Star Wars Retro games: Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles

I remember purchasing this game when it first came out and I fell in love with it. I would play for hours on end and never get tired of it. In this game, you choose from one of five Episode I-era Jedi to run, jump, slash, and use the Force with through the game’s ten levels. Each Jedi has his or her own Force powers and special items. For instance, Obi-Wan Kenobi has a forward dash-and-slash move and uses thermal detonators, while his teacher Qui-Gon Jinn produces a Force shock wave and tosses around pulse grenades. No matter which character you control though, you play through the film’s plot as if you were Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon, from the scene where the trade council tries to poison them to the final battle with the notorious evil Sith Darth Maul. The gameplay is a refined version of that found in Star Wars: Episode…

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Rumor: A Star Wars Trilogy Of Obi-Wan Kenobi Movies In Development

What would you think of a trilogy of Obi-Wan Kenobi films? I think I’d be interested in seeing it, in hopes they don’t mess it up and that it’s actually interesting. We talked before about the new Star Wars films being in development and how there were talks of many more Star Wars films and shows in the works. Could this rumor be of one of those? According to movie website Cinelinx, a rumor is going around about the making of three Obi-Wan movies set betweenRevenge of the Sith and A New Hope. If Disney and Lucasfilm are making such a series, it would definitely be of interest to Star Wars fans. When elaborating of what they films would be about, it was said that they would be interconnected but also able to stand alone as independent films (think like James Bond). The unnamed source of the rumor says that Lucasfilm already…

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Star Wars Vader Dance- Disney’s Star Wars Weekends

Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star Wars weekends are coming up. From May 16 to June 15, 2014 you can experience the best of Disney Star Wars experience if you’re going to Hollywood Studios. While some fans are critical of the Disney “spin” on Star Wars, we think it’s pretty cool. If you have not been to Hollywood Studios or don’t plan to this summer, go ahead and check out this video by Star Wars Always to see what it’s all about. Post by Star Wars always. Learn more about Star Wars Weekends STAR WARS WEEKENDS — Since 1997, Walt Disney Worldhas sponsored a series of special Star Wars Weekends in theDisney’s Hollywood Studios theme park. Activities normally include celebrity appearances, as well as trivia contests and prize give-aways, Star Tours “ride-a-thons,” and a Star Wars Cantina street party, complete with a live disc jockey. 2014 STAR WARS WEEKENDS 2014 Star Wars Weekends will be held every weekend (Friday, Saturday and…

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Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher lead cast of new ‘Star Wars’ film

It’s official! Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher have been signed up for Star Wars VII. The three original cast members were spotted in London ahead of filming, sparking rumours that they will be involved in the film. And now it’s been officially confirmed via a press release stating: “The Star Wars team is thrilled to announce the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.” Director J.J. Abrams said: “We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life,…

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Interesting Star Wars Data

We love Star Wars. We bet you do as well. That’s probably why you are here. But how do other stories compare to Star Wars if you asked a large group of Sci-Fi fans? Well, someone set out to do that and we find the results really interesting. This comes from Jedi News: Star Wars Data: How Does Star Wars Fare? What do you get when you take 2000 sci-fi fans and ask them a range of questions about a variety of sci-fi and comic series? You get Star Wars rising, like the cream it is, to the top. Please tick your top three favourite series out of the following list: The Star Trek series: 46.40% (928) The Star Wars series: 53.20% (1064) Battlestar Galactica serie: 17.00%(340) Dc Comics: 19.00% (380) Marvel Comics: 35.40% (708) Dr Who series: 39.25% (785) None of the above: 9.05% (181) In your opinion what are the most-overrated fantasy/ Sci-Fi…

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Disney confirms “Star Wars” spinoffs

