschicken.
Der Hersteller hat uns mitgeteilt, dass der offizielle Spielstart von ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’ jedoch erst am 20.12.2011 sein wird. Früher sind die Server nur für Vorbesteller zugänglich, die Ihren Pre-Order-Code registriert hatten. Sie erhalten von ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’ eine separate Einladung, ab wann Sie Ihr Spiel beginnen können. Das Datum der Vorbestellung bei Amazon hat dabei keinen Einfluss. Entscheidend ist laut Hersteller die Reihenfolge, wann Sie Ihren Pre-Order-Code registriert haben.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’.”

This would make sense if they wanted to be sure everyone who pre-ordered has the game in time to play and in time for any early game time they have accrued due to registering their pre-orders.

Lisa Clark

Lisa has been an avid gamer since she was old enough to hold her first controller and a game writer for more than a decade. A child of the Nintendo generation, she believes they just don’t make games like they used to but sometimes, they make them even better! While consoles will always be her first love, Lisa spends most of her gaming time on the PC these days- on MMOs and first-person shooters in particular.