fan art

The Weight of Forgiveness – Star Wars Fan Film

We have something fun and interesting to bring you today. This just released Star wars fan film has our attention. It’s called “The Weight of Forgiveness” and it’s all about the birth of a Jedi. It’s in Italian and it’s about 15 minutes or so in length so it’s a short watch. There are different possible interpretations of the short, which is part of its appeal. The synopsis says it is a Star Wars fan film “open to interpretation” and there have already been several ideas as to what it all means. If you know and love Star Wars (like all of us here do), you may appreciate it on those grounds alone but we ask you to watch it with an open mind and don’t limit yourself just to the Star Wars universe, then see what you think of it. Some say it is the story of redemption of…

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STAR WARS LEGENDS: Legacy of the Force – Fan Film

We love Star Wars fan films, as you probably know if you’ve been reading our posts for awhile now, and here is one based on a book that we really wanted to bring to your attention. It’s Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force and you can see the film in its entirely on YouTube (we’ve embedded it below). It’s meant to be a homage to the Expanded Universe and the canon is spot-on. The acting was good, especially for a fan film and I found it overall entertaining. If you haven’t seen it yet, just scroll down and give it a watch. Then head over and tell the crew what you think of their hard work. You can follow everything they’re up to and learn more from their Facebook page here. Some of their members are also working on a new project right now. Their page contains interviews and…

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Super Cool Stuff from Calvin’s Custom

We have brought you posts about the awesome stuff that Calvin’s Customs does before and now we have another awesome custom project to share with you. He talks about what it is he was commissioned to do and why he decided to do it below. There are also some awesome pictures plus more on his Facebook page. He’s also been doing a lot of Darth Revan’s recently (no surprise at the popularity there) and even some cool non-Star Wars stuff if you’re into collectibles. Really so much talent here! He has some great Conan the Barbarians, bad ass looking Batman, an original design “Apocalyptic Hard Rocker”, military cyborg creations and much more. Here are details from the Miraluka project: As a old fashion muscle n bullets, mud and blood guy, I rarely do female figures, but there are exceptions, like this one, a special commission for a SWTOR friend, instead of…

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Beautiful SWTOR Matte Paintings

SWTOR Matte Paintings by Nick Hiatt Matte paintings by Nick Hiatt created during the production of the SWTOR cinematic trailers at Blur Studios You know how we love to bring you beautiful things, especially beautiful SWTOR things. Here’s one that we just cannot pass up sharing. These beautiful matte paintings are perfect for the SWTOR fan. While they would be wonderful to have as prints (I’d hang these in my house), you might decide you want to make them your desktop background, as others have done. Even if you just want to admire them for a bit, Blur Studios is awesome and this is the proof.

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SWTOR YuGiOh? Yes, It’s a Thing

YuGiOh “Peril on Makeb” SWTOR Fan We found another cool SWTOR fan-inspired creation. shyherdier “got bored” and made a mini set of YuGiOh based SWTOR cards. They are really creative and some of them are quite funny. I’d love to see this fan make a full deck of these. If you could add any cards to this set, what would they be? What would they say? SWTOR The Trading Card Game could totally be a thing (hey, it worked for Wow, sort of). So, what do you think? The art is pretty awesome. If you ask me, I’d play this game. 🙂 Inspired by the user above, cuckingfomputer made this entire deck. It’s worth taking the time to read through all of the cards. Inquisitor Starter Deck

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SWTOR/KOTOR Tattoo Sleeves

We have written before about Star Wars tattoos (like the SWTOR tats that the dynamic duo,Dr. Greg Zeschuk and Cory Butler got) and these fans who love SWTOR enough to get inked forever. Some people are just not into tatts and that’s perfectly fine but I do love to see the creative ways people express their love for Star Wars. With that in mind, here is a perfect example. Gorrin (on Reddit) has a KOTOR/SWTOR themed sleeve. In fact, both of his arms are decked in Star Wars color tattoos. If you’re a fan of the dark side, you’ll probably appreciate this even more than most. You can check out full-color photos for yourself here: So we’ll ask our readers again: do you have Star Wars or SWTOR ink? We’d love to see your pictures in the comments!