Disney CEO Bob Iger has confirmed some major “Star Wars” news that has long been speculated: spinoff films are on the way. Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg actually are working on movies that sit outside of the planned “Star Wars: Episodes VII,” “VII” and “IX,” and are based on characters that already exist in the “Star Wars” universe. “There has been speculation about some stand-alone films that have been in development, and I can confirm to you today that in fact we are working on a few stand-alone films,” Iger said on CNBC’s “Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo.” “Larry Kasdan and Simon Kinberg are both working on films derived from great ‘Star Wars’ characters that are not part of the overall saga. We still plan to make ‘Star Wars 7,’ ’8′ and ’9′ roughly over a six-year period of time starting in 2015, but there are going to be a…

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns on Cartoon Network this coming fall

Clone Wars is back on the Cartoon Network for the 5th season, starting this fall. If you were a fan, get ready for all new episodes and if you’ve never watched it before, there is no better time than now to check it out. New SWTOR super servers won’t be big enough when the new season of Clone Wars hit television because I am expecting to see a huge increase in the promotion of Star Wars: The old republic  once the new season begins. I mean what better way is there to bring in players than by capturing the attention of Star Wars fans? The season 5 trailer brings you Darth Maul and the Death Watch battling for galactic supremacy. It’s fun, it’s exciting and it will make you feel like you are 12 again. Check out this clip and the full trailer for Season 5. TCW: Season 5 Mandalore Preview Clip from SDCC 2012 Related…

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Joe Johnston Wants a Boba Fett Movie

Not content with bringing one iconic hero of American cinema, Captain America director Joe Johnston has his eye set on another, even more awesome figure for another upcoming project. Boba Fett. That’s if he can convince George Lucas to get on board. I’ll let that sink in. Boba Fett. Just imagine for one minute the possibility of a spin-off of arguably the cult character of the entire franchise (alongside Darth Maul perhaps), playing out like a sort of Die Hard meets Dog The Bounty Hunter. And while I don’t have great faith in Johnston’s directorial abilities (aside from his early work on Jumanji and The Page Master) – he made The Wolfman remember – he does already have experience directing jet-packed superheroey type folk thanks to his time helming 1991’s overlooked gem Rocketeer. In conversation with ScreenRant, Johnston admitted his intentions: “”I’m trying to get George to make a feature…

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The Best Star Wars Twitterers: Empire Edition

Billions of people now use Twitter – sadly, most of them just to massage their own egos and pointlessly try and collect as many followers as possible without using their influence for any good or even for entertainment value, but look hard enough and there are some ripe choices in amongst there. And it seems that the Star Wars universe is as well represented in the land of tweets as the real world is, with an impressive array of characters from every time-period of the many-faceted franchise. A lot of those characters are humorous versions of those we see on screen, and it is my aim to introduce you lot to the cream of the crop of these fictional but very real Twitterers.   So, to start with – Series One if you like – are a handful of malignant foes, either fully paid-up members of the Empire or at…

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Script Changes That Could Have Saved The Star Wars Prequels

Those purveyors of finest Geek humour at Dorkly have published a hilarious list of seven script changes that could have made the Star Wars prequels trilogy. And I have to say I agree with pretty much all of them, especially the Darth Maul line below: I’ve always thought a spin-off or prequel dedicated to Maul’s story would be the best approach to extending the franchise again. But then, sometimes, it becomes clear that logic and intellectual progression aren’t always the driving forces behind the Star Wars universe. Anyway, here are the images in question… Head over to Dorkly for the other four suggested changes. Remember to follow me on Twitter @SiTheMovieGuy for further ramblings on everything geek related (or head over to to read my movie based writings). Related Posts Exploring Regulatory Responses to In-Game Gambling: Case Studies from Star Wars TitlesSWTOR Mosaic – What to Do with 13,000…

