
Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Sage + Sorcerer

The latest update from the SWTOR blog gives us news about some Game Update 3.0 class changes to Sage and Sorcerer. It’s not surprising that this update will bring changes to the various classes in the game but previously, we were not sure what those would be. Now, as we draw closer to the date, we get more information on just what we can expect. For the base Class changes, please see the Shadow blog here. As for Sage, here is a snippet from the post: Sages have seen some changes to their baseline ability package. Deliverance is now only accessible to Seer Sages, but all Sages now have Rejuvenate. Force Studies now increases the Sage’s maximum Force pool up to 600, rolling in the extra 100 Force from the now cut Mental Longevity skill. All Sages can now train the following passive ability: Inner Strength: Reduces the Force consumed by Force…

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SWTOR Quests To Do before the Revan Expansion

It’s almost time for the much anticipated Revan expansion for SWTOR. With it only a short time away, it makes sense that fans will be preparing, enjoying the game or preparing their game and characters for this expansion. If you’re looking for something to do before the ex-pac, you might want to read this post from Larry Everett over at Hyperspace Beacon. He has eight quests you need to do in SWTOR before the expansion and he explains why. So if you have not yet done these quests, then you may want to take some time before December and get this done. Let’s take a look at a snippet from the article: The Maelstrom Prison continues the adventure of Taral V. Players now lead a strike team into the Imperial base itself to rescue the Jedi prisoner, who we later find out is Revan. If you’re on the Imperial side…

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3.0 Conversation dialogue + Intro audio for all classes

Are you interested in the new intros coming with 3,0? What about new conversation dialogue? Here you have audio mined data for all classes and intro questions for both Empire and Republic. Go ahead and check it out and let us know what you think. Which do you prefer? Are there any you do not like? WARNING: Spoilers ahead. Some of this audio could reveal spoilers. 3.0 (most) new Conversations! Audio mined for all classes intro quests Empire: * Agent Female * Bounty Hunter Male * Warrior Female * Inquisitor Female Republic: * Trooper Female Missing Yuun sounds. * Smuggler Female * Knight Male Missing T7 sounds. * Consular Male

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When Will SWTOR See New PvP Content?

We have heard a lot of talk about SWTOR and the new content coming out recently. Fans are hyped up about all the good stuff coming with 3.0 but one player on the forums asked something that I was also thinking: Can we expect to see any PvP content or news any time soon. While SWTOR isn’t marketed as a PvP game, it does still have those elements to it and some players really like it so it would be great to see Bioware do a little more in this area to keep things fun and interesting. Community Manager Eric Musco had this to say in response on the forums: Hey Jaiyne, Good question, let me take a stab at this one. If you are asking specifically for news about new content, such as a Warzone or Arena map, then the answers is unfortunately no. There are no new maps,…

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GSF Changes in 3.0: Requisition Gain Increases; No New Maps or Ships

BioWare posted an update on the official forums today, letting us know, that there will be no new maps or ships coming with Shadow of Revan. Personally I’m not that surprised about this, as this game update came between major game expansions. I also feel space PVP have enough maps that the lack of new ones isn’t a big deal. What Galactic starfighter nees are some new game modes. There’s so many cool things they could do, it’s such a waste of potential to only have node capture and deathmatch. Anyways. Check out the news below: Howdy Space Jockeys! I wanted to pop in and let y’all know that there aren’t going to be any new maps or ships for GSF in 3.0. However, we are making a change to the Requisition curve in that all the Requisition rewards are getting a permanent boost. Remember though (because Musco would kill me if…

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No Public PTS for 3.0: Only A Closed Beta

Eirc Musco posted an update on the official forums regarding the upcomming Star Wars: The old Republic update – Shadow of Revan. There wil be no testing on the public test servers this time, as the game update will be tested purly on a closed servers. Just like a regular beta test as we also experienced with Rise of the hutt cartel. It would seem like this is a way for BioWare,  to stop miners from leaking new game infomation, from the upcomming expansion,  for as long as possible. Hey Minisep! Let me answer your questions, and explain a bit about how PTS will work for Shadow or Revan. There will be a PTS for Shadow of Revan. However, similar to Rise of the Hutt Cartel, this PTS will be on a closed server. This closed PTS server will be testing all of the expansion! As a note, for Rise…

