fan art

Friday Update: Flesh Raiders, and Fan Friday

Yes! It’s Friday again, and that means two things: Weekend with lot’s of beer and more news from Star Wars: The Old Republic. This time we get the monthly “The Studio Insider” wich gives us a glimpse of what it takes to produce a multi-million dollar MMO. In this issue of the Studio Insider, concept Artist Diego Almazan shares another step-by-step demonstration of the creation of the Flesh Raider, from base sketch to fully tricked-out creature. When starting a concept, it’s important to get as much information as possible to help make the creature or object fit best in its place in the game. For this concept in particular, I was excited to take on the task of creating an alternate Flesh Raider which would fit alongside the current set. After gathering and studying art work and other assets related to the Flesh Raider, I started off with a base…

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Fan Friday

This week’s update have arrived! After two amazing weeks with a new planet and a Timeline holorecord, it’s now time for Fan Friday and new biographies. First up, Fan Friday. As the name says, we’re not suprised that BioWare was able to dig out some treasures from the official forum grounds. The interactive TOR Paint Adventures and KariaVen’s animations are only two examples of the great creativity of Star Wars fans. It wouldn’t be Fan Friday without a couple more polls! The first asks, “Who is your favorite character in the Blood of the Empire webcomic series?” The second poll asks, “Which class are you planning on trying out first?” This time the development corner look at the creation of Kaas City, the Empire’s capital. Senior Concept Artist Ryan Dening gives us another step-by-step demonstration of taking a concept and turning it into a finished piece of artwork. The purpose…

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Star Wars trilogy in Two Minutes (as a paper animation)

Jeremy Messsersmith wrote a song about Star Wars and created an accompanying music video animated with paper versions of all the familiar characters. As a creative person, I understand that it’s hard to let go sometimes. God help me if I ever get to the point where I have the time and money to keep re-recording new versions of old songs instead of writing new ones! Unfortunately, George Lucas (in a fate worse than Darth Vader’s) is in the horrible place of having had all of his dreams come true. Now he has total creative control of whatever he wants to do, hence Star Wars in 3D. Anyway, I’ve got a song called Tatooine with a new music video directed by Eric Power over at We are both OT (that’s original trilogy) fanboys so I made a lo-fi song and he made a very 2D music video. You can…

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Spoonful of Star Wars Art Show

Artist Bwana Spoons has made one heck of a tribute with Spoonful of Star Wars – over 100 paintings of vintage Star Wars action figures! So I got this awesome commission to do every standard figure and variations there of… of the classic Star Wars action figure line. These are part still life part/part something else. The first sixty or so are from my personal collection, some of which have even survived with me since childhood. A pretty amazing feat considering what I put them through. Check out some of these amazingly cool portraits of Star Wars action figures here: Check out more of these amazingly cool portraits of Star Wars action figures here: Classic SW Nerd. They will also be displayed in person Nov. 20 at DesignerCon.

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Hello Star Wars Kitty?

Even though is just  illustrations by the talented artist Joseph Senior, we can’t help wonder if this would be the image we see when looking up the word “adorkable” in the dictionary. Senior has also given Hello Kitty makeovers to other Star Wars characters like Darth Vader, Boba Fett, C-3PO and more: Check out his full sets of images here: My Hello Kitty Pop Culture series and Hello Robots collection

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The Old Republic Fan Friday Returns

The Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Friday feature made its return to today! Community Creations – a reminder to submit your fan-made artwork through the TOR forums for possible future Fan Friday features Fan Art – TOR community member Tang has the spotlight shown on his concept art scrapbook – Community member Vitellius created a 4 minute 3D animation video of Darth Rasp infiltrating a Republic base – One more commuity member featured; Oxyjin displays what he hopes his character will look like Developer Corner – Get to know that Cathar species Events – Upcoming events for The Old Republic include Celebration V, Germany’s GamesCon, and the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). Wallpapers – “Hope” cinematic trailer wallpapers are now available Fan Site Kit – The fan site kit has received its first update Avatars – New avatars are available with characters featured in the Galactic Timeline, including Master…

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May the schwartz be with you: Entire Star Wars “The Empire Strikes Back” in MS Paint [GIF]

Earlier this month, we posted Entire Star Wars “A New Hope” in MS Paint. After a hefty debate on DIGG, it came to our attention that the creator of this little jewel was a guy name foldsfive. Foldsfive, with the civil name David Court ultimately joined the discussion on DIGG and shared that there were more treasures to be found around on the internet. Sometimes I find myself amazed by the internet. How something I made an age ago can suddenly pick up interest again. It was something I made for fun (as an experiment to see whether I could do it, more than anything) for a site ( that wouldn’t post anything bigger than 250k. I did it all from memory, so the stuff about my incorrect lightsabre colours couldn’t interest me less. (and jesus wept, people accuse ME of not having a life for making it). At the end of the day doing that stuff donkeys…

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May the schwartz be with you: Baroque Star Wars