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Star Wars Vinyl Wall Decals

I don’t think the pictures are doing justice to these decals. All of these would be awesome in the right setting – like the Stormtrooper in a white bathroom. I do miss an AT-AT though. If I was to put these on my wall, id place them a little lower to the ground. just floating there looks…. off. Chewbacca might also be good  for scaring off burglars. 4’1”W x 6’5”H Darth Vader vinyl wall decal. 4’2”W x 4’2”H Death Star vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 6’H Stormtrooper vinyl wall decal. 6’4”W x 3’5”H Millennium Falcon vinyl wall decal. 2’4” x 6’4”H Boba Fett vinyl wall decal. 4’7”W x 6’6”H Luke Skywalker vinyl wall decal. 6’1”W x 5’9”H Darth Maul vinyl wall decal. 3’9”W x 2’2”H Yoda vinyl wall decal. 4’W x 6’5”H Han Solo vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 5’6”H C-3PO vinyl wall decal. 2’1”W x 3’2”H R2-D2 vinyl wall…

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How stuff works: Speeder bikes

Speeder bikes and swoop bikes are small, fast transports that use repulsorlift engines, usually carrying one or two passengers. Speeder bikes emphasized speed and maneuverability over conventional speeders and were popular with thrill-seeking teenagers and military scouts. A typical speeder bike had a maximum altitude of 10 meters (32 feet) and could thus maneuver deftly over very rough terrain. Some companies manufactured extras like sidecars for speeder bikes. The lightweight bikes can usually attain speeds in excess of 500 kilometers per hour. A quartet of small directional steering vanes on twin outriggings afford the speeder its maneuverability. The Imperial biker scouts from Return of the Jedi used two shoulder-level handgrips to control elevation and direction; a pair of rocker-pivoted pedals controls acceleration. Located just fore of the speeder’s saddle is a panel of toggle switches and knobs that control communications and other vital systems. Slung beneath the speeder’s frame is a…

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How Stuff Works: Bacta Tanks

A miracle of modern medical technology, the bacta tank is a mainstay in both Imperial and Republic medical wards. The containment cylinder fills with rejuvenating bacta fluid that is capable of healing even the most grievous wounds. The translucent red fluid nurtures the growth of a bacterial medium that seeks out traumatized tissue and promotes regeneration and growth to rapidly heal wounds with minimal or no scarring. Medical droids closely monitor the patient, who is suspended in the fluid. Bacta could be administered through disposable bacta patches, injection, or by submersion in a bacta tank. Bacta was also used in portable lotion form. The method of administration depended on the severity of the wounds. Bacta must be applied in a solution of clear synthetic fluid which mimics the body’s own vital fluids. Bacta had a smell that was described as ‘sickly-sweet’; immersion in a bacta tank could leave one with the…

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Know your Lore: Bao-Dur

Bao-Dur was a Zabrak cyborg from Iridonia who served under the Jedi Exile during the Mandalorian Wars. He was a skilled inventor and was responsible for the design and construction of the Mass Shadow Generator. Years after the war he helped the Exile in stopping the echo in the Force caused by the Mass Shadow Generator. Wherever he went he was accompanied by a small, spherical remote which he built as a child. Biography During the war Bao-Dur was a technician who fought under the Jedi Exile; years after the conflict was over he still referred to the Exile as “General.” Bao-Dur was the inventor of many new weapons, shields and other accessories. One of these included a new mechanical arm able to replace the one he lost in the Battle of Malachor V. This new cybernetic appendage was incredibly strong, and made Bao-Dur a formidable opponent in a fight….

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New SWTOR Community Manager: Stephen Reid

Back in September we reported that  former community manager Sean “AshenTemper” Dahlberg departed Bioware to join UTV True Game’s Faxion. Until now duties have been filled by other community representatives like Joanne Laroche and Alyson Bridge. Yesterday we learned who would be taking the place after Mr. Dahlberg as Community Manager, and this is no other then Stephen “Rockjaw” Reid. Hi. My name’s Stephen Reid, and I’m your new Community Manager. Like probably all of you, I’ve been a Star Wars™ fan for almost my entire life – starting with the original Star Wars in 1977. When that Star Destroyer came thundering into frame, the unforgettable John Williams’ score blasting out in futuristic Dolby Stereo… well my 5-year-old mind was well and truly blown. Fast forward to 1999, and I made a pilgrimage to Portland, Oregon (of all places) to see The Phantom Menace on opening night – midnight showing, natch. When Darth…

