SWTOR Patch Notes 8/16/2011

Yesterday a user over on Reddit posted SWTOR Patch Notes (with possible spoilers) for readers to enjoy. It’s pretty interesting and something you won’t see unless you’re in the beta (or have a friend inside) but it gives us some good little tidbits about the game. The post reads as follows: Welcome to Star Wars: The Old RepublicEvent 8/18: Space CombatOn Thursday at 7:00PM CDT, head to your personal starship and try out Space Combat! Watch for in-game Sever Admin messages during the event for further instructions. We’re looking forward to your Space Combat feedback on the Testing Forums! Notice: This server is now a PvP Server.Weekly Focus This week, we’re looking for specific feedback regarding: Companion roles and UI Space CombatPatch Notes 8/16/2011 General Several server and area stability improvements have been implemented. Classes and Combat  Alacrity rating now properly decreases activation and channeling times. This is reflected on…

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Old Republic Looks As Interesting As a Naboo Trade Blockade (Kotaku Opinion Piece)

Not every Star Wars fan is a SWTOR fan. Here is an interesting but fun review of SWTOR from Kotaku. It’s one person’s opinion, of course, but as we always say, the reviews of others are really helpful when forming your own opinions and whether you agree or not, there are good points to learn from it. Luke Plunkett from Kotaku is not as impressed with SWTOR as some of us and spends nearly 2,000 words explaining why. Here are some highlights: “BioWare is going out of its way to tell the world how Old Republic will revolutionise the MMO. That line was thrown out at least twice during my showing. But this game? What I saw today isn’t doing it for me. It’s telling me that it’s revolutionising the genre, but all I’m seeing is just another MMO.” Okay, fair enough. But how much does he really know about…

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James Ohlen Interview

Ten Ton Hammer posts a really interesting interview with James Ohlen that’s worth the read if you have yet to see it. Reuben Waters of Ten Ton Hammer has the opportunity to sit down with Ohlen, creative director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and ask him some questions about the game. Highlights include companions, grouping with other players, banking and money systems, PVP and chat functions and the mail system as well as whether or not you can check your mail while on your ships. There’s a lot of great info in here, some of which I don’t remember ever hearing being covered in another interview or article to date, making it well worth the time to read it over. Here’s a snippet I found interesting as I had been wondering about this myself: Ten Ton Hammer: That brings up a very good point in terms of how things…

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SWTOR Wins ‘Best Online Game”

Europe’s Gamescom conference has revealed the winners of its best in show awards and SWTOR has won the coveted “Best Online Game” recognition. EA received several awards actually: Best Online Game honors for Star Wars The Old Republic Best Console Game for FIFA 12 Best Browser Game award for The Sims Social (a new award) As you can see, it was a good day for SWTOR and EA. A complete list of the winners is as follows: * Best of Gamescom: Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts) * Best Hardware or Hardware Accessories: PlayStation Vita (Sony Computer Entertainment) * Best Console Game: FIFA 12 (Electronic Arts) * Best Mobile Game: Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Sony Computer Entertainment) * Best Online Game: Star Wars: The Old Republic (Electronic Arts) * Best PC Game: Diablo III (Blizzard Entertainment) * Best Browser Game: The Sims Social (Electronic Arts) * Best Family Game: Sesame Street: Once Upon…

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