Over at Darth Hater they have an interview with some of the LucasArts guys responsible for the sounds and music in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The interview is split into three part; music, sound fxs and voiceovers. Here’s an excerpt: DH: The original score by John Williams became an integral part of Star Wars culture. How did the audio team approach creating new pieces with such iconic shoes to fill? JH: We’ve assembled a team of composers for The Old Republic who are all well-versed in the language of John Williams. Mark Griskey, whose previous Star Wars work includes both KOTOR II and The Force Unleashed, is returning as our lead composer on the project. Joining him are composers Lennie Moore, Gordy Haab, and Wilbert Roget, II. Lennie comes to us with a diverse background in games, TV, and film. Gordy recently worked with us on Indiana Jones and…
Author: Soeren Kamper
Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Balmorra
Balmorra was a factory world that was located within the Nevoota system, situated in the Colonies region at the border of the Core Worlds. Wide plains surrounded the planet’s capital, Bin Prime. Balmorran metal parasites feasted on metals in the urban areas of Balmorra. During the settlement of Balmorra, while the Republic was still in its infancy, Balmorra quickly established itself as a haven for renouned weapon and battle droid manufacturers. While determined to remain independent of the Republic, they became strong alllies supplying the Republic and the greater galaxy with advanced droids and weapons. Republic era During the Great Galactic War the Sith Empire resolved to seize Balmorra due to their military manufacturing plants and strategic location close to the Core Worlds. The Republic immediately sent soldiers to prevent that from happening. As the Great Galactic War continued and the Sith Empire’s control continued to spread, the strained republic…
An Inside Look at Star Wars: The Old Republic
GameSpy has a preview article up for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This looks to be from the November press event where they unveiled the Jedi Consular and the Sith Inquisitor (and the Imperial Agent IIRC). Here’s an excerpt: Before delving into the gameplay demo proper, BioWare unveiled the final list of classes. The approach that the developers are taking with class design eschews the traditional roles you’ve seen in most MMOs, where a balanced party is comprised of an aggro-generating tank, damage-dealers, and a healer. Instead, the intent is to allow players to live out their Star Wars fantasies, presenting familiar but flexible character archetypes. The eight playable classes are as follows, with noteworthy inspirations from the Star Wars universe. It’s a fairly brief article without anything new that I’ve noticed. In fact, some of their points are questionable (such as their list of iconic characters with each class;…
Star Wars: Force Unleashed II trailer
In non Star Wars: The Old Republic related news, the game industry announced lots of new projects at the Vidoe Game Awards, including a sequel to one of the most successful Star Wars games ever – “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed”. The Story in “The Force Unleashed 2″, takes place between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.
While we wait for The Old Republic: Broken Allegiance
Broken Allegiance is a fan film that made its debut on the internet in April 2002, created by Australian fans of the Star Wars franchise. It is a live-action drama set in the Star Wars universe, taking place a few weeks between the events in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. It tells the story of two Sith apprentices, Ruan and Calis, who have escaped the Empire by fleeing Coruscant in a stolen transport. They must fight for their freedom when Darth Vader sends the vicious bounty hunter Korbain Thor to track them down. The film started pre-production in January 2001, and was shot both in studio and on locations around Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Broken Allegiance cost approximately $5,000 AUD to make, mostly spent on raw materials for sets, props, costumes, catering and equipment rental to make the film. The film was made entirely with volunteer cast…
GameSpot Sith Inquisitor Hands-On
Though they already posted an earlier article talking about the press conference (where the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor were unveiled) GameSpot has posted another hands-on article. Here’s an excerpt: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, game developer BioWare, a studio founded by two medical doctors on the foundations of nerdy swords-and-sorcery role-playing, made the jump to deep space with Knights of the Old Republic, a Star Wars-themed role-playing game that told a story that predated the events of the motion pictures by several centuries. Some years later, the developer is now working on a massively multiplayer online game in the same universe–a game that will let you play as a Boba Fett-like bounty hunter, a Han Solo-like smuggler, or a Mace Windu-like Jedi Knight…among others. We recently had a chance to get a bit more insight on the game from its developers, and we also…