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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines

With the announcement of Game Update 3.0 coming soon, the developers have decided to give us some more info about new aspects of the game. First up is an introduction to Disciples on the Developer Blog today. This will be the new version of the class system in SWTOR and will change how we give abilities and skills to our classes. This looks like it could be a good way to Here’s a snippet from the blog: Greetings! Today, we bring to you Disciplines, a major overhaul to the class system that will be coming live with Game Update 3.0! At its very core, the Disciplines System replaces the current Skill Tree system while offering a wider array of impactful utility choices to expand their character and the ability for a character’s identity to surface much earlier in the level path. The Disciplines System changes the way we think about…

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SWTOR Shadow of Revan Expansion Announcement Trailer

The long awaited day is here! Announcement day for the Shadow of Revan expansion in Star Wars TM: The Old Republic TM has finally arrived. Check out the announcement video below for more and there will be an upcoming livestream from Bioware to tell you even more. The countdown begins – 2 months to go! Revan has returned. Prepare to face Revan and his fanatical followers as you adventure through five new levels of story-driven Star Wars™ missions, reach new heights of power at an increased level cap of 60, explore exciting worlds and fight in new high-level Flashpoints and Operations in the Digital Expansion, Shadow of Revan, launching December 9th! Highlight of things to come in Shadow of Revan: –          5 more levels (level cap now 60). –          2 planets: Rishi and Yavin 4. –          Disciplines –          2 new role-neutral Flashpoints. –          4 Hard Mode Flashpoints. –          2 level 60…

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Show Us Your Crib- Guildship Decorating

Guildships are here and many players have been spending their time collecting items and decorating their pads. In fact, for some players it is so much fun, it’s almost become like a game inside the game. You can be as unique and creative as you desire when it comes to decorating your guildship. A lot of people choose to make it themed to their guild, or to roleplay as their characters. Some players just get silly or random with it. And here from Dulfy you can find a list of SWTOR Galactic Stronghold Decorations and how to obtain them. So with that said, we invite you to show us your guildships. If you share screenshots with us, we’d also love to hear the story behind it, what you decorated with or where you came up with your ideas for decorating. Here are some images from one really awesome guildship belonging to…

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Galactic Strongholds – Gathering vs Crafting Prices Spreadsheet

Are you curious what it will cost for gathering and crafting supplies for Galactic Strongholds? You are not alone and as usual, a member of the community has looked for a way to create a tool to help with this. The Gathering vs Crafting Prices Spreadsheet was created with data from just one server at one point in time so it is of course, subject to change, but it gives you a good baseline idea. In time, if it’s worked on a bit more, it could be a very good tool. You can also take the spreadsheet as is and then update it for your server and your own needs so you always have an up to date tool to help you reference costs. The spreadsheet lists the server of the GTN prices being marked, the date and time and detailed info about the item and how much it costs. There…

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Developer Blog: Welcome to Galactic Strongholds Early Access

Sorry we didn’t post this yesterday, but Lisa have been in an accident, and have quite a family emergency. Our thought are with her and her family. If you have enough, please consider helping her out. Now back to the story. With game update 2.9 – Star Wars: The old Republic: Galatic strongholds that wen online yesterday, Bioware posted a new developer blog, highlighting what to expect with this expansion. The Galactic Strongholds expansion is the newest content introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic where subscribers can build their own “houses” and design it the way they want. Those who are looking forward to show off their mount collection can now do it as they can easily just place them at their houses and invite their friends over to see them. In addition to the new SWTOR housing, a new flashpoint is also available for level 55 players. The…

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TOR TV: SWTOR Warzone Commendation Decorations

SWTORrista posted a bunch of youtube videos showing all the new Star Wars: The old Republic: Galactic Stronghold decorations obtainable from Warzone Commendation. So instead of the one video we normally posted in this segment, we have the pleasure of posting 9. All of them cost 200 Warzone Commendations, except for the Hypergate Ring which is 1,000. Decorations are shared along your whole legacy, so you can buy Imperial decorations on your imperial toon and see/use them with your Republic character on Coruscant! Just don’t let the senators see your Imperial banners from your giant bay windows… The guards are not intractable. Enjoy!

