clone wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes Turns 15!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes Turns 15!

Fifteen years ago, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes hit the shelves, giving fans an interactive bridge between the first and second seasons of the beloved animated TV series. Developed by Krome Studios and published by LucasArts, the game allowed players to take control of iconic Jedi like Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as clone troopers, as they battled through droids, explored new worlds, and uncovered new villains like Kul Teska. Filling the Gap Between Clone Wars Seasons Republic Heroes was more than just a fun action-adventure game; it was a canonical piece of Star Wars storytelling. The game connects seasons one and two of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show, offering additional context and expanding on storylines. Fans were treated to a deeper dive into characters like Ahsoka Tano and Anakin, alongside introducing the ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane. Cad Bane Takes Center…

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How The Clone Wars Went From Being Hated to One of Star Wars’ Best TV Shows

How The Clone Wars Went From Being Hated to One of Star Wars' Best TV Shows

When Star Wars: The Clone Wars first aired in 2008, it faced significant backlash from fans and critics alike. Some viewed it as unnecessary, while others criticized its animation style and tone. However, as the series progressed, it not only overcame the initial skepticism but also rose to become one of the most beloved entries in the Star Wars franchise. How did The Clone Wars transform from being hated to one of Star Wars’ best TV shows? It all boils down to strong character development, impactful storytelling, and a deeper exploration of the Star Wars universe. Initial Criticism and Rocky Start The Clone Wars didn’t start off on the best foot. Fans were still reeling from the divisiveness of the prequel trilogy, and the show was seen by many as an attempt to capitalize on the prequels’ narrative. The animation style, which was seen as blocky and unsophisticated at the…

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The War Crimes of Anakin Skywalker: A Dark Journey through the Galaxy

The War Crimes of Anakin Skywalker: A Dark Journey through the Galaxy

When you think of Anakin Skywalker, a few things might come to mind: chosen one, podracing prodigy, and, of course, the dark, brooding Darth Vader. But let’s take a step back and explore a side of Anakin that often gets glossed over in the grand saga of Star Wars: his war crimes. Yes, you heard that right. The hero-turned-villain didn’t just fall from grace; he tumbled down the stairs, rolled through the mud, and face-planted into a pit of war crimes. So, grab your lightsaber, a sense of humor, and let’s embark on this hilariously dark journey through Anakin’s less-than-noble deeds. The Clone Wars: A Breeding Ground for Fictional War Crimes The Slaughter of the Tusken Raiders We can’t discuss Anakin Skywalker’s war crimes without starting with his first big, dark turn: the Tusken Raider massacre. Picture this: young Anakin, fueled by rage and grief, discovers that his mother, Shmi,…

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Were the clones in Star Wars aware of their purpose and what they were fighting for?

Were the clones in Star Wars aware of their purpose and what they were fighting for?

Ah, the clone troopers of Star Wars—the galaxy’s finest fighting force, sporting identical faces, snazzy white armor, and the best haircuts Kamino could offer. But did these brave soldiers know what they were really fighting for? Let’s dive into the mind of a clone trooper, shall we? The Cloning Classroom Imagine being grown in a vat on Kamino, with your first lessons being about loyalty, combat tactics, and why you should never question orders. The clones were educated, trained, and given the rundown on their purpose: protect the Galactic Republic and follow orders from the Jedi generals. Their purpose was pretty clear: be the best soldiers the galaxy has ever seen, and try not to get blasted by battle droids. The “We’re Just Following Orders” Mentality For the most part, the clones were bred to follow orders without much in the way of personal reflection. They had a job to…

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The Legend of Captain Rex: The Complete Canon Life Story of CT-7567

Captain Rex: The Unwavering Soldier of the Star Wars Universe

Captain Rex, or CT-7567, is one of the most renowned and well-loved characters in the Star Wars universe. As a brave and skilled warrior, he led the 501st Legion and fought alongside iconic figures like Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. Despite the inherent loyalty to the Galactic Empire programmed into the clone troopers, Rex’s individuality and strong moral compass made him a key player in the formation of the Rebel Alliance. In this article, we delve into the complex life of Captain Rex, revealing his rich backstory, powerful friendships, and remarkable legacy. Early Life and Training Rex was created on the watery planet Kamino, home to the galaxy’s most advanced cloning facilities. As one of the millions of clones bred from the genetic material of bounty hunter Jango Fett, he underwent rigorous training to become a highly-skilled soldier. Alongside his fellow clones, Rex was conditioned to follow orders without question…

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Ahsoka Tano Boyfriend Storyline That Never Was

