Star Wars is one of the most popular and biggest movie franchises in the world. Just 12 Star Wars films have sold tickets worth more than $10.2 billion, making the franchise one of the top box office earners. Star Wars has many great elements that make the movies entertaining, popular, and memorable. However, there are also many life lessons that a student can learn from the films. With this in mind, we have compiled a list containing the most valuable life teachings that students can learn from Star Wars. Use Failure as a Teacher Education often leaves students with a busy schedule that can be overwhelming and even lead to stress. There is homework with deadlines approaching, studying for upcoming exams, and more importantly, attending classes to gain knowledge to get employed or start a business like utlä The pandemic has further increased depression and anxiety levels for students. Research…
5 Valuable Life Lessons Kids Can Learn from Star Wars
Star Wars was designed for the entertainment theater but it still has incredible lessons for children. Consider the fact that children will grow with this series and encounter trilogies somewhere in their lives. As they watch the series and scoop the lessons, allow experts homework assistants to provide online test help so that their academic performance is safeguarded. Pexels Star Wars packs some of the most incredible life lessons for adults and children alike. Even when the setting is ‘in a galaxy far, far away…’ and the plot is fictitious, children watching the series have a lot of lessons to enjoy. Here are some of the lessons children will get from this incredible series. Commit to the Quality and Type of Life You Desire The point is to ‘Do or Do Not.’ There is no room for trying to see whether it works. It is about developing a strategy, gathering…
Lightsaber Vs Blaster – What’s the BEST STAR WARS Weapon?
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.” Is Han Solo correct or just being a big mouth? In this video Napyet compares the iconic Star Wars BLASTER and LIGHTSABER in a duel to end all duels – let the war of words commence! Check it out: So, what do you think? Which one is your favorite weapon? Do you feel he got it right when it comes to this duel? While he makes good points for his case, in reality, it would come down to a matter of opinion and personal preferences. I once asked a similar question in a niche group I’m in – which is the better weapon: gun or sword? If you’ve never shot a gun and/or you’re a terrible aim, then the gun might not be the right choice for you. In a similar vein, if you’re…
SWG vs SWTOR – Which Is BEST in 2020?
Do you prefer SWG or SWTOR? If you’re looking for a game that allows you to immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe and roleplay while completing different objectives, which one should you pick? In this video, Napyet will breakdown the major differences between SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) & SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic). They’re both classic MMOs but which is best in 2020? This is actually a debate we saw a lot more back when SWTOR was new and SWG had been shut down and did not have emulators available yet. A lot of big fans of SWG were (rightfully) upset with SWTOR for bumping their favorite game off the scene. SWTOR itself has come a long way since then and is in many ways not like the same game it was at launch. But now, in 2020, both games are available to play through different venues. The…
What You NEED to Know about SWTOR in 2020
SWTOR is now available on Steam, as I told you about recently. Because of this, the game has been launched back into mainstream conversation. This has a lot of people wondering if they should try the game, or come back to it if it’s been years since they played. I know I’ve had a lot of Steam friends asking me about it when they see me playing. This is a great opportunity for new players to jump in, or old players to return, if you’ve been out of the scene for a while. (And if you’re still social distancing for help reasons, this can give you something else to do while you’re spending more time at home). Lore Star has done a fun video that answers the question, “Is SWTOR worth playing in 2020?” He also talks about the difference between free players and Preferred (paid) players. Check it out…
Could the SYSTEMS ALLIANCE destroy the DEATH STAR II (and its fleet)? | Mass Effect vs Star Wars
Here’s another fun versus video from EckhartsLadder. This one explores another hypothetical Star Wars scenario to see who would win in a potential match up against a Mass Effect universe. Fans of both will likely find this interesting. Of course, there are many different factors to consider in a hypothetical situation like this, so the video will break it down for you and set some boundaries and guidelines. Of course, if this were real, we know there are many different ways it could go. So, lots of “ifs and buts”, but it’s still very fun and interesting. I love to take some early bets/calculations on who I think would win before I watch his breakdown to see what he says. Could the Systems Alliance of the Mass Effect Universe, as led by Commander Shepard, destroy the fearsome second Death Star, and its defense fleet Death Squadron (including the Super Star…
How the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Impact MMOs (and other games)
The entire world is facing something we’ve never seen before in our lifetimes and never seen before like this in all of history. A virus is sweeping the globe, and while I know that some people prefer to keep real life out of their video games, this one is too big to ignore. We want to first say that we hope you are all staying safe and healthy. If you have contracted Covid-19, we wish you a speedy recovery, and if you’ve lost someone due to this pandemic, we offer our sincerest condolences. We recognize the scope of this pandemic and we know that our readers have been affected, and that many more may be before this is over. Know that when we talk about games, it’s not to minimize what is happening in the real world. But we know that for a lot of people, this is an escape….