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Calvin’s Custom Scale Figure Artist

You know how we love to bring you cool stuff, especially if it’s related to SWTOR or Star Wars. So we are very happy to tell you about another talented artist who works with Star Wars themes, among other things. Calvin Lo is a one-sixth scale figure artist from Hong Kong, just been commissioned to do several Star Wars the Old Republic figures for a customer in the U.S. We think what he does is pretty awesome and we wanted to share it with you all. He’s been doing this for over 10 years now and we find his artistry very impressive. In addition to Star Wars, Calvin also does military, medieval and original works. His figures are for sale and he also takes custom orders. If you’d like to have something like this of your own, reach out to Calvin about his availability and orders. Be sure to tell…

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“Dark Resurrection” Team Crowd Funded $150,000

We are very happy to bring you another update from the “Dark Resurrection”“. The Italian Filmmakers became an Internet sensation in 2007 and launched volume 2 just recently, which we told you about back in December. Now they’re hoping to complete the series with their third and final installment by 2015. Now they are looking to raise $150,000 to make this next and final film happen. Hollywood Reporter gives us more info on the story: Now writer-director Angelo Licata hopes to see the final chapter of his story told. The tale takes place several centuries after the events of Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, and centers on one dark Jedi’s obsessive quest to find a legendary temple believed to give those who open its seal unimaginable knowledge. True to Star Wars form, there are good guys standing in his way. Licita says he would like to shoot this year, with an…

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Art & Pictures

We love Star Wars art! Actually, we love all things Star Wars around here but when we stumble across something cool like this Star Wars: The Force Unleashed art and pictures, we have to share it with you. You will find this from Creative Uncut and if you love video game concept art, this is one site you’re going to want to bookmark. You can also visit them on Facebook to keep up with the latest new galleries. Raxus Prime Ruins Raxus Prime Jedi Temple Secret Apprentice Starkiller (Galen Marek) There are also images from: Raxus Prime Jedi Temple Council Rahm Kota Battle Shaak Ti Battle Shaak Ti Battle Concept Force Lightning Environment Concept Environment Flora Concept and so much more! Head on over and take a look and let us know which ones are your favorites. And if you are a fan of concept art, let us know some…

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Impressive Amateur Darth Malgus Cosplay

In a display that many might call too amazing to be “cosplay” we have an impressive Darth Malgus costume test. The nearly 4-minute video uploaded to YouTube shows us the process in fast motion as well as some great Darth Malgus posting with additional CGI rendering. It looks like something right out of a movie promo, honestly. “This is the first full test try on for a Darth Malgus costume. Made entirely from scratch by myself at our workshop in Ireland and filmed on a ‘Red MX’ camera by my good friend Kamil Krawczak. These film services are available from Please contact Kamil for a quote” And if you think that’s cool, you’ll have fun watching the leg test video: But this isn’t the only costume he’s made. In fact, he has several and looks like he makes a full time hobby/career of this in his workshops in Ireland….

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Amazing Jedi Sage SWToR Fanart!

It’s always great to see when the most talented SWToR fans publish their astonishing artwork.. It’s actually even better when their artwork uses SWToR as a theme.  Erik Shoemaker has created an amazing piece of fanart that was inspired by the Jedi sage story line where you’re able to play a force and light saber wielding  Jedi. According to him, the most difficult aspect of his creation involved getting the perspective right. Either ways the end result is spectacular to say the least. You can find Erik’s work at Devianart and other examples of SWToR-inspired fanart over at the official forums.

