SWTOR Game Update 3.2 with Ziost is targeted to arrive on April 28

swtor game update 3_2 with ziost

Star Wars: The old Republic game update 3.2 will arrive on April 28. This update will bring us Ziost, Outfit Designer, and PvP Season 5. Check it out below:

Ziost = Spring or Summer? ( Clarification Please, BW ) | 02.11.2015, 05:42 PM

Hey folks,
Did some double and double-double checking. Ziost is indeed one of those big updates and it is currently targeting a springrelease. The note of the first update being in the Summer was in error. I let my main man Tait know and he will get it updated shortly. Thanks for the heads up on the discrepancy, good catch!

Ziost = Spring or Summer? ( Clarification Please, BW ) | 02.11.2015, 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by dscount

Thanks Eric.. as you can see its confusing a lot of us players.
The shift from “April 28th” to “Spring” for 3.2 also has a ton of people up in arms (Me included). Clarity on that change might settle some high blood pressures. LOL

I can tell you that it is still our target for 3.2 to hit on April 28th! As with any dates those are our targets and are subject to change. Fear not dscount, no up in arms needed at this time.