Fans who attended Celebration V this year were not only treated to a Star Wars Tattoo Contest, but also had the chance to check out skateboard decks painted by exceptional tattoo artists. The decks were auctioned off during the Make-A-Wish Auction The Force in the Flesh author Shane Turgeon, who organized the event called “The Empire Skates Back,” contacted some incredible talent to transform the decks into one-of-a-kind works of art for a good cause. Can you describe the gist of the Star Wars Tattoo Art show for fans who didn’t get a chance to see it? The show was called “The Empire Skates Back.” In celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, 30 tattooers were each given a blank skateboard deck to paint, sculpt, or build their homage, rendition or interpretation of this amazing film. Unfortunately, only 22 decks arrived in time for the show, but they were all unbelievable works of art….
Know your lore: Exar Kun
Exar Kun was a Human male Dark Lord of the Sith under the tutelage of Freedon Nadd. Kun displayed an unusual curiosity into forbidden teachings during his time as a Jedi Padawan, so much so that upon completion of his training, he abandoned his Master and set out in pursuit of the knowledge and power of the ancient Sith. His quest led him initially to the planet Onderon and then its jungle moon, Dxun, where he invaded the tomb of a long-deceased Dark Lord of the Sith named Freedon Nadd—and, in doing so, awakened his spirit. Seduced by Nadd with the promise of power through acceptance of the dark side of the Force, Kun allowed himself to become Nadd’s apprentice. As Kun rapidly progressed in the sorcerous ways of the Sith, Nadd directed him to Yavin 4, where Kun acquired even greater Sith powers. He then destroyed Nadd’s spirit, and…
How stuff works: Unknown Regions
The Unknown Regions, Unknown Space, Unknown Sector, or Unknown Territories was the collective term for all regions of the galaxy not formally charted; it differed from Wild Space in that Wild Space was usually minimally charted, but not fully explored. The Unknown Regions was broadly defined as areas not connected with the skein of reliable or well-known hyperspace routes spanning the galaxy, did not look to Coruscant as the ultimate center of civilization, or were not under the broad hegemony of the Galactic Republic before the Galactic Civil War. Beyond the region’s outer edge lay the hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy. History he reach of civilization extended at least nominally to the edge of the galactic disk—for instance, the territory of the Corporate Sector extended to the end of the Tingel Arm. The galactic disk and some satellite galaxies were mapped well enough that the omission of…
While we wait for the old republic: Star Wars: The Solo Adventures
Discover why Han has a price on his head and what the Empire wants with the cargo. In this untold tale, Han and Chewie evade the Empire, loose their cargo, and get revenge. Presented in stereoscopic 3D this short film won the 2010 fan film awards at Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando Florida. We won for “Best Animation” This film was created by the students of the Dave School.
Gamescom 2010 Wrap-Up
Today’s official update consists of another issue of Blood of the Empire… and that seems to be it. Luckily I’ve also still got the Gamescom wrap-up to do, so I’ll add that as well to spice things up. But first the comic; here’s the official news: In the tenth issue of Blood of the Empire™, a battle between Republic and Imperial fleets rages over Korriban as Teneb Kel chases down his foe. The fate of the Sith homeworld and the Children of the Emperor is in the hands of one young acolyte and his slave–but duty and patriotism aren’t the only forces guiding them… Check out the latest issue of Blood of the Empire now! As for Gamescom, I felt that The Old Republic didn’t have quite as strong a presence as I was expecting. Maybe it didn’t stand out as much anymore after its E3 presence, but to me…
May the schwartz be with you: Luke & Leia: The Truth
Every journey has a first step. Every saga has a beginning. Every epic starts with a hook-up between a brother and a sister who happen to have Force powers…
Sith Warrior Gameplay Compilation
The guys ( or is it one guy?) over at Redrancore made an awesome gameplay compilation of all the sith warrior gameplay showed so far. It’s deffently worth a watch. In my next addition to a developing series of gameplay compilations, I’ve created a mash-up of the skills and acrobatics of the Sith Warrior class. As with my previous Jedi Knight Compilation, not all of the titles for the abilities are necessarily accurate. Any constructive criticism is, as always, welcomed! Feel free to leave questions or comments, and you may view the video below:
While we wait for the old republic: A Light in the Darkness Part 1
A Light in the Darkness is a Star Wars fan film made purely for the love of Star Wars and the experience of making a high quality low budget film. The full length feature will be release in late 2010. Plot A Light in the Darkness’ main action takes place approx. 1 year BBY on a small planet in the Outer Rim. A young boy watches the Jedi who saved his people be killed by the very clones who once fought by his side. Years later, as a member of a small insurgency against the empire he and his team hatch a new plan to take back their planet by drawing the attention of the newly formed rebel alliance. Armed with the fallen Jedi’s light saber, he and his team battle to strike fear into the local imperial garrison, and overthrow their despotic governor. Their silent attacks give birth to…
Gamespot Interview with Daniel Erickson – GamesCom 2010
As we continue our coverage of GamesCom 2010, Giancarlo Varanini from Gamespot interviewed Daniel Erickson about space combat and the advanced classes. Lot’s of new tidbits were revealed including: Space combat may not be entirely optional There will be access to rewards and other things through space combat Advanced classes are “total class systems” not just little offshoots Described advanced classes as very much “works in progress” (no word if that means the names as well) Companions will factor in a big way into your class built Companions may be assigned their abilities by “kits” you give them – for example, any companion can be a healer with the right kit Daniel remarks that the Force is not magic, which makes the choice of the name Wizard for one of the Jedi Consular advanced classes all the more curious