Sith Inquisitor Class Reveal
The eighth and final (not counting any possible expansions and whatnot) class reveal, the Sith Inquisitor: The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Inquisitor. Treachery hides around every corner in the Empire’s dark corridors, and survival depends on an individual’s natural cunning and the will to manipulate and defeat enemies and allies alike. The Inquisitor experiments with forbidden powers to not only survive in this cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority. Access the latest HoloNet entry now to see a full profile of the Sith Inquisitor, including footage displaying the destructive powers of the dark side! Also, be sure to visit the Media section to get downloadable screenshots, concepts, and wallpapers! And wallpapers as well:
The Phantom Menace: A Hilariously Scathing Review by Mr. Plinkett
Remember back in 1999 when we were all buzzing with excitement for the new Star Wars movie? The Phantom Menace was supposed to be our big, nostalgic trip back to that galaxy far, far away. But oh boy, did it miss the mark! Fast forward to 2009, and it feels like the disappointment has only fermented, turning into a rich blend of confusion and frustration. Enter Mr. Plinkett, the internet’s latest hero, who just dropped a review of The Phantom Menace that is as funny as it is brutally honest. Who Is Mr. Plinkett? If you haven’t yet met Mr. Plinkett, you’re in for a treat. He’s the alter ego of Mike Stoklasa from RedLetterMedia, and he’s become famous for his in-depth, hilariously dark movie reviews. Plinkett is this creepy old guy with a deadpan voice and a twisted sense of humor, and he’s exactly the person we needed to…
Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot. Geography Ord Mantell was known as the Heart of the Bright Jewel since it orbited the blue star Bright Jewel at the center of the Bright Jewel system. The planet was famous for its thick, outer cometary cloud, which glowed with a pinkish cast when viewed from space, ensuring its place as the site of the Blockade Runners Derby for nearly 100 years. Two large moons and thirteen other satellites orbited the planet (to which was added the Jubilee Wheel), and the cloud cover was tinged with pink when viewed from the planet’s surface. This collection of natural wonders made Ord Mantell something of a tourist attraction, despite its seedier side. It was also the homeworld of the Mantellian Savrips…
Star Wars Rarities: The Star Wars Holiday Special
The Star Wars Holiday Special is a two-hour television special (including commercials) set in the Star Wars galaxy. It was the first official Star Wars spinoff produced. It was directed by Steve Binder. It was broadcast in its entirety in the United States only once, on Friday, November 17, 1978 on CBS-TV from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST). In the story, Chewbacca and Han Solo visit Kashyyyk, Chewbacca’s home world, to celebrate Life Day. Along the way, they are pursued by agents of the Galactic Empire who are searching for rebels on the planet. The special introduces three members of Chewbacca’s family: his father Attichitcuk, his wife Mallatobuck, and his son Lumpawarrump. The main storyline of the film, which occurs two years after the Battle of Yavin (2 ABY), takes place on Kashyyyk. During the film, scenes also take place in outer space and in spacecraft…
Jedi Consular Class Reveal + Threat of Peace, Issue #21
It seems that today we get one class reveal, with the last one seemingly reserved for in a week or two. But first, they also have another issue of the comic. Here’s the official news: The twenty-first issue of Threat of Peace™ begins with Lord Angral returning to Korriban in full fury. Based on the message from Master Dar’Nala, Angral accuses Lord Baras of secretly ordering the recent attacks. Meanwhile on Dantooine, Jedi Knight Satele Shan reacts to the accusations against Baras with surprise and skepticism Check out the latest issue of Threat of Peace now. So next is the official class reveal. Here’s the official news: Channeling the power of the Force for strength and wisdom, the Consulars of the Jedi Order cut to the truth of any complicated situation as cleanly as their double-bladed Lightsabers cut down an army of Imperial foes. Whether unlocking long forgotten mysteries of…
SWTOR video interview covers final two classes and more
The guys at Giant Bomb have thrown up a ten minute long video interview with BioWare’s Blaine Christine that covers topics ranging from details on the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor to how companion characters work in grouping situations. Much of the new info is blended into stuff that’s already been covered, but it servers as a nice refresher course on Star Wars: The Old Republic with some new stuff peppered in for good measure. More than anything else, it sounds like the Consular and Inquisitor are support classes with some offensive capability. The notion makes a lot of sense, considering the Trooper and Bounty Hunter likely perform quite well as ranged DPS classes. Of course, until BioWare begins revealing specific abilities of the classes the best we can do is guess.
