The Guild Sphere

TOR TV: Sometimes you get wipes at 1%. And sometimes THIS happens!!

This video was recorded  on 17th December at 2:00am GMT. When the guild  “Binary Sunset” battled Kephess.  I guess your just lucky some times 🙂 Binary Sunset is named after the iconic scene from Star Wars IV – A New Hope, and we’re based on the Progenitor (EU), an RP-PVE server. they are a multi-national European Guild; the raid in question including players from England, Iceland, Portugal, Turkey, Germany, Belgium and Spain. This was their  13th try that evening, on a boss they  hadn’t attempted before, and at 2:00am GMT. Given their timezone differences everyone was getting a little tired, but they couldn’t just call it – they are  a mature Guild of working age, and likely to be spread far and wide for Christmas with families. This week was the last chance to get an attempt in on completing Terror from Beyond in 2012. As a Guild they had ups and downs, their previous GM disbanded…

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The Guild Sphere: Harbinger

It’s time for another guild interview. Today I had the chance to speak to Tomppa from my own server Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Tomppa is guild leader of the guild Harbinger, a Finnish republic guild currently looking for active players of any class. Where did your guilds name come from? To be honest i dont know the origins of the name since i am not the original GM, but i would imagine that someone had played Mass Effect 2 a lot 🙂 Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Harbinger is somewhere between hardcore and casual, when the game launched we were pretty much an hardcore guild but since that we don’t play that much anymore. Overall we are a very relaxed guild, probably 20-30% of our mumble talk is someone laughing. How did your guild come about? Most Finnish guilds are playing on the empire side, so it was the people who wanted to play as…

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The Guild Sphere: Alpha Strike Force

It’s been a while since our last Guild feature, but I hope we can start it up again. Get in contact with us if you are interested in getting featured on our website. We have interviews all kinds of guilds in the pasts, big and small, so don’t hesitate to contact us. Today  Elrike the guildmaster of – Alpha Strike Force on the Jedi Covenant Server sat in the hot chair answering all our questions. Enjoy! Where did your guilds name come from? The guild was named Alpha Strike Force by our founder, ASF Zebra a retired NASA engineer and military veteran with tours of duty in Vietnam and Afghanistan. The selection of the name was influenced by his extensive military experience since an Alpha Strike Force represents an elite military unit. The name also fits well with the Star Wars mythos since Strike Force Alpha was an Imperial brigade during the Krantian Civil War.. Can you give me…

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The Guild sphere: Cynical

Today we hat the chance to speak with Ardinicus – Guild leader of Cynical. Cynical is a Semi-Casual Sith Empire guild on the Mind Trick server. They are an East Coast (EST) PVE Guild, currently recruiting for 16 man Operations. They use an EP/GP loot system. Right now the guild is actively seeking a competent, reliable player for their  2nd MT slot. Be you Powertech, Assassin, or Juggernaut (PT or Assassin would be nice for the cross-class synergies, but that’s not a requirement), if you can consistently and reliably be online during out raid times, have Ventrilo with a headset so that you can both clearly listen and be heard clearly, and want to tank endgame Operations encounters as well as Hard Mode Flashpoints, World Bosses, etc., then please apply, or talk to an Officer (Ardinicus, Tenebra, Felgrim). Check out our interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? Originally from…

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The Guild sphere: Errant Venture

Today I had the chance to speak with Zainitopia from the republic guild Errant Venture. Errant venture plays on the server Space Slug  and is an all purpose republic guild, from the hardcore to the casual, being both accomplished in raiding and pvp. With over 100 members, we focus heavily in all aspects of gameplay – leveling(alts), warzones, flashpoints (hardmode), and of course raiding! Essentially they are looking to recruit raiders for patch 1.2. they used to have 3 x 8 mans running and actually got a server first kill on SOA NiM as well. Since then they have had to scale back to 1 group and have been raiding every week since. They are a casual group that loves to raid (only 2 nights). At one point they were very well respected in PVP as well.  Although the emphasis for recruiting is for raiding, they take all gameplays into the guild, whether that…

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The Guild sphere: Army of Yonuss

