swtor news

SWTOR Executive Producer Letter – Q2 2024

SWTOR Executive Producer Letter: Exciting Updates and New Features

BioWare’s “Star Wars: The Old Republic” (SWTOR) continues to evolve with exciting new content and features. In a recent Executive Producer letter, SWTOR announced the rollout of Game Update 7.5 and provided insights into what’s coming next for players. Let’s dive into the key highlights and what players can expect from this latest update and beyond. Game Update 7.5: Key Highlights New Story Arc Desperate Defiance Game Update 7.5 introduces a compelling new story arc called “Desperate Defiance.” Players will team up with Sa’har Kateen to retrieve Darth Nul’s holocron. The choices players make will influence Sa’har’s path as a Padawan, adding a layer of depth and replayability to the narrative. PvP Season 6: Great Pirate Hunt New PvP Content The start of PvP Season 6, dubbed “Great Pirate Hunt,” brings new rewards and competitive opportunities. Players can earn new armor sets like the Cosmic Corsair and Corsair Radiance. This…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.5 Unveils Exciting New Features and Adventures

Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.5 - New Adventures and Expanded Content

The beloved MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), managed by Broadsword, is gearing up for an exciting expansion with the release of Game Update 7.5. This update introduces a mix of traditional and innovative gameplay elements that promise to rejuvenate the game’s environment and engage its robust community. From festive events and new narrative arcs to comprehensive PvP overhauls and visual upgrades, Update 7.5 is shaping up to be a significant milestone for the game. Embracing Tradition with the Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival Dantooine will play host to the Spring Abundance Festival, a new event that invites players to indulge in the bucolic joys of farm life. After completing a specific quest chain, players are rewarded with their own farmstead, which they can develop and manage. This feature taps into the popular gameplay trend of simulation and management, allowing players to engage in activities such as: Deepening Lore with…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Development Update: A “New Beginning”

Star Wars: The Old Republic Development Update: A "New Beginning"

The future of Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) has been in question recently due to a potential development shift to a third-party studio. However, the game’s leadership team wants to assure fans that the shift does not spell doom for the popular game, but rather, represents a “new beginning” for SWTOR. In a post on the official SWTOR forums, Keith Kanneg, a leading figure in the SWTOR team, addressed various questions that the community had regarding this shift. The post offered reassurances and clarified the future direction of the game​​. This update followed earlier news that Electronic Arts (EA) was in discussions with Broadsword to potentially take over SWTOR’s development, sparking questions and concerns within the community​. The Future of SWTOR According to Kanneg, the transition to a third-party studio is likely to be seamless for players, with no significant changes to their gaming experience. He confirmed that support…

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SWTOR Jedi and Sith Bundles on Steam

You can now get SWTOR Jedi and Sith bundles on Steam and they’re at a surprisingly low price so they won’t break the bank. This comes right after SWTOR was released on Steam, which has me SUPER excited because I play 90% of my games on Steam and I love having everything on one place (I have a library of over 500 games, including all the Star Wars games released to the platform). Anyway, now you can also get the Jedi and Sith Bundles for added content and experience. Here’s what you get with each of these bundles. Jedi Bundle: The Valiant Armor Set The Advanced Cloud Blue Eviscerating Crystal The Tempted Apprentice Saber Deluxe Jedi Bundle: The Valiant Jedi Armor Set The Sanctified Caretaker Armor Set The Tempted Apprentice’s dualsaber The Tempted Apprentice’s lightsaber The Blademaster’s lightsaber The Advanced Derelict-Purple Eviscerating Crystal The Advanced Cloud Blue Eviscerating Crystal The…

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SWTOR: Game Update 5.10.2 ‘Heralds of Victory’ Is Coming!

