Author: Soeren Kamper

The jedi depicted in the Hope trailer finally confirmed as Satele Shan.

Many people have speculated about who the girl fighting Darh Malgus in last years hope trailer is. Yesterday Alexander Freed from BioWare confirmed that the girl was no other then Satele Shan: There’s been a lot of (understandable) confusion about Satele Shan, so I figured I’d clarify a few points: First, yes–Satele Shan is the Jedi depicted in the Hope trailer. When Satele originally appeared in the Threat of Peace comics, her appearance wasn’t yet final in-game. Ultimately, we’ve gone in a different visual direction for the character, and you’ll be seeing more consistent portrayals in the future. (One of the perils of releasing information–even seemingly innocuous information–so early!) Second, regarding Satele’s age and experience–at the Battle of Alderaan, Satele is a fully trained Jedi Knight. By the time Threat of Peace rolls around, she’s had significant real-world experience and trained under several Jedi Masters, Dar’Nala included; she’s a candidate…

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The Lost Suns official Darkhorse press release.

Yesterday Dark Horse Comics posted a press release regarding the upcoming comic Star Wars: The Old Republic – The Lost Suns, a new five issue miniseries that ties directly into the new MMORPG video game from BioWare. DARK HORSE CONTINUES ITS STAR WARS®: THE OLD REPUBLIC™ SERIES WITH NEW MINISERIES THE LOST SUNS03/09/2011 11:20amMARCH 9, 2011, Milwaukie, OR—Dark Horse Comics, in collaboration with LucasArts and BioWare, is proud to announce a new chapter in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the comic series that acts as an invaluable companion to the upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game of the same name. Featuring a story by BioWare’s senior creative writer, Alexander Freed, that runs concurrent to the game’s plot, The Lost Suns comes straight to you with new twists, a new mission, and a new hero!“The Lost Suns is our chance to craft an Old Republic story we could never tell in a video game,” Freed…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Delayed into 2012?

The folks over at posted an article predicting that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be delayed. predicts that we have to wait another year to play the game, and belive the game will out in 2012. This is of course purely speculation, and not confirmed by BioWare, so don’t start a riot yet folks. Check out the full text about SWTOR below, and read the full article here BioWare isn’t known for its delays. On the other hand, MMORPGs are hard to nail down as the genre constantly evolves, and most avoid launching in the crowded holiday release season. DC Universe Online opted to release in the relatively quiet month of January. Only World of Warcraft: Cataclysm had the clout last year to hit in December. What we’ve seen so far has been promising, but the license and development costs make this a pricey proposition. If the…

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Healing in SWTOR – What do we know?

A lot of people wants to know about the healing system in SWTOR. Will Star Wars: The Old Republic use a trinity system; the tank, healer, and the DPS class. Will the healer play a massive role, or will groups be able to go with no healing? So far Dallas Dickinson and Georg Zoeller hasn’t always agreed on how many healers their will be, and how healing works. Now the great people over at TorWars puplished a excellent article about what we know on Healing so far. A great read I encourage you to check out. Here is a snip: At this point, BioWare has made it clear that every class will have a sort of ‘second wind’ ability to add some healing and lower downtime. The devs have made it abundantly clear they want to avoid as much downtime as possible. This is a great thing. No one likes…

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Pre-Launch Guild Program

We may not have a launch date for Star Wars: The old Republic yet, but many fans are alrady their guild relations. Guild sites have been popping up all over the place, and many big guilds from other MMORPG’s have launched SWTOR sections. To help out non established guilds, BioWare have now unveiled the Pre-Launch Guild Program, that allows players to reserve guild names and establish or join a group with similar interests. As long as your guild meets certain criteria, it will be imported directly into the game at launch. In addition, every guild will get its own mini-site on the official SW:TOR site, complete with guild information, recruitment status and forums. This is a system I have I have missed in many other games and great development in this type of games if you ask me. Its all a simple process, all you have to do is head…

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Damion Schubert On Designing For Loners

Jef Reahard from Massively have made a very detailed writeup of Damion Schubert‘s recent talk at GDC 2011, entitled “The Loner: Why Some People Play MMOs Alone:” One of the seeming paradoxes of MMO design is that there is a large contingent of players who would prefer to play these games alone. Gamers who want to play this way are often derided by other players and sometimes even designers for their playstyle, but it isn’t as odd or exotic as it seems. This talk discusses the rationale for this playstyle, the necessity to cater to this playstyle from a business point of view, and the design intricacies of providing solo play without invalidating the ‘massive’ parts of your game design. Jef Reahard has made a great rundown of Damion Schubert’s points in his speach, and extracts some interesting quotes from the talk as well: Schubert states that MMOs feature “hardcore…

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USA Today chats with the BioWare Doctors