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Summary of Game Update 2.9

While many of us have been following the SWTOR update for some time and know what is coming, it never hurts to have a recap and for those who have not been following, let’s take a look at what you can expect from Game Update 2.9. First, Game Update 2.9 will bring five major changes: Galactic Strongholds Decorations Guild Ships and Conquest New Crafting Schematics Forged Alliances: Part II This update is focusing on changes that help people who like to role play, socialize, craft and more. It’s geared So let’s take a look at each of these five things in more detail. Galactic Strongholds: We know that there will be four Legacy-wide Strongholds (houses) available for personal and guild use. You have to be a subscriber to own a Stronghold at this time but anyone can visit a Stronghold. Preferred have access in a month and free to play…

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Patch Notes – 8/19/2014 – Game Update 2.9: Galactic Strongholds Early Access

Patch notes for tomorrows game update is now ready. Check them out below: Highlights Galactic Strongholds Early Access! Subscribers can now purchase a Galactic Stronghold on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, and Coruscant by visiting the Stronghold Directory on the Fleet or on the Stronghold’s planet. Guild Flagships now available! Guilds can now purchase a Flagship and use it to compete with other guilds and conquer the galaxy! Visit the Flagship Directory on the Fleet for more information. Battle for control with Conquest! Conquest events are now available in the Mission Log! Each week a new Conquest event will become active with new objectives. Complete your personal point target to earn special rewards – or if you’re in a guild with a Flagship, invade a planet and compete with other guilds for planetary domination. Special perks are available to those who conquer a planet by placing at the top of the Guild Leaderboard…

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STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Scheduled Maintenance: August 19th, 2014

On August 19th, all game servers, SWTOR.com, and the launcher will be unavailable while BioWare perform scheduled maintenance. Game Update >2.9: Galactic Strongholds will be implemented during this downtime. Details are as follows: Date: Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 Duration: 5 hours Time: 2AM PDT (9AM GMT) – 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) During maintenance, all updates and additional information will be posted on the official SWTOR Twitter account.

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50 Million Credits for Guild Ships

If you want a guild ship, you better be ready to open up your pockets. SWTOR will charge 50 million credits for guild ships. Eric Musco, Community Manager for Bioware, announced recently on the livestream that this is how much it will cost for guild ships in the Galactic Strongholds expansion. It’s not surprising that it will cost credits. I think all players were pretty much expecting that. The real question lies in how much and whether or not it would be “too much” for your average guild. While moderate to large size guilds will probably not have any trouble with the 50 million credits, it could pose a problem with smaller guilds. I always played MMORPGs with a partner and we would often name our guilds “Just the Two of Us”. In some games like WoW and EverQuest we would even have to get other people to sign our…

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GSH Master Artisan Guide Compendium

If you’d like to know more about SWTOR crafting, we have a fantastic guide for you. From Lowku, we have a 3-part guide on 2.9 Galactic Strongholds crafting, as well as some basics in crafting in general. As we have mentioned here, 2.9 is bringing a lot of (hopefully good) changes to crafting. Some items that were once considered useful junk will now be highly sought after. Gathering lists, items and other crafting supplies now might be a good idea if you plan to do any 2.9 crafting. He tells us a little of what you can expect in these guides: “To help myself prepare, I’ve compiled my old gathering list, my credit guide, and all the new crafting information for the Fabrication Kits traded for decorations and War Supplies. What’s left is an absolutely massive amount of information that I had to break up into different parts just to get it…

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Galactic Living Ep3 Livestream Q&A Notes

BioWare had another livestream yesterday, showing of gameupdate 2.9. This time Eric Musco and Courtney Woods showed how decorating will work. You can check it out below, but if you are more a reading type of person, Dulfy have put together the Q&A notes. These are readable below the video. Tomorrow the team will do a First Look Preview on Customizing a Dromund Kaas Skyrise Apartment with SWTOR Fansite OotiniCast. Q&A Rooms already exist inside a house but you cannot access them unless you unlock them first by interacting with the door of a specific room and pay the unlocking cost. Stronghold items that give you buffs? No items like that. Strongholds do give you rested XP. Fleet chat in strongholds or riot? Our current decision is still planetary chat. Can you become Kephess? Yes All strongholds have massive hooks to fit in ships. Some of them have roofs that…