Why do students play online games
There are plenty of reasons why students play online games, but the main ones are because students need some time to relax and to get their minds off the stress of studying too hard. If you’re a student and you want the right game while you study, you already have too many options available online. You know the games, but do you know the scientific reasons why students play them? Whether you want a mobile game to play wherever you are, or you’re looking at the list of online games for students today, this list we have prepared for you will be the comprehensive guide that will help you to know the main psychological and physical reasons why students play online games. Let’s start! THE ACHIEVEMENT COMPONENT If you’ve been reading essays from professional academic writing services, then you most likely have known about psychology and why people play virtual…
Do Video Games Affect Academic Performance?
If you spend many hours (50+ hours) a week playing video games, then there’s a problem. But if you spend a few hours (5 hours max) a week playing video games, your academic performance shouldn’t be affected. As a student, you have a pile of different assignments and other tasks that come along with the education process. This workload usually leads to many students utilizing video games as a pass time; therefore, they become a part of the “2.5 billion video gamers from all over the world.” This leads to video games getting a bad rap as they are blamed on why a student cannot perform well. However, successful students know that organizing yourself is all you need to get good grades. What every student has to understand and implement is that there’s a time for everything, a time to play, and a time to study. There are two main…
We Want More Star Wars Games (But Without Jedi?)
I think something we can all agree on is that we want more Star Wars games. I’ve been writing about it here for years and even more sadly, written about it each time an anticipated Star Wars game got canned. And honestly, it sucks. Which is why a lot of fans are excited about the latest Star Wars game on the way – Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. And there’s also that little Lego Star Wars game I keep talking about… But anyway, back to Fallen Order. It may be the next game we’re getting, but is it really the next Star Wars game fans wanted? Robert Endyo from Gameverse has a theory that Star Wars gamer fans want to see less Jedi. Gamers would also like games that would be great as eSports. This site provides the best strategies for e-sports betting. Here’s some of what he has to…
American High School Shootings Blamed on Video Games
As Parkland, Florida shooting incident dominates the national headlines, America is once again caught in mass hysteria over high school killings that seem to take place on a weekly basis. Statistics show there have been over 18 gun violence incidents on high school grounds in 2018 alone, where students, teachers and passersby were either killed or injured by a gun-wielding minor. The latest in the string of these deadly events, the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, took seventeen lives and sent fourteen more people to hospitals. The perpetrator was revealed to be one Nikolas Jacob Cruz who, at the time of the shooting, was just 19 years old. Adam Lanza was 20 when he slaughtered twenty children and six teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. It was one of the worst massacres in the US history that took place in 1999, at Columbine High School in Colorado, when Dylan Klebold,…
What Truly Makes a Game Last?
