Author: Soeren Kamper

Pax east 2011: Trooper Gameplay

Looking through our Pax 2011 coverage, we discovered we diden’t show any Trooper gameplay except what was shown in th Taral V Developer Walkthrough. Luckily the guys over at TorWars have a video showing some DPSing and Tanking with the Trooper. The trooper in SWTOR will be one of the main tanking characters on the Republic side. For those that experienced Star Wars Galaxies, Trooper will be almost exactly like the Commando profession of that game. Troopers are ideal for tanking purposes because not only can they stand up to a lot of punishment, but they can deal out enough damage in an area to attract agro towards themselves. Check it out:

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1.5 million interested in Star Wars: The Old Republic beta

As we reported yesterday Chief financial officer Eric Brown reviled that around 1.5 million gamers have registered their interest in being part of a Star Wars: The Old Republic beta. … We’ve got well north of a million, million and a half ready to test for free,” he said of Star Wars the Old Republic beta. “We’re not that concerned about generating initial demand. For us it’s about creating the right experience, expanded beyond the tier one and the tier two users. You’ve got people that have never played an MMO before but are interested in Star Wars, to engage and give it a try. What’s really important to us is striking the right balance so that we serve the needs and demands, requirements of the core, pre-existing MMO subscribers. “They demand a lot of content, a lot of community, guilds are very important, special group activities, raids and things…

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Wednesday Reviews: The Old Republic: Deceived

Deceived tells the tale of Darth Malgus, a fierce Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Great Galactic War as he deals with the coming peace treaty between the Empire and Republic, his Sith “allies”, and his own conflicted feelings on the events transpiring. Deceived is a novel that does its job perfectly; being a tie-in to a huge upcoming game (Star Wars: The Old Republic, of course) it had to be not only a separate story that could stand on its own two feet, but a novel that ties in with the events of the SWTOR so that it makes the readers curious about the game itself. Luckily, it does just that, dragging you into the universe the game takes place in while making you curious enough to check out more. Deceived introduces us to the situation of the galaxy and the important characters making an impact…

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Support The Tsunami & Quake Relief

Artist DaveCT has made this awesome charity drawing you should buy! All profit from this Poster sale will be donated to the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Half will go to the Christchurch Relief and the other half will go to the Japan Tsunami. All thoughts and prayers for those who loss their life in this tragic event, the Christchurch Quake and the Japanese Tsunami. For the survivors, its a uphill task of rebuilding their life. Let support and help them. Its our duty. Fan Art. Its a personal effort. Once this donation run will end April 15th 2011. Stormtrooper and Star Wars are copyright under Lucasfilm. Available for sale as Greeting Cards, Matted Prints, Laminated Prints, Mounted Prints, Canvas Prints, Framed Prints and Posters

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SWTOR will not launch before July 1, says EA

During today’s Lazard Capital Markets Technology and Media Conference, EA CFO Eric Brown said that the firm would not release Star Wars: The Old Republic during the firm’s FY11. At the same time, he reconfirmed that it will be released sometime during calender 2011. “So we said it’s going to launch sometime in calendar, but not within Fiscal 11. So that basically pens down between you know, April 1st and December 31st of this calendar year. It’s also reasonable to infer that it’s not in our Q1 guidance. We gave Q1 Fiscal 11, Fiscal 12 non gap revenue guidance, minus 39 minus 44 cents and I think it’s not unreasonable to infer that it’s not included in that 90 day period.” So it looks like March-June is likely out, leaving a release date of July 1 at the earliest. Personally I belive it will be out some time this fall….

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Third SWTOR Novel in the works

Random House has published their 2011 Fall Catalog, and it has goodies for us Star Wars: The old republic fans. Apparently Drew Karpyshyn will be the auther of a upcoming SWTOR novel yet to have a titel. Drew Karpyshyn was Senior Writer on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as well as both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. He has also wrote Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Darth Bane: Rule of Two, and Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil which are some of my favorite Star Wars novels. With the success of the New York Times bestselling Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance and the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived in Spring 2011, this original new novel set in the world of the game by BioWare and LucasArts is sure to bring fans who want a truly immersive, transmedia experience! Key Points # EXCITING FAN-FAVORITE…

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‘Star Wars’ vs. ‘World of Warcraft’ – the gauntlet is thrown

When it comes to “Star Wars: The Old Republic,” the folks at EA who are publishing the massively multiplayer online game clearly have their eyes on a very particular prize: “World of Warcraft” and its 12 million subscribers. EA wants those players to leave their online universe of orcs and elves for a new online universe filled with Sith and Jedi. And they seem to feel confident players are going to do so. And as “The Old Republic” launch nears, the game publisher seems to be stepping up the “WoW” vs. “Star” Wars” trash talk. In an interview with Industry Gamers this week, Frank Gibeau, head of EA Games, suggested that “WoW” is an aging game and that playing it can feel like tending to a “shopping list.” “When I play ‘World of Warcraft,’ you go and get your quests, and you go and do your quests, but it feels…