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Legacy Storage Info

With the upcoming game update to Star Wars the old Republic – Galactic Strongholds, BioWare will be introducing new legacy storage. Eric Musco took some time yesterday, updating the community on the official SWTOR forums on what to expect: here is a C/P: Hey folks, I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can’t answer everything here are some of the bigger answers: How do I get Legacy storage? You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the “Introduction to Strongholds Mission” upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well) If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space? It does not. Adding more Legacy storage “units” will…

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Stronghold Deactivation Clarification

Eric Musco clarified an interesting question regarding Star Wars the oldRrepublic Galactic Strongholds on the official forums today. A user named Tsillah posted a question regarding deactivation of a stronghold. The questions was as following: Originally Posted by Tsillah View Post I was reading through dulfy’s notes http://dulfy.net/2014/07/02/swtor-ga…estream-notes/ and found the following interesting and worrying note: Upkeep cost to maintain strongholds? Nope but if you deactivate/retire a stronghold, it will cost you to reactivate it if you bought it with credits. If you bought it with cartel coins there is no reactivation fee. Now I’ve asked in the sticky thread above and during the last livestream but either they just keep missing the question or are unwilling to answer it but really I think with this starting in about a month’s time it’s not an unfair question to ask. Why would anyone retire a stronghold? The reason I ask the…

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Galactic Living Livestream: Thursday July 10th

There will be a SWTOR Galactic Strongholds stream tomorrow, Thursday July 10th , at 1:30PM PDT (8:30 PM GMT). Tomorrow’s stream will cover a first look at the Coruscant Skyrise Apartments. This is your chance to learn more about Galactic living and what we can all expect from Galactic Strongholds. You will have the chance to preview stronghold customization options- something that many of us have been wondering about for a long time.

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Galactic Living Livestream Notes

New updates are on the way. If you were unable to watch the Galactic Living Livestream, then you might have some questions about what was said and what we can all expect to come to SWTOR in the near future. There are many questions and also many tips that are released to us with this livestream. While Bioware has not released the number of players that can be inside a stronghold at once, it looks like the Nar Shaddaa stronghold can hold 70 players at once with 9 rooms. Taking some time to learn how hooks work will be very important. This will show you how to manipulate items within your stronghold. It will help you see where and how to put your stuff and how to get it looking how you want. In addition to decorations and interactivity, you will learn about pets, mounts and NPCs. You will also learn about…

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Developer Update: Introduction to Galactic Strongholds

More Star Wars: The Old Republic Galactic Strongholds content is revealed today, as BioWare posted a new developer diary. The post details everything from decorating hooks to the decorations for your brand new apartment will be available via loot drops and from crew skills, reputation and PvP rewards and off course the Cartel Market. All housing decorations will be available across your entire Legacy by default. It seems like crafters will play a big part in the process, as BioWare says that tradeskillers “of all levels will provide the components required to obtain these decorations.” But how much it really is, remains to be seen. Another thing that is really cool is the possibility to invites guest home to you apartment to show off your stuff. Also the furniture placement method in below gif looks outstanding. Needing to unlock a second of the same chair to place it again may…

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New Galactic Living Twitch Series

BioWare is starting a new show on Twitch beginning today, July 2nd called Galactic Living. From live tours of the various strongholds like the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace to a behind-the-scenes look at the decoration items and tools, get an inside preview of all the ways you’ll be able to customize your own stronghold in the new Digital Expansion, Galactic Stronghold coming later this year. WHERE: www.twitch.tv/swtor WHEN: Wednesday, July 2nd @ 1:30PM PDT / 8:30PM GMT WHAT: First Look: Galactic Stronghold Decoration System STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT STREAM AND TOPIC AT: www.twitch.tv/swtor OR www.swtor.com/twitch Plus, don’t miss your opportunity to own your own Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace with three room unlocked by becoming a Subscriber by July 15th! Subscriber Early Access begins August 19th.

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