Author: Soeren Kamper

Is This The Most Mental Star Wars Comic Tie-In Ever Created?

Thank God for the internet. In the olden days, thousands of prospective artists probably sneaked under the radar, never to share their delights with the world for the lack of a mass-reaching forum, and the world missed the opportunity for further enrichment. Now that’s all changed, and even the most ridiculously untalented of broadband owner can air their scrawls and ravings for the world to see. And among that lot, we invariably find geniuses who might quite possibly also be completely bonkers. Writer Jeremy Hammond and artist Andrew Dubongco fall into that last category, and we know this thanks to their bat-shit crazy comic “Fear and Loathing in Mos Eisley”, which combines too of my great movie loves under one lunatic banner. And fear not, for it features penis-spiders. I’ll leave it to the duo themselves to describe the overall manifesto for the comic, but I’m certainly intrigued to say…

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SWTOR DeMotivational Posters

Motivational posters have graced the offices of businesses throughout the world. They typically contain an inspiring word followed by text designed to grab you by the neck and shake you into action. They make me sick every time I look at one. So here are a few de-motivational posters SWTOR style all stolen from to abase and darken your freelance office with. Warning, humor lurks ahead.

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SWTOR UK Community Event – April 5th

Last night BioWare’s community manage Stephen Reid Tweeted about a special announcement coming Tuesday for UK fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the entire community has since been discussing what it might be. Now we know. BioWare will have a special “one-night-only” party in London, on April 5, 2011 were fans will be able to play the game. The event will be held at gamerbase, inside HMV at the Trocadero – here is a map of the location. This is a great opportunity for UK gamers to get their hands-on the SWTOR, but hurry, BioWare states that the capacity is extremely limited, and based on reservations/invitations. REad the full forum post below and find out how you can be included: Hello to all my fellow countrymen in the UK… We have a late-breaking, limited quantity, super exclusive community event for you to potentially attend. Read on for more information,…

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Pax East Trooper Character Sheet

This photo was mailed to us along with the SWTOR Class Background Sheets we posted last week. Unfortunately it got lost, but is now it’s found. There is still some confusion about if it is leaked material that the Leakerz guys are behind or if it is PAX material. But our source tells us that it is takes with a mobile phone at this years pax east – and we choose to belive so, because sharing beta leaks is bad m’kay.

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PC Gamers prints two new screenshots

The latest issue of PC Gamer has a 4 page writeup on Star Wars: The old republic. The article takes up and  angle on how the game will change the MMORPG genre for ever  – some for good and some for the bad. The article also shows 2 new screenshots I don’t believe have been published before. – First one is a screeny of what appears to be an Imperial Agent dual-weilding some sort of daggers and sneaking up on a Cathar (NPC?) from behind. – The second one is a group of 3 Republic characters… a human Smuggler Gunslinger, a human Trooper and a Mirialan Jedi Knight. The Trooper has no helmet on, is huge, and carrying a huge weapon. In front of a Republic base on… maybe Belsavis? There is nothing new revealed in the article apart from the new screens – well maby a  dual-weilding melee Imperial…

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Rebecca Black destroys Alderaan

Since it’s pretty slow with Star Wars: The old republic right now, we have set out to find other stuff to write about. So excuse us for being off topic once in a while this week. During my daily run around the net, I came across this little jewel. Along with brock’s dubb, this is one of the funnier “Friday” parodies I have ever seen.  Besides the actual music video of course.

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College Humour’s Clever Star Wars Public Service Posters

One characteristic of the film industry that has always intrigued me is the culture of fan-made alternative posters that inevitably pop up whenever a film is loved enough to inspire even the smallest rabid fan following. And thanks to the internet, every Tom, Dick and Obi Wan with Photoshop skills, an eye for a punchy poster, and a penchant for the finer points of the geekiest film franchises can now post their own lovingly made creations for our consideration. College Humour have posted seven beautiful new Star Wars posters, of which the one to the left here is my favourite, and the one below runs a close second. Simple, bold and effective. To see the other five, head over to College Humour and feast your eyes on their clever creations. The Force is strong in these ones.  