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EA retracts forum user ban

Electronic Arts has retracted the Bioware Social Network ban on a user who questioned if Bioware had ‘sold their souls to the EA devil’. As we wrote on Friday, the forum ban then rippled through Electronic Arts’ DRM system and blocked user v_ware from being able to play Dragon Age 2 at all. ‘Now I’ve got a dead game for 50 euros,’ said v_ware at the time. Despite the fact that moderators repeatedly told v_ware that the ban was not a mistake and that the Dragon Age 2 block was in accordance with the terms of service, EA now claims that the extent of the block was a mistake. ”’Unfortunately, there was an error in the system that accidentally suspended your entire EA account.’ EA’s Senior Director of Customer Support, Boyd Beasley, wrote. ‘Immediately upon learning of the glitch, we have restored the entire account and apologize for the inconvenience…

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LEGO Star Wars III Commercial is Friggin’ ADORABLE

Ah, the LEGO series. It’s surprisingly been a good one. Not necessarily triple-A, per se, but from Batman to Indiana Jones and Harry Potter, they’ve all been pretty darn solid titles. And how could we forget the LEGO Star Wars series and all of its inherent adorability? We just can’t. And this commercial for LEGO Star Wars III, which will hit the Nintendo DS, 3DS and Wii later this month, doesn’t do much to combat that statement. Just look at Yoda at the end of the spot. TELL ME YOU DON’T WANT TO PINCH THOSE CHEEKS AND PURR! Check out the cuteness below.

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Pax East 2011: SWTOR Reviews/Previews

More and more SWTOR Reviews are coming in now. So far the verdict have been mixed, but some reporters are not MMORPG fans  – so it don’t have to meen much. Below you can read a small snip of each review, and find a direct link to the source. Generally a harsh critic, I’ll admit that I had a hard time finding things that I didn’t like about the Old Republic. I mean, it’s Knights of the Old Republic, except prettier and with more classes, powers, and party members (that are human, no less). That’s a winning formula. If I had one gripe, it’s that Bioware still can’t seem to nail down an official release date, tentatively citing a Q2 2011 release. I have to say, I was expecting something very different to anything I’ve ever played before, and it seemed that the classes we played (and the way their talent…

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Pax East 2011: By God, there will be dancing!

Suddenly, a familiar song. Then, you’re off your chair in one exquisite movement. Wondering, searching, sniffing the wind like a daffelled deer. Has God heard your little prayer? Will Cinderella dance again? And then, suddenly, the crowds part. And there he is. Sleek. Stylish. Radiant with charisma. It’s only, he’s on the telephone. But then, so are you. And he comes towards you, the moves of a jungle cat. And although you quite correctly sense that he is gay, like most devastatingly handsome single men of his age are, you think, ‘What the hell? Life goes on.’ Maybe there won’t be marriage. Maybe there won’t be sex. But by God, there will be dancing!

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Pax east 2011: Taral V Developer Walkthrough

BioWare continued its presentation of Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) at PAX East 2011 today with the release the Taral V Developer Walkthrough video. Taral V is a mid-level Flashpoint aimed at a four player group. The video offers a look at the gameplay and story of the Flashpoint from the view of several different classes and narrated by SWTOR’s Director of Production Dallas Dickinson. If you’re curious to know how these Flashpoints will play out and see some new SWTOR gameplay,

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EA/BioWare can Revoke Your Gaming and DLC Licenses for Forum Conduct Violations

Yesterday a post appeared on the official BioWare forums containing a complaint from a gamer who says he was unable to play his recently purchased copy of the Signature Edition of Dragon Age II (from the EA Store) because his main forum account (which is tied to his EA account) was suspended for 72 hours: So. My other account got suspended yesterday for 72 hours. My suspended v_ware account has all my Bioware games registered to it. My other games are Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening. I have played every game off Bioware since KOTOR, which is my favourite game of all time. Since I have these other games and off course have played the DA2 demo, my previously unlocked DA2 content is assigned to this account. When I got the mail I was curieus. I wanted to know what I did that was offensive. The mail…

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Star Wars Vinyl Wall Decals

I don’t think the pictures are doing justice to these decals. All of these would be awesome in the right setting – like the Stormtrooper in a white bathroom. I do miss an AT-AT though. If I was to put these on my wall, id place them a little lower to the ground. just floating there looks…. off. Chewbacca might also be good  for scaring off burglars. 4’1”W x 6’5”H Darth Vader vinyl wall decal. 4’2”W x 4’2”H Death Star vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 6’H Stormtrooper vinyl wall decal. 6’4”W x 3’5”H Millennium Falcon vinyl wall decal. 2’4” x 6’4”H Boba Fett vinyl wall decal. 4’7”W x 6’6”H Luke Skywalker vinyl wall decal. 6’1”W x 5’9”H Darth Maul vinyl wall decal. 3’9”W x 2’2”H Yoda vinyl wall decal. 4’W x 6’5”H Han Solo vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 5’6”H C-3PO vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 3’2”H R2-D2 vinyl wall…

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BioWare panel appearances at PaxEast

BioWare Senior Community Coordinator Stephen Read posted an update regarding Bioware staff appearances at PaxEast earlier today. In this he stresses that there will be no panels or events dedicated to Star Wars: The Old Republic at PAX East, but several BioWare employees will be taking part in some more broad panels: Hello from Boston! With PAX East 2011 just a day away – well, give or take about eight hours, given my late post – I’m very pleased to tell you about a few guest appearances BioWare staff members will be making on various panels over the weekend. Please note, these are not official panels for Star Wars: The Old Republic. They are panels on various subjects that we were asked to provide speakers for. If you attend any of these panels, there is no guarantee that The Old Republic will even be spoken of… well alright, it’s pretty…

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