Ahsoka Tano’s boyfriend

In a recent post on the popular website “Winter is Coming,” new details have emerged about a storyline that was cut from “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” According to the article, the original plan included a romantic relationship for Ahsoka Tano, one of the show’s beloved characters. This revelation has sparked both intrigue and debate among fans of the animated series. Read on as we delve into the details of the scrapped storyline and the potential impact it could have had on the series. The Boyfriend That Never Was Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, is a fan-favorite character from the Star Wars universe. Her journey throughout The Clone Wars and her eventual return in “Star Wars: Rebels” and “The Mandalorian” has been well-received by both critics and fans alike. However, the recent revelation of an intended romantic storyline for Ahsoka has taken many by surprise. The article…

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Who Is Clone Trooper 0001? The Mystery Behind the First Clone Trooper

Who Is Clone Trooper 0001? The Mystery Behind the First Clone Trooper

The Star Wars universe is filled with countless characters, from Jedi and Sith to droids and bounty hunters. Among these are the clone troopers, the loyal soldiers of the Republic who played a pivotal role in the Clone Wars. But when it comes to the very first clone trooper—Clone Trooper 0001—there’s a certain mystique surrounding this seemingly important figure. Who is Clone Trooper 0001, and why is his designation significant? Let’s dive into the story and speculation behind this mysterious character. The Significance of the Number 0001 When you hear the designation “Clone Trooper 0001,” it’s easy to imagine that this particular clone must be something special. After all, the number 0001 implies that this trooper was the very first clone produced on Kamino, the planet where the entire clone army was engineered. It’s the kind of designation that suggests prestige, importance, and perhaps a place in the annals of…

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Incomplete “Clone Wars” series episodes now available online for free

When the acquisition of Lucasarts and in extension the Star Wars Franchise, was completed by Disney one of the immediate effects of the deal was the cancellation of the sixth season of the Clone Wars animated series. The series always had a following and its abrupt end left a lot of story lines without a definite end. Disney however didn’t want to leave fans with their questions unanswered so they’re releasing the last four incomplete episodes of the series.

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The Clone Wars Season 6 Trailer Released

Here it is- what we’ve been waiting on for some time now, especially since The Clone Wars is no more. The Clone Wars Season 6 trailer is released and we now finally have answers about the bonus content we were promised. When and where would this bonus content come? Well now we have answers! Lucasfilm announced today on that the final season of The Clone Wars (called “The Lost Missions”) is finally on the way. This is the bonus content we were promised and we’re super excited about it. March 7th on Netflix is the ‘when’ and ‘where’ and the trailer will let you see a bit of what we have to look forward to. According to, “Exclusive Licensing Agreement with The Disney/ABC Television Group Brings Star Wars Content to Netflix Streaming Members for the First Time   The Galactic Republic, Disney/ABC Television Group, Lucasfilm, and Netflix Inc. today announced…

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The Clone Wars and David Tennant Win an Emmy

The Clone Wars brought home an award at the Daytime Emmy’s and David Tennant gets recognized for his hard work as the voice of Huyang, the droid that mentors young Jedis in how to build their own lightsabers. We’re fans and have written about the series here in the past. We were very happy to see The Clone Wars recognized at a very wacky Daytime Emmy ceremony that also included Carrie Fisher and George Lucas and many, many gaffes you have to see and hear to believe. If you’re a Doctor Who fan then you’re probably very familiar with Tennant and I’m sure it’s no surprise at all to you that he got this recognition. So all in all, The Clone Wars took home two Emmys- Outstanding Special Class Animated Program, and Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program for David Tennant. The Emmy for Performer in an Animated Program goes to–…

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Star Wars Rebels, the animated series

Rebel Intel Officer by The First Angel, DeviantArt The animators of Star Wars: Clone Wars are back with a brand new project, Star Wars Rebels, to air Fall of 2014!!! Like most of us, I was pretty upset about the Disney cancellation of the final 6th season of Star Wars Clones Wars especially since I knew it was already in production wondering how many episodes were ready to be released but will never see the light of day. After all, it is the true ending of that story, which will now never be told. At the end of season 5, an anti-war element was being introduced into the story which excited me immensely being that I was a real life anti-war activist myself, not just a Star Wars fan and a fan of Joseph Campbell. From the moment Bush Jr dropped his first bombs, I was at the very first…

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LucasFilm Cancels Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Delays Star Wars: Detours