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Wife Makes Husband Cool SWTOR Phone Cover

Do you want to show your love of SWTOR outside the game? There are many options for flair these days, including great SWTOR t-shirts and accessories. But one woman make a very unique SWTOR phone cover for her husband and he took to the Internet to show it off. It’s basically a vinyl sticker which means it is also removable and you could make (or purchase) different designs and switch them out when you need something new. She used an electronic craft cutting machine. Then she copied an image of the symbol into the software and traced it, then cut it out of vinyl. It only takes a few minutes and then you’re ready to apply to the phone. So what do you think of it? Pretty cool design and simple idea? Would you try one yourself or would you use one if you could buy it?

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Holocron Computer Case Mod

I love custom computer cases. I know most everyone thinks they are cool or could think of a custom case they would like to have but I have a real obsession with these. I am addicted to see what people can do with their computer cases and I have seen some of the most amazing cases you can imagine. There are those that are artistic, practical, water cooled, fish tank cases and more. But this one that we came across is one you’re probably going to love as much as me. This is a Holocron computer case mod. It’s really awesome looking and they photo-logged how they did it on Tumblr so you can see the whole 21 day process for yourself. Maxwell explains to Tumblr a little about what they were doing at the start of the project: After this coming weekend, we will have more exciting progress to…

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SWTOR Mosaic – What to Do with 13,000 SWTOR Screenshots

So what would you do with 13,000 SWTOR screenshots from the beta? There are probably a lot of ideas you can come up with but will any of them be as cool as what this player did? Michael Guy (t0liman) created a fantastic SWTOR mosaic out of all of this screenshots from the final beta weekend. He captured over 24 hours of game time on the final weekend of SWTOR beta and also created a 35 minute montage video from the screenshots: This is how he says he did it: “Using “Foto-Mosaik-Edda” to do the heavy work of rendering the mosaic, I then reduced the size to fit the 10mb file limits for twitter using Photoshop (Plus, finding the point between juggernaut 200 megapixel posters and “instantly crash all apps in windows” with 8GB RAM, 400 megapixel’s, then working out how to resize 900mb PNG’s to 9mb, is fun) the…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Cosplay

As we await the December 20th release of SWTOR, we look for new ways to entertain and occupy ourselves. We are constantly on the lookout for really cool Star Wars and SWTOR stuff to pass on to you, our dear readers, and this is a pretty cool find. Spanish cosplayers Shanoa and Erikku-kun made themselves as Satele Shan and Sith Pureblood and it’s some of the best, realistic cosplay we’ve seen on SWTOR so far. Shanoa also said that she has been lucky to find a fabric that looks pretty similar to the original one. The cool blue lightsaber was made by their friend Obi. Shanoa says, “I really like the Star Wars TOR trailers and I’m looking forward to playing this game.” You and me both girl! (Source:

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Fan Art: Szoki’s Princess Leia Trilogy

Today sees the discovery (via GeekTyrant) of more excellent fan art, this time by a Hungarian artist called Szoki (whose Behance page features all of his Star Wars related work), who has created a Princess Leia themed triptych of posters for the original Star Wars trilogy. You should all now by know that I’m something of a fan-made/alternative poster junkie, and it’s little discoveries like this one that make my geeky heart beat faster. If it was possible, I’d buy pretty much all of this guy’s work, though at the minute he seems to only be posting it for his own personal enjoyment, which is fair enough – but what about the addicts like me who want to immediately own a print?! Someone give him the power to sell. Feast your eyes on these… Szoki is obviously a man of some talent, and I’d urge everyone to visit his page…

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SWTOR Art by Diana Mezzina

In this weeks fan art spotlight we take a look at French artist Daennika or Diana Mezzina wich is her real name. Daennika art style is much more cheerful then last weeks art by StandAlone-Complex and has been quite popular on the official forums, were she has been drawing members ideas to female characters. Daennika also does Sci-fi writing and have so far done 5 short stories over at You cen check out ms. Mezzinas website here, and her deviantart profile here. And if you wanner check out her writing, do so here Sith Inquisitor Mirialan engineer/Bounty Hunter. Let the Sith win Young Zabrak Jedi Dar Kyram Tara-Willow’s Seren No Escape

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SWTOR Fan art by StandAlone-Complex