USA Today has an interesting Q and A with the two founders of BioWare; Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk. The interviews surrounds subjects like their recent induction into the AIAS Hall of Fame, how they ended up developing games, and personal stuff. Check out a snip below, and read the full Q & A here. Q: Ray, I know you are an avid poker player. What do you find that has in common with game development? A: There is a lot of nuance to it. It is fun to just sit at the table and talk to other folks. There is a story being told through what you represent with your bets and what you say and what other people say and how you interpret that. There’s a lot of math and statistics, so understanding that is an entry point, a requirement to be successful. It’s sort of a microcosm…

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How Stuff Works: Vibroblade

Vibroblades are the galaxy’s main cutting weapon of choice. Though they come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from knives to longer swords, vibroblades are all equipped with a compact ultrasonic generator in the hilt. This causes the blade to vibrate at enormous speeds, thus giving the weapon its name. Because of this ultrasonic vibration, even the slightest glancing blow become a gaping wound. It could be fitted with cortosis weave, allowing it to parry the blows of lightsabers and energy swords. As it is quieter than a blaster, the vibroblade is popular among assassins, but it can also be easily carried as a secondary weapon for close-range fighting. In the past these weapons were often minted containing a weave of the rare material cortosis, which allowed blade to parry even lightsaber strikes, a property that made the vibroblade a weapon of choice among Sith assassins. However, this practice…

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Know your Lore: Kavar

Kavar was a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. He was also close friends with the Jedi Exile, who learned under him as an informal Padawan prior to the Mandalorian Wars. From conversations between Kavar and the Jedi Exile, it is known that she received some degree of training under the Jedi Master; however, Kavar specifically states that she was not his Padawan. If the player has set the Exile to the dark side, they will side with General Vaklu. The Exile will then battle against Kavar, who will be surprised to see his former friend fallen so far. As a result, the player is forced to kill Kavar, resulting in his absence on Dantooine. Should the Exile support Talia, there is still a chance to kill Kavar in the Enclave if the Exile killed either of the other…

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3D Version of ‘Star Wars’ Gets a Release Date

Finally, fans can see Jar Jar Binks in glorious three dimensions. “Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace” has an official 3D theatrical release date. The first part in the space saga will hit theaters on Feb. 10, 2012, according to a Lucasfilm-operated site. Lucasfilm plans to release all six films in the series in 3D, with one coming out each year. The hope is to reintroduce the franchise to young audiences who have only seen “Star Wars” on TV and DVD. This isn’t the first time Lucas has revisited the original trilogy. In 1997, the director spent over $10 million up revising the movies he shot in the 1970s and 80s and inserting scenes and characters that exploited CGI technology. He also inserted new digital alien creations and inserted scenes — alterations that drew the ire of fans. The conversion to 3D was supervised by Industrial Light & Magic.

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Friday update: Bounty Hunter PAX East Plans

Not everyone will find the life of a Jedi or Sith appealing in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). Some will find the rugged lifestyle of a Bounty Hunter more to their liking. After all, one of the favorite characters in the Star Wars lineup is Boba Fett. How can you not have a class fashioned after one of the Star Wars galaxy’s most infamous Bounty Hunters? While Boba Fett is thousands of years from birth in SWTOR, his profession is well intact and BioWare revealed a new look at the SWTOR Bounty Hunter at GDC 2011. The latest reveal offers a look at Mako, a companion that can join young Bounty Hunters on their adventures and a notorious slicer, the Rattataki race, a violent species well-suited for bounty hunting and the D-5 Mantis Patrol Craft ship, built for a true Bounty Hunter. Lastly, a brand new Bounty Hunter class…

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Deceived Novel Trailer

The official The Old Republic website finaly posted a trailer for the upcoming novel Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived. The book is written by Paul S. Kemp, release-date: March 22. You can read 3 except of the book here, here and here and check out the trailer below The book is currently availible for 3.92$ on amazon Over 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader, another Sith Lord’s name commanded fear and respect across the galaxy: Darth Malgus. The mysterious Sith Lord orchestrated the destruction of a prominent Jedi Temple, setting the stage for the tenuous peace of the Treaty of Coruscant. In Deceived, you’ll learn the story of Darth Malgus and his rise to power. Delve into the dark secrets and history that shaped one of the most powerful Sith Lords the Old Republic would ever know… Deceived is a novel set in the Old Republic and written…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic – Bounty Hunter Class Video

Bounty Hunters rock.. OK…. they ROCK! IGN has the sneak peek at the latest class video for Star Wars: The Old Republic – Properly the BioWare update tomorrow. The Bounty hunter was actually one of the first classes that BioWare revealed almost two years ago, and they are still amazing. These guys  makes their own law, and enforces it with a wide array of gadgets and weaponry, including a jet pack, grapple cord, flame thrower, missiles, and our personal favorite: carbonite thrower. See it in action in the Bounty Hunter class trailer below and  check out the IGN interview about the kick ass class here.