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SWTOR Gamers offer free guild logos for Japan Tsunami/Quake Relief

Outside of the big players in the making of this game and the industry, there has been little mention of the actual gamers and their communities getting ready to play SWTOR. Here is an example of a gamer and her project which deserves mention right now. Cerina’s avatar from Cerina, a member of the Celtic Thunder Guild, started a popular thread on the Star Wars: The Old Republic community forums. She hooked up with other graphic designers and they are offering a free service to all Guild creators looking for a logo design. This is being offered for free in hopes that the recipient would be encouraged to donate to the Japan tsunami/quake relief effort. As many of you already know, Japan lost over 10,000 people in this disaster. The radiation from the nuclear power plants has leaked and has even been detected in the ocean through increased iodine…

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Know your Lore: Chodo Habat

Chodo Habat was a male Ithorian Force Adept, and leader of the herd that oversaw the Telosian Restoration Project after the Bombing of Telos IV. He was a respected spiritual leader among his people because of his ability to feel the Force. He helped the Jedi Exile regain some of her own Force-sensitivity in exchange for her help in dealing with Czerka Corporation and local Exchange boss Loppak Slusk, whose combined action of sabotage had brought the Restoration project to a halt. Eventually, his efforts made the planet’s atmosphere suitable for life again, after it had been turned into acidic vapor by the Sith bombardment. Twenty other worlds would benefit from his success. If the player sides with Jana Lorso, then Chodo and Moza will refuse to speak with them. It is possible, however, to work for Chodo yet still smuggle some of his possessions to Samhan Dobo, the Exchange…

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OMG Cat Discovers Star Wars

Okay, so OMG Cat is hardly new news, but the feline with the most expressive face this side of a Tom & Jerry cartoon is still a major draw when teamed up with just the right revelation for maximum effect. So, it is with great pleasure that I introduce this funny re-edit, teaming up OMG Cat with the single greatest inter-gallactic familial revelation ever to grace the world of cinema. In the immortal words of Maury Povich: “Darth Vader, in the case of Luke Skywalker, you ARE the father!”” Now everyone, say along with me: Oh My GOD!!!

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Jedi Knight Character Progression

In most MMOGs, you earn skills and get new gear to progress as you level. But as a Jedi in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), you get to do it with a lightsaber! This week’s update from BioWare is all about advancement as a Jedi Knight. The video shows off some of the skills and gear that you can get while leveling up in SWTOR. Check out the full video after the break.

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SWTOR Class Background Sheets

A attendant at this years PAX East was quick to take a picture of all class background sheets. A really interesting read as it gives some inside to the class as well as the story behind each class. Off course this is not in game screen shots, so some of the pictures might be hard to read: EDIT: apparently these Pictures comes from a focus test on Check below comment. Also here is some HD footage of (almost) the entire gameplay experience of SWTOR at PAX East 2011. :

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Next TOR Novel by Drew Karpyshyn to Hit Shelves October 15, 2011

Deceived – the tale of Darth Malgus – hit’s the book stores today (remember to check out our review here) but new novels are already in the making. Drew Karpyshyn updated his site revealing the timetable for his upcoming novel tired to Star Wars: The old republic. Drew starts off by linking to EUCantinas speculation about his book calling it “interesting” but states that it’s ONLY “interesting speculation” and should by no means be takes as a confirmation. He do however confirm that the book is a tie-in to SWTOR. We will all know alot more when the official titel of the book is announced on april 15 2011. His upcomming book wil be released six month later, on October 15, 2011 – witch also might be the release day of Star Wars: The old republic. Fans will be able to check out the first excerpt and the official cover…

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More SWTOR fan art by Patrick Lamber

Last month we posted some of the the amazing artwork of Patrick Lamber. This was very well received throughout  the SWTOR community, but some people did complain about leaving out some of his more erotic art. This time we won’t do that, so if you don’t believe you should be watching this, please move along. Remember to check out Patrick Lambert’s deviantart profile or his personal website for more amazing drawings, were he is creating every class of SW:TOR. Veronica is a human Bounty Hunter, while Zira is a Twi’lek Sith. They met as enemies several years ago, and fought for hours, in the most difficult fight of their lives. They soon realized however that they both had similar goals, and were much better teaming up. They’ve been together ever since, pillaging ships, causing terror across the galaxy, being vicious and cruel. Whether it’s in bed or on the battle field, they are nearly unstoppable. Today, the two evil girls work…

