
Star Wars: 1313 Development on Hold?

We’ve told you about Star Wars:1313 here in the past and have been following the production of the game to give you updates whenever possible. Well, it now seems like the development has stalled out. Will this be a temporary pause or is the whole game on shutdown? We don’t actually know right now. As Eucantina explains: The very impressive looking and possibly next-generation video game Star Wars: 1313 hasn’t been heard about since its last major showing at Star Wars Celebration VI in August. When Disney acquired Lucasfilm, and thus LucasArts, word started to spread that Disney’s video game focus would be more on casual games than AAA console titles like 1313 was shaping up to be. Some fans started to get nervous. What did this mean for 1313? Would development shift to a different developer as Disney decided how to best use LucasArts? Would the game be cancelled? It wouldn’t be the first time an anticipated Star…

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How Will the Star Wars Expanded Universe Be Affected by the Disney Buyout?

Everyone is talking about the Disney purchase of Lucasfilm since the news was revealed yesterday but one question that we have on our minds is what will happen to the Expanded Universe now that this buyout has taken place? It’s far too early to say for certain so all anyone can do is speculate but this does bring up some important questions. A sequel trilogy would cause an upheaval in the galaxy far, far away for sure. It may disturb the continuity that has been part of the community for a very long time now. There are fans of all types and all age ranges out there who have spent their time in a post-Return of the Jedi atmosphere that could very well be turned on its heels. While we don’t know any more than the fact that there will be another movie, we cannot begin to guess what this…

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Star Wars: Episode 7 to be “Original Story”

Since hearing the news that Disney bought Lucasfilm and there will be a new Star Wars movie, fans all over the world are speculation on what ‘Episode 7’ will be about. A Lucasfilm source says that this will be an all original story. What we do know for sure about Star Wars: Episode 7 is that Lucas himself won’t have a big hand in the day-to-day creation of it, although he did say he will assist and oversee the film (after previously saying he would never do another Star Wars movie). But some fans are actually happy to know that Lucas won’t have such a big hand it in (perhaps they are secretly hoping to never see Jar Jar Binks killed off permanently). Ok, so while Star Wars fans everywhere are speculating about what the new movie will entail, there are some facts that might surprise you. E Online (UK)…

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Disney Set to Purchase Lucasfilm and make ‘Star Wars: Episode 7’

If you’ve been waiting for some new Star Wars movies, then the time has finally come! Walt Disney Pictures has issued a press release announcing that the company has “agreed to acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.” This is HUGE news that can greatly change the future of the Star Wars franchise. According to the press release: Continuing its strategy of delivering exceptional creative content to audiences around the world, The Walt Disney Company (DIS) has agreed to acquire Lucasfilm Ltd. in a stock and cash transaction. Lucasfilm is 100% owned by Lucasfilm Chairman and Founder, George Lucas. Under the terms of the agreement and based on the closing price of Disney stock on October 26, 2012, the transaction value is $4.05 billion, with Disney paying approximately half of the consideration in cash and issuing approximately 40 million shares at closing. The final consideration will be subject to customary post-closing balance sheet adjustments. This is not the first film company that Disney…

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LucasArts president Paul Meegan steps down after two years

The high level turnovers with LucasArts continues as it was announced today that LA President, Paul Meegan, would step down after two years with the company. A statement was released today by parent company Lucasfilm that reveals the news. “”Development on all current LucasArts projects will proceed,” reads a line from Lucasfilm’s statement. “”Paul has been a valuable member of the Lucasfilm leadership team and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. We remain committed to our current projects and will be re-evaluating LucasArts’ leadership needs to ensure that we make the right decisions to keep the studio focused.” In his own statement, Meegan said LucasArts has “come a long away” and he is “extremely proud” of what the teams at the studio have accomplished. He said there are a number of projects that have yet to be announced, and that he wishes the company “all the best”…

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LucasArts to Reveal Secret Title at E3

E3 is coming up and we all know that this is often a great opportunity for surprises. One of the best surprises to come out of events like E3 is a new game title and that’s what LucasArts is rumored to have coming for us. As reported by 8Bit Envy: E3 is a great time for surprises, and wouldn’t it be great if LucasArts finally revealed Battlefront 3? Now I’m not saying they will, but when you get an invitation to come see an “unannounced game in development,” you can’t help but be optimistic. So, being the curious lad that I am, asked whether or not this unannounced title would have lightsabers in it. The answer wasn’t confirmed, but it wasn’t denied either. There has been numerous posts about Battlefront 3 being in the works, then being canceled, so anything is possible. LucasArts did confirm they were using the Unreal…

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Kudos to George Lucas – but this Time It Doesn’t Involve Star Wars

So we’re all a little ticked at George Lucas for “retiring” from Star Wars but he just did something cool enough to redeem himself- at least a little in the eyes of fans. In case you were not previously aware, Lucas has been in a battle with his neighbors for years because he wanted to build a movie studio in what they considered to be their backyards. Here’s a pic from the San Francisco Chronicle: George Lucas will not be building a 270,000 square foot digital media production compound on Grady Ranch in San Rafael, Calif., on the clear hillside (front left, in front of red roof) fronting a 174 house community seen in the background on Friday, March 30, 2012. So instead, he’s decided to build something else, something that’s really better for the greater good than a media studio anyway. He has decided to turn his large piece…