swtor Guild Heraldry

Yesterday the devs over at Bioware Austine announced that Patch 5.10.2, named Heralds of Victory will be landing in April and feature guild heraldry and preview window changes. When Game Update 5.10 ‘Jedi Under Siege’ launched, guilds received a boost in the form of new guild leveling and PvP challenge systems, as well as new management tools. Seeing guilds flourish from this, with Game Update 5.10.2 ‘Heralds of Victory’, we are planning to add even more for guilds! This new feature is called Guild Heraldry and it will be another tool for guilds to rally behind! Each guild can create their own emblem to represent them throughout the game. Between the combination of icons, background details, and variety of colors, guilds will be able to create something truly unique. A guild’s emblem will be displayed in the general guild window, on the conquest planetary leaderboards, and many other places! On…

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SWTOR: 2018 summer roadmap

A few hours ago, SWTOR’s game producer Keith Kannet from BioWare Austine, published the developers summer Roadmap. In this he details the studio plans and development of the game over the summer. Check it out below: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – Summer Roadmap 2018 Hi everyone- This Roadmap coincides with my first full year as the Lead Producer for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and I’m excited to have the opportunity to share our Summer Roadmap with you. As I’ve mentioned throughout the last year, the team’s priority will continue to be providing fun story-driven gameplay with a variety of multiplayer Star Wars™ battles while making Quality of Life improvements. We recently released Game Update 5.9 – The Nathema Conspiracy, which brought an end to the Traitor storyline. We hope you’ve enjoyed your interactions with Theron Shan. We’ve met with a lot of players, influencers, press, did Livestreams, held Cantinas, received lots of…

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SWTOR: New Release Date for Game Update 5.9

The game develoeprs over at Bioware Austin, just informed us, the they are delaying Game Update 5.9 to Thursday May 3 instead of the usual Tuesday update. Hi everyone, One key learning this past year is not to release a Game Update if it’s not ready. We pushed really hard to be ready for next Tuesday, but we uncovered a couple of items we want resolved. To do that, we need a bit more time including this weekend to make sure our fixes are solid and ensure you have the highest quality play experience possible. We decided to give ourselves an extra couple days and release Game Update 5.9: The Nathema Conspiracy on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Just in time for May the 4th! Also, we will be providing a minor update on May 22 (Game Update 5.9.1) which includes the Nar Shaddaa Night Life event. I’m also working on a new…

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SWTOR: Choose your side in the #SWTORCompanionChaos Celebration – Starting March 20!

The guys over at Bioware Austin is doing a Companion Chaos social media event for Star Wars: The old Republic. The event will start on March 20 on Facebook and Twitter. Join the #SWTOR Family on SWTOR Facebook and @SWTOR to support your favorite Companion in the #SWTORCompanionChaos Celebration! Show your Loyalty to your favorite companions by voting for the team led by legendary gunslinger Nico Okarr, or the team led by the infamous mercenary, Shae Vizla. The Deadliest Droid: HK-55 vs. SCORPIOVote now for either #TeamNico’s assassin droid, HK-55 or for #TeamShae’s manipulative mastermind droid, SCORPIO. Who has the reputation to live up to “The Deadliest Droid”?! The Worst Crook: Tanno Vik vs. SkadgeVote in the bracket to determine “The Worst Crook” in the galaxy! Tanno Vik will be the mercenary representing #TeamNico and for #TeamShae, the villain, Skadge. When it comes to being “The Worst Crook” it’s a tough competition – who do you…

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SWTOR Game Update 5.7 and Beyond

BioWare just released som information on the next game update for Star Wars: The old Repbulic. The next next update, wich is 5.7 will be named “Legacy of the Creators”and is coming Jan 23 along with the next operation boss Scyva Here is the official word: Game Update 5.7 and Beyond | 01.09.2018, 01:20 PM “Hey folks, Since we are formally in 2018 now, Happy New Year to all of you! We know there have been some questions about what is coming next, so we wanted to give you some details. The big “what is coming” type question will be addressed as always in Keith’s Roadmap, which is being worked on now. I would expect a few more weeks before you can read that. However, before the roadmap is in your hands, let’s talk about the next Game Update! Game Update 5.7 – Legacy of the Creators Release date: January 23rd New Operation Boss:…