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Know your lore: Exar Kun

Exar Kun was a Human male Dark Lord of the Sith under the tutelage of Freedon Nadd. Kun displayed an unusual curiosity into forbidden teachings during his time as a Jedi Padawan, so much so that upon completion of his training, he abandoned his Master and set out in pursuit of the knowledge and power of the ancient Sith. His quest led him initially to the planet Onderon and then its jungle moon, Dxun, where he invaded the tomb of a long-deceased Dark Lord of the Sith named Freedon Nadd—and, in doing so, awakened his spirit. Seduced by Nadd with the promise of power through acceptance of the dark side of the Force, Kun allowed himself to become Nadd’s apprentice. As Kun rapidly progressed in the sorcerous ways of the Sith, Nadd directed him to Yavin 4, where Kun acquired even greater Sith powers. He then destroyed Nadd’s spirit, and…

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Gamescom 2010 Wrap-Up

Today’s official update consists of another issue of Blood of the Empire… and that seems to be it. Luckily I’ve also still got the Gamescom wrap-up to do, so I’ll add that as well to spice things up. But first the comic; here’s the official news: In the tenth issue of Blood of the Empire™, a battle between Republic and Imperial fleets rages over Korriban as Teneb Kel chases down his foe. The fate of the Sith homeworld and the Children of the Emperor is in the hands of one young acolyte and his slave–but duty and patriotism aren’t the only forces guiding them… Check out the latest issue of Blood of the Empire now! As for Gamescom, I felt that The Old Republic didn’t have quite as strong a presence as I was expecting. Maybe it didn’t stand out as much anymore after its E3 presence, but to me…

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Star Wars Celebration V: Fans in Costume

(MTV’s Liz Lee smooches a lucky Gamorrean Guard guard) words: Bonnie Burton photos: Bonnie Burton & Jenny Elwick It wouldn’t be Star Wars Celebration without seeing a Gamorrean Guard guard wandering through the crowds or a tiny Jawa waiting in line for nachos. The beginning of Star Wars Celebration already seems like giant photo op with all our favorite characters. Here’s a roundup of some of the coolest costumes we’ve already seen in Orlando. The cutest Jedi you’ll see all day.   In a parallel galaxy, Darth Vader fears these two. Bossk would like a word with you! Han Solo, Chewbacca and Slave Leia = 3 x the cool!  A clone trooper rainbow! Utini! Thirst first. Empire second. Look out behind you, Yoda! A Whole Lotta Hans! Darth Maul takes romance very seriously! Indiana Jones strikes a pose by the ATMs. Related Posts Exploring SWTOR’s Latest Update: Pits, Potes, and SkiffsBioWare…

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How stuff works: Teräs Käsi

Teräs Käsi, or “steel hand” in Basic, was an unarmed combat discipline. It was created sometime prior to 3,678 BBY on the planet Bunduki by the Followers of Palawa, refugees of the planet Palawa, which was devastated earlier in a war somehow involving the Jedi Council. The Followers of Palawa created Teräs Käsi solely to defeat Jedi, and presumably, ensure that another world would never be destroyed by the actions of the Council. The Followers of Palawa studied The Force and Midi-chlorians, even though they themselves where not necessarily force sensitive. Teräs Käsi, enabled a user to develop extreme speed, and an aptitude for anticipating strikes, most notably shown by clone assassins. In addition to this, Teräs Käsi taught non force sensitives how to close their minds to Jedi and Sith, thus protecting themselves from mental based attacks. Teräs Käsi also had a developed set of fighting skills, and Nine…

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Comic-Con 2010 Recap: Best Star Wars Costumes