December 3rd Information Extravaganza
And as I predicted there’s a lot more articles from the press event that BioWare held in November. But instead of quoting each one of them here I’ll just refer to Sean’s post: As some of you already know, we had two press events last month; one in Europe and one in the United States. Today, articles from various websites (and magazines) are being released based on information collected at these two events. We will keep a list of the articles and update this post as new ones arise. G4 Quote: Star Wars: The Old Republic Hands-On Preview BioWare has just released Dragon Age: Origins… Mass Effect 2 is on the horizon… but there’s a third game in development at the RPG mega-studio and it is none other than Star Wars: The Old Republic, the company’s foray into the MMORPG genre. X-Play’s Matt Keil recently got to check out the…
SW:TOR in Total PC Gaming UK Magazine
I went to buy my Christmas cards today and as I walked past the magazine rack in the store I noticed that one magazine had “Exclusive Star Wars the Old Republic” in big, bold letters on the cover, on top of an image of a Jedi that I hadn’t seen before. Picking up the magazine (which turned out to be “Total PC Gaming”) found that it had a five-page preview (not counting the title page). And since it includes the last two classes it’s definitely new. So I bought the magazine. The magazine comes with a DVD containing screenshots and videos of the game (some 45minutes worth), but it’s nothing you haven’t already seen. All the screenshots can be found on the official website as well (a number of them fairly old in fact). The videos consist of the cinematic trailer from E3, the gameplay walkthrough from CamesCom and the…
Know your lore: Darth Malak
Darth Malak is one of the most infamous Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe, known for his brutal tactics, imposing presence, and significant role in the fall of the Jedi during the Old Republic era. As the primary antagonist in Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), Malak’s story is intertwined with the rise and fall of his former master, Revan. In this article, we’ll explore Darth Malak’s journey from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord, his role in KOTOR, and his enduring legacy in the Star Wars universe. Chapter 1: The Origins of Darth Malak Alek: The Jedi with Big Ambitions Before he was known as Darth Malak, one of the most feared Sith Lords in the galaxy, he was simply Alek. Born on the remote planet of Quelii, Alek’s early life was far from glamorous. But like many Force-sensitive children, he was discovered by the Jedi Order and whisked…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Contract of Evil
Contract of Evil is a 2004 fan film directed by Kantz, starring Lou Klein, who also wrote the film, Rusty Locke, Andre “China” McCoy and Edwin Villa. It received the Best Makeup award in The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards of 2008. From TheForce.Net: For years, the Sith were thought to be extinct – but on a remote desolate planet, vengeful spirits of chaos have decreed a battle for power, for only through a trial of pain can the hidden Sith masters find one worthy of the title Dark Lord. Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Originally Released: October 2004 Two brothers, Wroth and Anarcis, have boasted of their ability to pass the trials – but someone else has also answered the challenge… Website: www.contractofevil.com
The Legacy of Alderaan
Ever wonder what happened on Alderaan before the Death Star reduced it to an asteroid field? Now you can see it for yourself! We are excited to announce Alderaan – a planet famed for its natural beauty – as the next playable planet in The Old Republic™! For thousands of years this planet has been a shining example of peace and diplomacy, but now a bloody civil war threatens the legacy, and the very future of Alderaan. Access the HoloNet records to research the history of Alderaan, and find out about the civil war consuming the planet! Be sure to check out the Media section for never-before-seen screenshots, concept art, and wallpapers of this beautiful planet of snow-capped mountains and lush green forests!