Somewhere, the ghostly hologram projection of Obi-Wan Kenobi just stopped in his tracks and started sobbing. After five seasons, LucasFilm has decided to stop production on Cartoon Network’s animated series set in George Lucas’s imagination. The news was announced today. “”After five highly successful and critically acclaimed seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, we feel the time has come to wind down the series. While the studio is no longer producing new episodes for Cartoon Network, we’re continuing production on new Clone Wars story arcs that promise to be some of the most thrilling adventures ever seen. Stay tuned for more information on where fans can soon find this bonus content.””” Yeesh. The site has a video from The Clone Wars‘ supervising director Dave Filoni explaining the situation, and while he’s bummed about wrapping up the series, he’s excited for the future of the Star Wars franchise and LucasFilm Animation’s involvement in it, whatever that may…

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns on Cartoon Network this coming fall

Clone Wars is back on the Cartoon Network for the 5th season, starting this fall. If you were a fan, get ready for all new episodes and if you’ve never watched it before, there is no better time than now to check it out. New SWTOR super servers won’t be big enough when the new season of Clone Wars hit television because I am expecting to see a huge increase in the promotion of Star Wars: The old republic  once the new season begins. I mean what better way is there to bring in players than by capturing the attention of Star Wars fans? The season 5 trailer brings you Darth Maul and the Death Watch battling for galactic supremacy. It’s fun, it’s exciting and it will make you feel like you are 12 again. Check out this clip and the full trailer for Season 5. TCW: Season 5 Mandalore Preview Clip from SDCC 2012

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 Trailer

Entertainment Weekly has posted the first trailer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5 which was first unveiled at Disney’s Hollywood Studios’ Star Wars Weekends. The show’s supervising director Dave Filoni says, “There’s a lot of payoff coming. I think people are going to see ways The Clone Wars ties together more and more with A New Hope. We’re setting up elements that eventually become the Empire.” The fifth season will premiere in the US on Cartoon Network this September.

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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Doing Better after SWTOR’s Launch

There is another Star Wars game people are talking about. It’s not SWTOR this time but Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. “Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, an online gaming world aimed at younger (eight- to 12-year old) fans of the animated TV show, has crossed more than 10 million registered users.” The free to play game is actually seeing an increase in subscribers since SWTOR came out. Could this be people who cannot afford SWTOR playing Clone Wars Adventures instead or maybe it’s the children of parents who are playing SWTOR who want to enjoy a Star Wars game of their own? Maybe everyone’s just gotten Star Wars fever right now, making it good timing for anyone with a game on the subject. “Focused on creating a fun and safe online environment for kids and families, Clone Wars Adventures offers exciting minigames, dynamic activities, lively social events and thousands of…

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A New Season of the Clone Wars Approaches

USA Today covered the news of a new season of the Clone Wars in a piece called Admiral Ackbar stars in animated ‘Star Wars’ that gives us some really good info about the upcoming episodes and what it’s all about. Star Wars fans far and wide can get excited about this news. A snippet from the USA Today report: “The military amphibian from Return of the Jedi appears in the fourth-season premiere of Cartoon Network’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Friday night (8 p.m. ET/PT), although he’s a bit younger than he has been seen before. He’s just Captain Ackbar during the Clone Wars, which happen decades before he leads the Rebel Alliance’s assault on the second Death Star.” The USA Today report mostly focuses on Admiral Ackbar and his return to the series but they also mention Bo-Katan who Katee Sackhoff will be voicing later in the season….

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Brand New Star Wars Clone Wars Season 4 Trailer

LucasArts and Cartoon Network have released a new extended trailer for the forthcoming fourth season of The Clone Wars, and it looks to be another good, story-heavy addition to the franchise. The season is set to begin with an hour premiere, consisting of two episodes – “Water War” and “Gungan Attack” – which form two parts of a three ep story-arc (completed by the next week’s show). Within that arc we’ll be treated to a hugely impressive underwater battle scene (which I’ve seen and was blown away by) and the first appearance of fan favourite character, Captain Ackbar. Overall, the fourth season promises to ramp up the action, introducing new characters and a grander scale and retaining the high-octane thrills that the canon-building property has shown since day one. Here’s the trailer in full: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4 starts Friday 16th September in the US.

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Revan almost appeared in last week’s episode of The Clone Wars

In a video commentary, on the Official Star Wars website, supervising director Dave Filoni explains how Darth Revan was supposed to appear in the episode of Clone Wars that was aired last week: “Ghosts of Morits”: We designed them. They are in The Clone Wars style. We modeled them in The Clone Wars style, and we shot the scene in the episode. The scene exists. But it never made it into animation, it only existed in layout. I was very apprehensive of this scene, as cool as it was, because the implication of it. Which is that, these Sith Lords could separate themselves from the Force, and somehow talk to the Son. George watches it, and he loved it, it was great. But eventually, I got a call from George. And he said, you know, I’ve been really thinking about this, and we should really take that scene out, with…

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