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More Info on Master’s Datacron (Instant 70 boost)

BioWare just posted a new blog updating the players on  how the Master’s Datacron will work in Game Update 5.6. Starting with ’A Traitor Among the Chiss’ (Game Update 5.6) on November 28th, there will be a new item introduced to the Cartel Market called the Master’s Datacron. This item will allow you to take any non-maximum level (70) character on your account and immediately move them up to maximum level. One unique thing about this boost is that it doesn’t progress your character’s story at all, meaning this is a great way to play through the classic Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ storylines without worrying about your character level! The Master’s Datacron also comes with the Eternal Commander Equipment bundle. Once you have boosted to max level and chosen your character’s Discipline (more on this below), you can use the equipment bundle to have a full set of level 70 gear…

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SWTOR: Update on the Status of Server Mergers

SWTOR Game Producer Keith Kanneg, took on the forums to update the community on the forthcoming Server Mergers: Hi all, Today’s maintenance was part of the United Forces effort! We have completed the upgrade of the Game Servers along with all their supporting infrastructure in the Data Centers. We made a large investment of new hardware and software and one of our primary goals was to substantially reduce our footprint while improving our overall server capacity. During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues…

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SWTOR Game Update 5.5 planned for October 10

Eric Musco just informed the official Star Wars: The old Republic Community that SWTOR Game Update 5.5 will go live  on October 10 with some content shuffled into Game Update 5.6. Any update in the Roadmap? What about 5.5? | 09.13.2017, 05:07 PM Provide you with updates, I can! The roadmap is still in progress. We have been shuffling some things around with respect to 5.5 and 5.6 and we need that to settle before we can let you know exactly what is coming and when. It was our plan to put out Game Update 5.5 in late September but we have made the decision to move it into early October (currently 10/10). We did this to allow us more time to focus in on quality for our Game Updates to avoid some of the issues we had with 5.4. Class balance is still planned for 5.5. I expect I will start putting…

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SWTOR Patch 5.2 Developer’s Livestream Coverag

Here is  the SWTOR 5.2 Developer Livestream coverage where Iokath and other contentcovered. Check it out: Agenda Community Topics War for Iokath New Daily Area and PvP Gods from the Machine New Galaxy Map Star Wars Celebration Community Topics Unassembled Components and Legacy – Something we are interested in doing, havn’t decided if that is something we are doing. Most commonly requested feature. Class changes – No class changes in 5.2. One of the class designers just had a kid but once he is back they will dive into that. He is not the only one working on the class changes. Command XP after the event – Command XP boost will stay after 5.2 launches. Base XP will be lower but they are giving CXP back to enemies. Spending tokens, unassembled pieces, and unassembled components – Changes coming to vendor. They are adding tier 1 gear from CXP crates to…

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The New Galaxy Map in SWTOR

With Star Wars: The old Republic game update 5.2 comes a new galaxy map. Eric Musco updated the community about it: Hey folks, Coming with Game Update 5.2 is a new quality of life feature, a revamped Galaxy Map. Aside from just being improved aesthetically, it also provides new functionality. We really wanted to improve players’ ability to travel around the galaxy, let’s talk about what is new with the Galaxy Map: You must have a personal ship to use the Galaxy Map. Make sure you’ve completed the early part of your Class Mission! You can access the Galaxy Map from anywhere by simply pressing the icon on your mini-map, navigate to it through the top UI, or use the shortcut key (Shift+M by default). Takes advantage of Legacy Perks: If you’ve acquired the Quick Travel perk, you can travel directly to your personal ship from the Galaxy Map. If…

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SWTOR: Tier 4 Gear in Game Update 5.2