Starships of Star Wars: The Old Republic
The official SWTOR website continued with its ‘space’ theme by revealing more details for the starships you can use in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This time revealing both ships that we have already seen – The Sith ‘Fury’ and Republic ‘Defender’. The sharp eye would notice there are 4 more slots for additional reveals over the coming weeks. Whether you’re looking to dominate the galaxy in the name of the Empire or rescue it from darkness as part of the Republic, you won’t get very far without a starship. In Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, your starship will be your base of operations, and it might even be your best friend. Ship models are specially designed to match the needs and tastes of each of the class types, so even though all the starships are outfitted for traveling the galaxy, each has its own character. Study the style and…
Advanced Classes
A few days ago we reported about the new advanced class details that was given to us during Gamescom. Although alot of detail was still vague, the official SWTOR website has now updated us with the latest. The main goal of the Advanced Class System is to allow you to customize your character according to your play style. So far, we’ve announced the Advanced Classes for the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. Today we’re letting you in on the names and specializations of the remaining Advanced Classes! Please be aware that since the specific class details are still under development, the information provided below may be subject to change. We’ll, be updating the class pages with more information in the months to come, so be sure to check back for our future Friday updates. Trooper Commando Heavy Blaster Cannon Grenades Ranged DPS Vanguard Blaster Rifle Energy Shields and Defense Tank…
Star Wars Rarities: John Williams Conducts for ‘Star Wars’ Ballet
When it comes to things that don’t seem to go together, Star Wars and ballet would be pretty high up on my list. Sure, Lightsaber duels have a certain choreography to them, but full on ballet? That’s what viewers are treated to in this old clip featuring performers Galina and Valeri Panov dancing an elaborate tribute to Star Wars accompanied by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra — conducted by none other than John Williams. I’m not sure when this event happened, exactly, but you know it was in the distant past because once the segment ends they toss it to George Burns. I’m no expert on ballet, but this was impressive. And while I still don’t really see the connection between the adventures of Luke Skywalker and this performance (they’re not even dressed like Star Wars characters), you do have to admire the athleticism on display.
Star Wars: The old republic GAMESCOM Day 2
The German gaming site – managed to film some decent footage of The Old Republic. Below is a Google translated snip from the article plus the movie: In Cologne on the gamescom there is Bioware’s highly anticipated online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic to Preview. Michael Graf has looked at the demo, and played in the video with a Trooper – even if he had to create for themselves a real Storm Trooper. Michael’s impressions and the video with the scenes, see below or in our gamescom area..
Star Wars: The old republic GAMESCOM Day 1
Today is press day at Gamescom 2010 and tons of new information have been reviled. Darth Hater reports the names of all the advanced classes were revealed and they are: Republic: Jedi Consular – Shadow (double-bladed lightsaber) and Wizard (healing / single lightsaber) Trooper – Commando and Vanguard Sith: Imperial Agent – Operative and Sniper Sith Inquisitor – Sorcerer and Assassin Bounty Hunter – Powertech and Mercenary The German Fan Site (they have an English translation button) had a good 15 min. of playtime today, were they gathered heaps of information. Amongst a detailed list of stuff, they confirmed that the Zabrak trooper was seen as a playable race. Here is a list of what they gathered: 36 people can play at the booth at the same time. The Jedi classes are not playable yet, but the remaining six classes are. Character creation could not be seen, there are…
Space Combat trailer!
If you are curious about Star Wars: The Old Republic’s space combat (let’s face it, who isn’t?), BioWare has posted a space combat trailer that will feed your need! Just as expected from the information that has been floating around the net, space combat does appear to be fast paced mission scenarios meant to give players a taste of something a little different than typical ground combat. While SWTOR won’t be releasing with the option to explore space in any sort of open format, BioWare has stated some possibility of future space gameplay. Check out the SWTOR space combat trailer and let us know what you think! Will you be hunting down these missions in game to get your chance to pew pew your way through space? Share your thoughts below.
Star Wars Celebration V: Fans in Costume
(MTV’s Liz Lee smooches a lucky Gamorrean Guard guard) words: Bonnie Burton photos: Bonnie Burton & Jenny Elwick It wouldn’t be Star Wars Celebration without seeing a Gamorrean Guard guard wandering through the crowds or a tiny Jawa waiting in line for nachos. The beginning of Star Wars Celebration already seems like giant photo op with all our favorite characters. Here’s a roundup of some of the coolest costumes we’ve already seen in Orlando. The cutest Jedi you’ll see all day. In a parallel galaxy, Darth Vader fears these two. Bossk would like a word with you! Han Solo, Chewbacca and Slave Leia = 3 x the cool! A clone trooper rainbow! Utini! Thirst first. Empire second. Look out behind you, Yoda! A Whole Lotta Hans! Darth Maul takes romance very seriously! Indiana Jones strikes a pose by the ATMs.