Read More is Redoing their Blog

If you’re wondering why you weren’t able to see the blog, it’s because it’s on hiatus as they rework and redesign the blog. They currently have a message on the home page explaining the hiatus: The Official Star Wars Blog is now on temporary hiatus as the Lucas Online team continues to explore new directions for New authors, new articles, and new points of view are in the works for the Blog that will cover the entire Star Wars experience. As with all changes undertaken on the website, we are closely examining feedback from past surveys and user actions on the site, and we want to hear from you. Feel free to let us know in the comments what you’d like to see the Official Star Wars Blog become. So here is your chance if you visit this blog to speak up about what you want, what features…

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LucasArts to Take “around 35%” of SWTOR Revenue- EA Still to Have Profit

We know that EA will not be pocketing all of the profit from SWTOR, which looks to be a very successful game but has also been quite a large investment. They will have to share with Lucas Arts, who owns rights to the Star Wars name. some have said that EA may not have much to gain in the way of profit from the deal but one analyst said there is plenty to go around. (Isn’t this what I just said yesterday?) According to Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, LucasArts will take “around 35 per cent” of the revenue from forthcoming SWTOR MMO after EA earns back its investment in the game. “I think [EA] will make a profit,” said Pachter, who has proven to be right on these types of things in the past. He adds: “The revenue split is around 35 per cent to LucasArts after EA earns…

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Activision Questions Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Chances at Profitability

The days are counting down to the December 20th launch of SWTOR and as many are getting excited about the upcoming MMO, there are others who don’t quite fall into all the hype. Some are predicting SWTOR might not do as well as predicted and that even if it does, there won’t be much room for profit for EA with such an expensive game that they also have to share licensing rights with to Lucas Arts. Will there be any room left for profit from SWTOR? Activision’s CEO Bobby Kotick says EA Will Lose Out with The Old Republic but could he be right? There’s no surprise that there are skeptics when it comes to SWTOR. In fact, with any big thing, there are going to be those who oppose it but how much truth might there be to the questioning? Kotick made his remarks about SWTOR at the Reuters…

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LucasFilm registers “Star Wars: Identities” domain names

“The acquisition of a new domain name has fueled speculation of what the intergalactic franchise has in store for the future,” writes This is actually really interesting news for fans of Star Wars. There could be something new and exciting in the horizon for the franchise. Lists of recent domain name registrations show that LucasFilm were planning a site called “Star Wars: Identities” of some sort but no one knows exactly what it’s all about. It sure is a lot of fun to try to guess what it’s all about though. Fusible reported that the company registered a number of domain names for this new title. Could it be a series? A game? A movie? Something is in the works at LucasFilm, that’s for sure. Registered names include:, the typo-friendly and even In this article, Fusible theorized about what “Star Wars: Identities” might be. Is it…

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LucasArts Post Job Openings for New Open World RPG

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard anything about a new game from LucasArts but it appears that could be about to change. talks about a job listing that indicates there is a new “open world” RPG in the making. This is exciting news but it also raises a lot of questions and peaks the curiosity of all types of gamers. The last title released by LucasArts was “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II”, which seemed to leave a lot to be desired for many gamers. The idea of a new game is exciting for many. There’s no way to know if this will be something related to Star Wars, Indiana Jones or something completely different. Job ads are the most dependable source when it comes to leaning about new games but they’re very vague about the information they provide. It simply states that LucasArts is looking for more people…

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LucasArts Promising Better Star Wars Games

LucasArts is promising fans they will stay true to form and create better Star Wars games. This couldn’t come at a better time as SWTOR fans are super pumped about the new MMO. But technically, TOR is not even a LucasArts game but a BioWare game. It’s been some time since LucasArts created a great Star Wars title in-house and fans are happy to hear that the company wants to turn that around. Paul Meegan LucasArts main man The new president of LucasArts, Paul Meegan stated that he wants LucasArts to be known once again as a decent game developer and his plan to do so is to focus on top-quality Star Wars game titles. In his first interview since becoming president of LucasArts almost a year ago, he talks about what he wants from the future of LucasArts. “LucasArts is a company with tremendous potential,” Meegan said. “I think…

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LucasArts licenses Unreal Engine 3 from Epic Games

In a press release by GamaSutra, it was announces that LucasArts signs a multi-year, studio-wide Unreal Engine 3 Licensing Agreement from Epic Games. The press release states: LucasArts and Epic Games, Inc. announce a long-term, studio-wide agreement for LucasArts to develop multiple projects using Epic Games’ award-winning Unreal Engine 3 for the engine’s supported platforms. “”Unreal Engine 3 is a forward-looking solution that shortens the path between inspiration and execution on a wide variety of gaming platforms,” said Zak Phelps, director of technology at LucasArts. “We are thrilled to add another exceptional tool to our technology mix.” “”LucasArts is now primed to capitalize on Unreal Engine 3’s ability to scale across platforms, from mobile, through PC and console all the way up to the next generation of games,” said Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games. “”We can’t wait to see what happens when LucasArts combines their talented workforce and…

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EA and LucasArts Enter Into New Global Publishing Agreement for Star Wars: The Old Republic

In what amounts to a bit of publisher houscleaning, Electronic Arts has announced that it has entered into a new agreement with LucasArts that basically has EA taking over most of the publishing and marketing duties for the upcoming MMO Star Wars The Old Republic. Under the new agreement, LucasArts will continue to collaborate with EA and the game’s developer BioWare on the “design and marketing” for the game in addition to LucasArts’ basic role as the licensor of the Star Wars property itself. Financial terms of this new deal were not disclosed. BioWare and LucasArts first entered into an agreement to collaborate on Star Wars The Old Republic back in 2007 before the game itself was announced and just before BioWare was acquired by EA. The game itself was announced in October 2008. EA and Lucasfilm Ltd, announced today an updated global publishing agreement for the highly anticipated massively multiplayer…

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