This week I sat down with Jono from “Army of Yonuss”, for a quick question and answer session about The guild.  Army of Yonuss plays  SITH on the Tarro Blood server, and currently recruiting. Check out the interview below, while you are downloading patch 1.2 🙂 Where did your guilds name come from? Our guild is named after the username our good friend used to use for every one of his RPG characters, Yonuss. He passed away just before TOR was released, but was very active in beta. He had been planning to co-found the guild with us for months, so when he passed away we decided it would be a nice way to honor him. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Army of Yonuss is laid back and open to members of all sorts, however we are still very organized. We run weekly…

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The Guild Sphere: Valor

Sorry for the lack of guild interviews the last few month. But today we are back with a new interview, this time with the republic guild Valor is a RP/PVP guild active on the Ajunta Pall server. Currently the guild is looking for non 50’s who are looking to level up and do some PVP with them. They are a friendly and mature guild looking for members to fill out our roster and have some fun with. They offer Ventrilo and Forums as well as RP sessions, a well organized group and once we hit 20 regular members they will start doing podcasts! If you’re interested please go to the forums and post an application in the apps thread. Checfk out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? We actually wanted to call it Omen from a guild I’d been in back in World of Warcraft,…

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The Guild Sphere: Imperium

Today I had the chance to talk with Council Member Kirai from the guild Imperium. Imperium is a hardcore guild that does pve and pvp very frequently – pritty much all week. Currently The guild is close to 300 members and have been around since pre-release on the Krath-US West server. The guild Have an awesomely designed guild site ( and are currently working on getting an podcast running. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? Latin for Power to command Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Large, pantless, hardcore raiding guild, we run 3 raid groups almost every day of the week and have a pvp squad as well. Were laid back when not raiding but while raiding its no-bull shit zone and meaningless stuff isn’t tolerated. Otherwise were a fun entertaining guild all above 18+ one of…

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The Guild Sphere: Republic Misfits

Today I had the chance to interview Judgepayne and Tali from the republic guild “Republic Misfits”. The guild plays on the U.S. East Mind Trick – PvE server.  Right now the guild are looking to expand their roster with more 50s for Operations and PvP. They are in need of: two level 50 tanks (Vanguards), four 50 RDPS, and two 50 healers. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? Battlefield 3 I think, it was a brainchild of Asst. GM mf-jones. What is a 2-3 sentence description of the guild? I’d describe us as a laid back, but serious guild that’s just looking to have a good time. We have the devotion of helping others in the guild rank up/get better gear, along with focusing on our weekly raids and hardmodes. How did your guild come about?. We started as a group of real life friends who…

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The Guild Sphere: Relapse

  Starting off this week, we have a new guild itnerview for you. This time I had the chance to speak with Audentia from the guild Relapse that plays Republic on the EU server Kai-Kan. Relapse is PVE guild and has more or less down the hole game. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? Relapse: To fall or slide back into a former state. To regress after partial recovery from illness. To slip back into bad ways; backslide. All our members are ex-raiders from other mmo’s. We believe it’s an appropriate name because hardcore raiding, and the game in general, feels like we are slipping back into bad (but very engaging and enjoyable) habits. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? Relapse is a (semi-)hardcore raiding guild on Kai-Kan EU. Even though we play on a server that was opened during…

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The Guild Sphere: Venom

Today we had the chance to speak with Gwabin from the republic guild Venom. Venom plays on the US server “Gauntlet of Kressh”. The guild is currently recruiting all casual players looking for a fun social environment. Check out the interview below:   Where did your guilds name come from? Venom came from the Marvel comics character by the same name. Also we wanted a simple but bold name to stand out on our server. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? We are a relaxed social guild for all players who want to have a good time while playing and enjoy each others company while helping each other achieve goals in the game. How did your guild come about?. My Brother (Gonzolus), Cousin (Clloud), and I (Ekaj) decided to form a guild where we could have a good time playing the game. We had a guild…

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The Guild Sphere: Lucidic Kings

Today I had the chance to talk to David (King), guild leader of Lucidic Kings. Lucidic Kingswas originally formed as a DCUO guild, but has now also started a SWTOR division. The guild is semi-hardcore Empire guild that is focusing on getting the players for Operations. At the moment they are recruiting all classes and roles of all levels.  Lucidic Kings is active on the West coast US server Vornskr. Check out the full interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? My old roommate Lucide and my character King in DCUO.. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? We’re pretty laid back, sometimes offensive. We just enjoy making fun of each other… How did your guild come about?. My old roommate and I wanted a league in DCUO when it came out so we put our first toons names together, Lucide and King, and got…