Eric Musco just informed the community that BioWare intend to ad some changes to Command Ranks in Patch 5.2. Below are all the details Tier 4 Gear in Game Update 5.2 | 03.03.2017, 08:14 AM Hey folks, In Game Update 5.2, we will be introducing a new tier of gear to Galactic Command. Tier 4 works a bit differently than other tiers and so we want to provide you with insight about why we’re implementing it. Additionally, we know our social post raised a few concerns and so we want to tackle those first. Why add 100 more Command Ranks? The 100 new levels were simply a logical next step for adding Tier 4 gear. However, since it’s already possible to rank up at Command Level 300 indefinitely we decided to take your feedback and keep the current cap. So, starting in 5.2, Command Crates dropped at Level 300 will…

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SWTOR: Changes to Gearing through Galactic Command

The SWTOR Devs over at BioWare is doing some gearing changes to Galactic Command with the upcoming patch 5.1. More info will be released on SWTOR livestream on Thursday: Changes to Gearing through Galactic Command | 12.13.2016, 10:06 AM Hey folks, Please keep all of your feedback coming on Command Crates, Command XP, and Galactic Command. The team is always looking over your feedback and looking for ways we can improve the system! We have been reading everything you sent our way, and there are couple of stand-out points (this is by no means everything): There needs to be a way to work towards a specific slot of gear to fill in gaps (especially set bonuses) for people who are unlucky with Command Crates. Gearing your other characters is too grindy. With this in mind, the team has some important changes planned for Game Update 5.1 coming next month to…

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Actions taken against Credit Sellers and Spammers in SWTOR

Eric Musco just informed the community, that BioWare has taken actions against credit sellers and spammers in SWTOR, by closing several loopholes with the latest patch. Check out the news below: Credit Sellers and Spammers | 10.04.2016, 09:11 AM Hey folks, As you may know from previous posts on the topic, when it comes to credit sellers we will often do a large takedown at one time. This allows us to have the largest impact on the credit sellers without them being able to react. Today was one of those instances. With today’s maintenance we acted on a few different initiatives to help curb the in-game chat and mail spam of credit sellers. Some examples of what was done today include: Banning of thousands of credit selling accounts. Closing a loophole in an existing promotion, that allowed credit sellers to quickly and easily make accounts which could send you in-game mail and…

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SWTOR Maintenance: Update 4.7 — Tuesday August 09

BioWare will be taking the servers offline on August 9th in order to apply Game Update 4.7. The website will also be unavailable during this time. Details: DATE: August 9, 2016 TIME: 5:00AM PDT – 9:00AM PDT (1PM – 5PM BST) VERSION: 4.7 Patch Notes will be available on Monday, August 8th. Timezone(s) Start Time End Time UTC Offset Wellington August 10, 2016 12:00 am August 10, 2016 04:00 am +12:00 Australia/Brisbane, Australia/Sydney August 09, 2016 10:00 pm August 10, 2016 02:00 am +10:00 Australia/Adelaide August 09, 2016 09:30 pm August 10, 2016 01:30 am +09:30 Tokyo August 09, 2016 09:00 pm August 10, 2016 01:00 am +09:00 Australia/Perth, Hong Kong August 09, 2016 08:00 pm August 10, 2016 12:00 am +08:00 Mumbai August 09, 2016 05:30 pm August 09, 2016 09:30 pm +05:30 EET, Moscow August 09, 2016 03:00 pm August 09, 2016 07:00 pm +03:00 CET, Paris August 09,…

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SWTOR Was 4th Highest Worldwide in Pay-to-Play Games

SWTOR ranked in the top five of the highest worldwide pay-to-play MMOs for the month of May. This is not surprising if you’ve been following the revenue and the stats but it might be surprising for people who don’t realize that SWTOR is still doing quite well. While it’s true that the popularity of the new Star Wars films may have increased the number of people looking to play the game, SWTOR still fared pretty well before. The new Star Wars craze is likely only going to increase that even more. I don’t think anyone is really surprised to see World of Warcraft still holding the top spot there. Blizzard has a real winner there and following it up with Overwatch that took the top spot in overall digital game earnings with $269 million across PC and console platforms but SWTOR is clearly holding its own in the industry.  The…

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Announcing Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ “Build Your Alliance” NVIDIA Contest Winners!

