SWTOR release date?
Such is the fervent desire among Star Wars and MMORPG players these days to find out when we’ll all be able to play SWTOR , that anyone with the actual release date for SWTOR could make an absolute fortune right now. So every time someone reports a date, or even a general time of the year as fact, we’re all bound to pounce on it and further fuel the rumour mill.
“We’ve been making RPGs for a number of years and we believe that every truly great RPG has four basic components: exploration, progression, combat and story… We think that if you have all four of those at a very high level of quality, that’s what creates the world’s great RPGs – the ones you come back to again and again. In the massively multiplayer space – we believe that so far one of those elements has been missing, and that’s story. Well, that’s what Bioware does – we create the world’s greatest story-driven games.””