Celebration V: The Old Republic Panel Report
The following is a report from the The Old Republic panel from Star Wars Celebration V. Information was reported by EUCantina staff from the panel, via Twitter or email. Be ready for more updates as the week continues! The Old Republic panel starting. David Collins ask Jedi fans to cheer, followed by Sith. Sith dominate the audience. Hope trailer being shown today. Concept art being created as panel runs. Concept art drawn by TOR artist as panel continues. RT- avgoins- “You will be playing as the best smuggler who has ever lived. Han Solo would just shake his head and retire” – Drew K. RT- avgoins- Smuggler will have a special move called The Dirty Kick. “Use your imagination.” A lot of “we can’t discuss that yet” as the answers to audience questions at the TOR panel. There are a lot of species exclusive to classes. Some species do overlap. Final…
New Droid Companion! Meet T7-01
Meet T7-01, the companion droid you interact with if you choose to be a Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The Old Republic. He’s kind of like R2D2, but he’s got a ‘tude. His memory banks haven’t been erased in over 200 years and 3 previous high profile masters, so he pretty much thinks he knows the universe. He’s got a fierce independent streak and a candid personality, and will put himself in danger if he can save his more fragile organic allies. T7-01 was created as a repair and pilot droid, but his extensive experience have given him abilities that he can use in combat. The little guy can take care of himself, he survived the destruction of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for The Force’s sake.
While we wait for the old republic: Return of the Jedi deleted scene
Here it is Fanboys and Fangirls, the Return of the Jedi deleted scene to be included on new Blu-Ray release. The scene shows Luke Skywalker building his Return of the Jedi lightsaber. It gave me goosebumps, and I hope it gives you some too! Oh… and by the way: “RT @starwars: Lucas reveals that the six movie Star Wars saga box set is coming out on Blu-Ray in 2011. Will feature deleted scenes. “ Awesome news! Spread the word!
BioWare’s Daniel Erickson Talks on Star Wars History
Creating a MMOG for a franchise such as Star Wars is likely to be quite the balancing act. For the writers of Star Wars: The Old Republic, they must draw their knowledge and inspiration from so many sources and you can be certain that if a mistake is made, one of the many SW fans will find it! So where does a SWTOR writer get their inspiration? interviewed BioWare’s Daniel Erickson, the Writing Director of SWTOR to learn more about his Star Wars background and what it’s like to write for a game with such a rich storyline. Writing for Star Wars is always a delicate piece of surgery. We must carefully carve out the archetypes, rhythms and overlaying themes of the movies and then place them in a completely new body of work. Players want to feel what it’s like to live as Han Solo did but they…
SWTOR Updates Vital Info on the Jedi Knight
Confirming what you may have already heard on the Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Jedi Knight, BioWare has finally updated the holonet to include specialization and companion information for this deeply iconic class. The Jedi will be able to choose between the heavily armored tank-like specialization aptly name the Guardian or the more limber and offensive specialization of the Sentinel. To assist you on your journey through the brutal worlds in the Star Wars universe, you can choose a T7-01 droid to accompany you. With centuries since its last memory wipe, this droid would be a valuable asset of knowledge! You can learn more about the Jedi Knight, their specializations and known associates by checking out the freshly updated holonet on the official SWTOR website. A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic…
May the schwartz be with you: Grand Moff Tarkin and Count Dooku (pic)
Pre expanded universe mash up, but Check out the 1958 Hammer version of “Dracula” to see Cushing as Van Hellsing and Lee as Dracula. Or check out the Hammer film “The Curse of Frankenstein” to see Cushing as Dr. Frankenstein and Lee as Frankenstein’s monster. OR check out the Hammer film “Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell” to see Cushing as Dr. Frankenstein and David Prowse (aka Darth Vader) as Frankenstein’s monster. They appeared together in many films, mostly by Hammer.
May the schwartz be with you: Vaderex
We have to be honest … the first time we heard about “midichlorians” they sounded like a sexually transmitted disease. Of course, you need a pill for that.
Space Combat Details
It seems that the German magazine PC Action has been released with details on the space combat in The Old Republic. And to say that the official forums have exploded over it is probably an understatement. The gist of it is that it seems that space combat in The Old Republic isn’t the X-Wing, Tie Fighter or even the Jump to Lightspeed type gameplay that everyone was hoping for, but rather more of an on-rails shooter meant for the more casual gamer. SWTOR-Station has the (translated, you might have to click the English flag first) details both on Space Combat as well as some further class details (nothing shocking there though). Here are the space combat details from SWTOR-Station: Sprace Combat reminds of Rebel Assault We call this gameplay “tunnel shooter”. That means there are especially designed levels which make you follow a certain path. The player has a range…