Sweden-based artist Mattias Adolfsson creates Baroque–style portraits (think wigs and Steampunk gears with a cartoony twist) of Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Luke Sylkwalker, C-3PO and R2-D2, a stormtrooper, and even the Death Star and the AT-AT! The Death Star Also known as the deadly croissant   Han Solo being harassed by the puritan police   Darth Vader A timeless fashion statement (you just can’t go wrong with black)   Stormtrooper Fighting in style   Imperial walker   Bobba Fett   Chewbacca Contrary to beliefs Chewbacca uses his own hair not a wig Princess Leia   C-3PO and R2 D2 R2 D2 is not as sophisticated as to warrant a wig   the Emperor   Jabba the powdered   Yoda   and Introducing as Luke Skywalker: Linnaeus the botanist supreme

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May the schwartz be with you: Star Wars-Inspired Vintage Travel Posters

Thanks to io9, we just discovered artist Justin van Genderen’s minimalist takes on planets and places of the original Star Wars Galaxy. While the vintage graphic design trend is nothing new, and in fact, Zazzle created a series of Star Wars WPA-inspired travel posters last spring, it’s also something that we never tire of. Our inner Stars Wars geek wishes that van Genderen had included Coruscant and Naboo in his series, but he had over 450 fictional planets to choose from. We’ll forgive him this time.

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Fan Friday with Fan Site Kit

Today’s update is a Fan Friday update, including some community art, two bits in the developer corner, a couple of new forum avatars and the Fan Site Kit. I’ll just be lazy and copy-paste the entire thing: Welcome to another exciting Fan Friday where we shine the spotlight on talented members of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community and share some gems from the Development Team. This week, we also want to present you with the official Star Wars: The Old Republic Fan Site Kit! We know you’ve been waiting for this, and we think you’ll be impressed. Be sure to see it all, plus check out the new avatars, and don’t forget to vote in the latest series of polls! Community Creations StandAlone has been busy creating some breathtaking Star Wars™ fan art. The three most recent paintings, Ambush, Inevitable Death, and Darth Satus were all created using TOR…

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Star Wars The Dark Redemption

The Dark Redemption is a 1999 Australian fan film which was made using the studio grounds of Foxtel in Sydney. This follows the story of how the plans for the Death Star were sent to Princess Leia’s ship the Tantive IV as well as Han Solo’s escape from Kessel which results in a bounty being put on his head by Jabba the Hutt. The film came under attack by Lucasfilm due to the fact that the story is constructed within the Star Wars canon. Plot Two days before Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, Rebel Alliance agent Mara Jade is imprisoned on Kessel. Unbeknownst to all, Mara holds the Death Star plans given to her by Kyle Katarn. Upon being rescued by Zev Senesca and Klaus Vanderon, she forwards the plans to Princess Leia’s ship. At the same time, Boba Fett makes a deal with Lt. Pol Treidum…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 3

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. I have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. The music used in this video includes: -Throne Room & End Title The battles featured in this video include: Galactic Civil War – 7 ABY – Battle of Tantive V Galactic Civil War – 7.5 ABY – Battle of Selaggis Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – – 9 ABY – Battle of Obroa-skai Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Battle of Sluis Van Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Battle for the Katana fleet Galactic Civil War Thrawn Campaign – 9 ABY – Third Battle of Coruscant Galactic Civil War – 10 ABY – Fourth Battle of…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 2

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. We have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. The music used in this video includes (in order): Battle of the Heroes The Imperial March The Force Theme Duel of the Fates Watch in higher quality The battles features in this video include (note: The name of the battles are set in the conflict, year, battle and/or sub conflict): Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Kashyyyk Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Coruscant Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Utapau Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Mygeeto Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Battle of Felucia Clone Wars – 19 BBY – Second Battle…

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Battles of the Star Wars Universe 1

This is a slideshow video of some of the many battles that take place throughout the expanded Star Wars universe and as well as battles that are seen in the Star Wars movies. We have used photos taken from comics, movies, novels, tv shows, and video games. We used several Star Wars songs in this video which include (in order): Main Title & Rebel Blockade Runner The Asteroid Field The Emperor Arrives Battle of the Heroes The battles features in this video include (note: The name of the battles are set in the conflict, year, battle and/or sub conflict): Great Hyperspace War – 5000 BBY – Battle of Coruscant Great Hyperspace War – 5000 BBY – First Battle of Korriban Great Sith War – 3998 BBY – Naddist Uprising (aka Freedon Nadd Uprising) Great Sith War – Krath Holy Cursade – 3997 BBY – First Battle of Empress Teta Great…

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Fan Friday for August 2009

Happy Friday everyone! We hope you en joy these community spotlights for the month of August. Star Wars ASCII Art Much like a Trooper and his gun, Star Wars™ and ASCII Art make a great combination. Check out some great ASCII creations inspired by iconic Star Wars images in this ASCII art thread created by ilsabay. Maybe you can try your hand at an ASCII creation in the community! Smuggler’s Alliance Icon It’s undeniable that a Smuggler likes to show off, and needs an impressive icon to represent his group. VannikDesh created these three awesome Smuggler Alliance icons for the TOR community to use in their signatures. The first image combines the Aurebesh letters “S” and “A” to create a dagger hilt and includes the downturned wings of The Old Republic logo. The second and third versions used The Old Republic blaster concept art with the Aurebesh dagger in blue…

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