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The Guild Sphere: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB)

Today we feature the republic guild ” Imperial Security Bureau ” ISB is a small guild (around 23 members including alts) looking to increase in size to get ready for heroics and operations. They are a close group of dedicated players that like to have fun and help each other out. Many of the members have experience from WoW and have played MMOs for quite some time. Right now they are looking for some cool people who want to run the end game material and have a good time. All classes/levels accepted! They are always helping each other out whether it’s sending gear, running someone through a flashpoint or leveling alts together. Where did your guilds name come from? The guild name stands for Imperial Security Bureau. It’s those Imperials you see in the movie wearing the uniforms. Our guild consists of many people who are very into the Star…

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The Guild Sphere: Imperium

In today’s Guild feature,  Zyraal from the Guild Imperium took the time to answer our questions. Imperium are curently looking for active members on Zaalbar US-West PvE, so If you’re a mature, fun-loving, well-spoken/typed(don’t have to be a grammer nazi, just not putting “ne1 want 2 go on sum runz?”) adult with a sense of humor, you might belong in this guild. If you like running ops with a “Come on guys we can do this” attitude instead of putting people down, you might belong here. If you’d rather help than criticize, and have patience if someone doesn’t understand immediately, you might belong here. If you have a slow or non-existant temper, you might belong here. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? It actually came from the motto of a previous guild I ran, “ex tripidum imperium” or “From Joy, Power. We all play games to have fun…if you…

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The Guild Sphere: Martial Cadence

League of Legends anyone?  Today I had the chance to speak with Eroth from Martial Cadence. The guild is currently recruiting people on Darth Bandon and raid primarily on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30p.m. est (7:30 central). they are a guild formed by real life friends and currently the most progressed that they know of on the server, Republic side. They have all but Hard Mode Soa down, and they are looking for skilled players to fill some slots. They are currently looking for ranged DPS especially, and if enough interest is had they will start looking into 16 man. Check out the interview below: Where did your guilds name come from? When we were getting ready for the game to release, we had to deliberate on what the guild was going to be called. After getting some of them shot down that were my favorites, (Serious Business was my…

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The Guild Sphere: Piratehookers

First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of guild features, but SWTOR has gotten the best of my spare time, but we are back with some new features. This time the guild “Piratehookers” to the time to answer our questions. Piratehookers are located on the server Bondar Crystal – US PvP East Coast and is currently accepting new members who are interested in hardcore radiding. Where did your guilds name come from? Piratehookers is the name of our Counterstrike: Source team which competed in ESEA-Main along with various LAN’s and tournaments. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? Our guild is a semi-serious raiding guild dedicated to clearing endgame PvE content which includes 8 & 16 man operations in nightmare difficulty along with Hardmode flashpoint runs. We will also have fun doing PvP and dailies together. We are still building our raid roster but have high hopes and big…

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The Guild Sphere: The First Responders

Today I had the chance to talk to David, a 10 year veteran of the Fire Department and currently working as a career Firefighter/Medic in Northern VA. David is the founder of  “The First Responders”, a gaming community dedicated to Public Service and Military gamers meaning Firefighters, EMTs, Police and Military. They are a casual raiding guild on SWTOR, WoW and competitive on XBox with many accomplishments to their credit. They have won many tournaments and do very well in MMOs. They are currently on Iron Citadel, PvP East on the Republic. Check it out below. Where did your guilds name come from? As a guild that caters to members of the Public Safety (Fire, Rescue and Police) and Military Service we needed a name that could fit any of these different areas. The First Responders was chosen as the best name that could represent everyone because it is at the core of what we…

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The Guild Sphere: Honour Guard

This week I sat down with some of the leadership from Honour Guard, a PvE focused Republic guild playing on Basilisk Droid (EU-PVP) Hope you enjoy the Interview.   Where did your guilds name come from? When creating the guild we discussed various options for the guild name, we eventually went with Honour Guard because we wanted an honourable guild that plays fairly and gets along with others. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? We are a group of skilled members who have had a lot of experience in MMO’s. We play fair and we always win. We also play Garry’s Mod How did your guild come about? Shortly after the announcement of SWTOR myself and the other two guild leaders decided to create a guild with a friendly atmosphere, prior to creating the guild we were members of a guild in Star Wars:…