This is a magical question that video game developers have been trying to figure out for some time. Just how do you create that magic formula that creates a great game that players stick with for years and years, that is also profitable and expandable and can make the company money? How do you stay relevant in an industry that is rapidly changing constantly? Bored Brit Gamer brings us this great post that focuses on the players and what really makes a game last. It’s long but well-written and it’s worth the read. He says it’s all about the fans: Yet despite the negative points, I don’t think anyone can really complain about the story content that BioWare has been releasing. Perhaps you could say that each chapter could have been longer and there will of course be those who lament the loss of the individual class stories but when…
SWTOR Dark vs. Light Event Angers Some Vets
Star Wars: The Old Republic is getting ready to introduce their biggest event yet. The Dark vs. Light Event will unite the galaxy in one way or another, or it will tick off vets and confuse new players. There seems to be a little bit of all that going around. So we brought you the news of the latest (and seemingly biggest) event of SWTOR, the Dark vs. Light event and if you’ve been reading the forums, Reddit, and other places where SWTOR fans lurk, you may have noticed that there are some very disgruntled veteran players. So what is that all about? It’s a new event, right? This should be a good thing, right? Well, the short of it is that this huge event was clearly designed to entice new players only. There’s nothing wrong with enticing new players. This means we keep the game live, there are more…
Crafting Ideas: Component Conversion
Those who know me as a gamer will observe that I have this thing about game economics… I like to make currency, save currency, and understand currency. I like to see how the currency will shape a game and its economics. I like comparing it to real-world situations and finances. I like finding ways to make more money so I can hoard it up or buy whatever I want. It’s weird, right? Well, I’m not alone. There are many other players out there like me who find video game economics fascinating and one of those people has a website dedicated completely to SWTOR economics. We’ve linked to it here on the site before but if you’ve missed those posts, you can check it out at So today, we want to talk about one post in particular. A new one from a couple of weeks ago titled “Crafting Ideas: Component Conversion”….
Star Wars Perfume: Has Merchandising Gone Too Far?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Star Wars is hot right now. The new films have created a surge in the franchise’s popularity and we’re seeing Star Wars everywhere. This can be a good thing for the Star Wars fan but can it go too far? While buying groceries this past week, I noticed all the Star Wars branded foods. This is typical of cereals and snack foods, more than anything else, at least here in the US. I saw Star Wars cereals, yogurt, Cambell’s soup cans, and even Cheez-Its with Yoda on the front. They’re on Pringles cans and ice cream, and even coffee creamers. But the Star Wars craze doesn’t end with food. Of course, there are toys and clothes. This is to be expected. However, there has also been Star Wars makeup and now, we have Star Wars perfume. Yes. Star Wars perfume….
Is SWTOR Still Relevant?
With all the new Star Wars hype out there today, after the new movie released and the others in the works, is Star Wars The Old Republic still relevant? As most of our readers probably know already, the game launched in December of 2011. Since then, we’ve seen five expansions which added more content, with the latest coming in October of 2015. How popular has the game been since? While it’s had ups and downs, there have been over 57 million characters created, 17 million of them Jedi. The game has over 104 hours of voiced cinematics. Players have played more than 645 million hours playing this game. That sounds pretty successful if you ask me. Still, Forbes contributor, Neil Herndon, wanted to ask the question, “Is SWTOR still relevant?” In this piece, he explores the topic and while his answer is a “yes”, there’s a lot more to it…
SWTOR PvP Hacking – Serious Issue?
Whenever there is a game to be beat, there will be someone who wants to cheat or hack their way through it. Video games are no exception. I still remember growing up as a girl in the 90s when “cheat codes” were a big thing for console games. Fast-forward to online games today and we seen new ways for people to cheat, hack , or exploit games. While the old fashioned “cheat codes” of a single player game or other console game were less harmless (especially in single player mode – who is it really hurting?) the hacks that exist in multi-player gaming environments today can be brutal. They can completely destroy the integrity of the game and ruin the experience for everyone involved. Counter-Strike is a great example of that. So what happens now that hackers are taking SWTOR PvP by storm? There are hacks that can make you fly which…
Did SWTOR Miss an Important Opportunity?
Recently, over three weekends (26-27th February, 4-5th March, 11-12th March), Bioware organised playtesting sessions, on the PTS, for players to test the new Warzone, and the new Arena, Rishi Cove. This is typical of when they want to test new zones and other areas of the game. However, some players believe they may have missed out on a valuable opportunity when it comes to playtesting this time around. BioWare announced the times for the play sessions on the forums and also played along with players incognito, but they never did anyting else to advertise the PTS or to try to get more players to join so they could test these new areas. Xam Xam is one of these players and she explains what she sees as a missed opportunity for BioWare on her blog: The three weekends of playtesting sessions were inadequate to test the new Warzone. There were too few…
Does Episodic Content Belong in an MMORPG?
