Episode VII has seen more than its fair share of rumors over the last year and a half but once it entered production, and the cast was announced, the grapevine seemed to dry up. The latest round of rumors concerning various details of the film’s plot broke the silence though. Although all “leaked” information has to be taken with a proverbial grain of salt, it appears that actors Adam Driver, David Oyelowo and Lupita will be Jedi Hunters looking to resurrect a long-vanquished Sith lord. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), who at this point in the story will have been fighting such Jedi Hunters for the better part of three decades, will be the one standing between them and their despicable goal. Not much is known about these purported Jedi Hunters at this point, except the fact that they’re menacing-looking characters with an affinity towards wearing “traditional” bad-guy helmets.
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