It seems you can’t go five steps without running into a stormtrooper at San Diego Comic-Con, and that’s fine by us. While Comic-Con has it’s share of the always-impressive fans in the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion, as well as the ever-stunning Slave Leias, we also wanted to feature our favorite Star Wars costumes that made us smile. May the Force Be With Your Cosplay. Utini! Ahsoka “Snips” Tano! Tusken Raider Darth MaulHan Solo probably wouldn’t resist THIS Boba Fett!Imperial BFF? When you need a costume quick, why not wear the Slave Leia apron?Star Wars Celebration V – Orlando Troopers Slave Leias! Obi-Wan’s expression says it all. Death Trooper! Anyone for a Rebel yell? Yoda, look out! It isn’t Comic-Con without Elvis Trooper! Jedi Aayla Secura! Zam Wesell & Jango Fett This young Jedi is ready for fun! Check out more Star Wars costumes here: Comic-Con 2010 (all photos) Related Posts A Day in the Life of Operatives…

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SWTOR in PC Gamer UK Magazine

When I dropped by the supermarket this weekend I noticed that one of the magazines had a familiar Sith Warrior  on the cover. And indeed, what I found was PC Gamer UK’s April 2010 issue, which they’ve labeled “The MMO issue”. And indeed it is, with articles looking at WoW: Cataclysm, a number of future MMOs, rating a number of current MMOs against each other, a free trial for EvE Online on the cover DVD and a number of other articles. But the main article of interest is a six-page article, titled “Tour de Force” looking at Star Wars: The Old Republic. Not that there’s much of any new information in it. Considering when the magazine was published it can’t even cover the presentation given last week during GDC. Though it’s still a nice read. I won’t include scans of the article because I’m sure they’d not be happy with…

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May the schwartz be with you: Spike TV – Star Wars ads

Unless you’ve been stuck upside down in a wampa cave, you probably have heard that Spike TV was airing the entire Star Wars saga, back in April 2008. In case anybody missed the news, Spike was telling the world about this television premiere with some head-turning outdoor ads, starting at Penn Plaza in New York City. Check it out: Along side the billboard adds Spiked TV also ran some Genius TV ads. Most people I know have only seen the first one that was aired, but here is a collection of all them:     See below for the press release from TV Enters a New Galaxy With the Complete Star Wars(TM) Saga Features The Broadcast Premiere of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and the Basic Cable Premieres of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Feel…

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Fan Friday: Composing the Sith Inquisitor Developer Blog

The latest Fan Friday content has been posted on the official Old Republic site! This week Sean presents the TOR community with a developer blog from writer Rebecca Harwick giving an overview of the Sith Inquisitor: When we set out to build our game, we knew we needed more than one Sith class. The original trilogy only has two Sith in it, but they couldn’t be more different: the heavily armored brutal physicality of Darth Vader compared to the frail but immensely powerful Emperor Palpatine. When we extend our inspiration to Episodes I-III and The Clone Wars cartoons, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and Asajj Ventress further expand our concept of what a Sith can be. Is a Sith a lithe quick fighter who uses the Force to enhance his/her physical combat prowess, a calculating deceiver adept at Lightsaber duels, or a master manipulator and amasser of dark side secrets? Does…

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Know your legends: Atton Rand

Atton Rand is one of those characters in the Star Wars universe who starts off as a simple scoundrel but gradually reveals layers of complexity that make him a fan favorite. First introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords (KOTOR II), Atton plays a significant role as a companion to the Jedi Exile. His journey from a former Sith assassin to a reluctant hero is filled with humor, tragedy, and redemption. In this article, we’ll dive deep into Atton Rand’s character, exploring his origins, his connection to key events in the Star Wars universe, and his legacy. Chapter 1: The Origins of Atton Rand From the Streets to the Stars Atton Rand didn’t exactly have a fairytale start in life. Born in the rougher parts of the galaxy, Atton’s early years were shaped by a deep-seated distrust of authority and a knack for…

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