Back in January, BioWare launched a contest, were players should upload SWTOR Movies to Youtube. 3 winners would each win a powerful gaming PC plus valuable in-game rewards from BioWare. Ten runner ups will receive a GeForce GTX 960. Here is the verdict: BioWare and NVIDIA are excited to announce the winning video entries from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – Knights of the Fallen Empire “Build Your Alliance” contest! Thanks to you, our players, for sharing your fight against the Eternal Empire – from intense lightsaber battles to dramatic story moments. Check out the winners below and watch the full playlist of videos here: YouTube Playlist A big congratulations to these top three winners: 1st Place: Jonathan Winkler 2nd Place: Инга Куклина 3rd Place: Danilo Wachsmuth Plus, a round of applause to these runner ups: Дмитрий Ялама Alex Thomas Julien Hélias Joel Argersinger Holly Montgomery Natthaphon Phonyiam Cristian Ceoroiu Rodrigo…

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February SWTOR Producer’s Livestream Coverage

Here is the total coverage of yesterdays Producer’s Livestream. Eric Musco joined by Ben Irving. The official recap can be found here.  Below recap was put together by dulfy over at the SWTOR sub reddit. Agenda State of the Galaxy Chapter X Chapter XI: Disavowed Eternal Championship New Warzone (also something special for PvPers) Quality of Life Improvements coming in April State of Galaxy Not smooth sailing. Downloading issues on Tuesday and now. Few bugs go out with Chapter 10. Key bugs fixed with today’s patch, still some connectivity issue this afternoon. Should be ironed out shortly. Anarchist’s Cartel Market Pack – People not happy with the changes. Please keep the feedback coming. We are continually making the changes. February Subscriber Gift All subscribers who opt in to email by Feb 14 will receive 1050 cartel coins (it is a code you can give anyone). Opt in via your account settings on the forums….

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SWTOR: No Conquest for the week of Feb 2-9

Due to bugs, conquest for the week of Feb 2-9 is cancelled. Hey everyone, The team has finished looking into what has caused this week’s Conquest to not start properly. Unfortunately, the issue is a bit more complex than we have experienced in the past with Conquests. Due to this, we will be implementing a fix for this with Game Update 4.1 next Tuesday. This means that there will not be a Conquest this week, as we work to address the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience. -Tait

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BIG announcement during next Tuesday’s Producer Livestream (Dec. 1)

BioWare just announced that there will be a BIG announcement during next Tuesday’s Producer Livestream. We have no clue what it is yet, but I’m guessing it’ll be talk of a new pvp map or some sort of followup to the subscriber rewards survey thing where they tease some stuff that they’ll be giving out. What do you think it will be? Attention #SWTOR Subscribers! Prepare yourselves for a BIG announcement during next Tuesday’s Producer Livestream: http://bit.ly/1NPiUPT Posted by Star Wars: The Old Republic on Wednesday, 25 November 2015

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Introducing the SWTOR Answers HQ Page

The SWTOR Customer Support Forum will be moving to the EA HQ page, where non subscribers can also receive support. Introducing the SWTOR Answers HQ Page | 09.28.2015, 03:43 PM Hi everyone! I wanted to let you all know of an upcoming to change to the Customer Support forum – namely, that they won’t be around anymore. We are creating a new Answers HQ page for SWTOR atanswers.ea.com. This move from the existing Customer Support forum will allow players to help players in a better capacity, with EA employees monitoring replies and ensuring correct and useful information is promoted, in an environment where active and helpful players are rewarded. As part of this, non-subscribers will also be eligible to receive web-based support by utilizing the Answers HQ page! We are currently planning for this transition to occur on October 5th. As of this date, these forums will be in read-only…

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