I like all things dark. Dark and stuff full of tension. I love it when I get an adrenaline kick watching a movie or a picture. Maby that’s also why I love Star Wars so much. So In todays column I would like to put the spotlight on StandAlone-Complex. This guys has it all. Darkness. Tension and  incredible detail. Check out his deviantart profile here for some truly impressive work. Inevitable Death Ambush Twilek Sith Sar’Qeush Akla

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SWTOR Art by NitWhit

It took me awhile to appreciate the work of NitWhit. First I thought the style was way to cartoonish in a turnoff kind of way. If you got small kids like me, your your properly getting tired of kids cartoons in the morning to. But a few days ago I changed my mind. Looking through I kept pushing the back button and going through her art again and again. There is something about this art style that I really appreciate. It’s definitely not cartoonish as I first thought. Maby you can describe it for me. Check it out below, and remember to stop by her profile and say hallo. Little Red Button Fall of Coruscant Darth Drador Relic Unknown You’re Next Flying Twilek Kirali Comic Experiment Zelkin Infinium Kirali Lady of Lightning

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SWTOR Fan art by Tony Vassallo

In this weeks search for SWTOR Fan art, I came across Tony Vassallo. He goes by the nick name vassdeviant on Personally I love Tony Vassallo’s comic book kind of art — and apparently I’m not the only one. Tony was selected for a DC talent search portfolio review at C2E2 2010 and was lucky enough to win the coveted $5,000 DC scholarship, which has made him totally fired up to improve his skills over the coming year and hopefully land him a  job right out of school. So if you in this business, keep an eye on this guy.. You can check out more his on his personal website here or his deviantart profile here, and off course see some featured art below: Bounty Hunter Mercenary Bounty Hunter Mercenary Pencil Sith Juggernaut Sith Pencils Sith Inquisitor Sith Inquisitor pencils Sith Juggernaut Marauder Pencils Sith Juggernaut pg 1 of 7 Sith…

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SWTOR Art by Darth Destructor

Following up on our exploration of amazing SWTOR art, we came acrosses Darth Destructor; Or Mateusz wich is his real name.  Mateusz is a 18 year old guy from the Polish town Golub-Dobrzyń near Toruń. Check out his awesome work below, and remember to drop by his Devaiantart profile for more cool work Sith Emperor “”The Emperor survived the ancient Sith Empire’s defeat during the Great Hyperspace War, and fled into the Unknown Regions with his most trusted Sith Lords. Here, he began rebuilding the Empire, vowing to return and defeat the Republic.Using dark rituals, the Emperor prolonged his life and his undisputed rule.In the time after the Mandalorian Wars eminent Jedi Knights Revan and Malak traveled into the unknown regions in search of the Star Forge which lead them into contact with the Sith Emperor. He supposedly corrupted them and gave them a mission to return to the Republic and serve…

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SWTOR DeMotivational Posters

Motivational posters have graced the offices of businesses throughout the world. They typically contain an inspiring word followed by text designed to grab you by the neck and shake you into action. They make me sick every time I look at one. So here are a few de-motivational posters SWTOR style all stolen from to abase and darken your freelance office with. Warning, humor lurks ahead.

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More SWTOR fan art by Patrick Lamber

Last month we posted some of the the amazing artwork of Patrick Lamber. This was very well received throughout  the SWTOR community, but some people did complain about leaving out some of his more erotic art. This time we won’t do that, so if you don’t believe you should be watching this, please move along. Remember to check out Patrick Lambert’s deviantart profile or his personal website for more amazing drawings, were he is creating every class of SW:TOR. Veronica is a human Bounty Hunter, while Zira is a Twi’lek Sith. They met as enemies several years ago, and fought for hours, in the most difficult fight of their lives. They soon realized however that they both had similar goals, and were much better teaming up. They’ve been together ever since, pillaging ships, causing terror across the galaxy, being vicious and cruel. Whether it’s in bed or on the battle field, they are nearly unstoppable. Today, the two evil girls work…

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