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The Guild Sphere: World Renown Legion

It’s Thursday and time to look at a new SWTOR guild. This time the “World Renown Legion” took the time to answer our questions. If you want your guild featured on drop us a line. Where did your guilds name come from? The creator of the clan gave the original name “world rich leaders”. A year or so later, we changed the name World Renown Legion as the best name that we could come up with to match the WRL acronym. We pretty much go by {WRL} now. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentance description of your guild? We are a brotherhood. We are a group of friends who value loyalty and respect regardless of the game we are playing. How did your guild come about? A young man from the Netherlands started the clan in late 2005, originally as a player hosted server on Star Wars Battlefront II….

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The Guild Sphere: Carnage

Carnage was establish in Vanguard, back at the dissolution of two of the servers largest guilds. Carnage was formed with one tenant in mind; progression through teamwork. They are a group of like-minded, friendly individuals who want nothing more than to achieve the pinnacle of what Star Wars: The old republic has to offer. Forming as a pre-release Launch guild, they are striving to have a full raid force ( EST) ready for launch in a few days. Check our guild feature of them out below.   Where did your guilds name came from? Carnage was a compromise between a number of dedicated gamers. Decided on almost a week after we were formed, Carnage was the most accepted name among our ranks. Knowing our name would be unimportant in the long run, we decided to focus on substance from the inside, rather than having a flashy exterior. It worked out…

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The Guild Sphere: vindicatum

Welcome back to another edition of the Guild Sphere. This time vindicatum took the time to answer our questions. Vindication is Is a guild with high ambitions supporting the republic. Check it out: Where did your guilds name come from? Vindicatum was an amazing guild back on my guild’s old World of Warcraft server (Icecrown, I believe) and they stood for something that we really wanted to emulate: Success. They were one of the best guilds in America, and tore apart any competition on our server. We also believe that Vindication is something that really stood strong in the Jedi and Republic ideals; so that’s something that we really wanted to reflect into Star Wars: The Old Republic. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? We’re just a group of guys that want to be known. At this point, we’re all focused on leveling and…

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The Guild Sphere: Aureus Knights

It’s the first day after the end of the last Beta session of Star Wars: The old republic. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. In today’s column The Aureus Knights took the time to answer our questions. Aureus Knights are a world wide community of online gamers. Although many members are MMO veterans from the early UO, EQ and MUD days, the members span all demographics and play styles. The guild strive for a fun, laid back and social gaming environment that anyone can feel welcome in and enjoy. read more after the jump. Where did your guilds name come from? Aureus is latin for Gold. So our name means Golden Knights. The guilds founders were sitting in EQ2 (the game where our guild was first formally created) and we wanted to create a name involving Knights but we didn’t want to be one of the million…

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The Guild Sphere: Mobility Gaming

Today’s guild feature is something different then what we are used to feature here on Mobility Gaming is a Multi-Gaming organization focusing on many other game types then MMORPG’s. Check it out below, and remember to drop us a line, if you wan’t your guild featured on our website. Where did your guilds name come from? Mobility is the first part of the name for the Multi-Gaming organization we form part of ( Also, Mobility is another name for “Movement” which is important because we want to be The “Movement” in Gaming. Can you give me a quick 2-3 sentence description of your guild? Mobility-Gaming is a PvPvE guild dedicated to Highend PvP and End Game Raid Content. We’re Hardcore Minded, but understand gaming is not a “second job.” We want to enjoy the game most of all, but we think that winning and downing bosses is the best way to have fun. What…

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The Guild Sphere: Vivid

It’s Thursdays and time for this weeks second guild feature. Today the guild, Vivid — a fine US East guild —  took the chance to answer our questions. The guild will focus on the depths of hardcore raiding and competitive PvP. Although they have a strong passion and desire to fullfill these goals, at the core of it all, they are all friendly nerds, who love a personable environment and STAR WARS! If you want your guild to be features on get in contact with us here.  Check out the interview below, and have a happy thanksgiving, if you are celebrating it in your part of the world! Where did your guilds name come from? When we originally sat down and thought about developing a guild, the three of us collaborated and decided we needed a strong, meaningful guild name. We chose Vivid because it’s powerful, short, and unforgettable, like…

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