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Pax East 2011: BioWare Developer Meet And Greet

TorSyndicate posted a few movies from the Developer Meet And Greet at years Pax East. People were attendance had a chance to ask the devs questions about SWTOR. It seemed like all the guest had a good time, and the camera man was good at getting footage of some of the larger upcoming guilds like “Eternal Vigilance”, “Saints of the old republic”, Requiem etc as well as bloggers from the SWTOR fansite sphere. Check it out below:

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Watch out for the SWTOR Beta Scam

The community team over at teh official SWTOR forums, have issued a warning about an ongoing Beta Scam for Star Wars: The old republic: It has come to our attention that there are multiple individuals and sites claiming to sell testing accounts, “beta keys,” or other offers of access to our Game Testing Program. All of these offers are false. BioWare is not issuing invites to Game Testing via any method other than those we outline here on We must caution you that these offers are often scams designed to steal your money, credit card information, or identity. While we understand that you are eager to participate in Game Testing, your security is extremely important, and attempting to participate in these offers could put you in very real danger.  Furthermore, the sale of accounts with access to the Game Testing Program is strictly prohibited by the Game Testing Agreement. We closely…

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Blizzard Wish Success for Star Wars: The Old Republic

So it turns out Blizzard can not only produce a masterclass in MMOs, but also a masterclass in… class. Narrowly following comments by EA that World of Warcraft was in some respects like a shopping list, the Blizzard riposte was to wish their rivals well and remark on how a bigger pie means bigger slices for everyone, or something to that effect. Blizzard’s co-founder and Executive Vice President, Frank Pearce, tells MCV in an interview that, “This is a game that has an opportunity to grow the MMO market if done right and therefore is very important to the industry as a whole, not just EA. “We’ve talked about this internally and from our perspective we hope they make an enjoyable game because they’re going to bring in a lot of new players to the MMO genre, and those players’ idea of whether or not they like this type of…

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Know your Lore: Azkul

Azkul was a Sith veteran of the Jedi Civil War who later became a mercenary of the Exchange. If the Exile helps Azkul invade Khoonda, he later appears on Citadel Station, aiding the Telos Security Force in their fight against the Sith forces. The Exile can also manipulate Azkul into thinking that she will help him, which will be admired by Kreia. Mandalore the Preserver would give caution on how Azkul knows who to trust because he knew his kind. Teammates who have very strong senses in justice will despise such an act, though, while Brianna will instantly despise joining Azkul to where which response results in being influence-related. This act will not lead to a Dark Side shift, but no Light Side shift either. Biography Azkul served under Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War as a Sith Commando part of an elite Sith Special Forces detachment. A good…

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Pax East 2011: SWTOR Interview extravaganza

The last week have been an orgy of new information regarding Star Wars: The old republic. Many fan sites and bigger news sites were all attending PAXEast and has supplied all us hungry SWTOR fans with new juicy information. We have done our best to keep you posted with game recordings, but today we will have a look at all the interviews flooding around. First off we got Ask A Jedi  who did a Audio Q&A with Daniel Erickson and released another Audio Q&A with Stephen Reid yesterday The girls over at corellianrun also has some Daniel Erickson goodies. If you were at Pax and didn’t attend the Interactive Dialogue Panel you can get a chance to hear the full recording (about 1 hour long) at their website here The Girls also got an excellent interview with Cory Butler who confirms companions in flashpoints – something James Ohlen previous said…

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Friday Update: Animation Blog, Flashpoint Q&A

The latest batch of updates on the Star Wars: The Old Republic site include a dev blog on animations, a community Q&A on Flashpoints, and a fan site spotlight on our good friends TORWars. Also, there’s some concept art and fan art thrown in for good measure. In the cinematic animation blog, Animator Andrew Lauretta explains how animations are created for in-game cinematics. He shows step by step how the team worked on a scene in which characters need to Force Push some guards away and slay a couple of Hutts. The latest Fan Friday segment contains the usual artwork and avatars, and this one also includes an interview with Jeff Hollis, the creator of TORWars.  Community Q&A on Flashpoints Today, World Designer Jesse Sky has answers to some of your questions about Flashpoints: Q: Will Flashpoint for Republic and Empire ever meet? – Sirious_Nora A: Certain Flashpoints, especially at…

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