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New Comic Series – The Old Republic: The Lost Suns

The new issue of Star Wars Insider reveals a new Star Wars: The old Republic comic called “The Lost Sons” from Dark Horse. The comic will apparently be out in June this year. The Old Republic: The Lost Suns. A five-issue series set during the timeframe of the highly-anticipated MMO The Old Republic, The Lost Suns is set approximately 3,600 years before the movies. It stars Republic spy Theron Shan, son of Jedi Master Satele Shan, and packs explosive revelations relating to the events of the game. For this tale the game’s senior writer Alexander Freed reunites with the “Blood of the Empire” creative team of Dave Ross (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), Michael Atiyeh (colors), and Benjamin Carre (covers).

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Star Wars Parody ‘Troopers: Forcefield’ Starring Aubrey Plaza

CollegeHumor has launched a new sci-fi comedy series called Troopers, which is sort of a Star Wars-inspired parody. “In intergalactic war, there are heroes, villains, and then these guys.” The first installment is titled “Forcefield” and features Aubrey Plaza (Scott Pilgrim, Funny People, Mystery Team) as a princess who is imprisoned in a forcefield on an intergalactic spaceship.

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Upcoming book: The Art And Making Of SW: The Old Republic just announced a new book named Chronicle Books’ The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic. The book is ofcourse about the development of SWTOR. The book will be released on November 1, 2011.. Hey wait… Did it say November 1? Is that a sign for the release date of Star Wars: The old republic – the game? Here are the details: Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Chronicle Books (November 1, 2011) SRP: $ 40.00 Language: English ISBN-10: 0811875008 Check it out here

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May the schwartz be with you: Sheen Wars: Darth Sheen is Winning

Youtube User DarthBaleDotCom has busted out a mashup of Charlie Sheen’s now-historic rants (with a little vocorder added) with Darth Vader’s historic entrance in the Star Wars saga. I was expecting to hate this. But it’s a wonderfully refreshing way to relive all those classic Sheen soundbites from so long, long ago. See our bi-winning superstar playing as the Darth Vader. Darth Sheen has tiger’s blood and Adonis DNA. Darth Sheen argues with his henchmen and orders stormtroopers about saying: “We are high priest Vatican assassin warlocks!”” He also has a confrontation with Princess Leia which finishes with Darth Sheen blasting: “I’m done, it’s on, bring it!”” Darth Sheen also has an argument with one of the commanders of the Death Star. In the Two-and-a-Half Men star’s unmistakable voice the masked figure shouts: “I’m so tired of pretending my life isn’t b****ing and perfect and winning. “I’m just going to…

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Star Wars – Hungarian Film Posters

I have no clue why there were added green monsters to these Hungarian movie posters for the original Star Wars trilogy, but they are pretty awesome! Before this internet thing, I had no idea of the scope of international movie poster art and the variations on a theme. I wonder how they would look if they were made for The force awakens A New Hope Empire Strikes Back Return Of The Jedi

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Fan made SWTOR Wallpapers

There are so many talented artist around the net. I can spend hours and hours browsing deviantart. I’m still hyped about Patrick Lamber’s art we posted a few weeks back and original wanted to post some more today. But browsing around I cam across some both cool, beautiful and funny wallpapers for SWTOR that I just had to show you. Hope you enjoy. Aggressive Negotiations by Twizdedsoul Download the full size here and check out more of Twizdedsoul stuff here Imperial Agent SWTOR Wallpaper by MajorBummsore Download the full size here and check out more of Twizdedsoul stuff here Sonjou Desktop back ground by superman060179 Download the full size here and check out more of superman060179l stuff here Imperial agent I by dywa Download the full size here and check out more of dywa stuff here

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LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Boss Screenies Revealed

A few weeks ago, we showed a video trailer for LEGO Star Wars III. This time we get the chance to look at some screenshots of boss battles for this upcoming game. The Game is developed by Traveller’s Tales and published by LucasArts and TT Games, and will be the following gaming platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PSP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS (as a launch title for the new gaming device), and PC. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is scheduled to launch on March 22, 2011 Key Features: New Story – For the first time, players will experience their favourite storiesfrom Star Wars: The Clone Wars, retold in the amazing LEGO world that fans know and love.  Massive Ground Battles – Brand new to the LEGO Star Wars experience, players will take control of battalions of clone troopers against the relentless droid army – building bases, deploying vehicles and calling in…

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Know your Lore: Lonna Vash

Lonna Vash was a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. She was one of the Masters who banished the Jedi Exile from the Jedi Order. Lonna Vash’s role was bigger in the original vision of the developers, Obsidian Entertainment, but like many other incomplete things it had to be cut because of the forced premature release of the game. She was planned to be found by the player on M4-78, a planet populated by droids, where she came searching for the Exile with her Padawan, Kaah Ohtok. The corresponding conversation the Exile has with Vash was even recorded and put in the game file, but, like the incomplete planet, was never used in the actual game. However, as Vash was a Council member shown in an important cut scene, the developers placed her dead body on also-incomplete Korriban to…

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