So Den of Geek asks an interesting question in a recent post on their site: Does Episodic Content Belong in an MMORPG? If you’ve played a lot of games, one thing you will know to be true is that episodic content is not a new concept. There are many games across many genres that use this. Basically it’s chapter-based content that is staggered throughout the game and while it’s been around a long time, it’s gaining in popularity today due to certain hit games like Telltale’s The Walking Dead (a favorite of mine) and Life is Strange. But Den of Geek looks at a genre of gaming that has not seen a a lot of episodic content – the MMORPG. So it definitely makes a lot of sense for certain types of games. The story-driven content will keep players coming back for more and waiting to see what happens next. But does it make sense…
Player Harassment in SWTOR – Inaction and Consequences
We’ve talked about player harassment here before. It’s an issue in SWTOR. It’s an issue in MMORPGs. It’s an issue in video games. It’s an issue on the Internet. But what can be done about it? Now that is a question that has a lot of different answers. When we look at all the different ways in which harassment can occur, it becomes and even more complicated issue. So let’s look at SWTOR alone for the sake of this post. How can player harassment in SWTOR be handled better? There are some players who will say the current system in place is working as intended and that you just need to get used to it and move on if you encounter problems while playing the game. Then there are others who will disagree and say that more needs to be done about player harassment in the game. Xam Xam has…
An Open Letter to the Creators of the SWTOR Cartel Packs
Hyperspace Beacon has a few things to say to BioWare. Actually, they have a bit of a bone to pick with the SWTOR team. And he’s not alone in this one. There are many people out there who agree, as the comment section will show and I have to say that while I am a fan of the game and have been since the beginning, he makes very valid points on this one. There are some seriously annoying flaws with Cartel Packs and while this isn’t the first time it’s been said, the points are presented rather well. So what’s the beef? Well, here’s part of it: “I am disappointed by the execution of the latest cartel packs on many, many levels. It was difficult enough for me to accept these lottery boxes in the first place. It concerns me that the best looking and most desired items in the…
Will We See Another Star Wars MMORPG?
People love Star Wars. The recent stats of the latest film show us this without question. The popularity of the franchise is one that has crossed generations. People will likely continue to love and follow Star Wars. We also know that fans love Star Wars games. It’s something we talk about every day here on the site. Sometimes we struggle, as fans, to find decent Star Wars games. To find those iconic games that still with you for many years. The types of games that truly shape your life. It’s no surprise that Star Wars fans like MMOs with a Star Wars theme. Who wouldn’t want to be put right in the driver/pilot seat of their favorite thing? This is why Star Wars Galaxies was so popular. Then we have SWTOR. But will this be the end of the road for Star Wars MMORPGs? As we see the new films coming to…
This guys talks about why he can’t get into SWTOR’s housing. ( Discussion)
Not all MMO’s are made the same, as we all definitely know. However, most of the time we really get into the housing that goes along with them, all of the upgrades and house drops that you redeem after a battle drive us to want to keep our pad looking cool. However, Star Wars: The Old Republic seems to be hard to get into as far as housing goes for some fans. Here is a list of the reasons why. There is no convenient “go to my house” button the screen. Now this is all about laziness but many gamers want convenience when it comes to games, so why the heck could they not make it more efficient? Players have to open up a menu and then click another button in order to teleport to their house. In LOTRO, RIFT, and WildStar, the house warp button is always on the…
Massivelyop: swtors upcoming expansion builds on the legacy of KOTOR
Recently, sat down with BioWare at E3 to talk about the new Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. They were also lucky enough to see some of it in action. So, what is Fallen Empire you might ask? It’s much more than just an expansion, it’s a return to BioWare’s amazing storytelling adventure in the Star Wars galaxy. The best part of all is that Knights of the Fallen Empire is only the very beginning. The new expansion is called a season because there are more seasons on the way. In Knights of the Fallen Empire, you will see that every choice and decision you make, matters. There have been many choices in SWTOR but they didn’t really have much of an effect. When your character makes a choice in Knights of the Fallen Empire, it has immediate consequences and long-term ones as well. One choice that they…