Core World Map
The Core Worlds (also known as the Galactic Core and, during the Imperial era, the Imperial Core) were some of the most prestigious, well-developed, well-known, and heavily populated planets in the galaxy. In astrophysical terms, the Core denoted the central area of the galaxy, and in broad terms this was true enough, but the precise usage of the term was sometimes more complex. The major Rimward hyperlanes radiated outwards around little more than half the galactic disk, and the Core Worlds occupied a C-shaped region of space around the Deep Core, the heart of the astrophysical core, which was considered as a separate outlier area, facing in the opposite direction, and extending outwards towards the Unknown Regions. 25,053 BBY, the Galactic Republic was born with the signing of the Galactic Constitution in the aftermath of the Unification Wars. Its founders were a number of key Core Worlds known collectively as…
Planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic – Tython
It is Wednesday and we continue our look at the planets in The Old Republic. Last time we look at the capital of Hutt Space – Nal Hutta. Today we will look at the first planet that was revealed by Bioware – Tython Tython was a planet located within the Tython system of the Deep Core. It was the planet where the Jedi Order originated, in the form of the first society of Force users in known history, sometime between 36,453 BBY and 25,990 BBY. Pre-Republic It was on this world that the brightest and best philosophers, priests, scientists and warriors came together in 36,453 BBY to discuss their discoveries involving the enigmatic, mystical Ashla. Dissidents who used the Bogan eventually arose around 25,793 BBY, sparking the Force Wars of Tython. From the ashes of these wars arose the early Jedi, whose Jedi Forge initiation ceremony led to the invention…
Breaking News: Final SWTOR classes revealed: Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor
Fans of BioWare’s much-anticipated MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic received some good news today with a reveal of the game’s final two classes: the Jedi Consular and the Sith Inquisitor. A Jedi Consular (also called a Jedi seer) is, like all Jedi, skilled in battle, but rarely entered combat, preferring to study the mysteries of the Force. In Star Wars: The old republic the Jedi Consular is a support class specialized in healing, but with ranged offensive capabilities as well. The Sith Inquisitor is a secret division of Imperial Intelligence consisting of dark side Force-sensitive agents known as Inquisitors (sometimes also as Inquisitioners), or “truth officers”. not surprisingly in Star Wars: The Old republic it is primarily a damage dealer. It seems the first word of the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor classes came from a fan translation at Star Wars MMO.net of the German magazine “PC Games”….
Don’t Be Surprised If You’re Expected To Play Alts
theoldrepublic-online.com has a great article about alts in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Assuming the feature is even implemented, I have more faith in BioWare than that. Indeed, we’ve already seen a “legacy character” system from BioWare previously in Mass Effect. ME handled the “legacy character” concept with the introduction of bonus talents. After playing your first character long enough to unlock some achievements for power use, subsequent characters could select one of the talents unlocked through those achievements for their character. As this system provides no additional talent points to spend on your new character, it’s a far cry from the power-stacking nightmare that concerned so many. If anything, the system provides an ambiguous power increase by allowing power combinations otherwise impossible by the class talent lists, but spreading talent points thinly could hamper a character as easily as it helps it. While any “legacy character” system in TOR…
Know your lore: Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan is one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe, particularly for fans of the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) series. With her powerful abilities, complex personality, and crucial role in some of the galaxy’s most pivotal moments, Bastila has cemented herself as a fan-favorite. In this article, we’ll dive into her origins, her connection to Revan, her journey through the events of KOTOR, and her lasting legacy in the Star Wars lore. Chapter 1: The Origins of Bastila Shan A Force-Sensitive Beginning Every great Jedi has to start somewhere, and for Bastila Shan, that somewhere was the rather unassuming planet of Talravin. Born into a galaxy already steeped in conflict, Bastila didn’t have the most peaceful childhood. But, as with many Force-sensitive beings, her destiny was far from ordinary. Even as a young girl, it was clear that Bastila was something special. Imagine being…
While we wait for The Old Republic: Dark Resurrection
Dark Resurrection is an Italian Star Wars fanfilm (with english subtitles) written and directed by Angelo Licata and produced by Davide Bigazzi and Licata. It consists of two episodes, each 60 minutes long. The first episode was released in 2007 and the second episode is still in production. Movie scenes were shot in Italy and further enhanced by special effects. The story begins a few centuries after Episode VI, telling about a young Jedi apprentice who lives in a period of great changes in the balance of the force and galaxy. Even if it has been realized with limited means and with a very low budget (approximately 7000 Euro) the LucasFilm itself, after having watched the trailer, defined it “Truly Amazing”. Result of both digital technology and creator’s passion, this project has attracted the attention of the most important italian magazines (Ciak, Jack, XL, Panorama etc etc). The cast is…
Threat of Peace, Issue #20
The twentieth issue of Threat of Peace™ catches Lord Angral aboard his battle cruiser. After receiving a tip from his criminal partner, Angral turns back to Korriban to confront the traitorous Lord Baras. At the same time, Jedi Master Orgus Din surprises the Bounty Hunter Braden in a Nar Shaddaa cantina and demands to know who was responsible for the attack on Coruscant. Check out the latest issue of Threat of Peace now.